CA CA - Susan Jacobson, 59, Sun City/Roseville, 2 May 2013 - #1

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I have several thoughts and observations that I have been meaning to share, but have been away. Please excuse the lack of organization.

I think this is the first case I have followed in a while where we had so little insight into the personality of the missing person. I believe that the lack of social media presence is one major contributing factor. We have been spoiled in some respects by having the facebook accounts, twitter, instagram, etc., of most missing people. So much information can be gleaned from these sources, and it is frustrating to have no sense of Susan's personality. We have a few basic facts, but no idea of what she was really like.
We know she was quiet and kept to herself, although she had a close relationship with her sister and her son.
We know she was retired, and would walk her dog frequently.
We have no photos of Susan with anyone other than her dog, and apparently she did not like to have her picture taken.
Susan was not computer savvy according to her son, and did not use or carry a cell phone.
She was particular about her habits and apparently cautious about her belongings, as Kjac has told us that she would never have left her purse in an unlocked vehicle, and she would never carry her wallet without her purse.
She carried her purse in the diagonal fashion, something I do when I am somewhat uncertain about my surroundings or the possibility of someone trying to snatch it from me.( Although this could simply be a function of keeping the purse on without having to constantly readjust it on her shoulder).
Susan is an early riser, and although she did not work, she was up and doing chores before her husband left for work in the morning.

What did Susan do with her time between the early part of the day and the time her husband came home? Does she have certain T.V. shows she likes to watch? Does she sew or do other crafts?

I feel awkward even raising these questions because truly it is none of my business. For whatever reason, I think that getting to know a little more about Susan may help to figure out what happened to her.

I noticed in the initial press releases that Susan was thought to have been wearing a visor when she left the house. I saw a photo of her wearing a visor, although I am not sure if it was the same visor or not. That detail seems to be something that could be very helpful in jogging the memories of potential witnesses. Visors are not all that common, and it is much easier to remember a woman wearing a visor than a woman with brown hair.

I also noticed that there are property records in Sacramento county, Clark County, Nevada, and Placer county for Susan and her husband. I am somewhat uncomfortable admitting the amount of effort and level of intrusive research I have conducted, but my goal was just to see if there were any possible places Susan might have gone. I am not certain but it appeared that Susan and her husband were involved with more than one property in Placer county in recent years, but as the apn was not indicated on all the entries, I am not 100% certain. I also noted a number of property records in Nevada and in Sacramento.

After hearing the details of the case I had a notion that Susan may have been in a subordinate position in the marriage and would likely not appear on the property records. I was wrong. She is on all of the records that I found with her husband. I could not figure out why she would be retired while her husband still worked, given the fact that she was younger.

On one of the news pieces, they interview(brief) a friend of the Jacobson's who had been participating in the search. He said he had known Chris for 20 years( or something along those lines) and had met "Sue" several times. That seemed to indicate that either Susan did not interact frequently with her husband's friends or that this man was primarily a work friend. To further complicate matters, referring to her as "Sue", made me think that he was past formalities in his interactions with Susan.

Regarding the flyer situation and publicity, I have a sense that the nature of the circumstances have created a conflicted strategy in trying to find her. From her family's standpoint she was either abducted or she left on her own. Although Kjac has been emphatic in expressing his doubt about the second possibility having occurred, there is a chance that she did leave voluntarily. Since Susan appears to be a very private person, perhaps there is some hesitancy on the family's part to plaster the town with flyers on the off chance that she may have left on her own.

I know Kjac has stated that his parents had a solid marriage and never showed any signs of problems. I know that sometimes kids are oblivious to problems in a relationship until their parents inform them that a divorce is imminent. When a child goes to college and starts their own life, the visits with the folks can sometimes be limited to the major holidays. ( I am not saying this is the case here by any means, just trying to make a point). My mother is somewhat co-dependent, so my brother and I speak to her almost every day. I am just curious if Kjac spoke to his mother often, and were the conversations with mom, or like the conversations I used to have with my grandparents where they would each pick up a separate telephone in the house and take turns asking questions and talking to me?

I hate bringing these questions up in many respects, but I feel like being able to eliminate some of these other possibilities may prompt some more outraged and motivated people to start prodding the Roseville P.D. and media outlets to focus some attention on Susan's disappearance. It breaks my heart to know that one of the most precious moments in Kjac's life, the birth of his daughter, is marred by the incredible anxiety and sadness of his mother's baffling disappearance.

I think about Susan often and I pray in earnest for her to come home.

Good thoughts, but I disagree on one point. We do know about as much about Susan's personality and her lifestyle as we have known about many other missing people, and much more than we know about a few others.

I really don't think it's all that important what she did with her time between when her husband left for work and came home, unless she was engaged in some illegal activities. Some women can find plenty to do to occupy their days. I also don't see the relevance in why she retired, there could be many reasons. If they didn't need the money, and were fairly comfortable, why not just be a housewife? Nothing wrong with that.

Not knocking your post, there are some good points, but I think we should avoid getting too personal and trying to dig up every detail of her life. That's for LE to figure out. No offense intended.
I have several thoughts and observations that I have been meaning to share, but have been away. Please excuse the lack of organization.

I think this is the first case I have followed in a while where we had so little insight into the personality of the missing person. I believe that the lack of social media presence is one major contributing factor. We have been spoiled in some respects by having the facebook accounts, twitter, instagram, etc., of most missing people. So much information can be gleaned from these sources, and it is frustrating to have no sense of Susan's personality. We have a few basic facts, but no idea of what she was really like.
We know she was quiet and kept to herself, although she had a close relationship with her sister and her son.
We know she was retired, and would walk her dog frequently.
We have no photos of Susan with anyone other than her dog, and apparently she did not like to have her picture taken.
Susan was not computer savvy according to her son, and did not use or carry a cell phone.
She was particular about her habits and apparently cautious about her belongings, as Kjac has told us that she would never have left her purse in an unlocked vehicle, and she would never carry her wallet without her purse.
She carried her purse in the diagonal fashion, something I do when I am somewhat uncertain about my surroundings or the possibility of someone trying to snatch it from me.( Although this could simply be a function of keeping the purse on without having to constantly readjust it on her shoulder).
Susan is an early riser, and although she did not work, she was up and doing chores before her husband left for work in the morning.

What did Susan do with her time between the early part of the day and the time her husband came home? Does she have certain T.V. shows she likes to watch? Does she sew or do other crafts?

I feel awkward even raising these questions because truly it is none of my business. For whatever reason, I think that getting to know a little more about Susan may help to figure out what happened to her.

I noticed in the initial press releases that Susan was thought to have been wearing a visor when she left the house. I saw a photo of her wearing a visor, although I am not sure if it was the same visor or not. That detail seems to be something that could be very helpful in jogging the memories of potential witnesses. Visors are not all that common, and it is much easier to remember a woman wearing a visor than a woman with brown hair.

I also noticed that there are property records in Sacramento county, Clark County, Nevada, and Placer county for Susan and her husband. I am somewhat uncomfortable admitting the amount of effort and level of intrusive research I have conducted, but my goal was just to see if there were any possible places Susan might have gone. I am not certain but it appeared that Susan and her husband were involved with more than one property in Placer county in recent years, but as the apn was not indicated on all the entries, I am not 100% certain. I also noted a number of property records in Nevada and in Sacramento.

After hearing the details of the case I had a notion that Susan may have been in a subordinate position in the marriage and would likely not appear on the property records. I was wrong. She is on all of the records that I found with her husband. I could not figure out why she would be retired while her husband still worked, given the fact that she was younger.

On one of the news pieces, they interview(brief) a friend of the Jacobson's who had been participating in the search. He said he had known Chris for 20 years( or something along those lines) and had met "Sue" several times. That seemed to indicate that either Susan did not interact frequently with her husband's friends or that this man was primarily a work friend. To further complicate matters, referring to her as "Sue", made me think that he was past formalities in his interactions with Susan.

Regarding the flyer situation and publicity, I have a sense that the nature of the circumstances have created a conflicted strategy in trying to find her. From her family's standpoint she was either abducted or she left on her own. Although Kjac has been emphatic in expressing his doubt about the second possibility having occurred, there is a chance that she did leave voluntarily. Since Susan appears to be a very private person, perhaps there is some hesitancy on the family's part to plaster the town with flyers on the off chance that she may have left on her own.

I know Kjac has stated that his parents had a solid marriage and never showed any signs of problems. I know that sometimes kids are oblivious to problems in a relationship until their parents inform them that a divorce is imminent. When a child goes to college and starts their own life, the visits with the folks can sometimes be limited to the major holidays. ( I am not saying this is the case here by any means, just trying to make a point). My mother is somewhat co-dependent, so my brother and I speak to her almost every day. I am just curious if Kjac spoke to his mother often, and were the conversations with mom, or like the conversations I used to have with my grandparents where they would each pick up a separate telephone in the house and take turns asking questions and talking to me?

I hate bringing these questions up in many respects, but I feel like being able to eliminate some of these other possibilities may prompt some more outraged and motivated people to start prodding the Roseville P.D. and media outlets to focus some attention on Susan's disappearance. It breaks my heart to know that one of the most precious moments in Kjac's life, the birth of his daughter, is marred by the incredible anxiety and sadness of his mother's baffling disappearance.

I think about Susan often and I pray in earnest for her to come home.

Great questions! :) I appreciate the effort you have put in to Susan's case.
I, too, think about Susan often, and I pray she comes home.
Hopefully, there will be more media attention about Susan.
Maybe Kjac can guide us along as to how to help find his mother? Maybe he can tell us what measures have been taken already, what measures are presently occurring, and what future measures the public can help in the search for his mother? IMOO.
I think finding out what Susan did during her day outside of her home could be key in finding out if there was a perp watching her, particularly because Susan was (in the vernacular), a Creature of Habit.
We know Susan walked her dog. I wonder if Susan walked her dog elsewhere besides the neighborhood, like drove somewhere to a dog park, etc. and walked the dog there, or watched the dog interact with other dogs.
We know that Susan was going to go shopping and run other errands that day as her husband mentioned she had to catch up on a few things.
Knowing some other things about Susan could help find her perhaps. IMOO.
Good thoughts, but I disagree on one point. We do know about as much about Susan's personality and her lifestyle as we have known about many other missing people, and much more than we know about a few others.

I really don't think it's all that important what she did with her time between when her husband left for work and came home, unless she was engaged in some illegal activities. Some women can find plenty to do to occupy their days. I also don't see the relevance in why she retired, there could be many reasons. If they didn't need the money, and were fairly comfortable, why not just be a housewife? Nothing wrong with that.

Not knocking your post, there are some good points, but I think we should avoid getting too personal and trying to dig up every detail of her life. That's for LE to figure out. No offense intended.

TXLady, thank you for your comments. I think perhaps you mistake my intentions and have missed the point of my post.

I think it is important to know things like, what Susan did for a living prior to retirement, and what her hobbies and interests were for the possible relevance they may have to her disappearance.

For example, if Susan worked for 25 years at a travel agency, it would seem that she would have a certain skill set that would be perfectly suited for disappearing.
If she worked as a process server, an auditor for the IRS, a CPS employee who assisted in the removal of children from their families, etc., for 25 years, she may have encountered someone at some point in time that may have wanted to harm her.
These are extreme examples meant to demonstrate that what Susan did for employment, could very well be relevant to this case.
Additionally, Susan's hobbies and interests may offer clues as to how to find her or where she may have gone in the event that she voluntarily left.
Maybe Susan was an avid reader and loved a certain type of book. If that were the case, maybe a canvassing and flyering of bookstores in the area would be worthwhile.
Maybe Susan was a huge fan of a particular cause or had a lifelong hobby. Either one of those things would expose her to individuals that may have known something or had some involvement.

Some pages back in this thread you essentially said the same thing about the direction my questions were going. You stated at that time that no one knows family better than family, in reference to Kjac's assessment of his parents. I disagree with you on this point. I think that there are many cases where the closest members of a person's family are shocked to find out something they would never have suspected about a loved one. In fact, serial killers have been married family men with seemingly normal lives. They would have never suspected that the man they shared a bed with was BTK or the Green River Killer. Ariel Castro kept 3 women captive for 10 years and was able to keep this from his children. In two cases I have recently followed here on WS, a loved one of a missing person is surprised to discover that the person that was missing, was not abducted, but rather left of their own volition.

Obviously, people sometimes see their loved ones in the best light, and are not always aware of the true nature of things.
TXLady, thank you for your comments. I think perhaps you mistake my intentions and have missed the point of my post.

I think it is important to know things like, what Susan did for a living prior to retirement, and what her hobbies and interests were for the possible relevance they may have to her disappearance.

For example, if Susan worked for 25 years at a travel agency, it would seem that she would have a certain skill set that would be perfectly suited for disappearing.
If she worked as a process server, an auditor for the IRS, a CPS employee who assisted in the removal of children from their families, etc., for 25 years, she may have encountered someone at some point in time that may have wanted to harm her.
These are extreme examples meant to demonstrate that what Susan did for employment, could very well be relevant to this case.
Additionally, Susan's hobbies and interests may offer clues as to how to find her or where she may have gone in the event that she voluntarily left.
Maybe Susan was an avid reader and loved a certain type of book. If that were the case, maybe a canvassing and flyering of bookstores in the area would be worthwhile.
Maybe Susan was a huge fan of a particular cause or had a lifelong hobby. Either one of those things would expose her to individuals that may have known something or had some involvement.

Some pages back in this thread you essentially said the same thing about the direction my questions were going. You stated at that time that no one knows family better than family, in reference to Kjac's assessment of his parents. I disagree with you on this point. I think that there are many cases where the closest members of a person's family are shocked to find out something they would never have suspected about a loved one. In fact, serial killers have been married family men with seemingly normal lives. They would have never suspected that the man they shared a bed with was BTK or the Green River Killer. Ariel Castro kept 3 women captive for 10 years and was able to keep this from his children. In two cases I have recently followed here on WS, a loved one of a missing person is surprised to discover that the person that was missing, was not abducted, but rather left of their own volition.

Obviously, people sometimes see their loved ones in the best light, and are not always aware of the true nature of things.

I agree. We see many many times where a family is shocked by what their family member has done. I also think people are hesitant at first to tell things about their missing person because if they do show up, they have to live with what was released aabout them. A family may fear that the person would lose their job, career, friends, or anything else. But after so long it's just necessary. I think Susan's son has done the best he could with what he knows. He's been out of the house for a while and Susan was so private, she may not have said much about her private thoughts to anybody. We've heard nothing from anybody else in the family to speak of, so it's all we've got to work with.
Here are some places that Susan's flyer possibly can be placed:

Clubhouses, laundry facilities, exercise rooms within the retirement community.

Flyer could possibly be passed around at a Neighborhood Watch Meeting.

Nearby churches, or churches in the city.

Taxi's, buses, bus stops, on street corners.

Cycling groups, walking groups, etc.

Firestations, medical facilities, dental offices, nearby offices.


These suggestions, if applicable and allowable would be a great resource
to either hand out flyers or have a stationary flyer of Susan.

The more people that are aware of Susan and her Missing Status, the possible
chance of finding her could occur or maybe a clue to her whereabouts, perhaps? IMOO.
Shoot, I haven't heard anything back yet in terms of media, state fair publicity, or Tuesday Night cruise publicity. I didn't try Kjac privately, assume he's probably pretty preoccupied w/the new baby.

I did hear back from my own friends/family that they didn't see any flyers at work or when out shopping . :( Also heard back from one friend who finished his training and joined Roseville PD last week. I'll be bugging him to keep her face and photo in mind and find out what he might hear.

I'm glad to print and hand out flyers next Tuesday, but I feel iffy about it with no LE or family "endorsement." Anyone else having any luck?

Nope. I haven't heard back from sisters who were distributing fliers and had provided a contact email address for those interested in participating in a public awareness demonstration. Of course, it's been a holiday, so maybe they've been away. Nor have I received response from media inquiries.

August 1st will mark three months since Susan went missing. Hopefully she'll be home by then. But, if she's not, would some of you be willing to join me in emailing and calling the media again to remind them of this occasion? (It's about all I can do.....critical situation at home requires my presence here. But I'd be happy to help with anything I can do from my keyboard).

The family "endorsement" is something I was wondering about too.
I have several thoughts and observations that I have been meaning to share, but have been away. Please excuse the lack of organization.

I think this is the first case I have followed in a while where we had so little insight into the personality of the missing person. I believe that the lack of social media presence is one major contributing factor. We have been spoiled in some respects by having the facebook accounts, twitter, instagram, etc., of most missing people. So much information can be gleaned from these sources, and it is frustrating to have no sense of Susan's personality. We have a few basic facts, but no idea of what she was really like.
We know she was quiet and kept to herself, although she had a close relationship with her sister and her son.
We know she was retired, and would walk her dog frequently.
We have no photos of Susan with anyone other than her dog, and apparently she did not like to have her picture taken.
Susan was not computer savvy according to her son, and did not use or carry a cell phone.
She was particular about her habits and apparently cautious about her belongings, as Kjac has told us that she would never have left her purse in an unlocked vehicle, and she would never carry her wallet without her purse.
She carried her purse in the diagonal fashion, something I do when I am somewhat uncertain about my surroundings or the possibility of someone trying to snatch it from me.( Although this could simply be a function of keeping the purse on without having to constantly readjust it on her shoulder).
Susan is an early riser, and although she did not work, she was up and doing chores before her husband left for work in the morning.

What did Susan do with her time between the early part of the day and the time her husband came home? Does she have certain T.V. shows she likes to watch? Does she sew or do other crafts?

I feel awkward even raising these questions because truly it is none of my business. For whatever reason, I think that getting to know a little more about Susan may help to figure out what happened to her.

I noticed in the initial press releases that Susan was thought to have been wearing a visor when she left the house. I saw a photo of her wearing a visor, although I am not sure if it was the same visor or not. That detail seems to be something that could be very helpful in jogging the memories of potential witnesses. Visors are not all that common, and it is much easier to remember a woman wearing a visor than a woman with brown hair.

I also noticed that there are property records in Sacramento county, Clark County, Nevada, and Placer county for Susan and her husband. I am somewhat uncomfortable admitting the amount of effort and level of intrusive research I have conducted, but my goal was just to see if there were any possible places Susan might have gone. I am not certain but it appeared that Susan and her husband were involved with more than one property in Placer county in recent years, but as the apn was not indicated on all the entries, I am not 100% certain. I also noted a number of property records in Nevada and in Sacramento.

After hearing the details of the case I had a notion that Susan may have been in a subordinate position in the marriage and would likely not appear on the property records. I was wrong. She is on all of the records that I found with her husband. I could not figure out why she would be retired while her husband still worked, given the fact that she was younger.

On one of the news pieces, they interview(brief) a friend of the Jacobson's who had been participating in the search. He said he had known Chris for 20 years( or something along those lines) and had met "Sue" several times. That seemed to indicate that either Susan did not interact frequently with her husband's friends or that this man was primarily a work friend. To further complicate matters, referring to her as "Sue", made me think that he was past formalities in his interactions with Susan.

Regarding the flyer situation and publicity, I have a sense that the nature of the circumstances have created a conflicted strategy in trying to find her. From her family's standpoint she was either abducted or she left on her own. Although Kjac has been emphatic in expressing his doubt about the second possibility having occurred, there is a chance that she did leave voluntarily. Since Susan appears to be a very private person, perhaps there is some hesitancy on the family's part to plaster the town with flyers on the off chance that she may have left on her own.

I know Kjac has stated that his parents had a solid marriage and never showed any signs of problems. I know that sometimes kids are oblivious to problems in a relationship until their parents inform them that a divorce is imminent. When a child goes to college and starts their own life, the visits with the folks can sometimes be limited to the major holidays. ( I am not saying this is the case here by any means, just trying to make a point). My mother is somewhat co-dependent, so my brother and I speak to her almost every day. I am just curious if Kjac spoke to his mother often, and were the conversations with mom, or like the conversations I used to have with my grandparents where they would each pick up a separate telephone in the house and take turns asking questions and talking to me?

I hate bringing these questions up in many respects, but I feel like being able to eliminate some of these other possibilities may prompt some more outraged and motivated people to start prodding the Roseville P.D. and media outlets to focus some attention on Susan's disappearance. It breaks my heart to know that one of the most precious moments in Kjac's life, the birth of his daughter, is marred by the incredible anxiety and sadness of his mother's baffling disappearance.

I think about Susan often and I pray in earnest for her to come home.

Wow....all I can say is that if I ever went missing, this is what I would want someone to do for me.

Thank you!
Nope. I haven't heard back from sisters who were distributing fliers and had provided a contact email address for those interested in participating in a public awareness demonstration. Of course, it's been a holiday, so maybe they've been away. Nor have I received response from media inquiries.

August 1st will mark three months since Susan went missing. Hopefully she'll be home by then. But, if she's not, would some of you be willing to join me in emailing and calling the media again to remind them of this occasion? (It's about all I can do.....critical situation at home requires my presence here. But I'd be happy to help with anything I can do from my keyboard).

The family "endorsement" is something I was wondering about too.

I too wonder about the family endorsement. I wonder what steps have been taken by family and LE.
E-mailing the media is a great idea. I wonder if that is something Kjac and his dad have been doing all along?
Perhaps we can get some insight from Kjac in the direction that he would like for others to take in the mission to find his mother? IMOO.
I just checked the Age Limitations for a Silver Alert in the state of California, and unfortunately for Susan, the age for the Silver Alert starts at the age of 65. She is too young for this type of an alert. :(

I discovered that Silver Alerts also cover Missing Persons with medical/physical challenges of wider range of age...

Are there any physical/medical challenges of Susan that may warrant her addition to this list?

Knee (hip?) replacement?

meds she takes?

I don't think these qualify..... But just throwing it out there...

A baby girl!!! born July 2nd.
Susan is a first time grandmother!!!
as per the UPDATED facebook page for Finding Susan

Susan I hope you come home soon to meet your newest family member!!!!! :)

CONGRATULATIONS to the Jacobson Family on their new cherub! :sunshine:

:baby: :balloons: :baby: :balloons:
I discovered that Silver Alerts also cover Missing Persons with medical/physical challenges of wider range of age...

Are there any physical/medical challenges of Susan that may warrant her addition to this list?

Knee (hip?) replacement?

meds she takes?

I don't think these qualify..... But just throwing it out there...


Didn't Kjac post earlier that Susan had had a hip replacement?
Totally agree! I'm not far up the road, so to speak, in Carmichael and I just can't believe how little press is out there. I think of the family constantly too. So happy for Kjac and his new little one! Although it makes me so sad thinking I bet Susan would be home if she could be right now.

I haven't heard back from anyone yet, like I said this is way out of my realm of experience, but I'll post details if I can on the Tuesday Night Market and/or the State Fair. I know a number of us are looking for ways to get publicity, and really hoping something pans out.

Thanks for your dedication, Nikb! :gthanks:
I discovered that Silver Alerts also cover Missing Persons with medical/physical challenges of wider range of age...

Are there any physical/medical challenges of Susan that may warrant her addition to this list?

Knee (hip?) replacement?

meds she takes?

I don't think these qualify..... But just throwing it out there...


On this particular website for the state of California it mentions that a person has to meet All the criteria, which would include having to be 65 and older.

"A Silver Alert will not be initiated by the California Highway Patrol unless it meets all the following criteria:

The missing person is 65 years of age or older.
The investigating agency has utilized all available local resources.
The law enforcement agency determines that the person has gone missing under unexplained or suspicious circumstances.
The law enforcement agency believes that the person is in danger because of age, health, mental or physical disability, environment or weather conditions, that the person is in the company of a potentially dangerous person, or that there are other factors indicating that the person may be in peril.
There is information available that, if disseminated to the public, could assist in the safe recovery of the missing person."
I have several thoughts and observations that I have been meaning to share, but have been away. Please excuse the lack of organization.

I think this is the first case I have followed in a while where we had so little insight into the personality of the missing person. I believe that the lack of social media presence is one major contributing factor. We have been spoiled in some respects by having the facebook accounts, twitter, instagram, etc., of most missing people. So much information can be gleaned from these sources, and it is frustrating to have no sense of Susan's personality. We have a few basic facts, but no idea of what she was really like.
We know she was quiet and kept to herself, although she had a close relationship with her sister and her son.
We know she was retired, and would walk her dog frequently.
We have no photos of Susan with anyone other than her dog, and apparently she did not like to have her picture taken.
Susan was not computer savvy according to her son, and did not use or carry a cell phone.
She was particular about her habits and apparently cautious about her belongings, as Kjac has told us that she would never have left her purse in an unlocked vehicle, and she would never carry her wallet without her purse.
She carried her purse in the diagonal fashion, something I do when I am somewhat uncertain about my surroundings or the possibility of someone trying to snatch it from me.( Although this could simply be a function of keeping the purse on without having to constantly readjust it on her shoulder).
Susan is an early riser, and although she did not work, she was up and doing chores before her husband left for work in the morning.

What did Susan do with her time between the early part of the day and the time her husband came home? Does she have certain T.V. shows she likes to watch? Does she sew or do other crafts?


Respectfully snipped for space...

Terrific, thoughtful points!

I agree that we want to respect the privacy of Susan and her family members..

But I also feel that the more Susan is fleshed out as a personality.... Hobbies,personality, passions... The more the community will "connect" with her... More as a friend/acquaintance than as a statistic...

I realize there must be a balance between these seemingly conflicting issues...

But to err on the side of revelation would be more beneficial in this case...

I am only speaking from experience on these WS threads...

Respectfully... JMO
On one of the news pieces, they interview(brief) a friend of the Jacobson's who had been participating in the search. He said he had known Chris for 20 years( or something along those lines) and had met "Sue" several times. That seemed to indicate that either Susan did not interact frequently with her husband's friends or that this man was primarily a work friend. To further complicate matters, referring to her as "Sue", made me think that he was past formalities in his interactions with Susan.

Thanks for all the time you put into this LittleMiss! On the familiar name, I think it's highly possible that the husband always referred to her as Sue so that is how the friend "knew" her.

My mom has always been Katie but when a friend of my dad's came over, he always called her Kate. That was what my dad called her.
Congrats to LittleMissContrary for her brilliant sleuthing skills and to her unselfishness in spending leisure time for the good of another !!

If these property details are factual currently, Susan could be at one of those localities....alive or buried. Can't discount the painful.

Since this couple appear to own a number of properties, perhaps some of them are rentals and provide a nice supplemental income. An excellent reason the wife would not need to work any longer. It's not that unusual even in today's society that a woman doesn't work when she is married....for all sorts of reasons.
More income not neccessary to live comfortably
Several MINOR health issues that when added up, make for iffy health
The husband prefers the wife not work but rather do volunteer work or just be a Super Home Maker...Yes, this still happens and quite a few women are happy not to be committed to a job
Some ladies write poetry, make scrapbooks of wild flowers et al, take photos of nature or ? Some with a view to income eventually or just for fun.

The properties in question change the entire complexion of this missing person case, IMO. Doesn't enhance a positive outlook.
On this particular website for the state of California it mentions that a person has to meet All the criteria, which would include having to be 65 and older.

"A Silver Alert will not be initiated by the California Highway Patrol unless it meets all the following criteria:

The missing person is 65 years of age or older.
The investigating agency has utilized all available local resources.
The law enforcement agency determines that the person has gone missing under unexplained or suspicious circumstances.
The law enforcement agency believes that the person is in danger because of age, health, mental or physical disability, environment or weather conditions, that the person is in the company of a potentially dangerous person, or that there are other factors indicating that the person may be in peril.
There is information available that, if disseminated to the public, could assist in the safe recovery of the missing person."

Very useful info, Treelights. Thanks for spelling it all out for us....posting the details!! :seeya:
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