Can Casey benefit from therapy?

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Therapy only helps those who acknowledge there is something wrong with them. If they feel they are normal, they will not benefit. I also do not think there is any help for a Sociopath, which I really think she is. I know there are the "experts" who are on TV stating she needs this help because she has been locked up alone for nearly 3 years, well there are many others who have walked in her shoes, I don't see anyone fighting for their rights for therapy, nor do I see anyone stepping up to bat to offer them free help either.. what makes her special :maddening:

I also believe that in the State of Fl, if you are currently in an in-patient mental facility or rehab center, you normally cannot be removed and taken to court.. hmmmm is this why all of a sudden Baez is stating she is seeking this now...????????? Instead of when she was wisked away that night??????
The only benefit Casey will get from therapy is if she can use it as an excuse to avoid a deposition or returning to Orange county for probation.
I don't think she should. There are plenty of people who could use the help and would do real work to improve...seems pointless to have a spot taken up by her just so she can elevate her image.

uh, i don't think she would be "taking therapy" from someone else. i don't think there is one single poor soul that isn't going to get therapy because casey is going to a therapist. sorry, i don't think that's how this kind of thing works. jmo of course ;)
Well it's a waste of resources imo. You can't just send someone to therapy to be "fixed" like a car is sent to a mechanic. She would have to want to work at whatever her issues are. That just isn't going to happen imo

and you are very entitled to that opinion :) but based on the information i have, i cannot make that assessment.
In light of the recent news that KC may be at The Menninger Clinic I thought a thread with some info was appropriate.


Comprehensive Psychiatric
Assessment & Stabilization—inpatient $1,800/day▫
2-3 weeks't imagine 1800 dollars a day and 3 weeks of therapy would make a difference in Ms Anthony./Preadmissions_brochure.pdf

Preadmissions booklet.

I can't imagine 3 weeks of therapy would help MS, Anthony. Who is footing that bill?
no, i do not believe FCA will benefit from therapy because I don't think she believes anything is wrong with her.

If she is in therapy (which I still highly doubt), I think it's a ploy. As the poster a few posts above me stated so well, she will probably learn all kinds of things about herself, most of which she had no recollection of, and this is where the big money interview will come into play a few months from now...

Therapy = breakthrough = more information = more interview money = me :sick:
Well let's see.............would therapy help Andrea Yates? Manson? Susan Smith?

Carp just absolute freakin carp to delay going back to OC........THIS maneuver is going to really stoke the flames of ire for her!!!
Hmmmmmm Brett Favre spent time at the Menninger Clinic. He was represented by Roy Black. Didn't Roy Black represent someone in this case??? Was it Laura B.?
Hmmmmmm Brett Favre spent time at the Menninger Clinic. He was represented by Roy Black. Didn't Roy Black represent someone in this case??? Was it Laura B.?

No.....when the media got wind that there was a new attorney coming on board (over a weekend, mind you), there was HUGE local media speculation that the new attorney was going to be Roy Black....but alas, it was either Sims or Finnell....can't recall which....but think it was Sims......when she did her infamous "I have never own a TV' speech during presser at Baez' news conference with new tacky cardboard wall plaque....:floorlaugh:
Based on my own experiences with therapy - it CAN NOT work if the patient is not fully willing to open themselves to face their own dishonesty and crooked thinking. I doubt it would be very beneficial for FCA. Great if it does work but not likely. ALSO, depends on the therapist and the group dynamics. I sometimes feel that celebrities are not receiving the in-treatment and therapy that I and many other regular folks do. They get the abbreviated "off the hook" version IMO.

By the way, The Menninger Foundation was located a short distance from my home before they moved from Topeka to Texas. One of the Menninger Brothers was my neighbor until a few years ago when he & his lovely wife moved to an assisted living facility. I miss seeing them everyday. (Sorry to rattle on.)
Malignant Narcissist, Sociopath = No cure.

She is what she is. You cannot teach someone EMPATHY. All therapy will do for her is make her more devious, more dangerous. She will manipulate the therapists and use the sessions to further her own agenda's.

Her lawyers are now spending a lot of time with her. They are mistaking *mental illness* with frightening psychopathic behavior. I do hope they realise NONE of them are safe from her.

They best cut this albatross loose before it turns around and tries to peck their eyes out.

:clap: :clap: :clap:
Post of the year!
I've a question. Apologies if this has been asked before.

Since this case was so high profile, what are the odds that a therapist (in the US) has never heard of this case?

Let's imagine there's a therapist (or two, somewhere in the US) who believes her drowning story and other lies. Ok, that's really hard to imagine, and not a therapist I want any of my people seeing. You can see where this is going, right? This therapist will be of zero help, except to allow her to fake cry and 'get it all out', and grieve until she saves her imaginary soul.

Then there's the group who knows and understands she's the queen of lies, and doesn't believe a word she says, including that surprise drowning. Let's say she gets one of these doctors. Considering they have never-tell oaths to live by, will Casey spill her guts, then laugh in the face of justice (yeah, I know)?
Or will she continue to try and convince a specialist that she's telling the truth?

I think either way, we'll never know if she does tell the truth, because no one's allowed to talk if she does come clean. Is it a catch-22 for spectators?
everything below is just my personal opinion.....

She cannot be helped unless she first, wants the help and second, tells the truth.

Therapy can be beneficial, but you must get to the core.

Sadly, I do not think that she thinks that anything is wrong with her. I don't think that she is depressed or anxious or suffers from BPD or bipolar disorder or schizophrenia, etc.

She only cares about herself and her livelihood.

Now she may be squirming because she is hindered in her "freedom" and knows that her chances of making friends to socialize with and manipulate are pretty much nil. She is completely alone and this is her "issue."

Now, if she was committed (rumor has it that she is at Menninger Clinic), she will have access to people and therapists (now she can make friends!!!) and be able to walk the grounds under the protection of the clinic. (I checked the Menninger website, amongst many amenities, they boast of their security and privacy).

This is a stall tactic. This is another manipulation to avoid returning to Florida. This is her chance to reconnect with her family (that she desperately NEEDS now)....

Again, this is just my opinion. She may not be at Menningers Clinic or any clinic. This may just simply be a rumor to sidetrack people while they fly her back to Florida.............

But, if she is...........
The only people that benefit from therapy, or even any kind of help, are the ones that want to make changes for themselves. They also have to realize what they have done, not blame it on others.

KC is a common criminal that accelerated from lier, thief, to murderer rather rapidly. I'm not saying some criminals can't change, they can if they want to. I'm just saying most don't. With this rapid shift from simple crime to the most heinous, I am not counting on it.
The only people that benefit from therapy, or even any kind of help, are the ones that want to make changes for themselves. They also have to realize what they have done, not blame it on others.

KC is a common criminal that accelerated from lier, thief, to murderer rather rapidly. I'm not saying some criminals can't change, they can if they want to. I'm just saying most don't. With this rapid shift from simple crime to the most heinous, I am not counting on it.

To this day she will not admit she has done anything wrong. The whole story of the drowning left her without any part in the responsibility with the exception of her having regrets for not going against her father's wishes and calling 911. jmo
Here’s what I am wondering. If this MC thing is something contrived by her defense team so she can come out on the other side “cured”....and hence bigger bucks for the interview.

Or if after being released and after being able to spend quantitative time with FCA....they all realized she was truly NUTZO.....Like...psycho-music-playing-in-their-heads kind of realized “Oh crap...who let this monster out?”

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