Deceased/Not Found CA - Sierra LaMar, 15, Morgan Hill, 16 March 2012 #9 *A. Garcia-Torres guilty*

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you are allowed to state the time of the tweet (just no copy and paste)

Yes, though SL may seem to have some fire in her belly and stick up for herself, it may be of no help under certain bizarre frightening scenarios in reality where things happen so fast.

She could have had a stun gun used on her, been drugged with a cloth and bear hugged from behind or whatever other evil method the perp could think of. If she got in to the car willingly and unsuspecting, same thing could have happened in the vehicle IMO but I lean towards her being forced.
I think every mother in the world wants to believe her child would fight back, but sadly, in reality, sometimes that is just not the case.


ITA, I get that. Just wondered why the use of "must have " rather than "would have " or even, "surely would have "... IDK, maybe just Marlene's syntax... MOO
Volunteer-led searches for missing Morgan Hill teen Sierra LaMar will continue Saturday and Sunday from 8 a.m. to 1 p.m.

Those who would like to participate should check in at Burnett Elementary School (85 Tilton Road in Morgan Hill), according to the searches' organizer, the KlaasKids Foundation.

and another snip:

“Searches will be by foot and be prepared for a variety of terrain from fields to dense woods including areas with increasing elevation,” wrote KlaasKids in a memo to volunteers.

does anyone local know where the areas of increasing elevation could be?
Yes, though SL may seem to have some fire in her belly and stick up for herself, it may be of no help under certain bizarre frightening scenarios in reality where things happen so fast.

She could have had a stun gun used on her, been drugged with a cloth and bear hugged from behind or whatever other evil method the perp could think of. If she got in to the car willingly and unsuspecting, same thing could have happened in the vehicle IMO but I lean towards her being forced.

I still don't think there was a struglle and she went with someone she knew. Otherwise there would have been a sign of a struggle like dropped books or something at end of driveway. IMHO
ITA, I get that. Just wondered why the use of "must have " rather than "would have " or even, "surely would have "... IDK, maybe just Marlene's syntax... MOO

AGAIN, please read the article that I linked, it was not about Sierra, it was about another girl, 16, and HER mother stated that HER daughter must have fought back as she know karate or has a black belt or something like that.
Yes, though SL may seem to have some fire in her belly and stick up for herself, it may be of no help under certain bizarre frightening scenarios in reality where things happen so fast.

She could have had a stun gun used on her, been drugged with a cloth and bear hugged from behind or whatever other evil method the perp could think of. If she got in to the car willingly and unsuspecting, same thing could have happened in the vehicle IMO but I lean towards her being forced.

Honestly, a small framed young teen girl is just no match for a strong adult male or males or a male and female

Sometimes the perps arent even pointing a weapon. They rule by size, fear and intimidation.
AGAIN, please read the article that I linked, it was not about Sierra, it was about another girl, 16, and HER mother stated that HER daughter must have fought back as she know karate or has a black belt or something like that.

It was a tad confusing.But I really,really get it now...
I think every mother in the world wants to believe her child would fight back, but sadly, in reality, sometimes that is just not the case.

That..... and Sierra sounds like she can be feisty (from comments from sister, etc.) It may be assumed she would be feisty enough to fight back!
ETA: I understand now that the comment refers to another event/persons (not Marlene and Sierra). Thanks!
LOL, that's pretty much everywhere out here. Aside from the area where the houses are 1/4 mile either side of Santa Teresa, everything is hills. It is very deceiving on GM/GE.

thank you Sarx! Google earth makes it look flat (either that or I need new glasses!)
Yes, though SL may seem to have some fire in her belly and stick up for herself, it may be of no help under certain bizarre frightening scenarios in reality where things happen so fast.

She could have had a stun gun used on her, been drugged with a cloth and bear hugged from behind or whatever other evil method the perp could think of. If she got in to the car willingly and unsuspecting, same thing could have happened in the vehicle IMO but I lean towards her being forced.

Sadly, I think she was forced into the vehicle too. Sometimes there doesnt have to be a sign of a struggle because the person was so terrified that they became compliant and did as the perp ordered. It is force by submission/coerced, imo.

I think if a menacing adult came up to Sierra and told her to get in the damn car or he would kill her she would have done so. We all like to think kids would struggle, scream, kick and try to get away, but we have seen children like Carlie Brucia being lead away by her rapist and murderer. If Carlie had had anything in her hands she wouldnt have dropped them because she did not struggle to get away not once. So sad to watch.

It was one of the most heartbreaking tapes I have ever watched because I knew that many young victim had mostly been lead away the same way to their death. So stunned by what was happening to them that they did not have time to react.

thank you Sarx! Google earth makes it look flat (either that or I need new glasses!)
No, GE does make it look flat. If you are familiar with topos and the lines, try going to acme mapper 2.0 (it's free) and then clicking on topo or terrain and that will give you a much better feel.
The bag and it's significance--

As most know that have read my posts that tho, I am attempting to keep my mind COMPLETELY OPEN TO ALL POSSIBILITIES HERE.. However I have pretty much concluded that THIS IS NOT A STRANGER ABDUCTION.. Anything other than that I am still open to as possibilities.. My instincts from the get go have been much more that the perp is someone close in Sierras life rather than it being a more distant acquaintance or peripheral individual.. Much much closer to home, neighbor or possibly even closer(being vague to stay within TOS)..

IMO this closeness to the victim is both working FOR and AGAINST our perp.. Meaning due to the fact that the perp is closely tied to Sierra that in many ways excuses any fingerprints, trace evidence, most DNA that are found to be on/or about any of the places or evidence of the case(for example the bag, books, and possibly even clothes[touch DNA]).. I go back to Cardoza's statement when the info was released that the bag, it's contents, and books had been forensically tested and yielded them nothing that furthered the investigation..he stated this testing had been done prior to their ever even publicly releasing that they'd found the bag.. IMO I believe the forensics that were done during that almost week time were the basics such as finger prints, hair, etc.. I believe that Cardoza was correct in that those results did not help to further the investigation due to the fact that the fingerprints and DNA(such as hair) were all from those who would fully have reason for being there.. Especially all members of the home would be perfectly excusable for being on these items.. This would not further the investigation but as I mentioned in this aspect the perps close ties to Sierra are working in his favor due to the fact that his fingerprints and certain DNA(such as hair and fibers) would not be suspicious in the least for having been there..

But just as the perps close and direct ties to Sierra strongly work IN HIS FAVOR(as described above) so, too do they work AGAINST him in certain aspects.. With his being in Sierra's life, direct ties to her also put him immediately in the bright spotlight... Whereas the LESS an individual has ties to Sierra the LESS the spotlight is shone in their direction.. With the stranger perp being nowhere even on the radar of being looked at(but of the same token where the stranger perp has his anonymity working for him..his fingerprints and DNA have zero excuse for being on evidence therefor strongly work against him[this especially true if the stranger perp has priors with his prints or possibly even DNA in the system])..

The stranger perp Is so much more likely to NOT hide the victim well.. Yes to an extent they will conceal the body so as to be able to put time and distance between the perp and his victim.. But not any further than that.. IMO if it had been a stranger perp Sierra would have been located already and the bag would have been carelessly tossed out the window along with the cell or the bag would have been just as easily and safely left alongside his victims remains..

For me the bags very specific placement is in zero way whatsoever indicative toward a stranger perp.. NO WAY IN HELL..jmo..

The bags very specific placement is in NO WAY INDICATIVE OF AN AQUAINTANCE perp, either... The AQUAINTANCE perp would have either tossed it out carelessly from the start along with the phone(for fear of some other type gps tracker perhaps).. Or the AQUAINTANCE perp would have safely left the bag and books alongside his much more carefully hidden and concealed victim..

One other scenario I have heard cluciano bring up is what it after the assault/murder as the perp is fleeing the scene where he has either somewhat concealed his victim(if stranger only to allow him to put time and distance between him and the victim)..or the perp is fleeing from having carefully and much more hidden the remains due to the fact that he is In some way tied to the victim as an AQUAINTANCE.. If In either of the cases of it being stranger perp or AQUAINTANCE perp that if when fleeing they suddenly realize that Sierra's bag and books are still In their vehicle with what would they do with them??

Without a shadow of a doubt a stranger would have either carelessly tossed them.. Again no ties to victim who cares where it's tossed or who finds it.. And without a shadow of a doubt an AQUAINTANCE perp after fleeing realized he had directly linking evidence to the victim HE WOULD FOR A MYRIAD OF REASONS NEVER EVER WANT THAT EVIDENCE FOUND OR IN ANY WAY LINKED TO HIM.. He's an AQUAINTANCE.. He is very likely gonna be looked at by LE if even peripherally.. But he has zero excuse for his fingerprints, hair, trace DNA, fibers from his vehicle being ANYWHERE on/around the bag, it's contents, and her books.. That bag, its contents, and those books ARE A GUARANTEED cement block that could be tied directly to him that would sink him IMMEDIATELY UPON IT BEING FOUND.. He wants ABSOLUTELY NOTHING TO DO WITH THIS EVIDENCE NOR DOES HE WANT IT TO BE FOUND.. He will make it as difficult as possible for it to ever be found by taking if far far away from the victim(i.e. a town overs dumpster or truck stop.. Or even go as far as to destroy it before disposing of it)..

The point is that absolutely NO MATTER WHO THE PERP IS. Whether stranger perp.. And even more so for a perp who knows his victim, if even just an AQUAINTANCE.. There is absolutely NO WAY IN HELL THAT EITHER OF THESE PERPS WOULD HAVE HIDDEN THE ONLY DIRECTLY LINKING EVIDENCE TO THEIR VICTIM, OFF A DEAD END ROAD(on the way to nowhere), pulled over 20feet off the road to a tin building, and "hidden" it btwn cacti and building(literally somewhat "protected").. AND ALL LITERALLY LESS THAN 2 MILES FROM THE VICTIMS HOME, AND LITERALLY 2 BLOCKS FROM WHERE YOU THREW THE PHONE OUT..

When right there behind that tin building was the nastiest, blackest, muckiest, murkiest poo poo pond imaginable that he could have much more quickly dumped those items(bag, clothes, books) into sinking them right down in that chit.. TOTALLY AND COMPLETELY CONCEALED AND UNSEEN AND ALSO A HELLUVA ALOT MORE LIKELY TO DESTROY/ERODE ANY OF THEIR TRACE FINGERPRINTS OR EVIDENCE SUCH AS FIBERS FROM THEIR VEHICLE THAT COULD POSSIBLY BE FOUND ON ANY OF THOSE ITEMS..


So what does this directly tied to the victim perp do about the issue I described earlier that would be working AGAINST HIM(refer to earlier in this post) the fact that he's going to be in the spotlight very early on with LE ??? The answer IMO is THE BAG,its contents, and books.. This is where these items come into play and what their motive is for being in this case at all and most Importantly exactly why these items were in the exact location they were found to be..

This bag, it's contents, and books are absolutely deliberately staged AFTER THE FACT(after the assault/murder/disposal) for the purpose to lead away from the perp(which is very well known to Sierra and tied to her life with access to the home.. Thus excusing his prints, DNA, fibers for being present on the items).. As well as to lead away from the real crime(sexual assault/murder) and point instead to abduction while en route to her extremely rural, desolate bus stop..

Jmo, tho!

ETA: I must add that for me this theory of there possibly actually being "staging" present in this case IS A TOTALLY NEW AND UNFAMILIAR THEORY TO ME.. I am a big believer in Occam's Razor.. KISS.. I am not big on conspiracies at ALL AND ACTUALLY HAVE NEVER FELT THE LEAST BIT COMPELLED TO EVEN TOY WITH THE POSSIBILITY OF EVIDENCE BEING "STAGED".. This case is different.. It's definitely a first for me as far as believing it to actually be a possibility that there is deliberate staging that has been done here.. Of course only time will tell and as I've stated repeatedly my mind is still open to the majority of possibilities(save the stranger perp)..
And as is always these are nothing more than jmo, tho!
I don't believe there was any sign of a struggle as I believe that this was someone she knew, JMO.
It was brought to my attention that there is a clarification for the data referring to the amount of time the killer's name was brought up in the course of the investigation in Investigative Case Management for Missing Children Homicides, page 30.
Quote: "* Time measurements here are from the beginning of the murder investigation, not from the time victim was reported missing."
Please see: Sierra LaMar Thread #8; page 40; Post # 986
Are you talking about G_K? Yes, there was a lot of discussion here last night and I think one of our members sent a tip to LE. If that's the one you're talking about, he's been active again today on Twitter.

Can you please steer me in the right direction to this G_K? No copy and paste needed :)
I think she even said her cat was her valentine this year?

My cat was my valentine this year, too. Hahaha, my mom found some gift book called "Dump Him, Marry the Cat"...and I did! :heartbeat:
The bag and it's significance--

As most know that have read my posts that tho, I am attempting to keep my mind COMPLETELY OPEN TO ALL POSSIBILITIES HERE.. However I have pretty much concluded that THIS IS NOT A STRANGER ABDUCTION.. Anything other than that I am still open to as possibilities.. My instincts from the get go have been much more that the perp is someone close in Sierras life rather than it being an acquaintance or peripheral individual.. Much much closer to home, neighbor or possibly even closer(being vague to stay within TOS)..

IMO this closeness is both working for and against our perp.. Meaning due to the fact that the perp is closely tied to Sierra that in many ways excuses any fingerprints, trace evidence, most DNA that are found to be on/or about any of the places or evidence of the case(for example the bag, books, and possibly even clothes[touch DNA]).. I go back to Cardoza's statement when the info was released that the bag, it's contents, and books had been forensically tested and yielded them nothing that furthered the investigation..he stated this had been done prior to their ever in public ally releasing that they'd found the bag.. IMO I believe the forensics that were done during that almost weeks time were the basics such as finger prints, hair, etc.. I believe that Cardoza was correct in that those results did not help to further the investigation due to the fact that the fingerprints and DNA(such as hair) were all from those who would fully have reason for being there.. Especially all members of the home would be perfectly excusable for being on these items.. This would not further the investigation but as I mentioned in this aspect the perps close ties to Sierra are working in his favor due to the fact that his fingerprints and certain DNA(such as hair and fibers) would not be suspicious in the least for having been there..

But just as the perps close and direct ties to Sierra strongly work in his favor(as described above) so, too do they work against him in certain aspects.. With his being in Sierra's life, direct ties to her also put him immediately in the bright spotlight and automatically suspicious.. Whereas the less an individual has ties to Sierra the less the spotlight is shone in their direction.. With the stranger perp being nowhere even on the radar of being looked at(but of the same token where the stranger perp has his anonymity working for him..his fingerprints and DNA have zero excuse for being on evidence therefor strongly work against him)..

The stranger perp Is so much more likely to not hide the victim well.. Yes to an extent they will conceal the body so as to be able to put time and distance between the perp and his victim.. But not any further than that.. IMO if it had been a stranger perp Sierra would have been located already and the bag would have been carelessly tossed out the window along with the cell or the bag would have been just as easily and safely left alongside his victims remains..

For me the bags very specific placement is in zero way whatsoever indicative toward a stranger perp.. NO WAY IN HELL..jmo..

The bags very specific placement is in NO WAY INDICATIVE OF AN AQUAINTANCE perp.. The AQUAINTANCE perp would have either tossed it out carelessly(for fear of some other type gps tracker perhaps).. Or the AQUAINTANCE perp would have safely left the bag and books alongside his much more carefully and concealed victim..

One other scenario I have heard cluciano bring up is what it after the assault/murder as the perp is fleeing the scene where he has either somewhat concealed his victim(if stranger only to allow him to put time and distance between him and the victim)..or the perp is fleeing from having carefully and much more hidden the remains due to the fact that he is In some way tied to the victim as an AQUAINTANCE.. If In either of the cases of it being stranger perp or AQUAINTANCE perp that if when fleeing they suddenly realize that Sierra's bag and books are still In their vehicle with what would they do with them??

Without a shadow of a doubt a stranger would have either carelessly tossed them.. Again no ties to victim who cares where it's tossed or who finds it.. And without a shadow of a doubt an AQUAINTANCE perp after fleeing realized he had directly linking evidence to the victim HE WOULD FOR A MYRIAD OF REASONS NEVER EVER WANT THAT EVIDENCE FOUND OR IN ANY WAY LINKED TO HIM.. He's an AQUAINTANCE.. He is very likely gonna be looked at by LE if even peripherally.. But he has zero excuse for his fingerprints, hair, trace DNA, fibers from his vehicle being ANYWHERE on/around the bag, it's contents, and her books.. That is a guaranteed cement block that could be tied directly to him that would sink him immediately.. He wants ABSOLUTELY NOTHING TO DO WITH THIS EVIDENCE NOR DOES HE WANT IT TO BE FOUND.. He will make it as difficult as possible for it to ever be found by taking if far far away from the victim(a town overs dumpster or truck stop.. Or even go as far as to destroy it before disposing of it)..

The point is that absolutely no matter who the perp is.. Whether stranger perp.. And even more so for a perp who knows his victim, if even just an AQUAINTANCE.. There is absolutely NO WAY IN HELL THAT EITHER OF THESE PERPS WOULD HAVE HIDDEN THE ONLY DIRECTLY LINKING EVIDENCE TO THEIR VICTIM, OFF A DEAD END ROAD(on the way to nowhere), pulled over 20feet off the road to a tin building, and "hidden" it btwn cacti and building, LITERALLY LESS THAN 2 MILES FROM THE VICTIMS HOME, AND LITERALLY 2 BLOCKS FROM WHERE YOU THREW THE PHONE OUT..

When right there behind that tin building was the nastiest, blackest, muckiest, murkiest poo poo pond imaginable that he could have much more quickly dumped those items(bag, clothes, books) into sinking them right down in that chit.. TOTALLY AND COMPLETELY CONCEALED AND UNSEEN AND ALSO A HELLUVA ALOT MORE LIKELY TO DESTROY/ERODE ANY OF THEIR TRACE FINGERPRINTS OR EVIDENCE SUCH AS FIBERS FROM THEIR VEHICLE THAT COULD POSSIBLY BE FOUND ON ANY OF THOSE ITEMS..


So what does this directly tied to the victim perp do about the issue I described earlier that would be working AGAINST HIM(refer to earlier in this post) the fact that he's going to be in the spotlight very early on with LE ??? The answer IMO is THE BAG,its contents, and books.. This is where these items come into play and what their motive is for being in this case at all and most Importantly exactly why these items were in the exact location they were found to be..

This bag, it's contents, and books are absolutely deliberately staged AFTER THE FACT(after the assault/murder/disposal) for the purpose to lead away from the perp(which is very well known to Sierra and tied to her life with access to the home.. Thus excusing his prints, DNA, fibers from being present on the items).. As well as to lead away from the real crime(sexual assault/murder) and point instead to abduction while en route to her extremely rural, desolate bus stop..

Jmo, tho!

Still posting via mobile so plz forgive the large number of errors in my posts;)

Excellent Post!
Are you talking about G_K? Yes, there was a lot of discussion here last night and I think one of our members sent a tip to LE. If that's the one you're talking about, he's been active again today on Twitter.

The one im looking at is just K@@y has numbers after his name! and pic of a cat
And its liek hes taunting these girls!
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