CANADA Canada - Ariel Jeffrey Kouakou, 10, Montreal, 12 March 2018

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“At 2 p.m. Monday, a lady might have seen the missing person in a park which is close to his home and his friend’s home,” Lafreniere said.

“It makes sense because he left home at 12:30 … and the park is right in the middle. We believe this is accurate, but we need to speak to this lady because it was reported to us, but we haven’t spoken to her.”

Lafreniere said the passerby, another woman, had no indication at the time the boy was missing, but reported it when she learned about the missing child.
I'm glad the police made the right choice to initiate an Amber Alert, even if this situation doesn't meet the usual criteria. It's cold out. He's a child. A 10 year-old alone in a big city at night scares me.
I wish we could get a little more info on what he's on medication for, just because it could affect where he might be and what his reaction might be if found. Like, if he's a Type 1 diabetic, he might be passed out somewhere from too low/high blood sugar. Or if he's on psychiatric medication he might be acting erratically without it.
Very interesting video interview with the parents in French.

What I discovered:
His parents call him Ariel

He asked his parents on Sunday if he could go to his friends house the following day. In the past his father has always accompanied him and picked him up from this particular friends house but this is the first time they agreed to let him go alone since his father was working on Monday and his mother takes a class at school. He asked them on Sunday and was very excited when they said yes. He said he was going to get up early in the morning so he could spend all day there.

They have adult friends staying with them whose home had a fire therefore they were staying with Ariel and his parents.

Ariel has a younger sister who is 4

On Monday the mother left the home at 7AM and looked in on Ariel and he was still sleeping and she didn’t wake him.

The adults who were staying at Ariel’s later told the parents that Ariel left the house at 12:15pm. I assume this is who gave them a clothing description as well.

The parents friends were planning on picking up Ariel’s little sister at daycare at 4:30 and stopped by Ariel’s friends house on the way to also pick up Ariel and that’s when they discovered that the friends family hadn’t seen Ariel. Edit: I had originally said that the parents friends said that nobody was home at Ariel’s friends house but they actually said that nobody saw Ariel.

The father called the police at 7pm Monday night

The police immediacy searched the area, places he might go, shopping malls, McDonald’s. Ariel’s friends also helped search. The parents have full confidence in the police.

Ariel is shy, kind, well behaved, reserved. He spends his time watching tv or playing video games.

His father limited his video game time about three weeks ago because his grades went down in mathematics but it was limited only during the week. Ariel was permitted to play from Friday after school until Sunday night. His father still allowed him to watch tv and still accompanied him to soccer practice. Ariel wasn’t angry or upset. He understood. His father had told him that they had a deal and if Ariel performed well in school he would get what he wanted but he didn’t so there was a consequence and Ariel understood

Ariel’s mother was asked to speak about Ariel and she reiterated that he was shy, quiet, played well with his friends, was peaceful. She told a story about him wanting a $400 game that he had seen at his friends house and she laughed and said if you do well in school I will get you anything that you want.

They have not told the little sister yet that her brother is missing.

Please any French speakers feel free to add anything that I missed.
Also the parents did not mention any medication or health issues at all. They were both asked to talk about Ariel ( the interview runs over 12 minutes) and nowhere did they say anything about his health being a concern
I am so tired of these missing kids.

Please let him be found safe. Please.
Yup. And going missing when school is starting again after a long break...

Oh no don't think...?? Omg you really think??? I gotta go watch these interviews but your words just knocked the wind outta me :(
Ugh, so I'm going to go there, hoping that as soon as I type it out, he's found and I'm wrong.

So was there someone home at the friend's house? I wonder how trustworthy I are the people that are staying with the parents. What I'd that boy at the park is not him. Meaning he never left the house. I hope the police has searched the whole house more than a couple of times. It could be a crime of opportunity.
I have a 12 year old that has always been good about his punishments. He knows he did wrong, and will accept it with no issues. He is 10. If he's at a friend's home, the parents must know, right. You can't really hide a 12 year old, right.
Sorry for my all over the place thoughts.

All moo

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I wonder if he got lost going back home, especially if he stopped to play at the park and lost track of time and/or where he was.
Ugh, so I'm going to go there, hoping that as soon as I type it out, he's found and I'm wrong.

So was there someone home at the friend's house? I wonder how trustworthy I are the people that are staying with the parents. What I'd that boy at the park is not him. Meaning he never left the house. I hope the police has searched the whole house more than a couple of times. It could be a crime of opportunity.
I have a 12 year old that has always been good about his punishments. He knows he did wrong, and will accept it with no issues. He is 10. If he's at a friend's home, the parents must know, right. You can't really hide a 12 year old, right.
Sorry for my all over the place thoughts.

It’s really not clear what happened at the friends house. Some media claim that Ariel was seen knocking on the door.
Ariel’s father says that when Ariel presented himself at his friends house the friend had left for daycare and there had been a communication error.

The mother says that when her friends went to pick Ariel up at 4:30pm “ils m’ont dit qu’ils ne l’avait pas vu*». They told me that they hadn’t seen him.

It’s unclear if the «*they «*means her friends or if someone answered the door at the friends house at 4:30pm and said that “they” hadn’t seen Ariel. It’s also not clear if someone actually answered the door to Ariel at noon-ish and told Ariel that his friend was at daycare or if they are only surmising that he made it to the house.
Lots of questions.
And yes there were people staying with Ariel’s family. Friends with children who had been rendered homeless by a house fire. No other info given about the friends as to gender, ages, how many etc.
How well do his parents know the adults who are living at their home due to a fire? The fact that there were adults unrelated to him living in the home, the last people to see him there, stood out to me.
Amber alert ended.

Police Montréal ‏Verified account @SPVM
25m25 minutes ago

#Missing Ariel Jeffrey Kouakou: the #SPVM puts an end to the AMBER Alert. We are in the investigative mode and the research continues. We ask the population to stay vigilant and report any information regarding Ariel to 911. Thank you for your help.
Amber alert ended.

Police Montréal ‏Verified account @SPVM
25m25 minutes ago

#Missing Ariel Jeffrey Kouakou: the #SPVM puts an end to the AMBER Alert. We are in the investigative mode and the research continues. We ask the population to stay vigilant and report any information regarding Ariel to 911. Thank you for your help.

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What does this mean??......Alert cancelled but stay vigilant?
Is the park flanking the river? I do know the area is by the water.
I remember a case years ago of a missing boy (Montreal East), also in winter, who was found to have gone through the ice.
A spokesman told Global News they cancelled the Amber Alert for technical reasons although the boy remains missing.

“It simply doesn’t hold the criteria for an Amber Alert,” said Raphael Bergeron, a spokesperson for Montreal police. “It must fulfill at least three out of four.”

The four criteria are law enforcement must confirm that an abduction has taken place. The child must be at risk of serious injury or death. There must be sufficient descriptive information of child, captor, or captor’s vehicle to issue an alert. The child must be under 18 years of age.
at least the Amber Alert was posted and reached across Canada. I would think that if he just got lost or lost track of time he would easily just walk into a corner store and ask for help. He is ten so he should know what to do in that situation. IMO
He was last seen, for sure, leaving his house at the corner of Valmont St. and Viel St., around 12h15 on monday.
He walked towards his friend's house, and could have passed by the Parc des Bateliers, as it was between both de boys' houses
LE are looking for a woman who might have seen him around 2 pm, on monday, in the park... near the river :(
Article in French (I'll be happy to translate if needed)
Where does it say he was last seen for sure leaving his house? I’m not seeing that anywhere. I’m seeing that he was reported to have left his house around noon but I’m not reading where anyone has actually confirmed seeing him.

Even the sighting in the park is a bit weird. It came to the police’s attention from a third party that a woman may have seen him on Monday around 2pm at the park and told the third party about it but nobody can actually track down this woman and they are asking her to come forward.
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