Match! CA - Sierra Madre, AsianFem (231UFCA), 16+ *Doungboupa "Dawn" Sihakhom*

DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
My Most Wonderful Snuf,

WOW. This is giving me chills again. THANK YOU FOR CARING. You are amazing.

I want to echo what others have said, don't let anyone take away from your work. I admire what the SBC has done but you put it together and now we have one more child going home because of you. Thank you.

If fact, I don't tell you all this enough; EVERY ONE OF YOU DESERVE OUR GRATITUDE. Thank you for taking the time out of your busy life to help people you don't even know. Bless you all.

What a wonderful thing you have done! Snuf, all your searching brought closure to the happy and thankful for your hard work.
Just wanted everyone to know that Dawn has officially been identified. She is in the Nov. 3rd updates on Doe. I requested her morgue photos removed from the thread as they are no longer on the coroner's website.

Dawn should be remembered smiling in the sun, not in a morgue.

Thank You to everyone who gave me encouragement, took the time to make a post, and just took the time to read Dawn's story. I have to say thank you to David Van Norman. Mr. Van Norman has helped me so much, and his dedication to MP/UID is inspiring.

I think Websleuths has some of the best talent out there. Dreamweaver and Julessleuther just made a match, tommorrow it may be you!!!!

May justice be swift Dawn, and your spirit set free.

Appreciating All.


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Awesome job Snuf! I can only ditto the posts here, and applaud your humble replies. I'm going to bet that LA detective will be sure to not blow off another possile match report. Whoever he or she is, has to live with the fact they refused to take the info, info which did in fact solve part this case.

A wonderful job of detail and dedication.

In my most recent experience of helping to identify someone,
both police departments and the missing person investigator
were caring, involved people.

Thank you.
Just wanted everyone to know that Dawn has officially been identified. She is in the Nov. 3rd updates on Doe. I requested her morgue photos removed from the thread as they are no longer on the coroner's website.

Dawn should be remembered smiling in the sun, not in a morgue.

Thank You to everyone who gave me encouragement, took the time to make a post, and just took the time to read Dawn's story. I have to say thank you to David Van Norman. Mr. Van Norman has helped me so much, and his dedication to MP/UID is inspiring.

I think Websleuths has some of the best talent out there. Dreamweaver and Julessleuther just made a match, tommorrow it may be you!!!!

May justice be swift Dawn, and your spirit set free.

Appreciating All.
Thank you doesn't seem to say enough. There truly are angels among us!
Snuf, I just want to give you a big hug and a congratulations. May God bless you for all of your hard work and dedication.
Wow Snufamonbobball, I just read this thread tonight. It's the first I knew of this. Great job! Thanks for your all hard work on this one. Now her family can finally try to get some closure. Well done :)
"Each day when the early morning light begins to shine on the horizon, the rise of the morning sun will always have her name- Dawn"

How beautiful! You know we often wonder just what is our purpose here in life - when some thing like this happens, it all becomes clearer.

And maybe she was nothing important to those who found her... that is why God sent one of his angels to give her a name and bring her home!

RIP Dawn and God Bless YOU Snuf!
May God Bless You Snuf for your dedication and determination.
I fell asleep Friday night listening to the AM radio, and woke up (earbud intact) with Dawn's name in my ear. The station was KFI AM640, Los Angeles; they do news "every hour, at the half, and when it breaks". These news reports usually consist of major national headlines (followed by a sentence or two); hot local headlines (followed by a paragraph), the local weather forcast (sunny) and a traffic report (which always seems longer than all the news combined, this being LA). The whole thing takes about three minutes.

What I heard went something like this:

"next, DNA identification heats up a cold case file...", then "LA cold case detectives are asking for your help in solving the 1993 murder of Dawn (I can't find her name anywhere now, but the reporter said it; I only recognized it from having read this thread). Her remains have just been identified, thanks to a DNA match. Detectives are requesting anyone with information to call LA's cold case squad."

It was 7:00am, Saturday. I went to KFI's website immediately, hoping to find a link to the story. There were two DNA-related headlines, one of which was about a solved cold case, but there was nothing about Dawn there. I can't remember the reporter's name, but it was a woman. I just went through KFI's entire website again (Sunday, 11:11AM) and still can't find reference to Dawn anywhere.

I am sure I wasn't dreaming. I didn't imagine it, either. "LA cold case detectives."

I just wanted you to know, Snufamonbobball, that LA's cold case detectives are working on solving Dawn's murder.

What you did for Dawn is amazing. Thank you, from the rest of us.

Way To Go Snuf ..... :woohoo:

You gave Dawn and her family the most precious gift.... Connection with Family again.... May you be Blessed 10 fold Snuf....
I don't know anything about this case... but great job anyway! :)

Please remember that not all LE is as caring and diligent with MP cases as the San Bernadino Coroner's office is. MP reports come in everyday, and not all LE agencies have a researcher to help out, so keep searching- matches are waiting for you to make the connection.:sleuth:

Appreciating my sick kid.:sick:
Snuf, kudos and thanks from everyone at WS! Wow! Will you keep us posted if her family contacts you or if she has a ceremony? I'd like to send flowers.
Just wanted to stop by and say WAY TO GO!! Your fellow WSers are dang proud of you!
Rest In peace Dawn!


Thank You snuf For Bringing Dawn Home To Her Loved Ones!



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