GUILTY Canada - Alphanso & Stephanie Warren for child abandonment, Toronto, 2008

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Thank you, Patience.

This is so sad, you'd think someone would recognize this little doll! (Like a grandma or a babysitter or even someone in a store.) I am a total baby magnet, if there is a child within 25 feet of me, I have to go "check them out". SOMEONE has to recall seeing this baby! :confused:
I have posted her story on my website and my Myspace blog. She is so cute. I love the chubby cheeks and big brown eyes. The cheeks are smoochable lol. I hope It helps getting her story out there.
Thank you to everyone who is helping keep this thread alive and for caring for this little girl. The Toronto Police have a new lead and I do hope this will help identify Angelica Leslie.

The Children's Aid Society put their adoption request for an abandoned baby on hold for four weeks while police investigate a woman who may hold clues to the baby's mystery past.
The baby girl, dubbed Angelica-Leslie, now about 11 months old, was deserted in a stairwell of an outdoor parking lot at Finch Ave. and Leslie St. late on January 30.
Recently police "indicated they have a female person of interest" they're tracking as part of their investigation, CAS spokesperson Melanie Persaud told the Star.
So yesterday in Toronto family court, the CAS asked for a four-week adjournment until those leads could be probed, Persaud said after the hearing.
But lead investigator Det. Keith Moxley told the Star yesterday: "At this point we have not been able to identify either the perpetrator or the parents."
Two Arrests in Baby Angelica case.

Toronto police announced the arrests at a news conference on Thursday but said they would not name the suspects in order to protect the child's identity.
The man and woman lived in the west end of North York but moved to Kitchener in April, said Det. Keith Moxley with 33 Division.
They were arrested Wednesday night without incident, he said.
Angelica was found late January in the cold stairwell of a plaza in the Leslie Street and Finch Avenue area. The temperature was about -14 when a passerby noticed her on the floor.
A security camera caught a man driving up to the door of the stairwell in a Ford Escort. The camera shows him carrying a bundle in his arms.
Moxley said a great number of tips were generated through a clip of the car that investigators posted on YouTube, an online file sharing site. He also said that several tips came in through Crime Stoppers.
When asked if the couple have children, Moxley said he wasn't prepared to comment.
"That's still under investigation," he said.

While the parents charged with abandoning her sit in jail, the future remains uncertain for baby Angelica-Leslie and three other young children who were taken from the couple's home this week.
Child care experts agree the removal of a child from his or her family can sometimes cause devastating psychological effects. But a case like this raises additional questions:
  • Can the abandoned baby girl be reunited with her siblings?
  • Can the children see their parents again?
  • What kind of long-term effects will the whole ordeal have on the four children, all under the age of 6?
Im not sure I understand why there is a possibility these "parents" could regain custody of the kids. If you look at just the facts, these two individuals abandoned a helpless baby in a way that could have easily caused her death. If they were in a situation that made them feel the need to remove a child from the family because they could not properly care for her, get help in doing so, choose aboption, dont just throw a helpless baby into the trash. Now, lets say they get their 3 other kids back, whats to say they want end up abandoning another one or even pregnant again and again.

These people should have their parental rights terminated, and be sterilized. Ohhh, and lets also throw them head first down concrete stairs in the freezing cold...
Reading about our Maricopa Jane Doe being identified reminded me of this precious little Angelica-Leslie. I hope she and her siblings find a warm, caring and nurturing home together.

And I hope someone drops her dad down the stairs on his head, too.
Thanks for bumping this. I was thinking about this case the other day and could not find it.. Any new news?
Abandoned Toronto baby likely up for adoption Friday

"It’s about time we have this little girl get on with as normal a life as possible,” said Rob Thompson, the Toronto Children’s Aid Society director of communications. “And once the (adoption) process is complete, we’ll let her life start unfolding.”
Thank you for the update Patience. I'm glad this little girl is on the road to having a loving family. I'm praying her siblings are in safe hands too.
When I started reading this, I just knew it was going to turn out bad.

I'm so happy I was wrong.

I don't understand why parents can't take a child to someone safe or somewhere safe to abandon them. Take them to the ER. Take them to a church. Take them to an old lady's house and ring the door bell. Don't chunk them out of the car.


Today, they were sentenced, and then released.
The father was sentenced to 22 months in jail, but credited with the 11 months he has already served.

He had pleaded guilty to leaving his daughter in minus 14 C degree weather. He was also charged with failing to provide the necessities of life to his other three children.

The mother also pleaded guilty but to the lesser charge of not providing proper care to her other children. She was given a $300 fine and released.

Angelica Leslie has since been adopted, the other children, are no longer in the care of the parents.

$300 fine?
It's cheaper to mistreat children than to take good care of them.
The story gets worse..

A Toronto woman jailed in Jamaica along with her husband four years ago after their dead toddler was found stuffed in a suitcase was stabbed to death New Year’s Eve — and her husband is the prime suspect.

The Jamaican Constabulary Force said Alphanso Warren, 39, is in custody following the fatal stabbing of his wife, Stephanie Warren, also 39, inside a Kingston apartment late Thursday night.

District Const. Janelle Radcliffe confirmed these are the same Warrens who were arrested in Jamaica after the decomposing body of their two-year-old son, Joshua, was found on Jan. 15, 2012, inside their Kingston home.

Neighbours who had set out searching for the missing boy found his remains zipped inside a suitcase.

Jamaican media report the couple was sentenced to 12 months in prison for concealing the boy’s death. The government reportedly determined he died of natural causes.


Toronto Police arrested the couple in January 2008 after their eight-month-old girl, Angelica, was found abandoned in the freezing stairwell of a building. They were convicted of child abandonment and lost custody of the little girl and three other children.

Sources with Toronto Police and child-welfare services also said in 2012 that Stephanie Warren had two other kids from a previous relationship taken away from her around this same time, as well.

The Warrens left Canada for Jamaica in late 2009.
January 2012..
Stephanie Warren in a still from a cellphone-camera video shot by a neighbour on the day she was arrested, after neighbours stormed her home and found the body of her son Joshua stuffed in a suitcase.

Regarding “Baby Angelica,” Warren said there is no proof that she or her husband are the child’s parents. The couple were convicted in 2009 of abandoning the baby largely on the basis of DNA evidence proving the relationship.

Later, she seemed to contradict herself when asked why the Children’s Aid Society removed her three other children: “The Canadian system is corrupt,” she said this week. “If something happens with one child, they take all your children away.”

But when asked directly if she was the abandoned baby’s mother, she denied it.

Warren said that when she and her husband were living in Toronto, he would sometimes hit their children — all under 5 years old — with a belt to discipline them, but she was adamant that the children were well taken care of and that she and Alphanso were good parents.
Just to make sure I have this right...

1. They abandoned Angelica in TO in a parking ramp in 2008. They are tried and do a little time, their other kids are taken from them. They move to Jamaica in 2009.
2. In 2012, they have had another child who is found dead in a suitcase?
3. 2015, the father stabs the mother to death.

Those kids in TO got lucky to get away from these nuts.

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