Deceased/Not Found Canada - Alvin, 66, & Kathy Liknes, 53, Nathan O'Brien, 5, Calgary, 30 June 2014 - #5

DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
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He seems to be a loner so yes, if they were alive, someone should be looking after them. It's more likely that they are not alive ... but that's just an opinion. As police have said, until there is evidence that they are not alive, they will be presumed to be alive.

And sadly mine as well Otto. :(
I apologize if this comes off as pure speculation, but I think that imagining different scenarios could be important in cracking this case. And so to weigh in on the case in theory:

To me, it looks like a person or persons, injured or otherwise, were taken out of the side door of AL and K's house, and then placed up against the garage door to be loaded into the back of a truck (I am going from the drag marks that were on the side of the house, and the "purple" smear marks on the garage door--although one looks decidedly rounded, which could possibly signify a face or head injury). Let's assume for the moment that the current POI is responsible for the moving AL, K, and N from the house. It looks as though the POI had two options in moving these persons: either he backs up his own truck (the Green one) into the driveway, or he uses the Silver Tundra parked in AL and K's driveway. I suspect that POI in fact used the Tundra.

The scenario:
POI is caught on video going through the neighborhood at various points in the night in Green truck. He parks the truck, enters the house, and some form of "violence" takes place in the house. Not wanting to contaminate his own vehicle with any evidence, POI forces AL, K, and N into the Tundra, and transports them elsewhere. Only maybe he doesn't take a left down past the "1a street south west" (where we believe the infamous photo from the neighbors camera to be). What if he leaves almost straight down Parkhill Street, turning on Mission Road or to the McCleod Trail--from there POI could get to God knows where to do God knows what. In no way does POI necessarily have to leave AL and K's house in the direction that he would have been caught on video from what I see. He then returns the Tundra to the driveway, gets in his own truck, and drives to Ardie (obviously he would need a means of removing any evidence from himself before getting into his own truck--he could have even cleaned himself up at AL/K's home after the fact). The question is, where does the mud from the Tundra come from?

Essentially, I think that it is plausible that Tundra was used in transporting AL, K, and N, but that LE are currently looking for evidence linking POI to the crime scene (perhaps a weapon, blood, a hair in the truck). Means, motive, and opportunity, unfortunately, are not enough to place him at the scene definitively. LE may be scouring every inch of his clothes, vehicle, and property in the hopes that they find something to make that link.

My scenario aside, CTV has a great interactive map/timeline that you can look at if you're interested in having a detailed look at things:

I too hope for the safe return of AL, K, and N; and only post this with the small hope that it may help.
Surely I wasn't serious and didn't expect to be taken so. Sorry...

Now question: I would think there should be more than a few sightings of green pickup trucks that look like the one shown by the police; did LE go after any of the others than Garland's?

I'm so sorry I'm an *advertiser censored**

I am not sure what to think of the truck....surely there is mor e than one in Calgary.
What about in 1973. Were the Airdrie boundaries the same as today?

No the boundaries would not of been the same as in 73 Airdrie has grown substantially over the years
it's hard to escort someone to a bank to withdraw cash without being filmed,, if dg was at a distance to avoid being filmed, al could have called for help or called kl or the police. if any money changed hands it was the estate money from that day. I don't think dg was hard up for cash though and the money was for skip-town documents.

what part of your body can you bleed profusely from yet heal quickly? nose bleeds can be quite gushy as well as cuts to the top of the hand.

did dg pick up some keepsakes that weren't sold, before arranging for the likneses to skip-town?
My question about DG high school is because of unsolved homicides in and around calgary. IF this guy is involved I would look at other unsolved crimes. JMO
My gut feeling remains a robbery gone wrong. If DG was traveling past the house, he was possibly watching until no cars but the family vehicles were there. DG may or may not have been left financially disadvantaged by AL in the past, we dont know. However he has a history of mental health issues, has created a false identity (which he sometimes seems to confuse with his real identity) and his way of thinking may be very different to ours. If he is not thinking rationally, then his reasons for targeting the L family home may be reasons we wont necessarily understand. I think this will come down one way or another to the money- DG (or whoever) expected there to be cash, as they were about to leave town and had just had an estate sale. How much money, or what he was going to do with it we dont know. If someone has been mortally wounded, maybe removing them was meant to make it look domestic?

This is a good theory. LE was forthcoming that they were trying to inventory what people bought to determine whether anything had been stolen. But I don't know if I agree that the robber is DG because LE released him and were very clear that he was not charged of anything related to the three going missing. Although LE is doing a thorough search of the land ... so maybe they just haven't found what they're looking for yet. (Aside from the Litkes and NO).
I'm so sorry I'm an *advertiser censored**

I am not sure what to think of the truck....surely there is mor e than one in Calgary.

That truck looks like it is at least 20 years old. I think it would be not so likely for there to be more than one. Also old trucks like that tend to be beat up a bit and several reports said this one was immaculate.
That truck looks like it is at least 20 years old. I think it would be not so likely for there to be more than one. Also old trucks like that tend to be beat up a bit and several reports said this one was immaculate.

Was there also a quote about a neighbour recognizing a missing mirror on the truck?
10 years is all the killer was sentenced to? That is horrible...

ooops....replying to post #213....
as lonerish as dg might be, I'm sure through past acquaintance that he might know a few arm and leg men.

though, I now think it was either a staged event or an event that caused injury while making arrangements to disappear.
I apologize if this comes off as pure speculation, but I think that imagining different scenarios could be important in cracking this case. And so to weigh in on the case in theory:

To me, it looks like a person or persons, injured or otherwise, were taken out of the side door of AL and K's house, and then placed up against the garage door to be loaded into the back of a truck (I am going from the drag marks that were on the side of the house, and the "purple" smear marks on the garage door--although one looks decidedly rounded, which could possibly signify a face or head injury). Let's assume for the moment that the current POI is responsible for the moving AL, K, and N from the house. It looks as though the POI had two options in moving these persons: either he backs up his own truck (the Green one) into the driveway, or he uses the Silver Tundra parked in AL and K's driveway. I suspect that POI in fact used the Tundra.

The scenario:
POI is caught on video going through the neighborhood at various points in the night in Green truck. He parks the truck, enters the house, and some form of "violence" takes place in the house. Not wanting to contaminate his own vehicle with any evidence, POI forces AL, K, and N into the Tundra, and transports them elsewhere. Only maybe he doesn't take a left down past the "1a street south west" (where we believe the infamous photo from the neighbors camera to be). What if he leaves almost straight down Parkhill Street, turning on Mission Road or to the McCleod Trail--from there POI could get to God knows where to do God knows what. In no way does POI necessarily have to leave AL and K's house in the direction that he would have been caught on video from what I see. He then returns the Tundra to the driveway, gets in his own truck, and drives to Ardie (obviously he would need a means of removing any evidence from himself before getting into his own truck--he could have even cleaned himself up at AL/K's home after the fact). The question is, where does the mud from the Tundra come from?

Essentially, I think that it is plausible that Tundra was used in transporting AL, K, and N, but that LE are currently looking for evidence linking POI to the crime scene (perhaps a weapon, blood, a hair in the truck). Means, motive, and opportunity, unfortunately, are not enough to place him at the scene definitively. LE may be scouring every inch of his clothes, vehicle, and property in the hopes that they find something to make that link.

My scenario aside, CTV has a great interactive map/timeline that you can look at if you're interested in having a detailed look at things:

I too hope for the safe return of AL, K, and N; and only post this with the small hope that it may help.

It never occurred to me that DG did all the driving. Putting your and Mel's theories together, I think it's very possible.
Well, DG has a history of stealing identities/fraud.

Perhaps the Liknes' paid him off with the estate sale money to make them vanish.

Ok, bedtime now.
I apologize if this comes off as pure speculation, but I think that imagining different scenarios could be important in cracking this case. And so to weigh in on the case in theory:

To me, it looks like a person or persons, injured or otherwise, were taken out of the side door of AL and K's house, and then placed up against the garage door to be loaded into the back of a truck (I am going from the drag marks that were on the side of the house, and the "purple" smear marks on the garage door--although one looks decidedly rounded, which could possibly signify a face or head injury). Let's assume for the moment that the current POI is responsible for the moving AL, K, and N from the house. It looks as though the POI had two options in moving these persons: either he backs up his own truck (the Green one) into the driveway, or he uses the Silver Tundra parked in AL and K's driveway. I suspect that POI in fact used the Tundra.

The scenario:
POI is caught on video going through the neighborhood at various points in the night in Green truck. He parks the truck, enters the house, and some form of "violence" takes place in the house. Not wanting to contaminate his own vehicle with any evidence, POI forces AL, K, and N into the Tundra, and transports them elsewhere. Only maybe he doesn't take a left down past the "1a street south west" (where we believe the infamous photo from the neighbors camera to be). What if he leaves almost straight down Parkhill Street, turning on Mission Road or to the McCleod Trail--from there POI could get to God knows where to do God knows what. In no way does POI necessarily have to leave AL and K's house in the direction that he would have been caught on video from what I see. He then returns the Tundra to the driveway, gets in his own truck, and drives to Ardie (obviously he would need a means of removing any evidence from himself before getting into his own truck--he could have even cleaned himself up at AL/K's home after the fact). The question is, where does the mud from the Tundra come from?

Essentially, I think that it is plausible that Tundra was used in transporting AL, K, and N, but that LE are currently looking for evidence linking POI to the crime scene (perhaps a weapon, blood, a hair in the truck). Means, motive, and opportunity, unfortunately, are not enough to place him at the scene definitively. LE may be scouring every inch of his clothes, vehicle, and property in the hopes that they find something to make that link.

My scenario aside, CTV has a great interactive map/timeline that you can look at if you're interested in having a detailed look at things:

I too hope for the safe return of AL, K, and N; and only post this with the small hope that it may help.

That's an interesting theory, and quite possibly what happened. As an Airdrie resident that attended university in Edmonton, he may be more familiar with areas North and East of Calgary, but anything is possible. If police released the timeline that the green truck or the family truck were seen on video, we would know how much time was between the trips and could map out a radius for how far the truck had travelled.
A few things...

Was the drag mark on the side of the house blood or not?

Where are the cameras located from the stills that show the truck?

Do they cover more than one direction from the home or is there a possible alternate route to leave the neighborhood/area that would not show up on camera?

Is AL not biologically related to NO? I saw mention of him being a Step-grandpa.

If DG is from a wealthy family why would he care about a debt, why would he be stealing people's bank cards? Either he is not getting a large allowance or he is just a sociopath. I think it is both.

Where were/are DG's parents?
A few things...

Was the drag mark on the side of the house blood or not?

Where are the cameras located from the stills that show the truck?

Do they cover more than one direction from the home or is there a possible alternate route to leave the neighborhood/area that would not show up on camera?

Is AL not biologically related to NO? I saw mention of him being a Step-grandpa.

If DG is from a wealthy family why would he care about a debt, why would he be stealing people's bank cards? Either he is not getting a large allowance or he is just a sociopath. I think it is both.

Where were/are DG's parents?

Only one photo of the truck has been published by police, but there must be more for them to state that the truck was seen several times. Based on the one photo, and lining it up with google earth imagery, this appears to be the location of the photo

That places the camera on the building on the left.

For your sleuthing pleasure, I am pleased to present a list of Alberta ministries, agencies, branches, and other governing bodies. Have at 'er :)

Penn West Electric as a name appears to be a take on West Penn Power, a First Energy Capital venture and major player in the power resource market in the US.
I wonder what was the reasoning behind AL's truck being taken away? Do LE believe DG may have been in AL's truck that night? Did DG show up at their door that night asking to borrow money or payment of money owed? He would have done it on a friendly note, not to raise any suspicions with KL. Did AL and DG leave to go to the bank in AL's truck but they never made it there, DG murdered AL, got rid of him then drove AL's truck back to the house to take KL and NO? When he got back to the house, KL knew something was wrong and trying to fight DG off getting critically wounded or worse? Whoever did this and left with the three victims, I just don't see the victims going willingly and the perp taking that risk. JMO.

^^ Took the words out of my mouth there swedie ;)
That truck looks like it is at least 20 years old. I think it would be not so likely for there to be more than one. Also old trucks like that tend to be beat up a bit and several reports said this one was immaculate.

The old Ford F150 is only rather 'unique' in that it is so old, but yet in very good condition, .. it is the old type before the newer 'rounded' bodies came out. The color is also not so common for that truck, imho. There are likely others around I'm sure, but perhaps not necessarily in that province at that time, in that condition, with those markings. To find such a truck as in the pictures so quickly and nearby too, is quite a bonus, imho.
OK so on that image the back of the truck is open and clearly there are not bodies in it. Perhaps if the truck was seen several times leaving the area is because (I hate typing this) each body was individually loaded into the front passenger seat and he took two or three trips to wherever.

Ugh I am so sad for this family and that innocent little boy :(
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