CA Ca - Victoria Tatro, 24, Eureka, 1 Aug 2014

DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
I got an email from the Doe Network rep saying Victoria has not been compared to the UID before so their panel will take a look at it and notify me if there is a match. I assume that if she isn’t a match her name will show up as “ruled out” on the UID’s NamUS page. I’m not sure how long the process takes, but Victoria’s strong NamUS profile should help it go faster. This is why families need to submit DNA and dentals (if available). It felt good to try to do something for Victoria. Thanks Dyakt for posting about the UID here!

So far, Victoria does not show up on the “ruled out” list for this UID. Maybe two months isn’t enough time to make a determination.
Hi all,
I’m one of Victoria’s Aunts. Thank you so much for your love and concern about my niece. Our family is devestated by her being missing and have spent years of time and heartache trying to find her and dealing with the indescribable pain of not knowing where she is. Tomorrow is her 28th birthday. I came across this website and thread today. I see that someone has submitted information to the San Mateo Investigators regarding a young woman’s body that was found in 2014? Would anyone who might have information please let me know. I also contacted the number listed for the Highway 9 case this evening. We had no knowledge of this case until tonight. Thank you very much again for caring about Victoria. We miss and love her deeply.
Hi all,
I’m one of Victoria’s Aunts. Thank you so much for your love and concern about my niece. Our family is devestated by her being missing and have spent years of time and heartache trying to find her and dealing with the indescribable pain of not knowing where she is. Tomorrow is her 28th birthday. I came across this website and thread today. I see that someone has submitted information to the San Mateo Investigators regarding a young woman’s body that was found in 2014? Would anyone who might have information please let me know. I also contacted the number listed for the Highway 9 case this evening. We had no knowledge of this case until tonight. Thank you very much again for caring about Victoria. We miss and love her deeply.

Welcome to Websleuths. I’m so sorry it’s under such sad circumstances. Victoria tugs at my heart and I hope her darling boys are OK. :heartbeat:

I submitted the information to the Doe Network. They try to match unidentified remains with missing people. This is a huge help to law enforcement. I haven’t been in touch with law enforcement (LE) directly and don’t have any further information about whether they think she might be a match. Be sure to read the thread here and check out links to get up to speed about what we know. I have to go out, but will check back in later to discuss more.
Hi again purpleavocado,
I hope you will stick around here. If you do, and want to share “inside information” you will need to go through a short, painless process to become a “verified insider” for Victoria’s case. Websleuths works hard to avoid passing along rumors, so our main sources of information are mainstream media (MSM) and insiders who are vetted by the administration here.

It might take a little longer than usual because Websleuths will be shut down on Monday and Tuesday while the site moves to a new platform.

Here is a section on resources for families of missing persons that you may find helpful.

I also like to post for families the advice for them from Dave Van Norman, former coroner in San Bernardino county. Bottom line...families must be proactive.

Please keep us posted. We may not be able to help you find Victoria, but we can certainly offer support.
The mugshot makes me so mad too as does the ascertion that she may have stolen money from someone given the likely source. How can the mugshot and statement be changed?
Hi Dyakt,
Thank you very much for your post.
I’m a relative of Victoria’s. Our whole family has been deeply torn up by her being missing and for all these years. Would you please tell me which of Victoria’s blouses you think looks similar to the example pictured because I don’t see one on her Facebook or in my personal photos of her. I just came across this site last night. I’d also very much like to get that awful mugshot changed—it doesn’t even look like her, and the statement that she might have stolen money removed. Do you know how I can do this? Thank you again.
The statement that she ‘might have stolen money from someone’ was unfortunately made by someone who is not to be outright trusted. Please all, in Victoria’s name and when she can’t defend herself, don’t assume this statement to be fact. Thank you very very much. 😊
Hi Dyakt,
Thank you very much for your post.
I’m a relative of Victoria’s. Our whole family has been deeply torn up by her being missing and for all these years. Would you please tell me which of Victoria’s blouses you think looks similar to the example pictured because I don’t see one on her Facebook or in my personal photos of her. I just came across this site last night. I’d also very much like to get that awful mugshot changed—it doesn’t even look like her, and the statement that she might have stolen money removed. Do you know how I can do this? Thank you again.
BBM (Bolded by me)

I can imagine it’s distressing to see a bad photo and unreliable information. Somehow the statement about stealing money got into the official NamUS file on Victoria. If it was the person who reported her missing, you would need to contact our sources, both NamUs and Charlie Project, and verify yourself as family in order to remove them. Or contact whoever submitted the information in the first place and ask to have them removed.

The statement that she ‘might have stolen money from someone’ was unfortunately made by someone who is not to be outright trusted. Please all, in Victoria’s name and when she can’t defend herself, don’t assume this statement to be fact. Thank you very very much. 

I don’t think anyone wants to believe that about her. The problem is that we have very little information about Victoria, so it would help if you could become a verified insider with Websleuths and give us more information. But until you’re verified we can’t put any extra weight at all on what you say, unfortunately, much as we’d like to. :( We can only go by official and mainstream media sources, or Victoria’s social media (SM), which aren’t always accurate, but it’s all we have. I’ve read statements about what may have happened to her on other people’s social media, but we can’t bring it here. Your input would be really helpful. Hugs. :heartbeat:
Hi Lilibet,
Thank you very much for your posts.
I sent an email to the appropriate email requesting to become verified re Victoria.
Thanks also for the photos of the blouse the person was referring too. I assumed that was the one though it’s not blue as the one Jane Doe was reported as wearing. But yes, it’s floral. Victoria definitely wore the same ‘plastic white ball’ earrings that the investigator write-up mentioned. However, those are pretty common earrings. Regarding removal of the alleged maybe having stolen money statement I will look further into how it can be removed. Thanks for info on a possible process. I greatly appreciate knowing that others care about her. She tried so hard to do well in life but was up against so much. I’m afraid the 3D model looks an awful lot like her, though it might not be her. She’s not taller than 5’ 4” and might have been/be a little shorter. Our family is trying to verify her exact height. Thank you again, and Happy Birthday Victoria wherever you are. We love and miss you very much.
Hi Lilibet,
Thank you very much for your posts.
I sent an email to the appropriate email requesting to become verified re Victoria.
Thanks also for the photos of the blouse the person was referring too. I assumed that was the one though it’s not blue as the one Jane Doe was reported as wearing. But yes, it’s floral. Victoria definitely wore the same ‘plastic white ball’ earrings that the investigator write-up mentioned. However, those are pretty common earrings. Regarding removal of the alleged maybe having stolen money statement I will look further into how it can be removed. Thanks for info on a possible process. I greatly appreciate knowing that others care about her. She tried so hard to do well in life but was up against so much. I’m afraid the 3D model looks an awful lot like her, though it might not be her. She’s not taller than 5’ 4” and might have been/be a little shorter. Our family is trying to verify her exact height. Thank you again, and Happy Birthday Victoria wherever you are. We love and miss you very much.

I’m so glad we could help a little bit and that you are trying to be verified. I hope you can get the photo and info removed. It’s really good to know that Victoria has family who care about her, as you obviously do. What drew me to her is that she always had plans and was optimistic, despite her apparent struggles. She didn’t give up. And she really loved her babies!
A quick suggestion, may want to find some local newspersons (T.V., radio, paper, newsblog) who can interview you about Victoria around August 1 on the fourth anniversary of her disappearance. Can’t hurt, might help. Although technically she’s not what we call mainstream media, Kym Kemp (Redheaded Blackbelt News Blog) does a fabulous job with local missing persons cases. She is very conscientious and compassionate. Because news sources in Humboldt County are spotty, you will see her quoted here on Humboldt County cases, along with other “news blog” sources that we don’t use in other areas.

Here is a beautiful passage Kym wrote in an article she posted in February about those missing in the Emerald Triangle, including Victoria:

“Long after the missing posters on those who have vanished have faded and blown away in the wind, some family members will keep vigil. Some will keep vigil silently–barely acknowledging out loud the loose thread that caught on their heart when their loved one vanished and which now threatens to unravel their life. Some will keep vigil by reaching out to the media or police or both on a regular basis, hoping even decades after their loss that they will get answers. They hope but, at the same time, they fear to know for sure that their loved one is dead.”
Welcome aboard, Purple!

I have requested that this thread be moved to the new Emerald Triangle Forum. The ET Forum was just established to encourage resolution of such cases as Victoria's.

Given your familiarity with Victoria, you can be extremely helpful, both in supplying information, and in weeding out the slipshod errors that creep into missing persons' cases.
Thank you Thank you Lilibet!
Burblestein, thank you!
How/where do I access the Emerald Triangle Forum?
Also, what I’d like is to get the statement, ‘she might have stolen money from someone’ changed to ‘she might have owed someone money’ which from my understanding based on communication with a direct source is the accurate statement. Allegations of owing money is very different than allegations of stealing money. Victoria also allegedly reported herself as being 5’ 4” but it’s also been stated by a direct source that she might have been 5’ 2”. I’m still looking into this but just expressing that the 5’ 4” height might be correct, but might be off a bit.
Thanks again for all who care for Victoria and all missing people and their families.
Lilbet, yes, Victoria was up against great hardship, emotionally and financially, yet despite all with which she struggled, she tried her very best to be positive and to overcome the different obstacles she faced. Her boys were a tremendous joy to her and she loved them dearly. Had she left Humboldt when she got herself clean I think this could have been a very different story than what all transpired An day might have transpired.
Thank you again all.
Thank you Thank you Lilibet!
Burblestein, thank you!
How/where do I access the Emerald Triangle Forum?
Also, what I’d like is to get the statement, ‘she might have stolen money from someone’ changed to ‘she might have owed someone money’ which from my understanding based on communication with a direct source is the accurate statement. Allegations of owing money is very different than allegations of stealing money. Victoria also allegedly reported herself as being 5’ 4” but it’s also been stated by a direct source that she might have been 5’ 2”. I’m still looking into this but just expressing that the 5’ 4” height might be correct, but might be off a bit.
Thanks again for all who care for Victoria and all missing people and their families.
Lilbet, yes, Victoria was up against great hardship, emotionally and financially, yet despite all with which she struggled, she tried her very best to be positive and to overcome the different obstacles she faced. Her boys were a tremendous joy to her and she loved them dearly. Had she left Humboldt when she got herself clean I think this could have been a very different story than what all transpired An day might have transpired.
Thank you again all.

Here is the link to the new Emerald Triangle forum, PurpleA (my favorite color and I love avocados!). :) Victoria probably won’t get there until at least Wednesday when the new software is up and running. Websleuths will be offline for about 48 hours starting Monday, so don’t panic! :eek:

There are a few things that need to be tweaked in the ET forum, like merging the two Humboldt County sections, but we’re working on it.

If you’ve done any reading in the Resources section I linked, you may see a suggestion to start a Facebook page for Victoria. Danielle Bertolini’s family has had a very active one and some of the inaccuracies can be publicly corrected on a page you start for Victoria. If nothing else, it keeps Victoria’s case public and creates ongoing awareness. Danelle’s Mom in Maine could be a big support to you. Have you talked to the Eureka police recently? They might be able to help fix the wording. It’s good to establish a relationship with them and let them know about the Saratoga possibility if you haven’t already.

Keep Websleuths open on your browser and you should be directed there when it reopens. Here’s the WS FB page so you can keep track of when the website will be back up. See you then! :seeya:
Thank you so much Lilibet for caring for Victoria and helping purpleavacado. I'm interested in this mp case. Is there any news? Thanks Romulus for bringing Victoria here. (for people who don't know, Romulus's mother tongue is not English and has to translate, so some things will appear my English sometimes fails)
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