CA - Tori Vienneau, 22, & Dean Springstube, 10 mos, murdered, Bonita, 26 July 2006 #1

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I don't know how anyone can refuse Dayna's request for help. I will continue praying for justice in this case.
I just can't understand why one of the shows isn't picking up this story. I sent Dayna's letter to all of the email addresses. For some reason Greta's email came back to me.

I am going to send a personal email to Nancy Grace. It just ticks me off that she will give Paris Hilton so much coverage and won't give the time of day to this story. The creep HUNG this baby. I can't get over that. The family needs help in getting this story out there and this creep that did this horrific crime needs to have his name spread from here to there. I wish everyone on this board would send Nancy an email. Who gives a rip about how Paris Hilton is doing in jail for pity sake. She needs to shut her mouth and act like a woman.
She got herself in this mess so who cares what she thinks about it. Shame on her for yelling MOMMMMMMMMY!!! Just pitiful if you ask me.
:clap: :clap:
It just ticks me off that she will give Paris Hilton so much coverage and won't give the time of day to this story. The creep HUNG this baby. I can't get over that. The family needs help in getting this story out there and this creep that did this horrific crime needs to have his name spread from here to there. I wish everyone on this board would send Nancy an email. Who gives a rip about how Paris Hilton is doing in jail for pity sake. She needs to shut her mouth and act like a woman.
She got herself in this mess so who cares what she thinks about it. Shame on her for yelling MOMMMMMMMMY!!! Just pitiful if you ask me.

I couldn't agree with you more.
OK, I tried again, Greta, Nancy, and AMW.

I doubt they'll listen to me, but just maybe.

I have e-mailed Nancy 3 times now and have gotten nothing. I have to say, it has really turned me off to her completely, I used to be a big fan, but I have been seeing her in a different light lately.
I have e-mailed Nancy 3 times now and have gotten nothing. I have to say, it has really turned me off to her completely, I used to be a big fan, but I have been seeing her in a different light lately.

I'm getting really ticked off at Nancy Grace too. I wonder who picks the subjects for her show. Does she even read her email? I'm going to write her a personal email and see what happens. I doubt that it will make any difference because I'm going to be pretty outspoken in the email. I just don't understand why she can't cover this case.

Do not stand at my grave and weep

Do not stand at my grave and weep;
I am not there. I do not sleep.
I am a thousand winds that blow.
I am the diamond glints on snow.
I am the sunlight on ripened grain.
I am the gentle autumn rain.
When you awaken in the morning's hush
I am the swift uplifting rush
Of quiet birds in circled flight.
I am the soft stars that shine at night.
Do not stand at my grave and cry;
I am not there. I did not die.

I just wanted to let you know that I am thinking of you today.
I sent Dayna's letter and a personal email to Nancy Grace. This time I didn't even receive the usual email that they send back to a person when you send an email!!! What is going on there anyway?
I sent Dayna's letter and a personal email to Nancy Grace. This time I didn't even receive the usual email that they send back to a person when you send an email!!! What is going on there anyway?

I don't know what is going on Bobbisangel but something is. Out of all of the emails that I have sent out to the major media sources, I have received 1 reply and that was from Dateline declining to do the story. I have sent all of the emails "return receipt requested" and am not even receiving those.:banghead:

Ideas anyone?
On Monday, June 11 Roy and I had decided to go to the DA's office, for two reasons. One being we are just plain tired of getting the runaround from the San Diego Police Department. I cannot think of a time since January that anybody has had the courtesy to call me to let me know how the case is going, unless I call them. Usually they don't call back for a day, and then I get responses such as were moving along, they have to depend on other people's work schedules not just their own and other . I will also state publicly now, that when I sat down the update on Memorial day and my desire to go public now, I also blind copied the sergeant and the lieutenant, and I am fully aware that they read it, but did not respond back.
Yesterday we had a Memorial bench celebration to thank everybody that continue to hold us in their prayers, for their unwavering support. We also wanted to thank them for donating to the Tori and Dean Memorial fund, which in large part paid for the Memorial bench for Tori and Dean which was the focus of yesterday's event, but also those donations help me to bring awareness through the thousands and thousands of flyers we have printed out and delivered all over town. I have not been able to work since July unless of course we call my fight for justice my full-time job. It doesn't however come with a paycheck, but I would sell everything I own if just one of those flyers got in the right hands and helped us in our fight. In addition it probably did not help that 3 months ago on Tori's birthday, her father my husband Roy was let go from his job, because it's embarrassing to them that I have not gotten it together and gotten over this. I think that on some misguided level they thought he should have been able to shut me up, which he couldn't but more importantly he wouldn't. Oh by the way dld I forget to mention, he worked for my mother's company? She's a piece of work. Tori's birthday we had planned a balloon release, and I asked all of my family members if they had any message they wanted me to tie to a balloon for Tori and Dean to receive in heaven...her message to Tori was "Your father's fired!!!!!".Not in so many words, but you get the drift. Fortunately I never have to deal with that witch again, that was my final straw from a lifetime of her sick behavior.
Anyway I digress...Back to the visit to the DA's office. Her motto is "every victim, every time" !!! The police motto on the side of the police cars is to protect & serve, bull***** unless that stands for protect & serve the Potts family......
We were shocked when we asked to speak to the DA in regards to our case. I gave the names of the murder victims, their case number, and the crime report number from the night of the murders. You would think the case should have been easy enough to find on the computer, but you would be wrong. 15 to 20 minutes later, the receptionist called one of the investigators for the DAs office for help. She remembers the murders but not if anyone in the DAs office was even looking at the case. She came back with two names, and the assurance that one of them would call me by end of day. That was Monday, today is Sunday & no one has yet to call. Now I ask you, who do you go to when the police won't help you and obviously the DA won't either? There was no other double homicide in San Diego last year involving the hanging of an infant, and it is offensive on every level that nobody seems to care and law enforcement.
I would also like to state that we invited well over 200 people, every news station in San Diego, the entire homicide team, the DAs office, and crimestoppers. We had confirmation from three media outlets that they would be there, and the only news channel in San Diego that has ever covered the murders of Tori and Dean is channel 8, CBS. They were also the ones who do the breaking news story back in December. We can look at that two ways, either they don't think what happened to Tori and Dean is newsworthy, or someone is still continually blocking any media coverage. That is an outrage, that is offensive, and I said so on camera last night. Please note that not one homicide detective showed up out of respect for Tori and Dean, aside from a wonderful woman named Sally from crimestoppers.
When I was asked by the reporter what I would say to the Police Department and the DAs office in case they were watching my response was SHAME ON YOU!!! Tori and Dean mattered, maybe not to them obviously, but they mattered very much to us. We will not go away, we will not shut up, and we don't believe a word they say anymore. We followed your rules, for the integrity of the case, but we don't believe for one minute now that it had anything to do with the integrity of the case. Also we elect our public officials, and that voting time we won't be reelecting you. I also stated for the very first time publicly, the names of the public officials that have had the AUDACITY and the arrogance be so blatantly through in our faces. I am speaking of county supervisor Greg Cox and his wife Cheryl Cox who happens to be the mayor of Chula Vista, who had their photographs taken along with Senator Dedduh and his wife in the beautiful home of Robert & Hana Potts back in October. Get this, that little get together, was to raise money for underprivileged children to experience the theater. Are you freaking kidding me? Also note this, they he knew full well that the Potts family was under investigation in the double homicide of Tori and Dean, they knew full well a search warrant had been served on them in September. Really, what public official would align themselves publicly for all the world to see, with scum like that? Who do you think is one of their main contributors to their campaign funds? Bingo, Robert and Hana Potts....
can anyone tell me what I should do next? I certainly can't use Deborah Opri, she's only interested in a civil suit that might give her some money, she has no time for this at all and I can say that honestly because she returns no e-mails at this point. If and when I do file as civil suit, she will not be representing any of us. This has nothing to do with money, it has everything to do with justice. It has everything to do with morals and ethics, so we obviously don't see eye to eye.
The last time anything aired on TV about Tori and Dean, was again back in December, and again with my choice for the media from here on out, channel 8, CBS. That little deal certainly generated a phone call, and a visit to my home to express their displeasure with me. I will not sit through another one of their lectures filled with lies about their obligation to Tori and Dean, because from where I'm sitting, they could care less.
But for the people that did come yesterday, over 100, we've received many people offering to donate money to fund, to be a voice for Tori and Dean, and to reiterate their support for us. To them I say thank you from the bottom of my heart. And to all of you who continue to be outraged, I again say thank you from the bottom of my heart.
Dana I am so sorry you are being treated so badly....this is an outrage!!!! I am so upset about this. Hello people of San Diego Law enforcement, a 9 month old baby has been hung from his crib! I have sent letters to Dateline, Nancy Grace, Greta and nobody has ever responded to me. I can't understand why the national media isn't running this story. :banghead:
I'm sorry for what you're going through, Dayna. I don't understand why the police and DA aren't all over this case. Or even the press for that matter. There is at least 1 dangerous individual out there that they should want behind bars. Anybody that would hang an the lowest of the low.

I know a lot of public people have been contacted and I don't understand what's going on. Are they contacting the police about the case and the police are feeding them some hogwash and telling them to lay low or something? There must be more public outrage. I just don't know how to get the attention focused on this crime......and that's what is needed, more attention.
First I would like to thank all the people out there that are concerned with the despicable way the LE is progressing,or NOT,in this heinous double murder of two beautiful people. Also,huge thanks to all the people that came out to the memorial bench celebration. Roy & Dayna need all the support they can get and appreciate all they've received. It was a beautiful ceremony. We here in San Diego are outraged that there is little or no concern that this animal is walking free and planning his wedding, to boot! How outrageous. There isn't even a concern for the safety of the public? We need the help of someone out there that has balls enough to step up to the plate and rip this case wide open. Steve, I sent e-mails 3 times to the indicated in your last posting. Like everyone else I've never rec'd a response in the past....:silenced: Anyone outhere with any other ideas please SHOUT IT OUT
Shadow, the above photo and poem for Dayna is beautiful. Thanks for being so caring and supportive of my dearest friend! She is truly an amazing woman!
Earlier today I sent an email to the Oprah Winfrey show. If we aren't getting a response from conventional sources, lets try to think of ones that might not be as "newsy," but will definitely create some buzz. The Oprah Show has a huge audience, lets hope they agree that this is a story that public needs to be told.
OK. I haven't posted here a lot, but this just really makes me sick. I had a couple of ideas, but I don't know if they've already been tried or if they're even feasible. How about e-mailing Bill Kurtis. He does investigative shows, so maybe he could help. I guess that you've already talked about John Walsh and if he could help. How about writing a letter to Maria Shriver? She was a reporter back in the day, and if this piqued her interest enough, maybe she could get Arnold to make some calls. I don't know. I'm just really grasping at straws here. How about writing the LA Times, The SF Chronicle, The NY Times, Washington Post? Even the NY Post, which, if I'm not mistaken, is more tabloid-y than some, but maybe that's what you need. If enough people heard this story, the combined outrage would wash through the SDPD and the DA's office, taking all the "trash" out with it. I know that I haven't come up with anything new, but I just had to post something.

My heart goes out to you and your family. It is unbelievable to me that all of this is going on with LE. They are just unwilling to do anything to help you.
I just don't understand this at all. Oh I know why the skids have been put to any help you may have gotten at some point and it is called "The Potts family." But it is just hard to understand how something like this can really be happening in the USA. It makes me just sick and it hurts my heart. I think of that beautiful and what was done to him and I just can't stand it.

When my daughter was murdered I was so fortunate to have the LE that we have. The detectives were wonderful and the lead detective and I talked on the phone at the least once a week or we would meet and talk. They were wonderful and I didn't realize that all LE wasn't like that until I started reading about cases like yours. I think I would have ended up pulling someone's hair out if I had been treated like you have and are being treated. It is just horrible. I probably would have been thrown out of the police station because I would have screamed it down. We really didn't have any contact with the Pros until after the killer was caught. That is another story and we did get him fired when re-election time came around. He deserved it.

Have you thought about making an appoint with the Attorney General? That is what I would do next. He above all LE and he would be next on my list. I wouldn't write to him or email him. I would make an appt with him. If that doesn't get you anywhere I would then ask to speak with the governor. Someone has to listen to you. Someone has to be as horrified as we all are.

What do the detectives have to say? I think I would be trying to make contact with one of them or ask who has the case. It may not have even been turned over to the DA yet...has it? Are the detectives still investigating the case? The DA usually doesn't get involved until the investigation is complete or mostly complete as far as I know. Unless you have found the detectives to be aholes too I would try to find on that might be willing to talk to you in person.

Your mother is a total BITOCH! I couldn't believe the things you were saying that that woman did to you and your husband and even your daughter. My Gosh. Why should she care if you can't "get over it?" We never "get over it" even though I guess she did. She fired your husband for that reason. It is horrible beyond words. Why would she think that your not shutting up would have any affect on her company. Glad that you have turned your back on her. She doesn't deserve you Dayna. She should be your shoulder to cry on and the arms to support you. I guess mothers aren't always what they should be. How sad for her.

I will gladly write a letter to the Attorney General if you would like me to. I will do anything that I can to help you. This case is close to my heart and my prayers are with you and your family.
I wrote a letter to Gov. Schwartzenager asking him to get involved since local authorities weren't doing anything. I actually received a reply - but it said he prefers to leave such matters to the local authorities.

Who is watching over the local authorities though? The reply was standard, but it just makes me mad.
Does anyone think anyone will ever help us? We have gone through every legal channel the right way...... I will never understand why Tori & Dean don't matter to those local authorities...They were the loves of our lives.
Does anyone think anyone will ever help us? We have gone through every legal channel the right way...... I will never understand why Tori & Dean don't matter to those local authorities...They were the loves of our lives.
Danya.I am so deeply sorry for your loss of Tori and Dean . I know so many on webslueths are praying for justice for them and you.Keep fighting and dont give in to the A$$holes .There are some great people on here ,some who have lost there loved ones too and they will support you in any way they can .When it seems you are alone come on here and there is allways someone to tell your problems too.
God Bless you and give you strength .
It is at this point, that I would seriously consider finding a way to make a call at the Governor's office to speak with him/his assistant in person if I lived in California. I want to look in Mr. Schwartzenager's eyes and tell him about this. Maybe he's quietly inquiring though, even though it isn't "public"? It's possible that he's asking them to explain themselves through private channels, rather than calling them on the carpet publicly. Even that might make the police investigators work with more energy. I'd hope, that perhaps more letters inundating his office might cause him to ask a few questions privately if he isn't already.

It still makes me angry though. :furious:
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