Deceased/Not Found Canada - Alvin, 66, & Kathy Liknes, 53, Nathan O'Brien, 5, Calgary, 30 June 2014 - #6

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A family member perhaps removing something from the post or LE adding something ??
There appears to be two P Gs in the area. The P referenced pages back as starting a relationship in November 2013 is not the one about whom we are speaking. DG's sister has children with AL's son. They have been together for some time.

I'm pretty sure we can only use initials when talking about the families of the poi or the victims ?
Good morning from the East Coast!

This story is tugging at the hearts of Canadians everywhere and as I read this forum, as I have faithfully for the past week, I have experienced the highs of hope and the lows of dread, with every new development.

This has been a story that first appeared as the most random of crimes to now evolve to one that has many complications.

I was thinking that if I were to disappear and be abducted, there could be several avenues of my life, past relationships and activities that may seem intriguing and provocative to explore and drill down into, none of which might have anything to do with my disappearance and end up being diversions or rabbit holes. I'm sure that is the case here as well. What is interesting, however, are the patterns that are emerging which may be the 'other investigative leads' the Police reference in their press conferences.

Some of the lingering thoughts/questions I have:

1. I don't believe this to be a robbery related to the estate sale. Given the items for sale, it wouldn't appear to be a lucrative sale and worth the effort. If it were small time robbers, they would not go through the process of removing people from the home clean up and so meticulously.

2. Given how this case is so unique (stated at the press conference yesterday by 35 year policing veteran Kevin Brookwell that he hasn't ever seen a case like this one) I think we'll find the circumstances surrounding it quite complex and convoluted as well and not a typical good guy - bad guy scenario.

3. I think there was more than one person involved in the carrying out of this crime. To overpower three people, possibly dragging one of them into a vehicle, possibly cleaning down the blood stains, a lot for one person to do with neighbours less than a stone's throw away.

4. Aside from a possible falling out over a business dealing a few years back, do we know that AL and DG didn't reconnect, mend fences and whether they had any recent communication?

5. If there are other investigative leads, why aren't the police as open with those a they are with the Airdrie and DG lead?

6. The fact the police have spent so much time and resources on the DG connection and the face that RO has been faithfully attending the court hearings, lends me to believe that the DG connection is the strongest they have and if he wasn't directly involved, he holds many of the answers.

Just some thoughts...enjoy reading and listening to the various perspectives and sleuthing! :)

Praying for a good outcome...
And not just Canadians Oceangirl :/ I'm following from the UK after seeing it on a canadian friends Facebook...

If the police really thought DG had any of the missing 3 alive and held hostage somewhere, would they have kept him in custody for SO long, meaning the 3 could've been without food/water etc? I have a 5 year old son myself and i've been hugging him just that little bit tighter :(
Not a single person, or a group is willing to allign themselves with DG by giving him a place to stay after his release. Interesting only because anyone who does support him might lead LE directly to their doorstep.
A loner is a loner, but I find it hard to believe that he has not met some like minded individuals and formed alliances in a lifetime. He could have friends in high places because of his specialization, but they don't want to flushed out.
His parents could help secure him an apartment or he could stay wherever they're staying...someone has to sign his release conditions into the community for him to be released. He is innocent of the stolen identity crimes until proven guilty, according to the judicial system.
Not a single person, or a group is willing to allign themselves with DG by giving him a place to stay after his release. Interesting only because anyone who does support him might lead LE directly to their doorstep.
A loner is a loner, but I find it hard to believe that he has not met some like minded individuals and formed alliances in a lifetime. He could have friends in high places because of his specialization, but they don't want to flushed out.
To play devils advocate - it could be that there is serious concern for his safety upon release and that's why it's taking time to secure an address for him to be released to. After having him in custody for SO long, would they really just release him now if the police were sure he was involved?
So AL/ grandfather is one of 9 children himself as far as I can tell from an obit. I mention it because he has or had a sister in Veteran , so could be another reason for him heading that way IF it was him sighted in that green truck ,reported incident, that ppl also thought might be trying to get to a plane.

Also in general terms this is a LARGE family. AL 'a mom was one of 6 kids. When she past in 2001 there were at that time 29 grandchildren; 39 great grandchildren ... I am NOT bringing this up to say did into them but to put it out there that IF AL needed help of some sort I am sure he had family members he could call on.
I have the link to the obit but don't want to post it as I don't know it's allowed. And my point here was really just to show this large family dynamic .
Not a single person, or a group is willing to allign themselves with DG by giving him a place to stay after his release. Interesting only because anyone who does support him might lead LE directly to their doorstep.
A loner is a loner, but I find it hard to believe that he has not met some like minded individuals and formed alliances in a lifetime. He could have friends in high places because of his specialization, but they don't want to flushed out.

Are you posting this as a fact, that he does not have a permanent address to go to today? If so, please post a link?

Or are you just speculating/ruminating on him being held over until today?
Not a single person, or a group is willing to allign themselves with DG by giving him a place to stay after his release. Interesting only because anyone who does support him might lead LE directly to their doorstep.
A loner is a loner, but I find it hard to believe that he has not met some like minded individuals and formed alliances in a lifetime. He could have friends in high places because of his specialization, but they don't want to flushed out.

Hoping today is the day LE have enough evidence to slap some sort of charge on him if he is indeed involved. This family needs to be found!
I must say by the numerous businesses, family connections, planes and locations outside this baffled

I would like to find out mor about the business dealing with the Panama Connection and the recently posted information regading the planes.

So strange:

Posted on: Monday, 07 April, 2014 21:26
Updated On: Tuesday, 08 July, 2014 06:14
Expires On: Saturday, 04 October, 2014 21:26
Reply to: (Use contact form below)

I noticed that as well. I also ran a search of the address & phone numbers listed for the contact person and none of them match up except the cell number. VERY strange. EDITED TO ADD: digging a little deeper, this isn't the only RECENTLY updated contact info. There's another web site listed to the same person, same address, same phone number, that was updated on July 7th. Not sure if I can post the link or not?
Good Morning!

Wow, what a lot of finds last nite!

Thinking out loud:

Everything points to them going North re: DG. But what if that was a diversion and everyone left by the back door and headed south. Wonder what vehicles were parked out in the L's garage by the lane? Or did someone pull up there? (Here in Calgary if there is a lack of street parking, visitors will pull up in front of the garage in the back lane)

The initial report said they were near MacLeod Trail (the L house isn't that far away) Maybe DG going around the block several times was just a coincidence and when he stopped in they weren't home? What about vehicles that only went by once? Was every vehicle looked at in that window between 10 pm and 10 am? From the back and front of the house? Was CCTV footage looked at from that angle?

Fish Creek Provincial park is about 15-20 minutes South straight down Macleod Trail in that 12 hour window.

*Notorious California serial killer Charles Ng hid out there years ago.

It came to mind because I live near there and we have been buzzed for the last hour by helicopters.
There seems to be much being said about various business activities of AL. When one examines his history I can appreciate how maybe the optics aren't that good on paper....HOWEVER-- I think it isn't really such a big deal considering where he lives. I think people who aren't from these parts may find it difficult to really understand so I'm going to try to explain:

I'm an Albertan. Much of my family works in the oil patch. Many own their own companies--most have folded their companies more than once or sold out to who then sold to someone else and then started fresh all over again. Whether it be well servicing, pipeline services, or contractor services for large entities like Suncor, Entrepreneurship is the Alberta way. People take risks out here in the wild west. The oil business to Albertans is like technology is to Silicon Valley. Sometimes it works out...sometimes it doesn't. If it doesn't, you cut your losses and start something new. If it does, you sell your share and start something new. Sometimes these start ups are nothing more than two pipe fitters with an idea and a dream. They work a couple years, make a heap of money doing contract work in well management and servicing in order to fund the their startup then bring on a few more workers while they invest in their venture. At some point they then decide it is time to take a year off to travel or move out of province to get out of the oil-patch for a few years so they sell or fold. When they come back they start a new business. Exploration and resource extraction technology development is really risky and it looks like AL was willing to take the gamble. The last few years have been hard on small enterprise in the oil patch. The royalty structure has changed to reward big oil and squeeze out the little guy so to me it makes sense that he had a few unsuccessful ventures.

It sounds to me like AL is/was somthing of an inventor so IMO it would make sense that he would have a few failed start-ups.

Maybe AL owed people money. Maybe he had his finger in a few pies. IMO he may have been targeted by someone or people who felt wronged by him or wanted re-payment of debt. I accept all of that as reasonable hypotheticals. What I don't accept is the fact that there was a 5 year old boy involved and that I'm pretty sure if he was going to plan his own vanishing act he wouldn't have involved his 5 year old grandson. Just saying.

Let's face it the perp or POI or whoever took these people could have drove far far away to dispose of the evidence. I'm talking past Edmonton into northern alberta, or remote places like nordegg. I fear we may never find them. It would be very interesting to know how DG accounted for his movements in and around the time the family went missing.

Lastly, I think LE knew for days they were likely dealing with a homocide but didn't want to admit publicly as they wanted to keep the story outfront in the hopes of getting more tips.

I hope I'm wrong.

I agree with everything you poseted. I work in Oil and Gas in Houston, Tx. The number of people leaving our big company to start a mom & Pop company is amazing. They ride the up and down market rollercoaster. Some do well some don't.

I think the only possible way this child is still alive, is if this is a domestic situation and one or the other adults was killed and the other adult fled with the child. Otherwise I don't see how anyone of them is still alive. I hope they are but the possibilty is very slim this far out.
I don't have much to add, however, I have been following this case very closely since day 1. After seeing the photos from the vigil last night my heart feels so sad for this family. I pray that they are all somewhere, esp NO, safe, and will be found. As a mom, I can't begin to imagine how JO and KO feel right now not knowing.
Married 25 years

I understand what is said about the oil and gas industry, but I do agree that the absence of a website for those companies seems very unusual. How can a company draw business without a website? Another thing about the companies that the grandparents started is that they seem to be all over the place. We have oil and gas, housing, mining, patents that didn't work, marketing, website templates for moving companies, real estate and who know what else. It looks like throwing it all at the wall to see what sticks.

What is apparent is that there is a long financial trail, and one of those financial deals is probably behind their disappearance.

I can answer the above bolded question. People think the oil field is this huge huge thing. In a way it is, but it is also small when it comes to networking almost like a big extended family. If he has been in the business 30 something years which I suspect he has. Then he has a lot of contacts. When someone leaves a big company and starts a little one the word of mouth is super fast. Oil field men gossip worse than women in Sunday church (no offense to anyone). You could run a successful oil service company wihtout a website easily.
Has anyone seen a photo of the "Green Truck" that was seized at the Garland property, i would like to compare it to the released photo of the Green Truck on July 4
The two Canadian camping examples: Wells Grey Park and the RV disappearance of the McCanns were horrible events. In the case of McEnnis - he was caught. In fact I believe he came up for parole this year. I keep hoping that the McCann mystery will be solved soon.

This latest one does not fit neatly into the category of isolation like the two above.

About the McCann's, I sure hope this case does not go like that one. As it is, Lyle and Marie have never been found (4 yrs later). And "TV" (not sure if I can name him anymore) who was named a POI for weeks, then subsequently charged with their murders has had the charges stayed against him. LE has until March 2015 to reactivate the charges. If anyone would like to read up that case, there's a pretty good summary here:
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