GUILTY Canada - Diane Werendowicz, 23, raped & murdered, Hamilton, Ont, June 1981

DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
Still trying to make sense of the motive of the phone caller. Like did he think he needed to tell police because he thought they didn't know? Any other theories? Maybe a low IQ? A narcissist killer? To frame a Dofasco worker? To get a load off his chest?

Was just reading about the Zodiac killer in the US 60s 70s. They didn't record his call but he too phoned it in. Here is the report taken:

Another article
Occasionally, serial killers communicate with police or the mass media. It may be a poem or a random telephone call.

History is fraught with criminal cases in which the perpetrators caught themselves, not only by carelessly leaving clues at the crime scene, but by opening their mouth. Too often, criminals have spoken of their crime to relatives or friends, sometimes to seek advice on avoiding police or prosecution and other times to just "brag." Whatever the motive, it is common knowledge in police and criminal justice circles that solid investigative work to identify a suspect frequently is bolstered by the perpetrator’s own incriminating words.
Since the tie-in they've been alluding to is a geographic connection - another study I'd think could be done today that maybe couldn't so easily be done back then, would be to map where the Dofasco workers on that shift lived? i.e. Could there have been others that lived near DW and worked at Dofasco?

Since the phone call is so important, how about survey the bar clientele to find out who also worked at Dofasco?
Just reading through some documents. This came from the legal document regarding a 4th trial:

The 911 call resulted in the dispatch of police to a location within 100 feet of the workplace of a man whose DNA was later discovered in and on the victim. That man subsequently admitted to intercourse with the victim on the night she was killed. Independent triangulation of the DNA evidence and the 911-trace evidence located someone with unique and intimate knowledge of the victim on the night she died. This was powerful corroboration of the reliability of the evidence, because the possibility of coincidence is highly unlikely: see U. (F.J.), at paras. 40, 42. We can also exclude the possibility of collusion or tainting because the respondent was not a suspect at the time, his identity was unknown, and neither the police nor Bell Canada had any idea of his connection to Ms. Werendowicz.

It is kind of hard to shake how coincidental it is.
Geesh, I'm still torn. Looking up info to exonerate him and then it seems to implicate him:

Re: DRG's trial

The man stabbed Ms. Robertson in her right ear and four to five times to her neck.

We know now RB is left-handed. At first I was going to say this was done by a right-handed man (ie. right ear) but if he was on top of her full front, it was done by a left-handed man I'd think. So which way was she facing when he stuck the screwdriver into her?

Also as to where he lived
In 1981, Mr. Badgerow worked at Dofasco and lived with his parents. Ms. Sormaz resided with her parents

So this implying he lived at 50 Jerome at the time is misleading.

However, the Hunts lived closeby. This referring to the DRG case:
The drive from the Hunt resident to the intersection near the crime scene was said to be 1.6 kilometres and took 2 minutes, 25 seconds at 50 kilometres per hour and 1 minute, 56 seconds at 60 kilometres per hour.
From today SC Tweets
Fox says "the contempt for the sanctity of this person" can be indicated by drowning Diane in creek and dumping of the tire on top of her.

Why would RB have so much contempt? I think 2 past boyfriends would have more reason. IMO speculation
"Face down in the crick," Sutton says. Tire was on "the back of her shoulders and head."
even the LE officer used the word "crick."
I thought today's pathologist was valuable for many reasons. The gravitational flow of the semen and the history of working on cases where none of them were dressed after their sexual assault, the explanation of sexually motivated homicide not necessarily involving rape. IMO
I thought today's pathologist was valuable for many reasons. The gravitational flow of the semen and the history of working on cases where none of them were dressed after their sexual assault, the explanation of sexually motivated homicide not necessarily involving rape. IMO

Today's evidence was enlightening. Interesting how the photographs showed the shoelaces laced and tied, yet the officer wrote in his notes that they were unlaced. Also interesting how the 'holdback' information .. all of those points.. were printed in the newspaper the next day.. some kind of holdback, huh? And yet they claim that 'only the killer could know'. Wow. Between those things, and that person not being interviewed about the people she saw walking and arguing, and the guy lifting the tire from DW's head before police arrived, and the incorrect info in the notes as compared to the photographic evidence, and on and on and on. Really makes me wonder how we could be spending the bucks on a FOURTH trial. wow. And the seeming desire to have the public believe things that weren't true, such as where RB was living at the time. It is obvious that those with an agenda seem to want the public to believe he also resided in the same building as the victim, but yet he did not until some 10 months later?

Did you also catch the part where it mentioned that burrs were quite far away from the body and the panties, but yet the panties had burrs inside of them?

ETA adding today's tweets in regard to where the burrs were located in relation to where the panties were found with burrs inside of them; and how the photo showed shoelaces still laced and tied, but officer's notes said otherwise. Also how much of the holdback info was actually reported in the newspaper at the time.

SC Tweets from today (Nov 7, 2016) (read bottom to top):

Only burs were 50 feet east of where panties were found...End of the read-in. Jury done for the day. #badgerow #HamOnt

June 21, 1:30 p.m. Sutton and Harris were in Diane's apartment and found "a marijuana roach."

Once again, seeing photos of Diane's body at the murder scene.

That day's @TheSpec said "strangling victim." Also said a tire was over her head and described her clothing.

Tire taken off Diane's body. Sutton said it was very old and he didn't think they tried to trace it via its serial number.

In report Sutton wrote "shoes unlaced."

Back to notes on the running shoes and panties. Photo of running shoes show them ties and laced. Jury is seein the photo of white Nikes.
even the LE officer used the word "crick."

I'm assuming it was the defence that wanted the trials moved to a different community due to the media exposure.. but yet for that reason alone, of how common it was to use 'crick' at the time, for people in hamilton at least, it may have been a decision that ended up being detrimental to their case. nobody in Kitchener may know how common.
Geesh, I'm still torn. Looking up info to exonerate him and then it seems to implicate him:

Re: DRG's trial

We know now RB is left-handed. At first I was going to say this was done by a right-handed man (ie. right ear) but if he was on top of her full front, it was done by a left-handed man I'd think. So which way was she facing when he stuck the screwdriver into her?

Also as to where he lived

So this implying he lived at 50 Jerome at the time is misleading.

However, the Hunts lived closeby. This referring to the DRG case:

Do we know that in the DR attack, she was being attacked from the front?

In one of those previous legal reports it was written about the timing. How long for RB to have left TH's house after 11pm, and arrived to punch in at 11:18pm. During which time he would have had to park, attack, back in the car, drive to Dofasco, park in the employee lot, go to the punch clock. They didn't believe he had time to do it. And he didn't. So he didn't get charged, not until his DNA came up inside DW. Then they went for the gold and charged him for both crimes. And yes, all of that implying that he lived at 50 jerome at the time is absolutely misleading, and for what reason?
Crick (variant of creek)

Crick is a variant of creek originating in the U.S., where it reflects a dialectal pronunciation of the word for a small, shallow stream. Crick might be nonstandard, but it is established enough to be considered an alternative form, and it is even listed in some dictionaries. In writing, crick is often used to create a rustic tone.
[h=1]How to Define Hamilton’s Neighbourhood Boundaries and Localisms: East, West, North, South, Upper and Lower?[/h] [h=5]By Joey Coleman | February 13, 2015[/h]
Just reading through some documents. This came from the legal document regarding a 4th trial:

It is kind of hard to shake how coincidental it is.

i don't know. If you consider the population of hamilton at the time was just over 300,000, Stelco alone employed something like 26,000, and I'm not sure how many Dofasco employed in 1981, say it was another 25,000, that means 1/6 of the population worked in the steel industry, and then if you refine that into males, and then refine into the age range of the men who would work there, and those being the same age as the expected perp, it kind of widens the odds, doesn't it? Not to mention.. there is nothing to say that the caller was in fact the murderer, since there wasn't any real secrets revealed to say it had to be the killer. And not to mention that if it was the murderer who made the call, if he had a functional brain, would he call from a phone at work, where it could be traced? Couldn't it have been just joe-anyguy driving down Barton Street, or Ottawa, or wherever that phonebooth was, saw it from the street, pulled in, phoned? And what of the light haired individual who was actually witnessed using the phone around the time the call was made? Are we to just ignore that part, just because the police chose to ignore it?
in regard to the story below, yes, he went on to concede that victims can be raped and have no injuries, but i'm pretty sure he did not concede that if DW had been raped in the ravine with her pants obviously down, that she would have had no sign of scratches and abrasions caused by the twigs, stones, etc., on the ground, etc. Those types of scratches would be inherently present, whether the 'sex' was consensual or rape, if the 'sex' had taken place in the ravine, imho.

yesterday's testimony was indeed interesting about the natural flow of semen and while wearing jeans that were back on. The fact that it was in the middle indicates DW wasn't lying down after RB deposited his semen into her, but rather, was in a standing/walking position.

The questions about which vehicle RB drove at the time, and some knowing about the blue one but not the green one.. i wonder what that's about, ie does it matter which one, since both vehicles were old? And they have this tire.. but yet they don't bother to check the serial number on it to see from which year, make, model of vehicle it may have been from? I didn't know that tires had serial numbers.. but wow, more potential evidence not followed up? i guess it would be rather meaningless evidence anyway, since there are likely a number of vehicles that could have fit tires like that, and the tire may just have been tossed into the ravine by a passerby.

Asked about the lack of significant injuries on Diane's legs and buttocks, Milroy said that he would expect if someone had intercourse in the wooded ravine — regardless if it was consensual or if it was rape — there would be bruises and scrapes. But then he went on to concede that "victims can be raped and have no injuries."
I'm assuming it was the defence that wanted the trials moved to a different community due to the media exposure.. but yet for that reason alone, of how common it was to use 'crick' at the time, for people in hamilton at least, it may have been a decision that ended up being detrimental to their case. nobody in Kitchener may know how common.

Hopefully the jury caught it as quickly as I did.
Do we know that in the DR attack, she was being attacked from the front?

In one of those previous legal reports it was written about the timing. How long for RB to have left TH's house after 11pm, and arrived to punch in at 11:18pm. During which time he would have had to park, attack, back in the car, drive to Dofasco, park in the employee lot, go to the punch clock. They didn't believe he had time to do it. And he didn't. So he didn't get charged, not until his DNA came up inside DW. Then they went for the gold and charged him for both crimes. And yes, all of that implying that he lived at 50 jerome at the time is absolutely misleading, and for what reason?

I haven't seen a report that says front or back. The only window I saw was if Tammy only thought he was there until 11. Don't/didn't some news channel also have a 10 pm news? Then national news at 11? Whatever. I was just pondering the left hand right hand issue.
<snipped> all of that implying that he lived at 50 jerome at the time is absolutely misleading, and for what reason?

And like you said, if you murdered someone there, unless you're wack and get off on reliving the crime, why move to that location? I think they probably moved there because it was close to TH's parents. (speculation) I hope the jury caught the clarification that he didn't move there until 1982.

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