CA - Unidentified & possible missing victims of Randy Kraft, 1971-1983

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Were the detectives on the Kraft case negligent?

  • Yeah, they could have done more.

    Votes: 59 90.8%
  • No, I love cops.

    Votes: 6 9.2%

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Hello, I know this is an old post but I just recently saw it. You mentioned pictures. There were 47 photos found in Krafts car and (I believe) more found in his house. From what I've learned reading old newspaper articles at least five of Kraft's victims were identified from those photos. I recently corresponded with someone who is a personal friend of the DA on Kraft's trial. The former DA said all of the people in those photos were identified. I question that as their were 50+ photos. I am going to try and verify that with LE but not sure who to contact for an answer. If I actually get an answer, I will post again.
Just another couple of point(s) to keep this thread active out of my own curiosity vìs-a-vìs Kraft's case:

There's been speculation over the accuracy of which victims have been correctly attributed to certain hit list entries, but has anyone gotten the chance to compile their own beliefs on which term is aligned with the proper victim and compare it to other people's constructed lists? I'm aware that there are numerous articles online that show detailed lists and their reasons for it, but after the amount of doubt in this thread about certain people being identified incorrectly and connections to unsolved 'ohn Does and missing persons makes me wonder otherwise.

Also, as a relatively young, out-and-about somewhat Anglo-Saxon bisexual dude, I was contemplating using my ascribed status to establish communication with Kraft to see if I can gain his trust and have him open up about the details of his crimes so that families can be brought some closure. I've studied the case enough to be aware of his sociopathic traits to manipulate people and deflect attention away from his guilt by never discussing his involvement for years now, (as well as the fabrication and mind games that he most likely will play with me,) but I've never heard of anyone of his preferred victim demographic reach out to him. If this is safe to successfully attempt to do, how should I go about it, and are there any potential threats that I could face?
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Just another couple of point(s) to keep this thread active out of my own curiosity vìs-a-vìs Kraft's case:

There's been speculation over the accuracy of which victims have been correctly attributed to certain hit list entries, but has anyone gotten the chance to compile their own beliefs on which term is aligned with the proper victim and compare it to other people's constructed lists? I'm aware that there are numerous articles online that show detailed lists and their reasons for it, but after the amount of doubt in this thread about certain people being identified incorrectly and connections to unsolved 'ohn Does and missing persons makes me wonder otherwise.

Also, as a relatively young, out-and-about somewhat Anglo-Saxon bisexual dude, I was contemplating using my ascribed status to establish communication with Kraft to see if I can gain his trust and have him open up about the details of his crimes so that families can be brought some closure. I've studied the case enough to be aware of his sociopathic traits to manipulate people and deflect attention away from his guilt by never discussing his involvement for years now, (as well as the fabrication and mind games that he most likely will play with me,) but I've never heard of anyone of his preferred victim demographic reach out to him. If this is safe to successfully attempt to do, how should I go about it, and are there any potential threats that I could face?
InquisitiveIndividual, I have also thought of corresponding with Kraft from time to time. What has stopped me from going forward is that he is looking for pen pals (friends), not crime buffs (like me) who want to discuss the crimes he was convicted of. And I'm not sure I want to befriend someone who will lie to me and insist he is innocent (despite all the evidence that says otherwise). And I don't want to deceive him and pretend to be a friend in order to get info from him. So, I've never gone further.
I'm not sure what "threats" there would be in corresponding with him. He is looking for friends and perhaps a significant other, so it's possible he might want to know your personal details, exchange photos, or request you send him items.
I found an old (2013) reddit page (I am a penpal with serial killers. AMA.) where someone who claimed they were penpals with serial killers answered questions people posted. She claimed Kraft was one of her pen pals. Assuming she's being truthful, there are several interesting tidbits about her correspondence with Kraft.
Noteworthy comments:

- "Randy Kraft is definitely the most articulate (it doesn't hurt that he types his letters)."

- Q: "Are any of your penpals pleading innocence?"

A: "Randy Kraft. I said it somewhere else but he sent me a pamphlet about his innocence."

-Q: I'm curious about your background. What is it that these killers see in you that makes them want to respond? You don't have to be too specific, but just curious on how it started. Did you mail them first and say "Hi my name is so and so, etc?"

A: Guys like Jablonski will glorify his crimes to anyone he can. Others (Randy Kraft comes to mind) mentioned that he rarely writes because he hates groupies. I'm not sure why he chose to respond to me. I write them very casually the first time...kind of what you'd think an elementary school kid would do when writing a penpal. I introduce myself, ask some basic non-offensive questions, NEVER bring up their crime (they'll bring it up if they want to), and give them my well wishes.
I am not sure if this has been addressed before, but in 2007 a John Doe's remains were found near the 241 toll road and 91 freeway interchange (eastbound), near Gypsum Canyon Road in the Anaheims Hills area. I also wondered if this was one of Kraft's victims. Not sure if Kraft dumped his bodies of the 91 freeway.

The article: Cold-case mysteries that have withstood the test of time – Orange County Register

Here is an excerpt of the article:
Caltrans workers digging along the eastbound 91 on May 17, 2007, didn’t immediately realize the bones they uncovered were human.

Then they saw scraps of clothing – later determined to be light-colored running shorts and a T-shirt.

Anaheim police, coroner’s officials and an anthropologist were called to the scene, west of the 241 interchange.

The bones told part of a story that Anaheim detectives are still trying to finish, Anaheim police Lt. Bob Dunn said.

The body, a male 15 to 40 years old, had been partially dismembered and dumped sometime in the 1980s, Dunn said. Officials collected DNA, but with no clue to the victim’s identity or why he was killed, detectives were left with no leads.

Still, there’s hope, Dunn said. Orange County’s population was much smaller in the ’80s. Even with the limited description, Dunn said a family member could remember the victim going missing 30 years ago. And with familial DNA, police could test the bones for a match.
Me doy cuenta de que esa lista incluye un montón de entradas que no coinciden con un UID o un asesinato conocido. 14 incidencias, 16 personas.

2. ÁNGEL - Nombre no relacionado con ningún asesinato sin resolver. (finales de 1971 a 1972)

4. HARI KARI: nombre no relacionado con ningún asesinato no resuelto.

6. MARINE DOWN: nombre no relacionado con ningún asesinato sin resolver.

7. VAN DRIVEWEWAY: nombre no relacionado con ningún asesinato no resuelto.

8. 2 EN 1 MV TO PL: nombre no relacionado con ningún asesinato no resuelto.

12. LB MARINA - Nombre no relacionado con ningún asesinato sin resolver.

14. DIABÉTICO: nombre no relacionado con ningún asesinato no resuelto.

16. PORTLAND - Nombre no relacionado con ningún asesinato sin resolver.

17. BLANCO MARINO - Nombre no relacionado con ningún asesinato sin resolver.

18. USUARIO - Nombre no relacionado con ningún asesinato sin resolver.

31. 2 EN 1 HITCH: nombre no relacionado con ningún asesinato no resuelto.

41. CARPINTERO - Nombre no relacionado con ningún asesinato no resuelto.

43. MC DUMP HB SHORT - Nombre no relacionado con ningún asesinato no resuelto.

47. OXNARD - Nombre no relacionado con ningún asesinato sin resolver. (el último antes del grupo de portland que comenzó en julio de 1980)

55. MC PLANTS - Nombre no relacionado con ningún asesinato no resuelto. (Justo después de que los primos de Michigan también pudieran estar en Michigan)

58. INGLATERRA - Nombre no relacionado con ningún asesinato sin resolver.

59. ACEITE - Nombre no relacionado con ningún asesinato sin resolver.

61. LO QUE TIENES - Nombre no relacionado con ningún asesinato no resuelto.

HOLA, creo que "Inglaterra" podría ser Keith Anthony Jackson, que vino de Inglaterra a California durante sus vacaciones.
5348DMCA - Keith Anthony Jackson
The Doe Network: 2475UMCA
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I notice that that list includes a whole bunch of entries that aren't matched to either a UID or a known murder. 14 incidents, 16 people.

2. ANGEL--Name unconnected to any unsolved murder. (late 1971 through 1972)

4. HARI KARI--Name unconnected to any unsolved murder.

6. MARINE DOWN--Name unconnected to any unsolved murder.

7. VAN DRIVEWAY--Name unconnected to any unsolved murder.

8. 2 IN 1 MV TO PL--Name unconnected to any unsolved murder(s).

12. LB MARINA--Name unconnected to any unsolved murder.

14. DIABETIC--Name unconnected to any unsolved murder.

16. PORTLAND--Name unconnected to any unsolved murder.

17. NAVY WHITE--Name unconnected to any unsolved murder.

18. USER--Name unconnected to any unsolved murder.

31. 2 IN 1 HITCH--Name unconnected to any unsolved murder(s).

41. CARPENTER--Name unconnected to any unsolved murder.

43. MC DUMP HB SHORT--Name unconnected to any unsolved murder.

47. OXNARD--Name unconnected to any unsolved murder. (last one bfore the portland bunch that started in July 1980)

55. MC PLANTS--Name unconnected to any unsolved murder. (right after the Michigan cousins so might be in Michigan also)

58. ENGLAND--Name unconnected to any unsolved murder.

59. OIL--Name unconnected to any unsolved murder.

61. WHAT YOU GOT--Name unconnected to any unsolved murder.

HELLO, I think "England" could be Keith Anthony Jackson who came from England to California to spend a vacation.
5348DMCA - Keith Anthony Jackson
The Doe Network: 2475UMCA
Hola, creo que "INGLATERRA" podría ser Keith Anthony Jackson, que vino de Inglaterra a California para pasar unas vacaciones ...
5348DMCA - Keith Anthony Jackson
La Red Doe: 2475UMCA

¡Bienvenidos a Webslueths, Ivonne! Jackson suena como un posible candidato para la entrada, ¡debe contactar a los investigadores con esta información!

Déjame ir a través de NamUs y ver si algún cuerpo coincide con su descripción.
Do we know if the scorecard is in exact chronological order?
I recently found this man and the MO is VERY similar to Kraft, but the only problem is that he was found in January 1971. 868UMCA
The UID's ties to Santeria make me think he might be 'Hari Kari'?
Do we know if the scorecard is in exact chronological order?
I recently found this man and the MO is VERY similar to Kraft, but the only problem is that he was found in January 1971. 868UMCA
The UID's ties to Santeria make me think he might be 'Hari Kari'?

There's evidence to suggest that the list isn't in complete chronological order based off the portions of the list that have been positively identified, and it could have been well after Wayne Dukette that he chose to write his list and scrambled to arrange his victims in an order that he remembered.

But nonetheless, this is a very interesting finding to note! The vague condition of the body is puzzling to note, but I wonder if there can be parallels or precursor of sorts drawn to Kraft's later M.O.
Do we know if the scorecard is in exact chronological order?
I recently found this man and the MO is VERY similar to Kraft, but the only problem is that he was found in January 1971. 868UMCA
The UID's ties to Santeria make me think he might be 'Hari Kari'?

I was just gonna post 868UMCA on this thread! I frequent the Unidentified Wiki and I added his case there a few days ago (I'm known as Angrycommuter1999 on there). I first learned about this particular John Doe case six years ago, and it always interested me, but there's so little information.

Someone else pointed out the connection in the comments section of his page, and I was unconvinced at first, but after doing some research on Kraft, I was shocked at some of the similarities between this Doe and some of his confirmed victims.

As I said on there, I think it's just as possible that this unidentified person died at the hands of close affiliates rather than a random serial killer. Dismemberment and cutting off hands aren't uncommon methods used to hinder identification, but the location and age of the victim definitely have me wondering.
I was just gonna post 868UMCA on this thread! I frequent the Unidentified Wiki and I added his case there a few days ago (I'm known as Angrycommuter1999 on there). I first learned about this particular John Doe case six years ago, and it always interested me, but there's so little information.

Someone else pointed out the connection in the comments section of his page, and I was unconvinced at first, but after doing some research on Kraft, I was shocked at some of the similarities between this Doe and some of his confirmed victims.

As I said on there, I think it's just as possible that this unidentified person died at the hands of close affiliates rather than a random serial killer. Dismemberment and cutting off hands aren't uncommon methods used to hinder identification, but the location and age of the victim definitely have me wondering.

Gosh, I frequent the Unidentified Wiki as well! I just came across the comments section of the John Doe as well and saw your comment, and it is interesting to note whether or not the victim is attributable to either Kraft or Kearney. It makes you realize how horrifying the situation was back then in California with so many offenders active.

Even if the person is a victim of Kraft, it might be interesting to see if he connects with another entry on the scorecard. "Angel" is the first unattributed entry on the list, not only succeeding Dukette's murder, but is also close to the time period which he was killed. Since the victim is believed to be Hispanic, could it be possible that Randy knew he was of such descendent and gave him that nickname? It is food for thought.
The National Missing and Unidentified Persons System (NamUs)
The National Missing and Unidentified Persons System (NamUs)

Has anyone looked into these yet?

Similar to the Newhall John Doe case, I learned of the first case (10639) via Unidentified Wiki, where a Randy Kraft connection was hypothesized by someone else once again.

In doing my research for 10639, I stumbled upon a thread on here where the second victim (10640) was mentioned.

They were both found at the same address near a lighthouse roughly three years apart. Both victims were dismembered in a similar fashion (only torso and legs/parts of legs found).

The only problem is that they seem very young. The child found in 1975 was only 7 or 8. The second victim could have been as old as 20, according to his NamUS profile, but he is listed as being a "preadolescent".


A third set of dismembered remains was found in early 1974. These remains were found in a different location only about six miles away from the others and are believed to have belonged to someone significantly older than the first two that I mentioned.

The National Missing and Unidentified Persons System (NamUs)
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I was just gonna post 868UMCA on this thread! I frequent the Unidentified Wiki and I added his case there a few days ago (I'm known as Angrycommuter1999 on there). I first learned about this particular John Doe case six years ago, and it always interested me, but there's so little information.

Someone else pointed out the connection in the comments section of his page, and I was unconvinced at first, but after doing some research on Kraft, I was shocked at some of the similarities between this Doe and some of his confirmed victims.

As I said on there, I think it's just as possible that this unidentified person died at the hands of close affiliates rather than a random serial killer. Dismemberment and cutting off hands aren't uncommon methods used to hinder identification, but the location and age of the victim definitely have me wondering.

Oh my gosh, hello! I'm Maiwynne on the UID wiki. I think I saw your comment on there. I was the one who brought it up on the wiki, so I'm glad my theory is getting some attention.
The National Missing and Unidentified Persons System (NamUs)
The National Missing and Unidentified Persons System (NamUs)

Has anyone looked into these yet?

Similar to the Newhall John Doe case, I learned of the first case (10639) via Unidentified Wiki, where a Randy Kraft connection was hypothesized by someone else once again.

In doing my research for 10639, I stumbled upon a thread on here where the second victim (10640) was mentioned.

They were both found at the same address near a lighthouse roughly three years apart. Both victims were dismembered in a similar fashion (only torso and legs/parts of legs found).

The only problem is that they seem very young. The child found in 1975 was only 7 or 8. The second victim could have been as old as 20, according to his NamUS profile, but he is listed as being a "preadolescent".

I was the one who submitted the young boy to the wiki, and I posted about him a few pages ago on here. I feel like it's very likely he's a Kearney victim since he tended to go after younger children, but he could have been killed by Kraft as well.
Any ideas to who he might be on the scorecard?
I've wondered if Larry Dean Williams might have been a Randy Kraft victim.


He was known to be a frequent hitchhiker. Kraft operated in the Long Beach/Orange County areas and many of his victims were hitchhikers.

The above link does not take you to his file any longer. Go here instead.

Larry Dean Williams – The Charley Project

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