Can you explain the conclusion you have come to?

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BlueCrab said:

What is your source that D.S. was 13 years old when JonBenet was killed? I have never been able to find his age or birthdate. Thanks.


I found that out over at crimenews2000 in the forum there. So now,because you asked,im thinking it might not be true. I see you are someone who does their research and thoroughly....
It was in a post by a poster called superdave in the thread 'what Burke has actually said' 2
I dont know if im allowed to say about stuff going on in other forums.... Im pretty much new to discussion boards/forums so sorry everyone if i have not followed the rules properly.

BlueCrab said:

What is your source that D.S. was 13 years old when JonBenet was killed? I have never been able to find his age or birthdate. Thanks.

I thought he was Burke's age? PR refers to him as one of the seven boys in Burke's class in the '97 interviews...

TT:Okay. Patsy, tell me, let’s start with Burke. Um, tell me about some of the kids that he plays with. Tell me some of this playmates.
PR:Um, well, he is among a group of seven boys in his class.
PR:Uh, he uh, Doug Stine, plays with Doug Stine and . .
TT:Um hum.
PR:. . .Luke Fernie are buddies and Anthony Pechio, from his class. Those are, Luke Fernie does not, goes to Mesa, but . . .
PR:. . .he’s just a friend otherwise.
Voice of Reason said:
I thought he was Burke's age? PR refers to him as one of the seven boys in Burke's class in the '97 interviews...

Yes, I think narlacat has picked up some misleading info. Doug is still in high school, and is a standout student. But, for the record, I WOULD like to find out Doug's date of birth.
A little lesson for narlacat,dont believe everything you read in these forums. I guess because noone disputed it ,i figured it must be true.Ive found in this forum if someone says something that isnt true someone else comes up and disputes it almost straightaway.But that mightnt be the case over at crimenews.

How is it then that Doug is still in school and Burke has finished? Ive probably got that wrong too lol,that Burkes finshed school already.
narlacat said:
A little lesson for narlacat,dont believe everything you read in these forums. I guess because noone disputed it ,i figured it must be true.Ive found in this forum if someone says something that isnt true someone else comes up and disputes it almost straightaway.But that mightnt be the case over at crimenews.

How is it then that Doug is still in school and Burke has finished? Ive probably got that wrong too lol,that Burkes finshed school already.


The way I figure it, by being 10 in the 4th grade, Burke is now 18 and therefore in the 12th grade. He turned 18 in January and, if still in school, should graduate in June.
Holdontoyourhat said:

I've read or heard professionals and rational people like yourself refer to this case as bizarre. What does bizarre mean? The fact that the crime is considered by so many to be bizarre is an important aspect.

What is bizarre to most is sometimes not so bizarre to others. It may depend on where you come from
Holontoyourhat, I certainly agree with that. However I think (?) we can all at least agree that a character like Patsy is certainly not "run of the mill", no matter whether you are from the USA or from Uzbekistan.

That doesnt mean Patsy is "bizarre" of course. But I certainly think that one reason (among others) that so many folks like us are obsessed (awww, ok semi-obsessed) with this case is that no no matter which way you turn it, the Ramseys are pretty odd.

IDI - Why the lawyers, the lies, the air of deceit and recalcitrance from the Ramseys? I don't think very many people, even most IDI's, can deny the unusual nature of the Ramseys' behavior, especially close to the killing itself. Would anyone else here have hired a lawyer, or thought of flying to Atlanta the same day of the killing, or gone on CNN for god's sake? CNN be damned, i would either be in tranquilized stupor in a mental hospital grieving my child, or out with a shotgun looking for the killer. Nothing could embarrass me, nothing could stop me!

BDI - Well that would make Burke pretty bizarre for a 9/10 year old wouldn't it
JDI - Haven't heard enough theories, but I suppose some or most of the JDI theories would revolve around paedophilia
PDI - I'm sorry but I am still yet to meet a woman who is capable, even accidentally, of killing her only beloved daughter, let alone maintaining an elaborate 10 year coverup (not long till the decade passes folks), complete with cancer episodes, book launches, TV interviews, and a wannabe politician for a husband, all while maintaining the most delicate of secrets. Seriously... I just never bought Steve Thomas's theory... BDI maybe (I like your thinking Bluecrab)
FDI (that would be Friend Did It) - How did the friend do it undetected on the night? And how have they escaped detection over the years? In a way, would seem to indicate collusion, or a joint or guilty secret between the Ramseys and one or more of their Friends.

But yeah I'll go out on a limb and say that this case is bizarre :)
The only problem I have with your theory is Doug Stine.

The Ramseys were to set off early for why would they invite Doug Stine for an overnighter? Makes no sense.

The children were obviously exhausted, and I believe the Ramseys when they said that JonBenet fell asleep on the way home. She was only 61/2 years old and she had been awake 15 hours! Lots of excitement, playing, going to the White home....

Burke on the other hand could have stayed up and played Nintendo in his room without his parents knowledge.

If something happened between Burke and JonBenet...then it happened because JonBenet woke and entered Burke's room. Maybe she wanted to play Nintendo and pulled the plug on Burke therefore enraging him. But that would have to have taken place AFTER the two went downstairs for a snack.
FFDI (Foreign Faction Did It) - Why not? First of all, the note said so. Second, lots of expressions in the note sound far removed from the locals, like immediate execution, beheading, Victory!, attache, 'use that good southern common sense of yours (not mine)', and others. Third, the author didn't care about leaving a big handwriting sample. Fourth, author said they don't respect our country. Fifth, insufficient evidence linking a local. Sixth, no local has come forward, either admitting guilt or pointing a finger.
The pineapple is such a teller
It lets us know that JB was most certainly awake after being brought home from the Whites party.
The tea bag in the cup in Burkes place at the table is also telling.
Either it was Burke and JB going down stairs together or someone wanted it to look that way. I just dont think that she'd be trapesing through the house at nite snacking on pineapple with a stranger,it makes alot more sense to think she woke up, went into Burkes room as she was used to doing and they decided to go downstairs for a snack. Its certainly a strange thing for kiddies to eat,unsupervised in the kitchen..i think most kids would have gone straight for something sweet,maybe biscuits and milk but pineapple and tea? Especially when the fridge is probably full of yummy christmas stuff...or maybe it wasnt,maybe they had eaten alot of the christmas stuff and were leaving the fridge empty seeing as they were going on holidays the next day...
Something happened after that snack and not that long afterward either...whatever took place,it wasnt that long before JB was dead...
Either it was one of the immediate family or it was someone who was awfully clever and wanted it to look that way.
narlacat said:
The pineapple is such a teller
It lets us know that JB was most certainly awake after being brought home from the Whites party.
The tea bag in the cup in Burkes place at the table is also telling.
Either it was Burke and JB going down stairs together or someone wanted it to look that way. I just dont think that she'd be trapesing through the house at nite snacking on pineapple with a stranger,it makes alot more sense to think she woke up, went into Burkes room as she was used to doing and they decided to go downstairs for a snack. Its certainly a strange thing for kiddies to eat,unsupervised in the kitchen..i think most kids would have gone straight for something sweet,maybe biscuits and milk but pineapple and tea? Especially when the fridge is probably full of yummy christmas stuff...or maybe it wasnt,maybe they had eaten alot of the christmas stuff and were leaving the fridge empty seeing as they were going on holidays the next day...
Something happened after that snack and not that long afterward either...whatever took place,it wasnt that long before JB was dead...
Either it was one of the immediate family or it was someone who was awfully clever and wanted it to look that way.


Good for you. You're zeroing in on the known evidence. The bowl of pineapple with Burke's fingerprints on the bowl, and the glass with a teabag in it, and the digestion rate of the pineapple found in JonBenet's small intestine, tell a cohesive story.

Why were they downstairs in the kitchen in the middle of the night? Why was the security light at the southeastern corner of the porch turned off that night -- for the first time in years?

Were Burke and JonBenet waiting for someone to show up? If so, who? Doug was the last person to talk to Burke.
BlueCrab I know you have probably spelt it out a million times, but in what order do JB's actual injuries happen in yout theory? Is it strangle and then bash? What is the motive for the massive head injury in your theory?
GuruJosh said:
BlueCrab I know you have probably spelt it out a million times, but in what order do JB's actual injuries happen in yout theory? Is it strangle and then bash? What is the motive for the massive head injury in your theory?


IMO the stun gun injuries came first (while experimenting with the weapon), and the strangulation (perhaps unintended) came second when the erotic asphyxiation experimentation went bad. The final violent yank on the ligature (which was already around the neck) and the bash in the head, was staging inflicted after death in an attempt to correspond with the tone of the ransom note (mean foreign terrorists).

I think the body was ready to be taken outside and hidden somewhere in the alley, but the sudden dusting of snow stopped them because it would have left footprints from the house and back again. Burke's friend left by bicycle and the Ramseys were stuck with the bizarre situation of both a body and a ransom note in the house -- a first in the annals of crime.

BlueCrab said:

Good for you. You're zeroing in on the known evidence. The bowl of pineapple with Burke's fingerprints on the bowl, and the glass with a teabag in it, and the digestion rate of the pineapple found in JonBenet's small intestine, tell a cohesive story.

Why were they downstairs in the kitchen in the middle of the night? Why was the security light at the southeastern corner of the porch turned off that night -- for the first time in years?

Were Burke and JonBenet waiting for someone to show up? If so, who? Doug was the last person to talk to Burke.
Maybe on any other night,and maybe even unbeknowns to his parents..surely they(they being the kids)were all tired after a big christmas day to be running around organizing midnite snacks so to speak....
Doug being involved would explain the Stines friendship with the R's though and why they followed them interstate and why when questioned about who the R's friends were ,the Stines werent even mentioned. I was going to ask also,ive just assumed Jb was asleep and carried up to her bedroom...was she in fact awake when they got home from the Whites?
Why were they downstairs in the kitchen in the middle of the night? Why was the security light at the southeastern corner of the porch turned off that night -- for the first time in years?

Were Burke and JonBenet waiting for someone to show up? If so, who? Doug was the last person to talk to Burke.

Ive read that that light was turned off. Do you think they turned it off so Doug wouldnt get seen coming into the house?? or maybe Doug and someone else?
What was the last thing that Doug said to Burke??

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