Deceased/Not Found CA - Sierra LaMar, 15, Morgan Hill, 16 March 2012 #2 *A. Garcia-Torres guilty*

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snipped from Laurie's link:

The FBI is assisting with the search as well, but Cardoza declined to comment on why or in what capacity the federal agency is involved.

Glad for that news, I had missed they were involved.

Nothing else was found in the purse - not even makeup, a wallet or hair brush, Cardoza said.

Is this a purse or a bag. My middle daughter has a juicy "purse" but it's more of a bag. Like a carry all bag. Did she also carry a purse as well as a bag? I ask because my middle daughter does. She does because she does track after school, she also have 2 other extra curricular activities that require her to pack stuff back and forth to school everyday (no lockers at her school) Or was this Sierra's actual purse? If so, I'm concerned about the lack of personal grooming items.

. Her last post to her Twitter website account was 6:29 a.m., and she sent a text from her phone to a friend about 7:11 a.m., Cardoza added. Both messages were sent from her home.

I don't have a twitter account. Do you have to have a password to access it? Just because her accounts were accessed at that time may not mean that Sierra was the one that did the postings. I mean there is a very slight chance someone else sent those messages to make it look like Sierra did it. Probably not but keeping that in way way in the back of my mind.

Just some stuff I noted out of that article :)
snipped from Laurie's link:

Glad for that news, I had missed they were involved.

Is this a purse or a bag. My middle daughter has a juicy "purse" but it's more of a bag. Like a carry all bag. Did she also carry a purse as well as a bag? I ask because my middle daughter does. She does because she does track after school, she also have 2 other extra curricular activities that require her to pack stuff back and forth to school everyday (no lockers at her school) Or was this Sierra's actual purse? If so, I'm concerned about the lack of personal grooming items.

I don't have a twitter account. Do you have to have a password to access it? Just because her accounts were accessed at that time may not mean that Sierra was the one that did the postings. I mean there is a very slight chance someone else sent those messages to make it look like Sierra did it. Probably not but keeping that in way way in the back of my mind.

Just some stuff I noted out of that article :)

I'm very active on Twitter and yes, you need to put in your username/password to tweet. Accessed just means that someone (her or someone else) put in her password and used her account. There is no way to know "who" did it. If I gave my pw to my hubby and he logged in as me, there would be no way for anyone to know if it was me or him or a hacker unless they found the IP address from where it was accessed and did some digging.

"Cardoza said a pair of pants, a shirt, a bra and a pair of underwear were neatly folded inside a Juicy brand purse. It was not clear if they were the clothes Sierra put on the morning she was last seen or if they were something she brought along with her. He said they contained no forensic evidence that pointed to a crime or a person of interest in the case. They said they did not release the information earlier because they were waiting on forensic evidence analysis."

I would have thought they'd be able to tell if underwear had been worn
We don't know, she may have also had a backpack that has not been found yet.
I would have thought they'd be able to tell if underwear had been worn

Well, they probably can tell, but whether they were or not must not be of value, at least to the public, I guess.
I don't think this was a random abduction. I think it's someone Sierra knew in some way. Has anyone seen any neighbors interviewed at all ? It's hard to believe no one saw a car or something that morning ?

I live on at the end of a culdesac and we are generally very observant of who is coming and going. If it's a car that doesn't belong to one of the families here.... You'll see all the neighbors eyeing it as if to say "Who are you and why are you here?" I don't think it's a matter of being nosey, it just seems to be the nature of small dead end streets. We get hardly any traffic and the traffic we do get ... we know who it is.

ITA..the woman,the neighbor, who said she would see Sierra walking to the bus stop evry morning.She didn't see her that morning. Wonder if she saw a vehicle going towards Sierra's end of the cul de sac. Did she see the same vehice leaving the cul de sac ? If so, it might explain why LE at first thought she had run away ? Until they found her belongings... MOO

Did LE search the neighbor's properties yet ? Sheds, etc ? Just curious...MOO
I saw the statement Sierra's Father made to the press regarding his status as a RSO. Do we know how recent his conviction was? It was also mentioned that his last address was a Hotel. I know Sierra visited him in Fremont, he talked to her the night prior to her disappearance about making a hair appointment.

I ask not out of judgement, but wonder if this could be some sort of retaliation? I have some other thoughts too, but it seem inappropriate to express them.

I would think it would be a long time passed for retaliation ? The conviction was in 2007. Reportedly 12 charges were made (with one girl) and he plead guilty to one. It was reported that it was a friend of his older daughter's (I can't find that link now, but I know it's been posted).

It has been stated by LE that SL's mother, father and the mother's boyfriend have all been CLEARED and have alibi's for the morning she went missing.

I'd love to hear about the events of the day before? Who saw Sierra, when, how was she acting?
I would have thought they'd be able to tell if underwear had been worn

Hmm yes good point! I guess they just don't want to make any assumptions.. releasing that the underwear had been worn might create a bit of a scare. Also if she still was still in her pajamas when her mother last saw her I suppose they can't really be sure what she was wearing when she left the house
Her phone was found a bit less than one mile away?

The purse with the clothing inside was found about 2 or so miles away?

If she were forced by an abductor to remove her clothing, fold it and place it in her bag within 2 miles of her home---where did the crime take place?


1. More than one abductor? One to drive and one to make sure she took her clothes off as asked?

2. One abductor and she is forced to remove her clothing while in the passenger area of the car? What did that abductor use to coerce her into doing that? A gun?

3. In that area between where the phone was found and the purse was found is there much traffic or turn offs in order to commit a crime against Sierra without being seen by passing traffic?

4. I can't imagine getting on the freeway with a naked female in the passenger area of the car so would she have had to been placed in a trunk prior to getting on the freeway? Of course stranger things have happened.

5. About the purse, I can't imagine any perp in his/her right mind would travel back to the area to dispose of the purse. Too much possible evidence. Toss it out miles away. The phone meh, that could have been a "I've got to get rid of this so she can't contact help" toss out. But the purse? Doesn't set well with me.

Something's off. Not sure what it is but it feels off to me. (Just thinking out loud above, and quickly jotting down the thoughts) all JMHO

I don't think she took her clothes off. I think that was a change of clothes she left home with because it was Friday, and she had plans after school, imo.
They said they were NEATLY FOLDED. I think she folded them herself before she left home.
I think, IIRC, that they reported the clothes were freshly laundered. I will go back and look.

But I do think there were two perps at least.

"Cardoza said a pair of pants, a shirt, a bra and a pair of underwear were neatly folded inside a Juicy brand purse. It was not clear if they were the clothes Sierra put on the morning she was last seen or if they were something she brought along with her. He said they contained no forensic evidence that pointed to a crime or a person of interest in the case. They said they did not release the information earlier because they were waiting on forensic evidence analysis."

This would seem to indicate to me that perhaps they were testing the undies for semen / DNA or other hair/fiber evidence that would set off red flags?
If I recall correctly the phone was found on the west side of Santa Theresa and the police said the bag was found on the "opposite" side. That's why I suggested above, maybe the phone was thrown when they were leaving the area and if the perp lives near by, maybe the bag was thrown when he returned as a last thought.

That's plausible. Sloppy too. I hope it's sloppy enough he (she) left his/her DNA or other forensic evidence on it.

Another thought:
Might be a SO in the area that hasn't been caught yet so is unregistered. Those are the most dangerous IMHO. Like hiking and not seeing a snake until it's between your feet. You have no way of knowing when they aren't registered.

SO's can be male or female as we saw in the Cantu case. I always have to remind myself of that because it slips my mind now and then when I read about these cases of possible sex crimes.

all JMHO
We don't know, she may have also had a backpack that has not been found yet.

.. just jeans a shirt and some underwear in the bag (possibly with urine on it). (certainly sounds to me like whatever else was in the bag was thrown out as well. I would bet that LE knows what belongings they are looking for re: I am sure her mom has looked to see what is missing and her locker at school has been checked)
another snip:


Nothing else was found in the purse - not even makeup, a wallet or hair brush, Cardoza said.
no wonder they are looking for her other belongings :eek: (they said that today in the presser)
and where were her books???

:waitasec: Is it possible that she had another bag of some kind? Ie ; my daughter will throw clothes into her school logo bag, but she carries a small wristlet with lipgloss, gum, ID, cash, etc.
This would seem to indicate to me that perhaps they were testing the undies for semen / DNA or other hair/fiber evidence that would set off red flags?

I think that would be standard procedure? Hoping to get some DNA of a male, i.e.?
It was in 1999 . And from what I read it was fondling one of his older daughters friends back then .

IIRC he served the time in 2009 and the molestation happened from 1999-2004. 3 different teens. 12 counts overall. plead guilty to 1.
Hmm yes good point! I guess they just don't want to make any assumptions.. releasing that the underwear had been worn might create a bit of a scare. Also if she still was still in her pajamas when her mother last saw her I suppose they can't really be sure what she was wearing when she left the house

If she was abducted from the house then I could see her still being in her pyjamas but that wouldn't make sense if she had her bag and phone with her. Unless the bag and phone were grabbed to make it look like she'd left as usual. Maybe whoever took her was invited into the house and actually put her clothes in her bag to make it look like she was planning on going somewhere. But then why dump the bag?

I can't help but think there's a logical explanation as to why there were clothes in her bag, and they were spare clothes for something. The thing that concerns me most is that there was no wallet but maybe the perp took that out so the bag could not be identified as hers. But then the phone was found....

Aaaaaaarggghhh too many unanswered questions :banghead:
I don't think she took her clothes off. I think that was a change of clothes she left home with because it was Friday, and she had plans after school, imo.
They said they were NEATLY FOLDED. I think she folded them herself before she left home.
I think, IIRC, that they reported the clothes were freshly laundered. I will go back and look.

But I do think there were two perps at least.

I agree Katy. I think they were in the bag by her more than likely.

You know off topic but I just read an article last night about Christa Pike. She's on death row for murdering another female at the age of 18. (don't want to delve to deeply into her because her recent news doesn't pertain to what we are talking about with Sierra).

Then last night I was laying in bed and thinking and remembered Shanda.

So, I still think there's a chance that Sierra may have been set up, and it's still possible it was jealous girls. She stunningly beautiful, she social, I can easily see the green eyed monster rearing it's ugly head about her.

Just a suggestion. I don't have any clue what has happened to Sierra but I do think something more than likely untoward has happened to her. Makes me sad. Very sad.

(OT: I won't be online very much for the next 10 days or so, I might be able to check in but won't be able to much because we have one of our kids coming in for a visit---:))
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