During the case of Mickey Shunick in Louisiana, one of the posters on the thread was responding to the movement of remains by a perp, stating the difficulty that decomp presents for this concept. Because the entire case was flawed start to finish, the physical evidence, along with timeline, witnesses....is one gigantic @£€%#¥!!
If the timeline wasn't so badly done, it would have helped more.
If the interviews had been handled better...
If the physical evidence had been collected better...
If the autopsy hadn't been botched.....
I'm not saying anything that hasn't been said/thought before & better & it's frustrating b/c I can add little more than if, if, if, if, if........
Can somebody tell me, in a pm, I would suppose, who owns the land where her remains were found? And who that poor Towser young man was naming? Whatever became of him?And chirren, does UC not have a verifiable insider rule?
I'm still reading, just getting to your point @ his physical injuries, I just still can't get the stanza posts.