Can Casey benefit from therapy?

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Jun 19, 2011
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TMZ is reporting that Casey won't do any interviews until she has had some treatment to deal with issues related to:

1. inappropriate behavior when Caylee was "missing"

2. mourning the death of Caylee

3. the effects of solitary confinement

Do you think this is true, and if it is, can Casey benefit, since it is believed that sociopaths and psychopaths cannot be "cured"?

Or is this just another scam?
TMZ is reporting that Casey won't do any interviews until she has had some treatment to deal with issues related to:

1. inappropriate behavior when Caylee was "missing"

2. mourning the death of Caylee

3. the effects of solitary confinement

Do you think this is true, and if it is, can Casey benefit, since it is believed that sociopaths and psychopaths cannot be "cured"?

Or is this just another scam?

If you mean can she benefit in any kind of therapeutic way, no. Can she benefit from being out of the public eye for a time, while things cool off, and her representatives drum up more potential interview (since the first ones didn't work out), and work on her image rehab at the same time? Yes.

Me thinks the media is afraid to touch Ms. Anthony for fear of the boycott backlash. She has to be rehabilitated before anyone can touch her. Our very forgiving society loves a comeback story and if KC were to go through therapy and come through as contrite and reborn, perhaps society will forgive her, or so they think.

Is it a scam? I won't go so far as to say it's a scam, but I do think it's a necessary process for Ms. Anthony to complete before she is bankable. Will the public fall for it? Oh I really hope not. Some of us will never forget and personally, I'm not interested in anything she has to say.
I believe if a person truly wants help it could possibly work, depending what the diagnosis. Having said that she has had psych evaluations in the beginning and towards the end of the trial and was said to be normal. Guess that would depend on your definition of normal. If her DF or DRs felt something was wrong with her she could of began therapy in jail. Why now???? It is my opinion this is another stall tactic, plan, manipulation of the public. Things are not going as planned for FCA and JB. To add to that, the only reason in my opinion that this statement of her getting help now is because of the public backlash thwarting their money making plans. MOO
I believe if a person truly wants help it could possibly work, depending what the diagnosis. Having said that she has had psych evaluations in the beginning and towards the end of the trial and was said to be normal. Guess that would depend on your definition of normal. If her DF or DRs felt something was wrong with her she could of began therapy in jail. Why now???? It is my opinion this is another stall tactic, plan, manipulation of the public. Things are not going as planned for FCA and JB.

I think it would take years of therapy to help KC. As for the psych evaluations coming back normal, was that said? Or did they say she didn't show any signs of mental illness? And would a personality disorder be different from mental illness? Perhaps some of our psych experts will weigh in because I'm not a psych expert and I'm certainly not a chemist.
I think it would take years of therapy to help KC. As for the psych evaluations coming back normal, was that said? Or did they say she didn't show any signs of mental illness? And would a personality disorder be different from mental illness? Perhaps some of our psych experts will weigh in because I'm not a psych expert and I'm certainly not a chemist.

I believe you are correct. I am not a psychologist either nor have I had any schooling on it except for here. Some post lead me to very interesting articles. I would be interested to have a professional weigh in here.
The only thing I can say for sure is she is one screwed up woman.
Most therapist I have seen are crazier than their clients. No, Casey does not need a therapy, she needs to get off her lazy butt and get a job and do something worthwhile with her life. Now that her chid is gone, she will have the time to get an education and do something in society that is positive. So pose for the magazine, take the money and pay for an education, stay away from Cindy and thank your lucky star because you are one lucky individual.
To benefit from therapy, first there has to be truth. So, until she starts telling the truth, she will not benefit from any therapy of any kind.
Although, she may feel somewhat happier with herself if she makes people believe therapy helped her.

As for me, I'll never believe she's changed in any way, until she tells the truth.
I like the therapy idea. I like the idea that Casey won't be able to appear in public until she's "rehabilitated." I like the fact that the defense team will have to keep laying out resources to support and protect her, as well as foot the bill for this "therapy", for a long time before they can even start to get anything back. The best they can hope for is that the new improved Casey Anthony will be a best seller, but I don't think the public is that naive. I don't think anyone wants to hear anything from her but the truth of what happened to Caylee Marie.
TMZ is reporting that Casey won't do any interviews until she has had some treatment to deal with issues related to:

1. inappropriate behavior when Caylee was "missing" And the inappropriate behavior since she was released. Shopping for $1 mil deals to tell her side of the story...cough, cough

2. mourning the death of Caylee She seemed to be dealing with Caylee's death fine according to her jailhouse letters to Cookie.

3. the effects of solitary confinement KC had more attention in solitary than any prisoner in the jailhouse. Checkout her visitor's list. She had mitigation people, attorneys, experts, etc. KC was anything but lonely.

Do you think this is true, and if it is, can Casey benefit, since it is believed that sociopaths and psychopaths cannot be "cured"?

Or is this just another scam?

She is a sociopath IMO and on top of that has a big secret. If there was a therapist who could raise her reality, make the world around her more real, and be safe enough to talk to, progress could be made. A very long road, and full of thorns. She would need to be honest, and her evil motives would need to be confronted eventually. That is a long shot and with her particularly so. She lives in a very unsafe world. This makes the job that much tougher for the therapist. The odds of all these points coming together for her are unlikely indeed.

The reality is that they are following advice on how to improve her image, so this is about money. NBC or another network may have said to say this.

Scam, no one cares long term about Casey. All of her lawyers want to make their money and then drop her like a hot potato. Cindy is probably the only one who cares about her.
Really, why would they let her booze it up if they were concerned about her mental health. Her $$$ worth is dropping and they want to deflect attention from that.
Unfortunately if she continues on with lying to the public and herself she will never be free.
To benefit from therapy, first there has to be truth. So, until she starts telling the truth, she will not benefit from any therapy of any kind.
Although, she my feel somewhat happier with herself if she makes people believe therapy helped her.

As for me, I'll never believe she's changed in any way, until she tells the truth.

How would one know she was telling the real truth when or IF that were to ever happen?
How would one know she was telling the real truth when or IF that were to ever happen?

We wouldn't. She has told so many lies that anything that came out of her mouth would be viewed with suspicion.
We already know there is nothing mentally wrong with KC. She lies constantly. She has an uncontrollable anger which we have witnessed in the courtroom and on the tapes.
Through tapes and interviews, we know that her parents walked on egg shells around her to keep her anger in check, yet denied any anger issues.
After the confrontation with CA that Sunday, KC's temper was out of control and the resulting rage was lashed against little Caylee ending her life.

I think the DT have now seen the real side of KC and believe she needs to have something done to help her learn to control her anger.
I hate to tell them it's not going to do any good though.

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