GUILTY Canada - Envelope with Ricin mailed to White House, Sept 2020 *Arrest*

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Too late to delete ^ post..noting, rbbm.
Canadian suspect identified in ricin letters sent to Trump
''The suspect, Pascale Ferrier, is a 53-year-old Canadian citizen and a computer programmer, CTV News has learned.''
''Arrest records show she spent three months in jail and was released in May 2019, travelling to Quebec a short time later.''

She became a Canadian resident in 2015. I doubt that Canada is going to spend much to get this charmer back.

"Hidalgo County court records indicate Ferrier was arrested on March 12, 2019 on charges of tampering with a government record and unlawful carrying of a weapon."

What unlawful weapons charge could she have? I thought that Texas had free and easy gun laws?

Suspect identified in mailing of ricin-filled envelopes

Canadian suspect identified in ricin letters sent to Trump
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She became a Canadian resident in 2015. I doubt that Canada is going to spend much to get this charmer back.

"Hidalgo County court records indicate Ferrier was arrested on March 12, 2019 on charges of tampering with a government record and unlawful carrying of a weapon."

What unlawful weapons charge could she have? I thought that Texas had free and easy gun laws? (BBM)

Suspect identified in mailing of ricin-filled envelopes

Canadian suspect identified in ricin letters sent to Trump

I would speculate that she was illegally carrying a handgun without a permit.

Texas still requires a handgun permit to lawfully carry a handgun. An applicant must take a class from a Texas-certified instructor, pass a background check, and provide fingerprints for a nationwide check for criminal history. US citizenship is usually required for firearms ownership and a permit in most states, although there are occasional exceptions for hunting, long guns, and diplomatic/military personnel. If Ferrier was in the US illegally, there could be charges for illegal possession, and carrying a handgun without a permit in Texas is also a crime. She would not have been eligible for a Texas permit as a non-citizen.
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Well, I'm going to stick to my theory that she isn't very SMART!

Let's forget for a moment that she sent a ricin laced letter to POTUS.

She was deported from the US and had the audacity to try and get back in, during a pandemic, and all the while the Border is closed to non essential travel. Yikes!

Did she not think her name was on file? Did she actually think she could get in? Oh Wow!

Well...she's going to get her wish. A one way ticket to the US except she won't be in sunny south Texas. She'll be in a federal prison for the foreseeable future. LOL

I wonder if they will charge her for attempted murder of POTUS? Possible? She might never see the light of day again.

Maybe she turned herself in...
Must be terrifying for the unlucky neighbours of this woman, considering..
Suspect arrested at Canada-U.S. border in connection with ricin letter addressed to White House | Toronto Sun
''While naturally occurring, the toxin requires a deliberate act to convert it into a biological weapon, with exposure to an amount as small as a pinhead capable of causing death within 36 to 72 hours. No known antidote exists.''

Poisoned letter to Trump probably went through Montreal | Montreal Gazette
''The postal code corresponds to an industrial district of St-Laurent where Canada Post has a sorting facility.''
''The envelope is clearly postmarked “H4T”, according to an image posted by CNN''.

Photo courtesy of CNN.

One frightening thought is that the ricin may have been spread through Canada Post, possibly contaminating equipment or other mail. When the US experienced an anthrax attack in 2001 via letters sent through the US Postal Service, Postal Service employees died or became gravely ill, equipment was contaminated, and the anthrax was fine enough to escape the original envelopes it was mailed in. The anthrax was spread, likely by sorting equipment, to people who weren’t the addressees of the anthrax-laced letters. I don’t know much about ricin, but I hope it didn’t escape the envelopes.... It sounds like RCMP and other agencies are responding and hopefully no one will be sickened or killed.

The ricin could have also contaminated US Postal Service equipment as well, as the letters arrived in the US....
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She hasn’t made a post since her June strawberry pie. Probably a better use of her cooking skills. She also looks considerably more deranged now. Wonder what she was doing that she couldn’t/ wouldn’t extend her visa.
Very strict 6 mo visa for Canadians in US, otherwise people would never leave (nicer weather). To work legally you have to get a visa arranged by an employer.
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Additional information sort of. She went to the extreme. Maybe MH. jmo

Pascale Ferrier Arrested in Connection with Ricin Letter Sent to Trump

Pascale Ferrier: 5 Fast Facts You Need to Know |
Ferrier, and these people listed in this link, where do they get the ricin?
It's stated that one of these people, William Clyde Allen III, bought castor beans and made the ricin.
What is involved in making it?
Seems a tad scary to think you can simply make this stuff and send it by mail to off someone you've got an issue with. This is dangerous stuff.

As for this Ferrier woman, was she ticked off that she got kicked out of Texas ?
If it can make ricin, bye bye my plant caster bean. jmo not happy but well it's being used again and again. booo Grew up growing it as a summer plant lol. oy
As for this Ferrier woman, was she ticked off that she got kicked out of Texas ?

From another facebook page La Techno-Créative Nomade

She seems to have gone to spend the winter of 2018-19 in the US in a huge RV she bought. A common dream of office workers everywhere. Why she had fake ID and a gun...that part is bizarre.

She left Canada in mid-October, so was due to return in mid-April, but overstayed her visa because of her legal issue. IMO, being deported with a record, meant she couldn't go back to the US, and had to give up her big dream to be a tech nomad. IMO, likely brooded over it, during covid conditions, and drove herself crazy.
Speculation, imo.
Could the perp possibly be a married mother and nurse who once lived in France?

I posted a link to her facebook in an earlier post. She has a photo of her being sworn in as a Canadian citizen on 15 Aug 2015. (France? perhaps?)

Edit to add: Doesn't seem to be any nursing in her background according to her LinkedIn profile here. Her CV (resume)is uploaded onto her page. But definitely originates from France (vice Belgium, etc):
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From what I can see , She is certainly a new resident to Canada ( probably in the last 5 years or so) and is originally from France. I wonder what brought her to Canada?
She mentions in her FB posts that she has family in America.
She does seem so normal on her FB page. I notice that in her “About” info she writes that she works at Pratt and Whitney but in her actual posts she talks about her place of employment being Marche Ami which is a type of corner store situated in low income areas. The one she claims to work at (Lemoyne) is not in her neighborhood. In fact on that particular Marche Ami
‘S FB page she has written posts and likes so there is a connection.
I wonder if she did initially work at Pratt and Whitney and then mental health issues affected her to the point that she lost her job and ended up working a minimum wage job in a corner store? She expresses herself quite eloquently in both French and English on her FB page which is actually a rarity in Quebec but might be a result of her growing up and being educated in France where learning English is encouraged.
Quite the enigma she seems to be thus far
Sept 22 2020
''The woman suspected of sending ricin-laced envelopes to the White House and several officials in Texas from Canada is set to make her first court appearance later this afternoon.''

''Ferrier was born in France but had been living in Canada since 2008 and gained citizenship, according to court documents.

A search of social media shows Ferrier was recently critical of Trump.

Last year she was living in Texas and was arrested in the city of Mission in March 2019 for illegally carrying a firearm as well as holding a fake driver's licence, court records show.

She pleaded not guilty, and the charge was eventually dismissed because it was her first offence. She spent 20 days in jail.''
My personal opinion is she is mentally ill. She knows the wrongs she's done. It was wrong. Very wrong. jmo

I don't think this horrid woman is mentally ill.

Imo, she's another dangerous suspect who is driven by blind hatred.

Hatred is a human emotion, and it can be a very deadly dangerous one as we see by her crimes, and by other suspects who have tried or succeeded in carrying out their violent crimes against targeted victims.

Imo, it's that twisted emotion of blind hatred that made this happen....not mental illness.

Thank God she was caught quickly!

I hope if convicted she's sentenced very very harshly to prison so she can't ever get out, and target more innocent victims again.

Imo, she's another one who refuses to place blame for their own wrongdoings on themselves where it squarely belonged.

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''Her defence lawyer in the Mission case, Alberto Osorio, said she had purchased the firearm legally, but that the case hinged on whether her trailer was considered a home or vehicle.

"An RV can technically be both," he told CBC News.''

"This is a shock, shocking to me," said Osorio of the ricin allegations. "My interactions with Ms. Ferrier were always very pleasant, I must say."
Ricin letter: Quebec woman to be charged with threatening the U.S. president
''Fingerprints belonging to suspect Pascale Ferrier were found on the envelope and the letter, as well as six similar envelopes and letters sent to addresses in Texas, according to an affidavit filed on Tuesday by an FBI bomb technician''.

''According to the affidavit, when Ferrier was arrested by U.S. Customs, she mentioned that she may be "wanted by the FBI" for the ricin letters. She was also carrying a loaded gun in her waistband at the time and had a knife on her person.

The affidavit also revealed portions of what was allegedly written in the letters.

In a letter addressed to Trump, the affidavit says, Ferrier told the president to "give up and remove your application for this election." She allegedly wrote that the ricin was her "gift" to him and if it did not work, she would find a recipe for another poison or use her gun against the president.''

Accused ricin-mailer told border agents she was 'wanted' by FBI: affidavit | Toronto Sun
“I found a new name for you: ‘The Ugly Tyrant Clown’ I hope you like it,” Ferrier allegedly wrote in the letter destined for 1600 Pennsylvania Ave. and intercepted at an off-site White House mail screening facility.

“You ruin USA and lead them to disaster,” the letter continues in broken English.

“I have US cousins, then I don’t want the next 4 years with as president. Give up an remove your application for this election. So I made a ‘Special Gift” for you to make a decision. This gift is in the letter. If it doesn’t work, I’ll find better recipe for another poison, or I might use my gun when I’ll be able toc come. Enjoy!”
The letter is signed with the salutation “FREE REBEL SPIRIT.”
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Ricin letter: Quebec woman to be charged with threatening the U.S. president
''Fingerprints belonging to suspect Pascale Ferrier were found on the envelope and the letter, as well as six similar envelopes and letters sent to addresses in Texas, according to an affidavit filed on Tuesday by an FBI bomb technician''.

''According to the affidavit, when Ferrier was arrested by U.S. Customs, she mentioned that she may be "wanted by the FBI" for the ricin letters. She was also carrying a loaded gun in her waistband at the time and had a knife on her person.

The affidavit also revealed portions of what was allegedly written in the letters.

In a letter addressed to Trump, the affidavit says, Ferrier told the president to "give up and remove your application for this election." She allegedly wrote that the ricin was her "gift" to him and if it did not work, she would find a recipe for another poison or use her gun against the president.''

Accused ricin-mailer told border agents she was 'wanted' by FBI: affidavit | Toronto Sun
“I found a new name for you: ‘The Ugly Tyrant Clown’ I hope you like it,” Ferrier allegedly wrote in the letter destined for 1600 Pennsylvania Ave. and intercepted at an off-site White House mail screening facility.

“You ruin USA and lead them to disaster,” the letter continues in broken English.

“I have US cousins, then I don’t want the next 4 years with as president. Give up an remove your application for this election. So I made a ‘Special Gift” for you to make a decision. This gift is in the letter. If it doesn’t work, I’ll find better recipe for another poison, or I might use my gun when I’ll be able toc come. Enjoy!”
The letter is signed with the salutation “FREE REBEL SPIRIT.”
I bet her “cousins” can’t wait to be ID’d & interviewed.

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