Can we tell when RC is lying now? Armchair eye analysis

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After watching all the videos of Ron I could find, I think he is high in most of them....

Misty too..

all in my own opinion..

You may be right, and since he was always high it is a waste of time trying to use the eye-movement lie detector on Ron. High=inaccurate result.

This might be used with some success on TN and GMS and some others though.
I did some further checking on eye movements because I wanted to find more on excessive blinking. I found several sites that address this.

Additional cues to look for in eyes during a lie may include:
- avoiding direct eye contact
- excessive blinking
- eyes shifting towards their upper left

Emeralgem posted this video link previously:

That video has Ronald speaking in full sentences in response to NG questions about why the divorce. I believe it is from the same show where NG told Ron that she doesn't believe him.

If you watch the vid from around the 1:10 mark, you see Ron as he listens to her question and just before he speaks; he is looking straight into the camera. As soon as he starts speaking, he begins blinking. Ron again looks directly into the camera while NG speaks, but again blinks during his response. His eyelids flutter during the entire time he speaks, but he looks straight into the camera without blinking when he is not speaking, so it does not appear that his blinking is due to bright lights, IMO. He also does not appear to be high in this video.

I noticed the eye fluttering and the conscience effort to look straight ahead into the camera (I think he was cued on how to look and cued on body language as well). However, I think that he had that "deer caught in the headlight look" after Nancy said that he was lying.
I totally think hes high in this. His pupils are huge.

I just see evil in his eyes in all his interviews and mug shots and don't know IF he is high or not but if you listen to NG's opening statement on the first video I posted you hear her say..
He is not afraid of the lights (she pauses) of the cameras..

IMHO.. She worded her statment the way she did because she knows he is high as a kite..And his pupils don't react to the intense lights of the camera... JMHO
One thing that bugs me about that last vid of Ron just posted. He says, I mean, its hard enough being a married couple, and I just thought, you know, it really isn't, it truly isnt if you have anticipated and looked forward to it. I have never once felt like my marriage was punishment and a constant struggle, I guess I just see him trying to make a dumb excuse for something, and I think he expected Nancy to say, yes Ron, you are completely right. The breakup was all a ruse because people were questioning why he was still with her. He divorced her, and that shut a lot of people up, but then he was busted with her months later, shes sporting new ink on her backside with his full name.......

Its so pathetic.

I applaude your comments Chablis on marriage and Ron's lame excuse for getting a divorce. If it were true that media attention and public pressure was hard on a marriage, there wouldn't be any Hollywood or famous couples being married or showing up in public together.

You say the breakup was a ruse. Right, cause the proposal, wedding and the marriage between Ron and Misty were all a ruse, too. jmo
One thing that bugs me about that last vid of Ron just posted. He says, I mean, its hard enough being a married couple, and I just thought, you know, it really isn't, it truly isnt if you have anticipated and looked forward to it. I have never once felt like my marriage was punishment and a constant struggle, I guess I just see him trying to make a dumb excuse for something, and I think he expected Nancy to say, yes Ron, you are completely right. The breakup was all a ruse because people were questioning why he was still with her. He divorced her, and that shut a lot of people up, but then he was busted with her months later, shes sporting new ink on her backside with his full name.......

Its so pathetic.

Since Ron admits he was ill-prepared for the challenges he faced in his marriage, and he chose to escape as soon as he had someone other than himself to blame for its dissolution, (ie. The public), I am interested in hearing how he honestly reacted to the increasing pressure he was under concerning his school-aged daughter who had special needs and who by the way, is still unaccounted for. Ron wouldn’t choose to terminate his obligations to his child when he had a scapegoat named Misty to pin the blame on would he? Dissolution means “the act of breaking something down, the separating, decomposing, or disintegrating of something into smaller or more basic constituents.”
I applaude your comments Chablis on marriage and Ron's lame excuse for getting a divorce. If it were true that media attention and public pressure was hard on a marriage, there wouldn't be any Hollywood or famous couples being married or showing up in public together.

You say the breakup was a ruse. Right, cause the proposal, wedding and the marriage between Ron and Misty were all a ruse, too. jmo

You nailed it. The proposal, wedding, marriage and the divorce were all a ruse. Couldn't have said it better.
Ron's the type of guy who can't stand people up in his business. If he thought that divorcing Misty would get the media off of his back, then he'd have no problem getting a divorce. Because really, Misty was the media's target, Ron knew it, & instead of supporting her through that, he just removed himself from the equation. but not really...because he kept seeing her. But I think that Ron really thought that if he made the public statement that he was done with Misty, all would be believed...end of story, no more prying media up in his business. He's a very controlling guy, & has to have the final say, & expects his word to be the end all.
Ron's the type of guy who can't stand people up in his business. If he thought that divorcing Misty would get the media off of his back, then he'd have no problem getting a divorce. Because really, Misty was the media's target, Ron knew it, & instead of supporting her through that, he just removed himself from the equation. but not really...because he kept seeing her. But I think that Ron really thought that if he made the public statement that he was done with Misty, all would be believed...end of story, no more prying media up in his business. He's a very controlling guy, & has to have the final say, & expects his word to be the end all.

Yeah...except Ron ran around with Misty just as much after the divorce so questionable looks whenever they were seen together is as bogus as the marriage. Personally, I think he married Misty because he sensed people thought he was a pedophile. IMO, Ron had the divorce planned even before the wedding.

And he certainly was a deer in headlights when Nancy Grace confronted him! High or not...I think Ron was in awe over NG ever questioning his motives.
You nailed it. The proposal, wedding, marriage and the divorce were all a ruse. Couldn't have said it better.

And why would someone do that? Why would someone do all this stuff after his daughter disappears under mysterious circumstances? Its just not logical, I for one would probably be in his corner had he kicked Misty out as soon as it was made public she failed the lie detector, he made excuses for her!
I noticed the eye fluttering and the conscience effort to look straight ahead into the camera (I think he was cued on how to look and cued on body language as well). However, I think that he had that "deer caught in the headlight look" after Nancy said that he was lying.

Teriffic insite lonetraveler on your part.

What we see in this video is the new and improved Ron Cummings. It's easy to see he has had some instructions on facing the media. And, he's all dressed up in his Sunday Best suit. But, I do believe the eye fluttering, something we hadn't seen before, is a reaction from Ron as he tries to concentrate and look truthful. jmo
And why would someone do that? Why would someone do all this stuff after his daughter disappears under mysterious circumstances? Its just not logical, I for one would probably be in his corner had he kicked Misty out as soon as it was made public she failed the lie detector, he made excuses for her!

In the first place..IMHO,He knows his daughter did not disappear mysteriously and no way could he have ever kicked her to the curb in the beginning..He had to pretend to be covering for her, but it is apparent by some of his answers he is setting the stage to set her up..
Thats the problem with this case there are many many diabolical underhanded measures being taken to keep the left hand from knowing what the right hand is doing.....Too too many facets..JMHO
Teriffic insite lonetraveler on your part.

What we see in this video is the new and improved Ron Cummings. It's easy to see he has had some instructions on facing the media. And, he's all dressed up in his Sunday Best suit. But, I do believe the eye fluttering, something we hadn't seen before, is a reaction from Ron as he tries to concentrate and look truthful. jmo

Bolded by me...

I believe you are right Az...

I watched the video again...and all the eye fluttering, facial expressions,

He IS... struggling with the CONCENTRATE..and LOOK truthful....

I hadn't noticed that before...but you made a GREAT point...

It is something we hadn't seen before...This IS new!!!Ron concentrating..and trying to look truthful...

Ron can barely manage both at once....It's like chewing gum and walking at the same time...
Bolded by me...

I believe you are right Az...

I watched the video again...and all the eye fluttering, facial expressions,

He IS... struggling with the CONCENTRATE..and LOOK truthful....

I hadn't noticed that before...but you made a GREAT point...

It is something we hadn't seen before...This IS new!!!Ron concentrating..and trying to look truthful...

Ron can barely manage both at once....It's like chewing gum and walking at the same time...

BBM - You make me laugh justus. And that's a good thing when it comes to this case. I needed a lift when we are only two days from Sentencing Day!
My favorite part of the video is when a reporter asks Ron, what have you been doing to find your daughter and he says he went out on horseback. Now we know a fight about a gun did happen but look how he denies it and acts like his personal life has nothing to do with Haleigh, even though it did. Just terrible, no wonder the cops targeted him and got him locked up.
Welcome to the forum. Great first post! I agree with everything you posted. I can't figure out why his attorney would allow him to make this video when he is obviously stoned and appearing jubilant when this should have been a very emotional, serious plea to the public............shaking my head here.

And after this video, he was not their client anymore as well.
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