Found Deceased Canada - Ashley Simpson, 27, Armstrong, BC, 27 April 2016 *Arrest*

DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
There is a large police search underway on a farm not too far from Yankee Flats Road. Police describe it as part of an ongoing investigation but haven't revealed more. I wonder if it's in relation to Ashley Simpson, or the other two missing women from this area, Caitlin Potts and Deanna Wertz.

[FONT=&quot]"Crime scene tape has been set up at a large farmhouse property in the 2200 block of Salmon River Road with police descending on the site en masse. At least 20 RCMP officers are at the scene."[/FONT]
There is a large police search underway on a farm not too far from Yankee Flats Road. Police describe it as part of an ongoing investigation but haven't revealed more. I wonder if it's in relation to Ashley Simpson, or the other two missing women from this area, Caitlin Potts and Deanna Wertz.

[FONT=&amp]"Crime scene tape has been set up at a large farmhouse property in the 2200 block of Salmon River Road with police descending on the site en masse. At least 20 RCMP officers are at the scene."[/FONT]

Thanks for the link bloomfield!
Also posted it on Caitlin Potts thread.
Update: human remains were found on the farm. The RCMP did tell relatives of the three missing women from the area that the search was not related to their cases. There are other missing women from the general area.

There is a large police search underway on a farm not too far from Yankee Flats Road. Police describe it as part of an ongoing investigation but haven't revealed more. I wonder if it's in relation to Ashley Simpson, or the other two missing women from this area, Caitlin Potts and Deanna Wertz.

[FONT=&amp]"Crime scene tape has been set up at a large farmhouse property in the 2200 block of Salmon River Road with police descending on the site en masse. At least 20 RCMP officers are at the scene."[/FONT]
“We are sitting on pins and needles, wondering what it is all about. We’ve been following pretty closely what has been happening,” John Simpson said in an interview from his home in Ontario.

His daughter Ashley Simpson was reported missing April 30, 2016. She had been living on Yankee Flats Road, a rural street that runs parallel to Salmon River Road, where police are searching the farm.

Police told John Simpson, when the search began several days ago, that it was not related to his daughter, and he has heard no updates since. But the proximity to his daughter’s home and the lack of communication from her has him worried.

RCMP said last year it was very out of character for Ashley to have no contact with family and friends, and feared foul play was involved in her disappearance.

“We hope that if we can get closure, we can bring her home,” said Simpson, who has travelled several times to B.C. to search for his daughter. “It has been a long 18 months.”
In response to Tarabull:

It's difficult to say, really, as the investigation is still ongoing. I know that my interview with Ashley's father was one of the more heart-wrenching ones I've ever done, so I do hope the family receives answers soon (as I wish for all of the families of these missing women).

Here is an article from a couple of days ago published by a local newspaper regarding Ashley's case:

The same paper also published a three-part series on the story this past January:
Info on missing women
April 28, 2018

...On April 30 from 9 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. at the new Splatsin Community Centre, 5767 Old Vernon Rd, there will be a feast with drummers and bear dancers as well as information sessions for the murdered and missing women from within the 17 Secwepmecul’ecw (Secwepmec) bands.

Ashley Simpson, Deanna Wertz, Caitlin Potts and Nicole Bell all went missing in the Splatsin Nation territory.

Read more:
I was just listening to the True Crime and Mysteries Podcast Episode 25A, in relation to the interview with Michael (44mins in) and he stated that before they left to go to Margaret Falls, Ashley jumped into the back of the tray on the truck for a few minutes then jumped back into the truck for the rest of the journey. Could that be a disingenuous statement to protect the fact that Ashley was put in the tray to transport her and that her DNA would be in there if LE asked ?

Also the fight in the car that Ashley had with Derek could have been played down to cover the fact that that's were the initial assault started, re alcoholic drinks spilt and Derek spitting in the car. Michael then stated that he drove very fast back home, whereupon Ashley was never seen again except by Derek and his close friends. I believe there was a fair bit of "leakage" in Michael's interview and its worth a listen, don't forget it was Michael's idea to go to the Falls in the first place or was it ?

These are only my thoughts and I am sorry if I offended anyone.
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Furthermore to my above post, lets say that this "leakage" continued throughout the whole interview.This is pretty far out there assumption so bare with me.

Now in this interview Michael stated that once they all got to Margaret Falls they started walking up the trail and Derek for some reason wanted to go back to the Truck, whereupon he took Michael's keys and I believe he went back to the truck to intentionally turn the lights on he then he returned. He then disappeared again and both M and A decided to leave when they got back to the truck the lights were on and Derek had the keys. Michael got angry about this because his battery would go flat and so he then had to break into his own truck possibly via the passenger car door and and in doing so intentionally broke or disabled the lock on that side of the truck.
Derek did not return for a hour or so making Ashley conveniently upset and I believe that she jumped in the passenger seat or was already in there when Derek got back ( because that's what I would have done if I had been waiting an hour ). Once the door closed and during the drive home I think Ashley knew what was going to happen ( thus the distressing texts she sent from her phone on the way back ) she was drinking in the front seat and this is when I believe D used a rope or a belt to strangle her from behind causing the drink to fly out of her hand and Michael used his right arm because he was in the drivers seat to stop her kicking out ( now he has a sore right shoulder ) It would have taken a lot of energy from Derek and he spat and spluttered in the back seat till it was over. Ashley was unable to escape because the lock on her side of the truck was tampered with before they left to return home. Michael also mentioned that he drove very fast on the way home, did this help by pushing Ashley back in her seat to make it easier for Derek or was it that he was panicking because he now had a dead body sitting next to him. Ashley from this point on was never positively identified as being alive by anyone again, apart from Derek and Michael.
I would like to know the whereabouts of this truck now ( I bet you it has been sold or destroyed ) I think this was a cold premeditated murder and that Derek purposely used Ashley's emotions against her and that Michael was an accomplice.
These are only my assumptions but I think this interview/statement from Michael showed that his sub conscious self wants to tell the truth about what happened that day but his conscious self is preventing him from doing so, thus leakage.
Please listen to the interview its very interesting.
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There is a group of drone operators who are organizing across the nation to do search and rescue operations via drone. The images (incredible) are put on line for viewing and if something is seen it can be investigated. They are working on several cases and just posted reaching out for operators in Ashley's area. The page is called Wings of Mercy.
There is a group of drone operators who are organizing across the nation to do search and rescue operations via drone. The images (incredible) are put on line for viewing and if something is seen it can be investigated. They are working on several cases and just posted reaching out for operators in Ashley's area. The page is called Wings of Mercy.
Oct 4 2018

"The missing, Oct. 3
Drones offer hope to families of missing | The Star
I want to thank the Star for its investigative story about the missing women of B.C. My cousin Ashley Simpson is one of those women. She disappeared without a trace from her home in Salmon Arm, B.C., two and a half years ago.

As the story reported, her disappearance has devastated her family. Her mother, Cindy, and father, John, have had their lives ripped apart, and yet they have gathered the strength to continue to search for her and raise awareness and money for the families of the missing and murdered in Canada.

Last year, John Simpson began raising money to buy drones to search the areas where Ashley disappeared. He realized there was a need for technology that could be used to search places too dangerous or overgrown for searchers.

Since then, a volunteer group of skilled drone pilots, called Wings of Mercy, have joined forces to help after official searchers go home. This week, pilots will conduct another aerial search in the area where Ashley disappeared. The drones can capture in detail grids of the difficult terrain, which can then be examined by forensic professionals.

Drone technology has great potential for search-and-rescue efforts, which are often funded poorly or not at all. It is also far less costly than sending in an army of investigators.

It is our hope that we can turn our tragedy into hope for the countless families who feel abandoned, and give families all over North America hope that they might finally discover what happened to their loved ones.

Rose Simpson, Ottawa"

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