Deceased/Not Found CA - Sierra LaMar, 15, Morgan Hill, 16 March 2012 #6 *A. Garcia-Torres guilty*

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Re: acquaintance. This was said in the horrific murders in OH. paraphrasing..."someone acquainted themself with this family". I'm sorry to not look it up for the exact quote, but it was chilling, early on in the investigation, from the awesome Sheriff in that county. One victim survived (yet her mother, brother and family friend did not), thanx to the LE/FBI. I wish every county nationwide (worldwide) had a Sheriff of that caliber. I'm not dissing any other LE.

Following that case...I learned a lot.
I still feel the attack happened fast, I am betting immediately after she realized the person was making a right out of her Cul de Sac and not a left, indicating she was heading away from the school.

Also I have heard mention that many think the perp could be a female or mean girls. I have worked with female offenders and male offenders. Usually female offenders are not randomly violent. Usually they harm/kill their husbands, boyfriends, and sadly children. There are also acts of passion and rage I have heard in talking with them but that is usually a female who threatens them by being with their husband, boyfriend or female lover. But I just don't see this falling into that category. IMHO
Cazzie, I remember that case, that was the guy that was like a squirrel, tree nut type dude who put them in hollow tree? right. Yes the Sheriff said the perp had aquainted himself with them without them knowing it.
This statement peaks my curiosity. I am wondering if you are planning to go into law enforcement, attorney, or some profession that these kind of activities peak your interest. Or maybe this is a genuine fear of girls in the area. I don't know your age, but you indicated close to Sierra's age and she is fifteen. I think it is great that you are aware of these dangers, but still wonder if this is a topic young girls are aware of around there and if so why? tia

I am not the person to whom this comment was addressed, however...

I'm no "spring chicken" and grew up in what we all generally consider a "safer" time, but for some reason, I have always been interested in crime stories. I read both Helter Skelter and All The Presidents Men the year they came out. I did not think of it as being inappropriate for me to read at the time, but in hindsight, I wonder why my parents allowed it. I was 11.

I have always "wished" I could be a lawyer, but the time and expense is prohibitive, and for the last 14 years, I have been a single mom and could not make this a priority. In 6 years, however, I will be eligible for free courses at the community college and plan to take the paralegal program.

I give people "unofficial" legal advice all the time, have done separation agreements and divorce papers for at least 10 people. I've hunted down someone (a stranger) who was using my identity when it became evident the police weren't, and was ultimately able to call the detective and provide the perps home address.

Anyway, I hope lovebug will pursue her interest in the law. She seems very intelligent and has the interest and enthusiasm I wish was more common among those who enter into either law enforcement or the legal profession.
FWIW...I take this tweet to mean that she is writing an English Essay on another piece of literature that has been written, and Sierra is quoting the parts which impress her the most. "There is a boy on our bus....."(MOW)
The ending of the tweet/quote: "He stopped running."(MOW)

Very sophisticated ending to a piece of literature.

That was the entire thing. There was no more "story" to it. Or should I say, the remainder of the story is implied. It was from one of those websites where you can post anonymously get things off your chest. Generally it is stuff like this, or "confessions" of one sort or another.
Cazzie, I remember that case, that was the guy that was like a squirrel, tree nut type dude who put them in hollow tree? right. Yes the Sheriff said the perp had aquainted himself with them without them knowing it.

That was Herrmann Maynard Sprang case. Horrifying.
Here is the case archive, including the tree. Luckily in that one, they had him quickly and he told where he'd put them. Otherwise I doubt they'd ever have found them.

Case archive: Murders -OH-/
Yesterday I finally got a chance to listen to WS radio show about Sierra, and our Trisha said that both the phone and the bag were thrown from a fast moving car. I haven't heard that before but I can see that LE would know that. That to me tells me that they were from the area. Someone not from the area would not be speeding down roads that were unfamiliar to him. It also tells me he wanted to get out of dodge fast. I wonder if LE can tell the force that would be required. Was he a strong guy or an average guy? I really believe this guy is from the area.

Boy - one has to have a strong arm to throw 30 feet out of a fast moving vehicle precicely into the field..jmo

This has always piqued my interest...
That may be true but surely reporters would know that 'secreted' means hidden away.

I wondered if someone in LE may have leaked the urine information to a reporter?

I know it is NOT a funny situation, but every time I hear about someone "leaking" the "urine" information, I chuckle inside. IMO, there was a reason this question was asked and the fact that it was not answered makes me think that the individual who asked it had a good/specific reason for doing so. If this is the case, I suspect LE got together with them later to stress the need to keep this information quiet, maybe even asking them to hold off writing an article that might connect the dots. Or, they may have just recently read Jaycee Duggard's book and were asking in an attempt to find out if Sierra had been "tazered." If the clothes were NOT "wet" then LE would just say so, right? Why make things more complicated than they need to be.

The majority of the article is information taken directly from the PC, save for these two quoted sections, best I can tell:

I'm not sure that this is actually a direct quote, as there are no quotation marks around it.

I don't know where the writer got this information, but it was not from the PC. Perhaps s/he asked Cardoza after the PC or at some other time off camera.

Oh, also, at the PC, Cardoza never said that the bag contained "underclothes" as the article says in the second paragraph. I know some other articles have said that the bag contained a pair of underwear and a bra, I'm wondering if maybe Cardoza said that off camera at some point.

Thank you! I almost feel like contacting the reporting of this article for clarification on everything. This has been very confusing and it's very important imo.
Boy - one has to have a strong arm to throw 30 feet out of a fast moving vehicle precicely into the field..jmo

This has always piqued my interest...

Thirty feet is not far at all to throw something small like a cellphone. Depending on wind direction, etc., the speed of the vehicle could make it even easier.

What precision is required to hit a wide open field?
Thirty feet is not far at all to throw something small like a cellphone. Depending on wind direction, etc., the speed of the vehicle could make it even easier.

What precision is required to hit a wide open field?

Did I read it was thrown from the passenger side? Maybe not, I am not sure.
Did I read it was thrown from the passenger side? Maybe not, I am not sure.

To me it doesn't matter. You could easily sit on the door of the car from either side, hold onto the inside of the car with one hand and get a good windup with the other. Seen it done.
I would like to know prior to SL going missing when was she last at her father's. I think that whomever did this was a person SL had been around. She might not have known them, but they knew her. I believe it was planned and she was convinced that this person was a friend of someone she knew. I believe it has been stated it was cold and rainy. Who wouldn't want to take a ride instead of waiting for the bus? I believe her belongs were thrown out very early and I think too much is being placed on the 'neatly folded clothes'. This person knew the neighborhood either because they lived nearby or they had staked it out. I don't think she is going to be found alive and I only hope they can catch whomever did it. I think there are multiple possibilite as to who the perp is. Hopefull there will be evidense when she is located because I think this will be the only way anyone will ever be charged. :please: jmo

Even if it wasn't raining, most kids would much rather ride in a car to school rather than waiting for the noisy, smelly bus. I started driving my 14 yr old to school because she kept accepting rides with friends who were driving past the bus stop. It was hard to be mad about it because I understood her 14 yr old reasoning completely. She could be warm, get to school much faster, and have time to catch up on homework or gossip before the bell rings. So I decided to stop fighting about it and just drive her myself. Mainly it was a safety decision though. I did not want her 'Freshmen' level of innocence and inexperience to lead her to catch a ride with a car full of boys who she might think she knew.
Does anyone have where it was stated that the phone ended up thirty feet out in the field? I did not realize it ended up that far out. Any MSM on where/how far out the purse ended up?
JMO - acquaintance meaning someone that had approached and spoken to her on her way to the bus stop to gain her trust, someone she somehow came in contact with frequently on her way. Had to have ties to that area to know her routine. Someone she had accepted a ride from in the past (her friends should know this). Someone that was aware of the location of the farm workers and the schedules of others in that area.

I don't feel it was anything via social media because they would not have all these details about the area unless they were living or working in that area. I rule out the fact it was someone that she would have been associated with through the internet. They would have found evidence of this, unless they have and are not disclosing it. Sierra would have no reason to try and hide her social media activity because her parents did not police it.

I agree she most likely had her phone in her hand while walking. Whether she willingly got in the car or was forced is up to debate but she trusted the person enough to get close to them and not have her guard up. There are 2 gated entrances in the cul-de-sac to what I will call storage areas, junk yards. Not a big red flag that someone would be down there at one of those. That area is not easily visible from other houses with exception of the one across the street, so I don't find it unusual for her to have been forced. The force verse willingly got in the car is a big one for me because of where the phone was tossed. The route around that area until you get to the point where the phone was thrown has a lot of businesses and homes. So, no struggle until then or perp just waited till he got away from sight to throw things?

The Juicy bag - I beleive the cloths were already in it. Reason why is I beleive she would have fought or the perp would have violently removed them. The perp would not know when people would suspect her missing so would want to get rid of the bag immediately not later and get out of that area to risk not being seen. The way things are laid out I think she was quickly out of that area.
Thirty feet is not far at all to throw something small like a cellphone. Depending on wind direction, etc., the speed of the vehicle could make it even easier.

What precision is required to hit a wide open field?

Hmmm...Not sure I agree on that one. Are you leaning out the window? How is it being thrown? How fast is the car moving? It would seem from where the phone was found that there was a second person in the vehicle...unless the driver threw it over the top of the car and to the right or leaned over and tossed it out the passenger side which is pretty snazzy driving for going fast. It's curious to me...doesn't make sense at all.

The phone would go to the right and how far is the road from the field. I looked...hard to tell, but it's about, at least 10 feet.

Did they calculate the trajectory?

Not that it really matters if the car stopped or moving.....I guess mostly to me the statement would indicate whether there was a 2nd offender in the vehicle. He could have made Sierra throw it. But for 30 - 40 feet depending the distance from the vehicle ..stopped or moving, that's a distance for a tiny girl or anyone.

I know I get picky and caught up with these released statements being accurately stated or reported, but I believe it is important.
acquaintance [uh-kweyn-tns]
  Example Sentences
Main Entry:
 [uh-kweyn-tns] Show IPA
Part of Speech: noun
Definition: a person known informally
Synonyms: associate, association, colleague, companion, contact, friend, neighbor
Antonyms: stranger

An "acquaintance," by definition is not a stranger.

I think it is. It can be anyone from the mail person to the power man who she may have known by sight and may have said 'hello' to but knowing them well or even semi well?......I dont think so.

I would never call one of my friends an aquaintance.

With LE saying they have pinpointed 3 distinct areas and believe Sierra was taken by an acquaintance, it certainly sounds like they have some solid leads they are working. Maybe a tip or just through the course of the investigation, but it most certainly sounds like they are now confident in targeting a specific location(s) and possibly have information they have not shared with media yet.

As for an acquaintance, to me, that can represent any number of people. Someone from her school, someone from Fremont, someone associated with her parents or step parents, a person who may work in the area or maybe even landscaped their yard or whatever for a few months and got to know each other enough to say hello etc. Essentially, I'm thinking it is someone on the fringes of her life, enough to say hello and know each other, not enough to be directly linked to her just yet
I think it is. It can be anyone from the mail person to the power man who she may have known by sight and may have said 'hello' to but knowing them well or even semi well?......I dont think so.

I would never call one of my friends an aquaintance.


Are you agreeing to disagree with the dictionary?
Hmmm...Not sure I agree on that one. Are you leaning out the window? How is it being thrown? How fast is the car moving? It would seem from where the phone was found that there was a second person in the vehicle...unless the driver threw it over the top of the car and to the right or leaned over and tossed it out the passenger side which is pretty snazzy driving for going fast. It's curious to me...doesn't make sense at all.

The phone would go to the right and how far is the road from the field. I looked...hard to tell, but it's about, at least 10 feet.

Did they calculate the trajectory?

Not that it really matters if the car stopped or moving.....I guess mostly to me the statement would indicate whether there was a 2nd offender in the vehicle. He could have made Sierra throw it. But for 30 - 40 feet depending the distance from the vehicle ..stopped or moving, that's a distance for a tiny girl or anyone.

I know I get caught up with these released statements being accurately stated or reported, but I believe it is important.

I do think it is very possible.

We live in a rural area but on a paved road and I get so damn mad when someone comes by and throws stuff that lands all the way up in our yard. And the road easements on each side is about 15 feet and they still throw crap that lands in our yard. From beer bottles to their empty fast food bags. Grrrrr. I feel like the garbage lady sometime having to pick up their garbage.:banghead: I found a half empty plastic water bottle that was at least 30-35 feet from the roadway in my yard.
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