Can Casey benefit from therapy?

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Sociopathy cannot be cured. And the time to grieve Caylle's death was right after she killed her. I don't buy any of the BS and I couldn't care less about anything the twisted dwarf has to say.
No ...

A "leopard" cannot change his spots ...

A "zebra" cannot change his stripes ...

No ...

I think its the only way society will accept her back. And I think it has to be long-term. None of that 30 day BS (especially since we got the 31 days thing looming over her head). She has to be in a real facility too - no BS Lindsey Lohan Passages Malibu crap either. She needs a recovery ranch of some sort where she learns the simplest concepts of life like working hard building a fence for the animals type therapy....etc. She probably will never be honest so anything she does will only help marginally but at least she may learn to appropriately behave in society.
How would one know she was telling the real truth when or IF that were to ever happen?

Well, I've always said I'll know the truth when I hear it. But, truthfully, I'm so adjusted to believe everything she says is a lie.
I'm not so sure even Casey knows when she's telling the truth. Woven webs.
Malignant Narcissist, Sociopath = No cure.

She is what she is. You cannot teach someone EMPATHY. All therapy will do for her is make her more devious, more dangerous. She will manipulate the therapists and use the sessions to further her own agenda's.

Her lawyers are now spending a lot of time with her. They are mistaking *mental illness* with frightening psychopathic behavior. I do hope they realise NONE of them are safe from her.

They best cut this albatross loose before it turns around and tries to peck their eyes out.
Malignant Narcissist, Sociopath = No cure.

She is what she is. You cannot teach someone EMPATHY. All therapy will do for her is make her more devious, more dangerous. She will manipulate the therapists and use the sessions to further her own agenda's.

Her lawyers are now spending a lot of time with her. They are mistaking *mental illness* with frightening psychopathic behavior. I do hope they realise NONE of them are safe from her.

They best cut this albatross loose before it turns around and tries to peck their eyes out.

Makes you wonder if she is acting out and they are frightened for themselves now.
Did they not get the offers they expected? So now it's PR time in an attempt to scam the public into thinking she is getting help. They want us to see her as a victim of her mind. She murdered an innocent little girl and didn't have a care in the world. Doesn't look as though she needs any help but she sure does wants a lot of money. MOO
She is a sociopath IMO and on top of that has a big secret. If there was a therapist who could raise her reality, make the world around her more real, and be safe enough to talk to, progress could be made. <snipped for brevity>

HatesSociopaths - you seem to have some background or expertise in this. So, do you think sociopathy like hers can really be addressed in therapy? What do you think of the idea that empathy can't be taught or created in someone who doesn't have it? Do you think that the need to cover the lies stamps out the empathy, or that the lack of empathy underlies all the other behaviors including the lies?

Just curious....
I like the therapy idea. I like the idea that Casey won't be able to appear in public until she's "rehabilitated." I like the fact that the defense team will have to keep laying out resources to support and protect her, as well as foot the bill for this "therapy", for a long time before they can even start to get anything back. The best they can hope for is that the new improved Casey Anthony will be a best seller, but I don't think the public is that naive. I don't think anyone wants to hear anything from her but the truth of what happened to Caylee Marie.

The old saying, "Fool me once, shame on you, fool me twice, shame on me."
I don't buy it for a minute either and I think it's rather laughable that the DT is stuck with her now. It will cost them an arm and a leg (probably literally, LOL) and she still will not be an asset. So suffer now all of you lying, deceitful players. You can't have buyer's remorse now. :loser:
Did they not get the offers they expected? So now it's PR time in an attempt to scam the public into thinking she is getting help. They want us to see her as a victim of her mind. She murdered an innocent little girl and didn't have a care in the world. Doesn't look as though she needs any help but she sure does wants a lot of money. MOO

When the best offer around comes in from Larry Flynn, what does that say about FCA and her team? Baez is drowning in debt and CM's wife's friends have departed. Soon the rest of the team will tire of supporting her lazy *advertiser censored*&. :floorlaugh:
Sociopathy cannot be cured. And the time to grieve Caylle's death was right after she killed her. I don't buy any of the BS and I couldn't care less about anything the twisted dwarf has to say.

My thoughts exactly!
HatesSociopaths - you seem to have some background or expertise in this. So, do you think sociopathy like hers can really be addressed in therapy? What do you think of the idea that empathy can't be taught or created in someone who doesn't have it? Do you think that the need to cover the lies stamps out the empathy, or that the lack of empathy underlies all the other behaviors including the lies?

Just curious....

I know you didn't address this to me, but IMO empathy...TRUE empathy cannot be taught to a person who does not have it. They can MIMIC it, to get what they need/want, but they genuinely dont feel it.
I had also read this on that site and's my replies to what this article is implying :

1) OK...NOW We're back to the poor pitiful Casey, her daughter went "missing"...her daughter "supposedly" drowned and she knew darn well right where she double bagged and threw Caylee away like a supposed "family pet"...desecration of a corpse???
TOTAL BS and lies, AGAIN spewing from her "handlers" mouth...since Casey supposedly treated Caylee's body like an animal...Casey deserves to be considered a "b*tch"...female dog...LOL
What infuriates me even MORE...the fact that she was portrayed as a "party girl" during the 31 days, when we all KNOW she was behaving that way BEFORE the 31 days...Anything But Clothes when she has a girl bending over in front of her, etc.
We also KNOW her lying and stealing didn't only start during those 31 how can they even SAY with a straight face she needs help for her behavior during those 31 days???

2)She had 3 years to "mourn" what she did to her child...AND, murderers usually don't NEED to mourn if they aren't going to tell the truth and owe up to their crime....most murders will accept responsibility, help authority's find the body and are mostly repentant. So, in essence, the psych is gonna teach her to "act" like America THINKS she should act when mourning.....but, we will NOT see any repentance and acceptance of her crime from Casey Anthony.

3) "Solitary confinement"???? She was in "protective custody"....we ALL would have been more than happy to see her in gen pop....she wrote to Robyn about people yelling things at her when the passed her cell....multiply that by a million and THAT'S what being out in gen pop would be....sad to say, maybe not too sad, but she may not have lived long enough to even BE on trial!!

All I can say is this is a "pity party" for try to bring out things her handlers think would garner sympathy from the give her something to talk about during her future interviews..."look what "I've" gone thru....."I'm" a victim here, too"....
Oh, carp, just when I think I'm out, they pull me back in again.
Yes, she will benefit from therapy just as politicians benefit from therapy.

She will convince many that she has now been cured, is a different person, is oh-so-very-sorry for the past ... but NOW (let's all sing in unison):

..We Must Move On
..We Must Move Forward
..Today is the First Day of the Rest of Your Life
..We Must Let Bygones be Bygones
..We Can't Live in the Past
..Before I Ask Others To Forgive Me, I Had To Learn to Forgive Myself

And with the inconvenient business of rehabilitation finished, let's get back to those monetary offers.

(Hmmm, too bad the title, "If I Did It" is already taken.)
I couldn't care less if therapy would help or not help. I personally think that KC's days in the spotlight are coming to a quick end. The other A's as well, and not a moment too soon. The media now has to drop it and stop cramming down our throats the latest rehash of KC, A's and DT news. They should bury it fast and give us a break.
Just another thought...TMZ is where her handlers have chosen to share info about their plans for Casey????
A glorified gossip site?? Is this the ONLY place that's left to keep her story out there??
Because putting her updates there gets public idignation = more hits = more $$
(or so I think that's how these sites work???)
I will lose this case but get $$$ rich. - WRONG!!!

Oh well! I won the case! I am a genius. - WRONG!!!

Casey is now worth millions in income money. - WRONG!!!

I am going to be the most $$$ highest paid TV analyst ever. - WRONG!!!

Casey can be rehabilitated in the pubic eye with some BS therapy! - WRONG!!!

Casey is not dangerous. - WRONG!!!

JB needs brain therapy for wrongitis. RIGHT!!!
years back i worked as an asistant to lcsw. she dealt with multiple personality, sex abuse, death, satanic cult survivors. i saw a lot. never anyone like casey. because of therapist- client confidential even if casey told a new story it could not be public. to find a therapist who can work with her honestly with no issues of their own towards her would be a miracle. transference issues would be not an issue- who can relate to her truly-lol. scary if a therapist said to her-- i felt the same once-lol.

three years she could have had some therapy in jail. she could have got her GED. perhaps she did not bother because she was told you will have some more years in jail if not death penalty, SURPRISE- shes out free. who would have thought? - not even her lawyers i bet!

if casey could sit down and be honest with someone to discuss--- why am i able to lie so quick and well? why do i hate my mom? why do i not react with true emotions and what are my true emotions? why did i not know how much my child needed me to love her? we could have a therapy session worth the time.

i do not know how the angry icon got on- i did not want it on
Well, I'm here to say I think she is going to need therapy!

Here we have a sociopath who assumed she would exit from jail victorious, a winner who was declared not guilty, to have offer after offer to speak about "her experiences" and to be a star, the centre of attention. She expected to be the one in the long limo, with flashbulbs going off - the darling of the press.

I'm pretty sure she was planning her look, what she would wear, who would want to talk to her - wow - even Howard Stern! More crowds, not jeering but cheering, more helicopters circling! What fun, what excitement! And enough money to keep her on easy street for the rest of her life!

Instead she finds herself the most hated person in America. Doomed to always be accused, assumed guilty, fearing for her safety, needing to hide, with any number of judgements waiting, debts mounting, and no "safe harbour" for the rest of her life. Waiting for offers none of the big networks dare make for fear of the public backlash.

Yup, it will take some 'splaining by a professional to get her to begin to understand what her life will be like forever forward from day one that FCA was rewarded her freedom.

So, Ms Anthony, how's the real world looking to you now?

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