Deceased/Not Found CA - Sierra LaMar, 15, Morgan Hill, 16 March 2012 #18 *A. Garcia-Torres guilty*

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I don't understand Law Enforcement's focus on the bodies of water, unless
They are following evidence that we are not privy to.
It just seems unlikely to me. He'd be limited to the shoreline or as Far out as
He could wade- I don't see anybody swimming anywhere with a weighted
Even with a boat, it would a fair amount of effort as well as weights and rope...
Plus he'd be out there for all to see. Too risky and too much effort for the
Guy, I think.
My guess would be along one of the many mountain roads in the area.A wide
Spot or a turnout with a down slope. He could stop, roll a body down the slope
And be gone in moments. Compared to the effort it would take at a body of water, I think it is more likely.
That's because she's not in water... she's on land, buried in a shallow grave, and the surface concealed with branches/vegetation.
I tend to agree. Shallow grave in dense vegetation. Esp considering the way he discarded her items.

Why do I think this? A little side anecdote.

We had a double homicide a couple of years ago. The bodies were found miles apart. Items belonging to the female victim were also found. When I heard the news, I plotted the locations. It drew a perfect, or rather, imperfect, circle, so to speak. The bodies and items were found in three different counties. Based upon the trajectory, alone, I surmised the killer was circling back to his/her home, which was, imo, the murder location also, since the bodies and belongings were "dumped" as opposed to buried. Moreover, the victims were easily identified... no measures to try to conceal their identity. That is, outside of dumping them and their belongings all over the bay area. In any event, I contacted my local PD, which was the county where one of the bodies were found, explained why I thought what I thought... that the killer was circling back and likely lived in Oakland. They caught him, or rather them. Turned out to be two killers.

Anyway, the point of the above anecdote is to put in context, why I think this guy "circled around" also. While I do believe he stalked Sierra, I think his premeditation was more focused on abducting her and raping her. I don't think he really thought out what he was going to do afterwards. And that he murdered her to avoid detection (as opposed to sexual sadists, where murder is a key factor in their motivation). Which is why, imo, he was so sloppy in discarding her items. And why, I, personally, see them as breadcrumbs to where she may be.

And finally, while I could see them finding her in a ditch, I do not see him dumping her in a large body of water... unless he dumped her at the waters edge, which they've no doubt, checked by now.

Whatever the case, from everything that's been released, this guy has all the ear marks of a serial rapist, at best, and a serial killer in the making, at worst.

This is all, jmo, of course.
I tend to agree. Shallow grave in dense vegetation. Esp considering the way he discarded her items.

Why do I think this? A little side anecdote.

We had a double homicide a couple of years ago. The bodies were found miles apart. Items belonging to the female victim were also found. When I heard the news, I plotted the locations. It drew a perfect, or rather, imperfect, circle, so to speak. The bodies and items were found in three different counties. Based upon the trajectory, alone, I surmised the killer was circling back to his/her home, which was, imo, the murder location also, since the bodies and belongings were "dumped" as opposed to buried. Moreover, the victims were easily identified... no measures to try to conceal their identity. That is, outside of dumping them and their belongings all over the bay area. In any event, I contacted my local PD, which was the county where one of the bodies were found, explained why I thought what I thought... that the killer was circling back and likely lived in Oakland. They caught him, or rather them. Turned out to be two killers.

Anyway, the point of the above anecdote is to put in context, why I think this guy "circled around" also. While I do believe he stalked Sierra, I think his premeditation was more focused on abducting her and raping her. I don't think he really thought out what he was going to do afterwards. And that he murdered her to avoid detection (as opposed to sexual sadists, where murder is a key factor in their motivation). Which is why, imo, he was so sloppy in discarding her items. And why, I, personally, see them as breadcrumbs to where she may be.

And finally, while I could see them finding her in a ditch, I do not see him dumping her in a large body of water... unless he dumped her at the waters edge, which they've no doubt, checked by now.

Whatever the case, from everything that's been released, this guy has all the ear marks of a serial rapist, at best, and a serial killer in the making, at worst.

This is all, jmo, of course.

Ugh, I don't know which is worse - the thought that this poor girl lost her life so someone could get their jollies, or that she had her life stolen from her as part of an indifferent cleanup.:sick: :furious:

I do agree with your analysis, regardless.

My imagination is going wild and only going to let it out a little so don't take what I say apart too bad. LOL

What if, he killed her when he kidnapped her, with his emotions all haywire, where does he hide the body quickly? Another "IF" he did engage in theft of copper wiring via air condition units at foreclosed homes, could he have put her body in one of those units that was stripped, then head up to the mountain to his place he goes to contemplate, and took a swim where by leaving mud, water droplets with the diatoms, and that is why they think she is in water? He calmed down at UVAS, took a swim, thought what to do next and he remembered her backpack and stuff, so after his swim he gets in his car, gets her items and places them in the location found. Leaving his DNA, and DIATOMS in his car, her clothes, and his shoes/tires of car.
My imagination is going wild and only going to let it out a little so don't take what I say apart too bad. LOL

What if, he killed her when he kidnapped her, with his emotions all haywire, where does he hide the body quickly? Another "IF" he did engage in theft of copper wiring via air condition units at foreclosed homes, could he have put her body in one of those units that was stripped, then head up to the mountain to his place he goes to contemplate, and took a swim where by leaving mud, water droplets with the diatoms, and that is why they think she is in water? He calmed down at UVAS, took a swim, thought what to do next and he remembered her backpack and stuff, so after his swim he gets in his car, gets her items and places them in the location found. Leaving his DNA, and DIATOMS in his car, her clothes, and his shoes/tires of car.
Don't know about "wild imagination." Sounds pretty cogent and plausible, to me.
I'm not all that worried because SCSD has a proven history of being tight lipped and keeping lots of evidence very close.

I don't think they've exactly lied but they certainly mislead.

When they say they have skin fragments, that makes me think of something more than just skin cells. For an example, they might have pieces of skin embedded in a tire iron.

What they've released so far isn't enough to make me feel 100% certain AGT is guilty but I'm not ruling out that they have more.

I happen to agree at this point with your assumption, GrainneDhu--they must have more evidence.

....but the fact they are so adamant about her being murdered??? I wonder HOW they know that. Although it could be a Caylee Anthony thing--like a lock of hair with the death band evidence. Sorry, but just thinking ---could be??
Are you thinking she consented to go with him and accidentally died and he did nothing to her or he kidnapped her and she accidentally died?

I'm wondering if he meant to kidnap/rape her and she died by accident. If it was her asthma or whatever. I'm not sure if he had murder in mind. Just wondering..... anyone else?
I want to know if his mother, wife or LE noticed any wounds, scratches or scrapes on his arms, neck, face in the days/weeks after the abduction. I don't believe Sierra would have gone down without a good fight.
I'm wondering if he meant to kidnap/rape her and she died by accident. If it was her asthma or whatever. I'm not sure if he had murder in mind. Just wondering..... anyone else?
I definitely don't believe her death was an accident but I don't think he planned on murdering her initially. He abducted Sierra in attempt to fulfill his sexual desires and afterwards realized that she might tell, so murdering her was the only way to surely prevent that from happening. Even though at this point he can be labeled as a "murderer", i don't think his actions were driven by his desire to kill her, unlike others. I'm probably not making any sense.
My understanding is most rapist rape not for the sex but the power over the woman. This is why rapist tend to esculate into murders.
If he had a problem with authority wonder what incidents happened while in school? suspensions, juvie record also would be an interesting read on this guy.
Domination & rage, yes. The fact that he is a puncher who doesn't even judge when to quit to me indicates once he begins to act, the exertions and rage take on a life of their own. I do think he tased Sierra to bring off the abduction itself and that he later punched her in order to subdue her protests and defense. This would have begun at the shed in all probability. I don't like to think about this; it gives me a headache. I'd rather concentrate on where she might be. However, it does go to his state of mind, which I raised earlier.
I definitely don't believe her death was an accident but I don't think he planned on murdering her initially. He abducted Sierra in attempt to fulfill his sexual desires and afterwards realized that she might tell, so murdering her was the only way to surely prevent that from happening. Even though at this point he can be labeled as a "murderer", i don't think his actions were driven by his desire to kill her, unlike others. I'm probably not making any sense.

It makes sense. I understand what you are saying.
So, do you think there are others then? We believe that there are others that he tried to attack, but do you think this is his first success? So, if he didn't know what he was going to do with her "after" , what would he have done with the other people that he was not successful with? See, this is where I begin to confuse myself with.

I don't think this was his first. I just can't figure out what I think happened with how he got her to where she is now. Did he bring her to a spot to rape and murder her. Did he murder her and transport her body, or did she die by accident?

The LE must have so much more info that would explain.
I want to know if his mother, wife or LE noticed any wounds, scratches or scrapes on his arms, neck, face in the days/weeks after the abduction. I don't believe Sierra would have gone down without a good fight.

I would bet his wife did notice scratches or wounds if there were some, might be the reason she was so enraged and posting the junk she was posting about Sierra. Shoot the messenger.
I think that it depends on the temperature of the water, and the marine life in the body of water. If the water was very cold and deep, decomp would be a slower process.

I have a friend whose grandparents owned a beautiful home on the south shore of Lake Tahoe. This lake is very cold and deep. Years ago, a very well-preserved body washed up on the beach near their home. It was a Native American woman, and she was thought to have been dead for at least a hundred years. I can't remember what caused the body to wash up on the shore, but it was definitely intact and preserved. If she's in the water, I doubt that it's in a place as deep and cold as Lake Tahoe, but if the water is somewhat cold, she might not be completely decomposed.

Oh Wow! Never heard that about the Native American woman's body!?! But I do know how cold Lake Tahoe is - I learned to water ski on it - and you do NOT want to be in that water too long, so you stay on the skis!! LOL!
I believe that if this guy killed Sierra, he would have killed the others he tried to abduct before her. They were all of an age to be a good witness and testify against him. He had to know that much. JMO
I believe that if this guy killed Sierra, he would have killed the others he tried to abduct before her. They were all of an age to be a good witness and testify against him. He had to know that much. JMO

... But do you think he has been successful before?
I happen to think that he wasn't gonna murder her but maybe while the whole kidnapping rap was taking process she kept telling him he would never get away with what he was doing to her I don't see her as one that would have just kept quite and maybe he wasn't use to all the resistance she was giving him maybe she was even cursing him and it made him extremely angry and he snapped and did something he hadn't originally planned to do and being that said he had to try to cover his tracks quickly and sloppy all moo
... But do you think he has been successful before?

Who knows...there are always girls who seem to have disappeared. I doubt it though, as he seems pretty sloppy and not too bright, IMO.
I don't think it's fair to come to the conclusion that a 15 year old does drugs just because she has pictures of them. I personally believe she posted the ecstasy after watching "Project X." I wouldn't doubt that she's smoked weed once or twice but I don't think she's a regular smoker.

(Sorry if this is an old topic, i just read it)

I NEVER stated she does drugs, just that she smoked. She makes numerous references to smoking on twitter. As for Ecstacy, I never mentioned anything about it.

I know it may be hard for people who are not involved in the teenage scene to understand, but weed is like a cigarette now a days and really not that serious compared to other things kids are doing. I don't feel it is far fetched nor unfair, it's simply a statement I made that fit a possible scenario.

In all fairness, I like everyone else am trying to help and I feel like this could have been a plausible scenario.
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