One way on FB would be to go to a Los Angeles group.
We have a "Street News" group. It started as a response to toilet paper and grocery shortage. However, once the shortage was over, it turned into a whatever group. Missing people are featured along with every thing else. Lost and found etc. Many of the participants are lower income because many of the members made masks and sold them.
We also have a local "Do you remember" groups..Discussion consists mainly of venues, however crime cases also pop up. We had a cold case discussion of the 1976 murder of a wealthy woman and actually got somewhere. Our group is full of media people and local celebrities. (I quickly learned never bash a local celebrity because they were in the group..LOL) We had someone join the group searching for a friend that she hadn't seen since HS etc..
It may be worth posting in those types of groups, indicating where she likely lived and mention Tiny Naylors...This would be broader than a Tiny Naylors group...
I would hope that local LE would be aware of those groups because they are great ways to exchange information.
They may have "low riders" groups, "You know you are from Los Angeles" stuff like that. Lyra Jade's brows says that she is from Los Angeles.
I think our own Carl is from the Los Angeles area...(Hint, hint..wink wink)
VCJD has been featured in Mexican Genealogy groups. (I'm not Mexican, but I'm a member)