CA CA - Susan Jacobson, 59, Sun City/Roseville, 2 May 2013 - #2

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I am so astonished by the way Susan's disappearance seems to be taken so casually by family and police. Come on, this woman did not up and leave home, taking nothing with her, just on a whim, or even wander aimlessly in a medical funk, or she would have been found within a day or two. She was either physically abducted from the parking lot, or never made it there, IMO. In either case, a crime occurred, a violent one IMO, and there should be so much outrage and fear and reminders everywhere.

In the end, though, it is always up to the family to keep missing people in the news. Marc Klaas has always made that point very clearly.

Totally agreed! It scares me to the point of thinking "damn if I went missing would people even try to find me?" I have close family nearby and I know they'd look for me but honestly it might be a week or two. We're not in touch daily. I can't even imagine them being so "out of sight out of mind" just a few months later. I also still can't see Susan being missing for SO long. I think Susan either left VERY intentionally with every detail planned out, or she was abducted in a not-so-peaceful way. It makes me so sad knowing she's probably right under my nose and yet I haven't seen her (or seen posters about her). How is NOTHING on camera??
I wonder what her hobbies were...I know it was stated she was rather a homebody...but surely she had something she enjoyed? Painting, sewing, reading??? Did she have some kind of hobby that did get her out of the house? In some capacity? Like going to buy supplies? Or going to art shows, etc? Any travel? Any favorite places to go? Book clubs? Cooking?
Oh was she involved in any religious groups?
She seems a sweet lady....
Some more insight as to her life might be helpful...certainly couldn't hurt.

The questions you ask are ones I would love to know the answers to, also...

I am troubled that we have a lovely lady who seemingly vanished into thin air... And yet we know absolutely nothing about her...

We do not have a "fleshed out" (term ?) visual of her...

I would like to see other photos of her... Her wedding pictures... holding her son when he was a child... Vacation pix... Etc.

but we have only one or two pictures of her... Which seem to be "after thoughts"..

Not to be cruel... But this leads me to surmise that she may have left for just this reason...

do we even know what her favorite color/food is?

but... I still think it is an abduction of sorts... In my gut!

I am so astonished by the way Susan's disappearance seems to be taken so casually by family and police. Come on, this woman did not up and leave home, taking nothing with her, just on a whim, or even wander aimlessly in a medical funk, or she would have been found within a day or two. She was either physically abducted from the parking lot, or never made it there, IMO. In either case, a crime occurred, a violent one IMO, and there should be so much outrage and fear and reminders everywhere.

In the end, though, it is always up to the family to keep missing people in the news. Marc Klaas has always made that point very clearly.

Agreed completely. There are some pretty fancy color posters in my neighborhood right now about a missing dog and it makes me so sad, not because of the signs, but because someone is working HARD to find a chihauhua and I would barely know about Susan except I ran across her case here. I can't even believe her case hasn't been on the news at all... IMO I shouldn't have to 'fish' for stories about her. I so hope she comes home safe and can meet her grandbaby. I wish there was more direction for those of us who want to try to help (if there's any direction possible, I understand it might not be realistic)
I will Try Again.........

1. What job field was Susan in when she was employed?
2. Where was Susan employed?
3. How long was Susan employed?

I understand Susan is retired now.

4.Who was the last person to see Susan, besides her husband?
5.When was the last time Susan had a conversation with her own sister?
6. Did Susan talk Daily with her sister? If not, how often did they speak?
7. How often did Susan see her family besides talk to them on the phone?

I have not seen any articles or videos of Susan's sister speaking on Susan's behalf.

An article I did read stated that Susan is close to her family.

8. What other errands was Susan going to do that day?

Answering these questions could possibly give a clue to who took her,
or who she is with if she left on her own.

There are many more questions........


I SOOO agree!

where did she work... That she is semi-retired from????

and WHO saw her last... Outside her immediate family???

these questions NOT being answered... Yet so easily available to someone who knows her well...keeps my hinky meter in high gear!

We knew about a possible monetary motive for Bob Harrod's disappearance because of his wife. If not for her, we'd never have known about all the money issues or behavior of his children. Because Susan's family is exactly of the same demeanor and behave in exactly the same silent, leave us alone, no panic in searching for Susan type manner....I suspect the same motives and cause of her disappearance. We have to find another way to find her. I hope there is a true police investigation and not just searching.
19 days and No Updates on the facebook page for Susan.

Out of sight, out of mind?

If they forget about her, maybe the public will too??

Very telling, the Silence.
What's going on?????


BBM was the public EVER very aware of her? It doesn't seem like it to me, and I'm local. I vaguely recall seeing one news story right after she disappeared. There have been a few other stories here and there but I've had to really look for them.

It breaks my heart because I care about her, want her found or at least want to know she's safe somewhere, and I have no idea what to do to help. I drove by that shopping center and aquatic center the other night, and of course I looked for her, but surely she's nowhere near there by now if she's still alive.

What do we do now to find her??
We are all frustrated, but I think it's unfair to be so critical of Susan's family. It is very likely they are feeling overwhelmed. Jobs, new baby, everyday life, etc. All of that on top of Susan being missing. Must be difficult to function. Sometimes, when I get overwhelmed, I just shut down- it's like a defense mechanism. We really have no way of knowing exactly what they are dealing with everyday, so we can't accurately speculate as to what we would do in their situation. Everyone's situation is unique to them. And at the end of the day it's Susan's family that this is happening to, and not us. I just feel a bit more compassion could be had.

There have been more questions about the flyers coming up recently. I mentioned some of this in a previous post, but it's worth repeating. These are observances from the experience that I had putting up the flyers:

First, following the law/ordinances requires you to ask permission from the property/business owner before posting the flyer. There are plenty who won't allow it to be posted. Not much you can do about that. What I really wanted to do was get the flyers up on every telephone pole along major roadways and generally wallpaper Roseville and the surrounding areas. That would certainly get people's attention. Besides not having the huge amount of flyers needed for that kind of distribution, there were other things to consider. Like the fact that putting the flyers up wouldn't do any good if they just had to be taken right back down due to being in violation of a silly ordinance. Another concern I had was that Susan's family could be fined for my improper placement of the flyers. I wasn't comfortable with that possibility. So I just got the flyers up where I could.

Today, when revisiting a few of those locations, I saw that the flyers weren't there anymore. Not sure why they were taken down, but now I am curious about the status of the rest. I am going to check on them tomorrow. It all seems so futile. Even still, Susan's case has really stuck with me- and it's not going anywhere.
We are all frustrated, but I think it's unfair to be so critical of Susan's family. It is very likely they are feeling overwhelmed. Jobs, new baby, everyday life, etc. All of that on top of Susan being missing. Must be difficult to function. Sometimes, when I get overwhelmed, I just shut down- it's like a defense mechanism. We really have no way of knowing exactly what they are dealing with everyday, so we can't accurately speculate as to what we would do in their situation. Everyone's situation is unique to them. And at the end of the day it's Susan's family that this is happening to, and not us. I just feel a bit more compassion could be had.

There have been more questions about the flyers coming up recently. I mentioned some of this in a previous post, but it's worth repeating. These are observances from the experience that I had putting up the flyers:

First, following the law/ordinances requires you to ask permission from the property/business owner before posting the flyer. There are plenty who won't allow it to be posted. Not much you can do about that. What I really wanted to do was get the flyers up on every telephone pole along major roadways and generally wallpaper Roseville and the surrounding areas. That would certainly get people's attention. Besides not having the huge amount of flyers needed for that kind of distribution, there were other things to consider. Like the fact that putting the flyers up wouldn't do any good if they just had to be taken right back down due to being in violation of a silly ordinance. Another concern I had was that Susan's family could be fined for my improper placement of the flyers. I wasn't comfortable with that possibility. So I just got the flyers up where I could.

Today, when revisiting a few of those locations, I saw that the flyers weren't there anymore. Not sure why they were taken down, but now I am curious about the status of the rest. I am going to check on them tomorrow. It all seems so futile. Even still, Susan's case has really stuck with me- and it's not going anywhere.

I see Nothing Unfair about wanting to have Susan in the public eye.
I do see that it is strange that it has been 19 days since the facebook page has been updated.
If Susan is deceased, most likely it will be the public that stumbles upon her remains.
Having compassion to keep Susan in the public eye and passion to keep people aware that Susan is missing is Paramount if she is to be located alive or deceased.
I'm not sure it's not compassion. I feel terrible for all of her family if they aren't responsible for her being gone. I've read and followed so so many cases. Some things just obvious after this many years following cases. It's hard not to comment on it.
Yay, Susan has a 2nd thread.

I too think about Susan a lot and wonder what happened to her.

I'm dismayed that more isn't being done to make the public more aware that Susan is STILL missing.

Maybe this is why she left on her own??? It just seems like no one cares enough to try to find her.

I'm out of ideas for what happened to Susan because I believe collectively, we already came up with the answer.

Susan has been gone so long now. It isn't good at all.
I saw a picture of Susan, from when she was much younger. She was goofing off in the picture, making a silly face. That suggests to me that Susan is not some two dimensional personality.
This whole situation makes me sad and very angry.

This is an older article from May 9th, but it is interesting to note what the Police Sergeant said....

"Despite the troubling signs, Roseville police investigators are not ready so settle on one theory.

"We are closing the loops on theories," said Sgt. Darin DeFreece.

"Is it a missing person's case? Is it a homicide? Could she have hurt herself? Everything is on the table," DeFreece said."

Read more here:

So they don't know if it is a Missing Person's case or a Homicide.
Everything is on the table.

Does anybody know the status yet of this case? Any locals out there?
I don't know how LE ever can decide how to classify a MP case, until they either have a suspect or find the person.
I don't know how LE ever can decide how to classify a MP case, until they either have a suspect or find the person.

With LE mentioning they were closing loops in the theories over 3 months ago, I wonder what loops to what theories were closed?
With LE mentioning they were closing loops in the theories over 3 months ago, I wonder what loops to what theories were closed?

I don't see how they can close out any theories. Possibly self-harm, since she has not been found, but not 100%. What else can be eliminated, unless they know she never went to that parking lot that day?
I don't know what happened to the post suggesting that some of us who are local try calling news stations to see if there any updates, but I thought it was a really good idea and wanted to pass along my results. Unfortunately all I really got was "no updates" when I called. They were polite and all, but not too interested in talking to me or running a new story, since I'm not family. I'm also not sure if it would've mattered if I was family, they just weren't that interested, but me not being family seemed to be their quickest/easiest way of saying no. Wish I had some kind of inside connection at a news station.

I called 3 different stations (KCRA, ABC/News10, and Fox) and got pretty much the same answer at all 3. :( If someone else wants to try, maybe enough of us calling and asking about Susan would help. I'm sending in online inquiries via their "Contact Us" forms now... hoping maybe it gets to a different person or happens to get to someone who knows more and replies. Or better yet someone who's passionate enough to push for a news spot. It's a longshot, I know, but it's about the only useful thing I can think of to try at the moment. I really appreciate the suggestion.
I don't see how they can close out any theories. Possibly self-harm, since she has not been found, but not 100%. What else can be eliminated, unless they know she never went to that parking lot that day?

I totally agree... and really what's ruled out in terms of self harm either? Even if it's suicide her not being found could just mean she found a good hiding spot. I keep going back to Linnea Lomax since she was also in this area, and she wasn't discovered for months in spite of being very close to a park and a fairly heavily used river. For those who don't know the case, Linnea hung herself near the river in Sacramento. Rafters, kayakers, etc. had to have passed and not see her. I don't think Susan's case is related in any way, but it reminds me how easy it could be for someone to not be found.

Even if Susan never went to the Raley's parking lot, what does that mean? Not much IMO. I guess it helps narrow down a timeline. Maybe I'm easily sidetracked but when I say I'm going to the store, it might involve a couple of quick side-trips.. drop by the feed store to get dog food, pick up some plants at Home Depot, get gas, etc... the groceries are last because something might need to stay refrigerated. What if she ran her errands in a different order than her family expected? Since her belongings were found in that parking lot I assume she was there at some point, but I wonder if it was at the time that she was "expected" to be there?
I totally agree... and really what's ruled out in terms of self harm either? Even if it's suicide her not being found could just mean she found a good hiding spot. I keep going back to Linnea Lomax since she was also in this area, and she wasn't discovered for months in spite of being very close to a park and a fairly heavily used river. For those who don't know the case, Linnea hung herself near the river in Sacramento. Rafters, kayakers, etc. had to have passed and not see her. I don't think Susan's case is related in any way, but it reminds me how easy it could be for someone to not be found.

Even if Susan never went to the Raley's parking lot, what does that mean? Not much IMO. I guess it helps narrow down a timeline. Maybe I'm easily sidetracked but when I say I'm going to the store, it might involve a couple of quick side-trips.. drop by the feed store to get dog food, pick up some plants at Home Depot, get gas, etc... the groceries are last because something might need to stay refrigerated. What if she ran her errands in a different order than her family expected? Since her belongings were found in that parking lot I assume she was there at some point, but I wonder if it was at the time that she was "expected" to be there?

To me, if Susan never went to the parking lot, it means a lot. It means that her car was put there, and put there for a reason. Given that she was supposed to go shopping there, the car ended up being where it was supposed to be, so if Susan never arrived, who put her car there?
Susan's husband said in an interview that she had errands to run and things to catch up on, so, to me, that means more than just going to the grocery store. I previously wondered what other things did she have to catch up on, but there was no answer to that, just like many things in Susan's case. Many are left wondering about basically almost everything, as very little is known about Susan.
LE could probably presume foul play if they have a video showing Susan did not drive the car into that lot. But they claim the video was "not helpful". IMO if anyone other than Susan was seen driving, foul play occurred someplace.
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