Cadbury Creme Egg debacle set to derail Easter

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A couple more (and n.b., again: when I started the thread it was more or less a passing fancy as, well, after all, Easter's a good 80+ days away [05 April this year]....but soon I was mentally calculating, as I live in a little rural area, how many miles separated me from a six-pack five-pack (boo-hoo!) of Cadbury Creme Eggs [0.8 mi.? 4.4 mi.? which little gas stop stocks these essentials??]. Yes, damn them, their addictive little season has come 'round again....):

Cadbury Creme Eggs Aren't Changing In America, Everybody Relax (Huffington Post)

Cadbury Creme Egg scandal: do they really taste any different? (Telegraph)
Whoever is doing the retouching over there is crap BTW, they keep making all the eggs look flat, and the one I posted up there ^^ looks all melted and weird at the top, just to add another gripe :)
Oh I am laughing so much!!

Especially at the gloriously tongue-in-cheek Guardian article linked above by wfgodot, which includes:

"There are already two differing Creme Eggs. There is the UK-manufactured flagship, a full 40g of chocolatey egg glory. Then there is its American, dear-god-hide-it-in-the-attic sibling, a wretched creature offering a mere 34g of satisfaction.

Creme Egg enthusiasts thought the UK version was safe, although we should have seen the alarm signs. It is Kraft at whose doorstep this controversy should really be laid. It was Kraft, an awful, immoral, US behemoth, that bought Cadbury, a smiley, cottage-industry, whistle-while-you-work British chocolate-maker in a hostile takeover that created public outcry.

We should have seen the alarm signs. But we were high on Dairy Milk chocolate and and whatever it is that goes into the cream/creme that forms the centre of a Cadbury Creme Egg. We had our egg and we were eating it. We were safe, we thought, as we greedily wolfed down Creme Egg after Creme Egg, laughing maniacally.

Oh how wrong we were

Brilliant! :hilarious:
Just heard the breaking news on Sky News UK Kraft are cutting 200 jobs at the Cadbury factory in the UK I'm sorry for all the people who are going to be made unemployed. This wont help public relations for Cadbury in the UK after the uproar about the creme eggs.
In the words of our Queen Victoria: we are not amused.

I have yet to try one, has anyone else?!
all I can say is Bwwaaaaaaaaaaaakkkkk! Bwwaaaaaaaaaaaakkkkk! Bwwaaaaaaaaaaaakkkkk!
Well. I have had one. I could tell the difference, though how much of this is because I KNEW, I don't know. Seemed texture was different, Dairy Milk definitely has a unique taste/texture. Would I have known if they hadn't confessed? I think so.

They are still lovely. But I still think it's wrong!

(PS my kids were disappointed there was no toy inside)
Do not get me started on Kraft foods. I have GERD and changes to the preparation on nearly all their products have made most of them inedible for me. Many of their salad dressings now include cayenne pepper.
I'm eating Terry's Chocolate Orange this Easter instead.
May be hijacking, but just gotta tack on my own still-seething Easter candy complaint: Anybody else have fond memories of Ruissell Stover's Chocolate Nests... as they USED to be? It was chocolate (you could also get a green-tinted version -- maybe colored white chocolate or mint -- those were not my faves, but were OK) and coconut, artfully formed into little birdnest shapes, with the chocolate and the crunchy coconut (toasted, I reckon) mingling but each retaining individuality. And in the center were three or four petite jellybeans! They were wonderful! We looked forward to them every year, number one Easter candy for my daughter and me.

Then -- the change. For starters, the little jelly bean eggs were done away with -- so, an empty nest...? Well, OK, we could have lived with that -- but the NEST itself was transformed into a hard. molded chocolate chunky blob. The true "nest" look is gone, the coconut is just hard-pressed in and almost tasteless (if indeed it is still in there at all) -- just awful. A travesty. This change occurred a few years ago and it STILL upsets me!

ETA: Here's some coverage of when the jellybeans were taken away BUT the nests pictured here are as they should be ... not the horrible chunks that came next:

And here's somebody else who was disturbed by the changes speaking his/her mind (first review):
I just heard a rumor that the version of the Cadbury Eggs for us Americans will contain a bullet inside the creme area as a little bonus (a la Cracker Jax with their beloved prize at the bottom of the box)---you know, 'cause that's how we roll over here!



This is a tragedy the President, congress even the U.N needs to get involved and there should be mass demonstrations and petitions across the U.S.A. If my Boosts and Double Deckers were banned here I'd be forced to immigrate and urgently flee my homeland. I can't stand Hershey chocolate it's tasteless muck. I think Mrs G Norris has the right idea and we should all eat Terry's chocolate oranges this year. The shops are full of Easter stuff here now I don't think the stores should stock anything till lent starts but what do I know. Easter isn't that far away now.

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