Deceased/Not Found Canada - Alvin, 66, & Kathy Liknes, 53, Nathan O'Brien, 5, Calgary, 30 June 2014 - #4

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Thinking out loud…

DG currently wasn't on the run… hiding in plain sight

In the 1999 article discussing DG's behaviour in the workplace it was mentioned if he broke a beaker he would want to replace it… the whole university breakdown, stolen identity, working in a lab, second breakdown, on the run for seven years, subsequent meth lab that leads to his arrest… now possible underground shelter? shades of Walter White? :gaah:

Exactly what I was thinking.....meth lab,ties to Mexico,another get rich quick theme,.......It sounds like an episode from Breaking only question would be....who are all the family players?
A bit regarding the pickup truck... I'm a bit surprised the truck photo had to be released publicly.

First off, from the google street views, the neighboring house and its outdoor cameras are beyond obvious. LE would have noticed these cameras promptly so they should have had several days to work with the video. The truck itself is pretty distinctive in model and unique features. LE has instant access to vehicle records matching that narrow description. So based on a lot of assumptions (which may or may not be correct!) this means LE should have been able to run down the truck lead independently without going public. So that leaves us to wonder why they had to release the truck picture, so many days after the events.

It's possible the truck may have been unregistered and didn't come up in LE searches. But driving around an unregistered truck in Calgary is big risk unto itself given how prevalent photo camera traffic enforcement is in the city.

The missing persons case was many days old by then, and the family would have been quizzed as to what friends and family might have such a pickup truck. Why didn't any family member say anything about a family member with a pickup truck, or a farm with such trucks?

So overall it's a bit surprising and disappointing to me that they had to publicize the truck and rely on a tip in order to connect it back to the family.

It's also intriguing they say it was spotted more than once between 10 and 10. Those times are key, as I believe they've said the mother left at by 10 pm and returned the next morning at 10 am. So when LE speaks about the truck, they are referencing not times not from the surveillance video, but time of day milestones established by the mother leaving and coming back. Why that and not the times on the video?

I posted something in the same vein up thread, Carol. Add to what you're saying, that his sister is in a common-law relationship with AL's son, how is it that LE couldn't obtain this information from them? The only thing I can think of is if one of the angles are that they aren't sharing information with the parents?
about time!!!

Why? If it were my son missing I would not want to have one or be at one. I would not want to be out in public. Furthermore, candle light vigils always feeling they are appropriate for ppl who have passed. I don't hold it against them AT ALL for not having one earlier.
I'm going to rant now about a phrase that rankles, so feel free to skip this section if you want.

The phrase "in the wrong place at the wrong time" should be banned from use in the English language in any discourse in which it is used to indirectly take responsibility for a crime away from the perpetrator and shifting that burden onto the victim. Period. Full stop.

It is victim blaming at its finest. In this case, for example, it manages to blame the two adult primary victims: AL and KL. And then, an added bonus, it blames the secondary victims, one in particular, JO. That phrase shifts the blame from scum of the earth kidnapping felons to the parent and grandparents.

Nowhere has it been shown that there were signs that an attack was coming. Nowhere has it been shown that AL received threatening letters, or telephone messages, or emails or texts that he shared with JO or RO. Nowhere has it been shown that KL or AL would have allowed a little one to stay with them if an angry ex-con was demanding money from them.

At no point have we heard that JO claimed psychic powers, nor that she been given the gift of second sight. JO could not predict that her precious little boy would be harmed. Neither could she should be expected to somehow read the mind of a drug addicted criminal. And there is no rule that a mother should never, ever allow her child to spend any time out of her sight.

Wrong place? Was Nathan left in a rat infested crack house? Was plaster falling off the walls? Was the foundation crumbling? Was Nathan's bed going to be a torn blanket on a floor crawling with roaches? Was he alone in a seedy hotel? Was the house in a rough neighbourhood where street lights were broken, where there was no running water? Was it next to a half-way house? Did sex offenders live next door?

Those would be wrong places. That was not what JO did.

A warm, comfortable house in a pleasant, seemingly well organized and well looked after neighbourhood should not be remotely considered the wrong place for a little boy to spend the night with the grandmother and grandfather who loved him.

Wrong time? After a long day helping with the sale, playing with neighbourhood friends, it seems to me that by 10:00 Nathan might have been already falling asleep, and it probably seemed to be the best decision--let him fall asleep and go home in the morning rather than wake him up by buckling him into his car seat, waking him again after the ride home to unbuckle and get him changed and into bed. Not a wrong time.

This is a tragedy, and, because most human beings are pretty superstitious on some level or other, we hold talismans in front of us to try to give us protection from suffering a similar fate. If we convince ourself that someone else was hurt because they were in the wrong place at the wrong time, then if we are in the right place at the right times, we cannot be hurt. Right?

Not so much.

The person or people who didn't belong, who were in the wrong place, were the lowlifes who participated in this crime. They deserve to carry all the burden of their actions.

And there's never a right time for assault or for kidnapping or for murder.
End of rant

I think it should never be doubted that Nathan was loved by his family.

I believe Nathan's family would never knowingly put any child in danger, much less their beloved little boy, and that they did not do so in this case.[/QUOTE]

First of all, I would give this quote a double thumbs up if I could ...

Secondly, I'm following this story from the UK ... what is taking so long??? Why, in your opinion is this guy the only POI?

Third ... I think in all cases like this, any POI should be wired up to a lie detector and questioned and especially if a child is missing and the lie detector says they're lying then use whatever means you have to make them talk! If any government brought this in as a law I'd happily opt in if it meant saving precious time and ultimately, a life.

mrazda71 - Question everything ...
JMO but you are right.Still sticking with Breaking Bad as an example ,bodies were disposed of ,on that plastic barrels,with hydroflouric acid.All evidence gone! Surely someone with chemical knowledge souls know that.....Hope LE have checked all barrels.I noticed 2 barrels behind the green house pic...
my bolds.

Response to the bolded sentence.

She didn't. It's that simple. JO didn't leave Nathan in a situation which she suspected might prove dangerous to him. She left him in the care of people who had already proven their love and care for her and her children--her own mother and stepfather.

Nathan was loved by his mother, his father, his brothers, and his grandparents, and everyone in his extended family.
Nathan, like a lot of little boys--like my grandson--liked to have sleepovers with his grandparents, and, if it had been a long day, and he really wanted to have some grandma and grandpa time, he might have asked his mom if he could stay.
So his mother, knowing how he had such a wonderful relationship with her mother--his grandmother, said yes.

Also. You couldn't "have heard this quote from JO" because she didn't say it. Your quote is inaccurate. Another reason why it's necessary to go, when possible, to the source material.

This is excerpted from my transcript of the press conference in order to show the context in which that quote occurred.

So,in fact, Nathan's father, Rod O'Brien, made the comment in answer to the unknown reporter's question (the CPS PR officer did not identify reporters, nor did reporters identify themselves). It seems to me that RO and JO had, by the time of the presser, decided Nathan couldn't have been the target of the crime since the sleepover was spontaneous. It was not a planned visit that some sex offender or extortionist could have found out about and then planned the abduction of the young boy.

The reporter, at least the way I'm reading it, was asking if the parents thought Nathan was still alive. His dad was saying that no one had a reason to kill his son, so he believed Nathan was alive, somewhere. And Nathan's mother, who had seen the aftermath of the violence first hand, and who may have seen an indication that her stepfather was gravely injured in an attack, and knew that her mother was in danger of becoming in medical distress, agreed with her husband that Nathan was alive.

The reporter was also, IMO, referring to that "sixth sense" mothers and fathers tend to have with their children, asking not about logical deductions or hard evidence, but rather asked about what their hearts, their gut instincts were telling them. And the parents, again IMO, were saying that they believed their child was still alive.

I'm going to rant now about a phrase that rankles, so feel free to skip this section if you want.

The phrase "in the wrong place at the wrong time" should be banned from use in the English language in any discourse in which it is used to indirectly take responsibility for a crime away from the perpetrator and shifting that burden onto the victim. Period. Full stop.

It is victim blaming at its finest. In this case, for example, it manages to blame the two adult primary victims: AL and KL. And then, an added bonus, it blames the secondary victims, one in particular, JO. That phrase shifts the blame from scum of the earth kidnapping felons to the parent and grandparents.

Nowhere has it been shown that there were signs that an attack was coming. Nowhere has it been shown that AL received threatening letters, or telephone messages, or emails or texts that he shared with JO or RO. Nowhere has it been shown that KL or AL would have allowed a little one to stay with them if an angry ex-con was demanding money from them.

At no point have we heard that JO claimed psychic powers, nor that she been given the gift of second sight. JO could not predict that her precious little boy would be harmed. Neither could she should be expected to somehow read the mind of a drug addicted criminal. And there is no rule that a mother should never, ever allow her child to spend any time out of her sight.

Wrong place? Was Nathan left in a rat infested crack house? Was plaster falling off the walls? Was the foundation crumbling? Was Nathan's bed going to be a torn blanket on a floor crawling with roaches? Was he alone in a seedy hotel? Was the house in a rough neighbourhood where street lights were broken, where there was no running water? Was it next to a half-way house? Did sex offenders live next door?

Those would be wrong places. That was not what JO did.

A warm, comfortable house in a pleasant, seemingly well organized and well looked after neighbourhood should not be remotely considered the wrong place for a little boy to spend the night with the grandmother and grandfather who loved him.

Wrong time? After a long day helping with the sale, playing with neighbourhood friends, it seems to me that by 10:00 Nathan might have been already falling asleep, and it probably seemed to be the best decision--let him fall asleep and go home in the morning rather than wake him up by buckling him into his car seat, waking him again after the ride home to unbuckle and get him changed and into bed. Not a wrong time.

This is a tragedy, and, because most human beings are pretty superstitious on some level or other, we hold talismans in front of us to try to give us protection from suffering a similar fate. If we convince ourself that someone else was hurt because they were in the wrong place at the wrong time, then if we are in the right place at the right times, we cannot be hurt. Right?

Not so much.

The person or people who didn't belong, who were in the wrong place, were the lowlifes who participated in this crime. They deserve to carry all the burden of their actions.

And there's never a right time for assault or for kidnapping or for murder.
End of rant

I think it should never be doubted that Nathan was loved by his family.

I believe Nathan's family would never knowingly put any child in danger, much less their beloved little boy, and that they did not do so in this case.

Well said.
I hate to quote your entire post...but I feel it was worth repeating...every word of it.

Please keep in could be reading.

It seems to me that if Douglas Garland owed Alvin Liknes money, Alvin would have been on Doug's doorstep on the eve of his having an estate sale and leaving the country. Instead, it was most likely Douglas on Alvin's doorstep. We know that on the night of the murder a well preserved early 1990s green Ford T150 with a familial connection was circiling the block. Police seem very determined to find a connection now that all roads lead to the Garland properties. If it is true that there was a business connection, per some reports, then the connections are from the scene of the murder, to the Garland properties, to familial relationships, and then to financial investment relationships? I am sure that this was not a random act, and I think people in Calgary can rest more easily again.


Otto - I have been following this thread from the beginning...marking my spot each evening and resuming each morning. This was one of the first posts I read this morning after shutting down the iPad last night. Woah...I am assuming this is your theory?? I am holding out hope that the L's are being held somewhere with the sweet child, but am realistic in knowing that as time passes without a trace of them, the outcome can't be good.

FWIW, your posts are so thought provoking. Between you and a few others, I hang on every word.
Thanks for the great sleuthing and keeping our wheels turning in hopes that the family of 3 is found!

A bit regarding the pickup truck... I'm a bit surprised the truck photo had to be released publicly.
First off, from the google street views, the neighboring house and its outdoor cameras are beyond obvious. LE would have noticed these cameras promptly so they should have had several days to work with the video. The truck itself is pretty distinctive in model and unique features. LE has instant access to vehicle records matching that narrow description. So based on a lot of assumptions (which may or may not be correct!) this means LE should have been able to run down the truck lead independently without going public. So that leaves us to wonder why they had to release the truck picture, so many days after the events.
It's possible the truck may have been unregistered and didn't come up in LE searches. But driving around an unregistered truck in Calgary is big risk unto itself given how prevalent photo camera traffic enforcement is in the city.
When LE asked for information on the truck they would have gotten a response from everyone that knew DG had a truck and thought DG might be involved in something like this. That is much more valuable than finding out only who owns the truck from a database. They might have gotten additional info on the path the truck took, or a general idea of how many old green Ford trucks in the LE database are actually road worthy/on the road. In other words, LE released the truck photo in order to get more information.

The missing persons case was many days old by then, and the family would have been quizzed as to what friends and family might have such a pickup truck. Why didn't any family member say anything about a family member with a pickup truck, or a farm with such trucks?
So overall it's a bit surprising and disappointing to me that they had to publicize the truck and rely on a tip in order to connect it back to the family.
LE says that it was led to the farm by a tip (on the 5th) but the ID theft charge relates to some contact between DG and LE the day prior, on July 4. So maybe LE is not telling us everything.

Why should you be disappointed that LE is asking for as much information as possible (instead of as little as possible?)

Also, if we can be sure of something it is that LE knows more about what is going on than we do as newspaper readers and outsiders. It is a mistake to think that LE or NO’s parents only know/knew as much as we do at any point in time. We (and the media) are outsiders.

It's also intriguing they say it was spotted more than once between 10 and 10. Those times are key, as I believe they've said the mother left at by 10 pm and returned the next morning at 10 am. So when LE speaks about the truck, they are referencing not times not from the surveillance video, but time of day milestones established by the mother leaving and coming back. Why that and not the times on the video?
Because you don’t want to reveal information that only the perpetrator and LE would know. They are trying to protect the integrity of the investigation. They don’t want someone to have a tailor-made alibi ready based on detailed information that has been published in the press.

Here's the fixed Calgary Herald link:
I recall reading it. Frankly I suspect a minor piece of bad wording or jumping to conclusions there. The camera probably doesn't show the truck "circling the neighborhood" because the vantage point only shows a small section of street, not the whole neighborhood.
It probably shows the truck appearing multiple times throughout the course of the night. That could just as easily mean the truck was there at 11pm, then did some runs to and from Airdrie, appearing again at 1 am, 3 am, etc. It all depends on how long between the sightings. A few minutes? Sure, then it probably was "circling the neighborhood". But longer gaps in between appearances could mean multiple visits to and from the house.
However you are assuming that they have video from only one video camera in the neighbourhood. If LE said the truck was circling the neighbourhood they likely have enough video evidence to corroborate that claim. They would not put that out there if they were not sure that that was the case.

In what circumstances would it make sense for DG to commit a crime, drive all the way back to Airdrie and return to Parkhill, to revisit the crime scene 1-1/2 hours later, drive away again and reappear in 1-1/2 hours, repeatedly? LE said DG was smart. That seems incredibly dumb.

Also, just because DG lives in Airdrie does not mean that it is logical for him to bring evidence or bodies all the way back home with him. I think that if there were bodies, a smart man would leave them far away from the place where he lived, in some part of rugged, unpopulated rural Alberta where no one is ever going to find them.

LE does have to thoroughly check out the leads that they have though. The fact that they are searching in Airdrie does not mean that they expect to find things out there, just that LE has to do its due diligence.

OK but if LE was actually looking for DG at that time, I think they would have said so, that's fundamental in Amber alerts. So I think it's almost certain they didn't have DG as their POI at the time they published the truck photo.
Police spokesperson also said at press conference that a tip led to the location of the truck.
So putting this all together suggests the most simple and direct path would have been:
1- LE was looking for a suspicious truck seen during the night of the suspected events
2- they got a tip leading to the truck's location in Airdrie
3- they obtained the location's owner/resident info to facilitate search warrants
4- property owner DG has a rap sheet, spiking their interest further
5- confirmed a truck matching the description at the location
6- confirmed the DG's relationship to Liknes & O'Briens
DG is not the property owner in Airdrie. And we can’t say for certain that LE didn’t already know who the truck owner was before Friday. For instance, in the TB case, LE held a press conference to say they were looking for someone with a specific tattoo, and had not identified them, on the same day, near the same time, that they took that person (DM) in custody. LE often plays dumb in order to troll for information.

In this case, there may have been so much blood at the L household that it seemed to LE that all who were missing must have died. The crime was reported at 10 AM and about 7 hours later an Amber Alert was issued. That suggests that the AA was chosen as a strategy after much consideration, rather than, the AA was the only, most obvious thing to do.

LE might have started out this investigation by asking if KL and AL had any enemies or had been in any disputes with anyone, and LE could have IDed DG as a POI and known about his record (points 6, 4) on the very first day. Then they could have become aware of the truck on surveillance video (1) and linked it to DG (5). They then spent some time developing their case. Only at this time, when they had some info on DG, and perhaps even gone to see him (the ID related charge suggest contact on the 4th), were they ready to tip their hand and show the photos of the truck. Perhaps they hoped DG would be triggered to take some desperate action to make sure his trail was clean. At any rate, they already had enough info on DG to justify a very wide ranging search warrant by the next day.
Douglas Garland used Matthew Hartley's identify for seven years, depicting himself as 5-6 years younger than his actual age. He had a social insurance number in Hartley's name. He was fired in 1997 after a breakdown, and in 1999 he was arrested to serve 39 months in prison for attempting to cook drugs. He was role playing for 7 years. When he swore that he survived an horrific asleep-at-the-wheel vehicle crash, had he admitted to his false identify?

Until there is indication provided by documentation that DG was in a crash himself, I believe that this was his story for assuming the name of the young teen that was actually involved in a crash. Breakdowns could have been fabricated as part of his role playing. OR breakdowns could have been very much real as a result of the mental stress involved with maintaing a daily facade of anothers identity.

When LE asked for information on the truck they would have gotten a response from everyone that knew DG had a truck and thought DG might be involved in something like this. That is much more valuable than finding out only who owns the truck from a database. They might have gotten additional info on the path the truck took, or a general idea of how many old green Ford trucks in the LE database are actually road worthy/on the road. In other words, LE released the truck photo in order to get more information.

LE says that it was led to the farm by a tip (on the 5th) but the ID theft charge relates to some contact between DG and LE the day prior, on July 4. So maybe LE is not telling us everything.

Why should you be disappointed that LE is asking for as much information as possible (instead of as little as possible?)

Also, if we can be sure of something it is that LE knows more about what is going on than we do as newspaper readers and outsiders. It is a mistake to think that LE or NO’s parents only know/knew as much as we do at any point in time. We (and the media) are outsiders.

Because you don’t want to reveal information that only the perpetrator and LE would know. They are trying to protect the integrity of the investigation. They don’t want someone to have a tailor-made alibi ready based on detailed information that has been published in the press.

However you are assuming that they have video from only one video camera in the neighbourhood. If LE said the truck was circling the neighbourhood they likely have enough video evidence to corroborate that claim. They would not put that out there if they were not sure that that was the case.

In what circumstances would it make sense for DG to commit a crime, drive all the way back to Airdrie and return to Parkhill, to revisit the crime scene 1-1/2 hours later, drive away again and reappear in 1-1/2 hours, repeatedly? LE said DG was smart. That seems incredibly dumb.

Also, just because DG lives in Airdrie does not mean that it is logical for him to bring evidence or bodies all the way back home with him. I think that if there were bodies, a smart man would leave them far away from the place where he lived, in some part of rugged, unpopulated rural Alberta where no one is ever going to find them.

LE does have to thoroughly check out the leads that they have though. The fact that they are searching in Airdrie does not mean that they expect to find things out there, just that LE has to do its due diligence.

DG is not the property owner in Airdrie. And we can’t say for certain that LE didn’t already know who the truck owner was before Friday. For instance, in the TB case, LE held a press conference to say they were looking for someone with a specific tattoo, and had not identified them, on the same day, near the same time, that they took that person (DM) in custody. LE often plays dumb in order to troll for information.

In this case, there may have been so much blood at the L household that it seemed to LE that all who were missing must have died. The crime was reported at 10 AM and about 7 hours later an Amber Alert was issued. That suggests that the AA was chosen as a strategy after much consideration, rather than, the AA was the only, most obvious thing to do.

LE might have started out this investigation by asking if KL and AL had any enemies or had been in any disputes with anyone, and LE could have IDed DG as a POI and known about his record (points 6, 4) on the very first day. Then they could have become aware of the truck on surveillance video (1) and linked it to DG (5). They then spent some time developing their case. Only at this time, when they had some info on DG, and perhaps even gone to see him (the ID related charge suggest contact on the 4th), were they ready to tip their hand and show the photos of the truck. Perhaps they hoped DG would be triggered to take some desperate action to make sure his trail was clean. At any rate, they already had enough info on DG to justify a very wide ranging search warrant by the next day.

According to a neighbour, LE set up Friday night at their place then went to the Garland property and took DG in for questioning that night. That was the 4th.
First Post! Finally!

I'm impressed at the info gathering abilities of everyone on here. I have a couple of questions... Is it possible to get court transcripts from past criminal cases?

Does anyone have any good links that explain how money laundering businesses are run, as in bankrupt and dummy corporations?

One thing that has always struck me from day one, is why someone would want to move so far away from their 3 very young grandchildren...
You could try this....
I am not sure you will find full transcripts without having to request them through FOIP
According to a neighbour, LE set up Friday night at their place then went to the Garland property and took DG in for questioning that night. That was the 4th.

ARRRGH! Thanks puppyraiser, I had my 4ths and 5ths all messed up
Have any searches started yet for today? TIA
When LE asked for information on the truck they would have gotten a response from everyone that knew DG had a truck and thought DG might be involved in something like this. That is much more valuable than finding out only who owns the truck from a database. They might have gotten additional info on the path the truck took, or a general idea of how many old green Ford trucks in the LE database are actually road worthy/on the road. In other words, LE released the truck photo in order to get more information.

LE says that it was led to the farm by a tip (on the 5th) but the ID theft charge relates to some contact between DG and LE the day prior, on July 4. So maybe LE is not telling us everything.

Why should you be disappointed that LE is asking for as much information as possible (instead of as little as possible?)

Also, if we can be sure of something it is that LE knows more about what is going on than we do as newspaper readers and outsiders. It is a mistake to think that LE or NO’s parents only know/knew as much as we do at any point in time. We (and the media) are outsiders.

Because you don’t want to reveal information that only the perpetrator and LE would know. They are trying to protect the integrity of the investigation. They don’t want someone to have a tailor-made alibi ready based on detailed information that has been published in the press.

However you are assuming that they have video from only one video camera in the neighbourhood. If LE said the truck was circling the neighbourhood they likely have enough video evidence to corroborate that claim. They would not put that out there if they were not sure that that was the case.

In what circumstances would it make sense for DG to commit a crime, drive all the way back to Airdrie and return to Parkhill, to revisit the crime scene 1-1/2 hours later, drive away again and reappear in 1-1/2 hours, repeatedly? LE said DG was smart. That seems incredibly dumb.

Also, just because DG lives in Airdrie does not mean that it is logical for him to bring evidence or bodies all the way back home with him. I think that if there were bodies, a smart man would leave them far away from the place where he lived, in some part of rugged, unpopulated rural Alberta where no one is ever going to find them.

LE does have to thoroughly check out the leads that they have though. The fact that they are searching in Airdrie does not mean that they expect to find things out there, just that LE has to do its due diligence.

DG is not the property owner in Airdrie. And we can’t say for certain that LE didn’t already know who the truck owner was before Friday. For instance, in the TB case, LE held a press conference to say they were looking for someone with a specific tattoo, and had not identified them, on the same day, near the same time, that they took that person (DM) in custody. LE often plays dumb in order to troll for information.

In this case, there may have been so much blood at the L household that it seemed to LE that all who were missing must have died. The crime was reported at 10 AM and about 7 hours later an Amber Alert was issued. That suggests that the AA was chosen as a strategy after much consideration, rather than, the AA was the only, most obvious thing to do.

LE might have started out this investigation by asking if KL and AL had any enemies or had been in any disputes with anyone, and LE could have IDed DG as a POI and known about his record (points 6, 4) on the very first day. Then they could have become aware of the truck on surveillance video (1) and linked it to DG (5). They then spent some time developing their case. Only at this time, when they had some info on DG, and perhaps even gone to see him (the ID related charge suggest contact on the 4th), were they ready to tip their hand and show the photos of the truck. Perhaps they hoped DG would be triggered to take some desperate action to make sure his trail was clean. At any rate, they already had enough info on DG to justify a very wide ranging search warrant by the next day.

Your last paragraph here is, IMO, key. It's quite possible LE specifically looked on CCTV footage for a vehicle - or several - that could be linked to anyone who held a grudge or felt aggrieved toward AL in any way.
I wonder if Garland had registered his green truck with his fake i.d.??
I keep going back to the timeline.

That fuzzy start to this whole case -- that JO "dropped her son off" at 10pm.

The couple of days later plea from police about a green truck that was "seen several times" that night.

1:04 mark -
The pic of the green truck taken in while still light out (early evening?)

Questions and some corroborated facts:

JO and NO and possible MO were at the sale earlier in the day, L neighbour spots NO playing in tot park behind house while AL watches from garage at back. Family members, JO? says NO was helping KL at sale say "Thank you".

Where did NO eat supper? If he was taken home by JO with promises to come back later for the sleepover what time did they leave? Or did they go home and after a phone call from KL or begging from NO did they decide on sleepover later in the evening hence the late hour of drop off at 10 pm?

If the above premise is true, did AL and KL have a visit from the POI during the time JO and NO left to go home for supper/get sleep clothes etc ?
Truck was pictured while it was still light out, LE on above tape says truck came by several times.

My point being, did AL or AL and KL have an argument/altercation with the POI earlier in the evening while they were home alone? (It's entirely possible only AL dealt with him, KL was in pjs at 10 pm drop off she could have been bathing when POI dropped by.) Did the POI drive around aimlessly for hours after this increasing his level of anger? Did he then come back to the L house again sometime after 10, after NO had been dropped off there and JO went home? Did he come back with a vengeance? Did things further escalate because KL was present this time along with a child and it threw the POI off?

This would mean JO could have been totally clueless as to what had happened earlier that evening. Her parents may not have mentioned the POI came by earlier. This could be the reason of the delayed the CCTV footage /green truck theory and why they were concentrating on the estate sale during the first couple of days.

Is this a more probable timeline?
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