GUILTY Canada - Jennifer Teague, 18, Barrhaven ON, 8 Sept 2005

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Foul play feared in disappearance of Barrhaven teenager

Sunday, September 11, 2005
It has been three days since 18-year-old Jennifer Teague was last seen.

Ottawa Police are now conducting a massive ground search of an area in Barrhaven near the area where Teague was last seen Thursday morning.

Teague left work at Wendy's just after midnight on Thursday and was planning to walk home. The search is focused on the route Jennifer would have walked home Thursday morning.

Investigators now suspect foul play may be involved in the disappearance.

Staff Sgt. Monique Ackland tells CFRA News "information Major Crime has gathered leads us to believe they are dealing with foul play."

Police are asking the public to keep an eye out for the 18-year-old or any clues in her disappearance.

Ackland says searchers have found no trace of Teague or any signs she may have been in the area.

Her father Edward Teague tells CFRA News, "We're just praying to God ... It's basically out of our hands and in His hands." Jennifer was supposed to play in a soccer match on Saturday, instead her father attended the game and received encouragement and support from teammates and friends.

Teague also delivered a message to his daughter "Let us know where you are at, we will come and get you ... we just want you back. If someone knows where she is at, please just send our daughter back to us."

Teague is described as white, 5' 4", 106 lbs with shoulder length dyed dark brown hair. Police say she was carrying a backpack with her Wendy's uniform inside at the time of her disappearance. She was wearing light blue jeans, red shoes, white tank top and a black zip up sweater.

Ottawa Police have set up a command post in Barrhaven and are encouraging anyone with information to call police at 232-1222 ext. 5115

Photo at link:
Cops waited too long to search: Dad, stepmom Search for Jennifer

Sun, September 11, 2005
By Laura Czekaj, Ottawa Sun

The father and stepmother of a missing Barrhaven teen want to know why it took police more than 40 hours to launch a ground search after she was reported missing.

Jennifer Teague vanished a short distance from her Kennevale Ave. house around 1:30 a.m. Thursday. She was reported missing by her family at about 8:35 p.m. that day.

Police officially launched their grid search from the Barrhaven United Church on Jockvale Rd. around 3:30 p.m. yesterday.

Jennifer's dad, Ed, said it took way too long.


"Originally they (the police) said they won't start searching until Sunday," he said.

Teagues' wife and Jennifer's stepmother, Sylvie, was frustrated at what she believed to be police inaction.

"It would have been nice if they had taken an interest, shown some compassion," she said, adding Jennifer is not a runaway and should not be treated as such.

"I know it's the law but laws can be changed," said Sylvie. "There are so many unsolved cases right now, you think they would have learned."

Staff Sgt. Monique Ackland said as soon as investigators got the report that Jennifer was missing, they started compiling information and calling friends and family.


"First the investigators from the missing adult unit take the investigation. They speak to friends, they speak to family and they have to fill out, you can call it a check list if you will, for missing persons,"she said. "Once you have looked at everything you can possibly do, then you will start with a full search."

Ackland said the decision to launch a full-scale search is made by the search master. If there is reason to believe it is suspicious, the major crime unit takes over the case.

Coun. Jan Harder, who dropped by the police search command post yesterday, said police were doing everything they could to find the missing teen.
Desperately seeking Jennifer Teague
Search steps up for teen who vanished after late shift

Sun, September 11, 2005

OTTAWA POLICE suspect foul play may be involved in the disappearance of Jennifer Teague, who was last seen walking on Jockvale Rd., heading home early Thursday morning.

The Barrhaven teen had finished her night shift at a fast food restaurant. The 18-year-old disappeared sometime during a 20-minute walk to her Kennevale Dr. home, through a quiet, residential neighbourhood.

"The information that we have leads us to believe that foul play may be involved," said Staff Sgt. Monique Ackland.

The petite teen had just finished her shift at the Wendy's on Riocan Ave., when she called her friends at about 12:30 a.m. to set up a meeting at a convenience store at the intersection of Tartan Dr. and Jockvale.


She hung out with friends Lydia Dobson and Alicia Blais until about 1:30 a.m. Then they parted ways.

It was the last time she was seen.

Jennifer's walking route was the focus of an intense police ground search, which lasted into last night.

Ackland said while Jennifer could be staying with a pal and hadn't checked in with family, it would be out of character for a teen described by relatives as "responsible."

Since she vanished, no calls have been made from her cellphone and no activity recorded on her bank account. There is no indication she's depressed or suicidal.

Jennifer's mom, Jean, and older brothers -- Kevin, 24, and Carey, 19 -- kept vigil, waiting for word.

Before Jennifer left work on Thursday morning, she called her mom to tell her she was coming straight home. "She said 'Leave my pyjamas on the chair,' " said Jean.

Her mother turned in for the night, assuming her daughter would be home shortly. The next morning the family didn't miss Jennifer, who sleeps in the basement and would wake up early to go to school.

It wasn't until 8:35 p.m. Thursday, when the teen hadn't shown up for work, that the family called police.

Jennifer's dad, Ed, her brothers and friends have been searching for her since Thursday night. Missing posters were plastered throughout the bedroom community. "I've just done all those places where something could be thrown -- a shoe, a purse, a cellphone," said Ed.

Friends say Jennifer's unhappy about working the night shift now that she's back in school. Her mom doesn't have a car, so Jennifer would usually take the bus to work.

Bus service ends before she finishes work and she has to walk home or call a friend for a ride.

"How many million of times do you walk home?" asked the distraught mom. "It's Barrhaven, it's a community. You should be able to walk home in your community."

When Jennifer last spoke by phone to her dad and her stepmom, Sylvie, around 2:30 p.m. Wednesday, she was happy and upbeat.

"She was just looking forward to resting up for (work)," said her dad. "Then we said goodbye. Her last words to me were 'I love you dad.' "

Ed and Sylvie, of Spencerville, brought Jennifer's soccer jersey to her team's game yesterday because "she would want to be here."

"I don't think there is anything worse then watching the clock ticking by until something official can be done," said Ed.
Screams heard on night teen vanished

September 13, 2005
Gary Dimmock
The Ottawa Citizen

Lise Martens heard the screams around the same time Jennifer Teague would have been making her way home on the darkened streets of Barr-haven, just after saying goodbye to friends at the corner store down the road, just after the lousy late-night shift at Wendy's.

"It woke me up. It sounded like somebody got scared. It was a very high-pitched scream.

"That's what it sounded like for a few seconds.

"It was mostly a loud scream, muffled. It was definitely a woman," said Mrs. Martens, whose house backs onto Jockvale Road, right by Jennifer's usual route home.

Mrs. Martens, the wife of a retired Mountie, figured it was just a couple having a fight, and when she went downstairs and looked outside, she saw nothing, so never called police.

The police have since taken her statement and, so far, it is possibly the only publicly known trace of Jennifer Teague.

Jennifer's best friend thinks she was taken against her will. The police have expanded their plea for the public's help beyond town, and her father is still waiting for a miracle.

Ed Teague woke up yesterday, shaved, then got down on his knees and prayed for his daughter, now missing for five days without a confirmed trace.

Jennifer Teague, 18, had little money in her pocket, hasn't used her bank card, and her mobile phone has been dead since Thursday, the day she went missing just minutes from her Barrhaven home. Missing for no other reason than walking home on the other side of midnight in a once-safe suburb after pulling down the late-night shift at Wendy's.

As police did an air search over a swimming hole at the edge of Barrhaven -- a place she cooled off at last summer -- her best friend, Amy Picknell, 19, declared that whatever happened to Jennifer, "it was out of her control."

"She's amazing and doesn't deserve this. She hasn't done anything to deserve this," Ms. Picknell said.

If her friend, practically a sister, had hatched a plan to run away, she would've been let in on it. But she wasn't, and now fears the worst as the case has gone from a routine missing-persons file to a major crime probe, led by a seasoned homicide detective.

Amy and Jennifer are tight friends, the kind of pals who talk about everything. Hadn't even had an argument in a year. Jennifer would listen to Amy for hours, and always knew how to summon a smile at the right time. The kind of friends who just walked in their parents' home unannounced only to jump in their bed to rouse one another from sleep in the morning.

Jennifer Teague had no known enemies, had no problems with work or friends. Held down a part-time job and school at the same time. Didn't chat to strangers on the Internet. Did everything by the book.

The police are looking at everything, from her e-mails to her last known conversations.

They'll keep it wide open and keep working around the clock, literally, until they get a break. Then they'll narrow it down and focus on the little details -- particularly after they get forensics back from the pile of stuff collected by police and volunteer searchers.

Jennifer was last seen walking with a backpack, where she kept the fast-food uniform that smelled like grease. The police found a backpack along the route she would have taken home, but have yet to confirm it belonged to her. In fact, the police said yesterday that nothing collected so far -- from fields, quarries and backyards -- has been linked to Jennifer.

Make no mistake. The Ottawa Police have not left any stone unturned, and until they get a solid break in the case, they will not dismiss any tip or pop can or lipstick found along the way.

As day turned to night, the police dive team waded through a drainage ditch by a mall but reported no breaks in the case.

Incredibly, Jennifer Teague's best friend and father have somehow managed to hold it together in their darkest time.

Her father has leaned on faith, and her best friend has found the sense to warn others so this won't happen again. It was Ms. Picknell who often offered up a ride home for her friend after a long shift at the fast-food joint that prides itself on staying open late.

But there was no ride home this night, not from her friends, and not from her mother, who doesn't own a car. Instead, Jennifer hooked up with friends at the corner store down the road, then, at around 1:30 a.m. said goodbye and made their ways home.

For young Jennifer, it was a hop, skip, and a jump home, on foot, to her Kennevale Drive home. It's a typical suburban neighbourhood, where you'd surely notice something wrong -- at least during the day, but not at night when folks rest up for their nine-to-five jobs.

Jennifer skipped around the kitchen at Wendy's, even though she complained earlier about too many late-night shifts when school had started.

She knew how to surf above the crappy shifts, and still had fun with it. She cared about her friends, and had just adopted a pet, Michael The Cat. She had plans to use her paycheque to get the cat the proper shots on the weekend.

Had plans for a soccer tournament.

Had plans to go to school.

Had big plans for her future, and small, fun plans to play another hand of rummy with her friend.

She was last seen by friends at the corner store down the road from her home. They said their goodbyes in the parking lot, the same lot where police have since taken photographs.

Her best friend used to talk to Jennifer about 10 times a day, and they always knew what one another were up to.

"It's hard not knowing now," Ms. Picknell said yesterday.

Suddenly, she said this place, known as a good place to raise children, no longer feels safe.

They walked these streets all the time, sometimes alone at night.

"You don't feel in danger, that's the scary part. If it can happen to her, it can happen to anyone," said Ms. Picknell, still hoping to hear some good news about her missing friend.

For the missing teen's father, hope also fades last.

"I'm not giving up on her," Mr. Teague said.

Anyone with information about the disappearance of Jennifer Teague should call the Ottawa police major-crimes unit, at 236-1222 Ext. 5477.
Hundreds join search for missing Ottawa teen
Police suspect foul play after girl failed to return from working at local restaurant

Tuesday, September 13, 2005

It should have taken Jennifer Teague five minutes to walk home from her job at a Wendy's in the southwest Ottawa community of Barrhaven last Thursday. But five days later, the 18-year-old high school student is still missing.

Ottawa police have launched one of the city's biggest search operations in 30 years. So far, however, they have no major clues or leads, and are working on the suspicion that Ms. Teague is the victim of a crime.

There are more than 50 officers on the ground search team looking for Ms. Teague, who was last seen walking home at 1:30 a.m. after finishing a shift at a Barrhaven Wendy's, Ottawa Police Staff Sergeant Monique Ackland said.

Officers from the OPP and RCMP, as well as support staff and hundreds of volunteers, are taking part in the search, which has focused on the immediate area around Ms. Teague's route home.

Police initially tried to find out if Ms. Teague is someone who would be inclined to leave home without telling anyone. "We ask if she was depressed, if she was suicidal," Staff Sgt. Ackland said. She said Ottawa police receive missing persons calls "almost on a daily basis," but the majority involve young people who have run away from home and return in a few days or weeks.

Staff Sgt. Ackland said there's hope Ms. Teague may be staying at the home of a friend. But she added police don't believe she would leave home for extended periods without informing her parents.

Ms. Teague's disappearance has shocked the quiet suburban community, which is now playing host to scores of police officers, tracking dogs, volunteers and reporters.

"Although it has been growing very quickly, most of the people who live in Barrhaven view it as a small town," Rev. Dianne Cardin of the Barrhaven United Church said in a telephone interview. "There's a feeling these things don't happen here."

She said police have set up a mobile command unit on church grounds.

Staff Sgt. Ackland said police are trying to determine what, if any, items they come across on their search belong to Ms. Teague, from packs of cigarettes to chewing gum.

Volunteers have flocked from across Ottawa to help with the search effort, at times overwhelming police with their numbers, and the city is filled with posters of the missing woman.

"There's a great coming together of people, as often happens in these situations," Ms. Cardin said.

Ms. Teague is described as white, 5-feet-4 and 106 pounds, with blue eyes and straight, shoulder-length hair she recently dyed dark brown. Anyone with information is asked to call the Ottawa Police major crimes unit at 613-236-1222, extension 5477, or CrimeStoppers at 613-233-8477.

"We're asking people to call if they think they've seen Jennifer anywhere in Barrhaven, or anywhere in Ottawa, or anywhere at all," Staff Sgt. Ackland said.
This case isn't looking very hopeful. I was surprised to read how many unsolved homicides there are in the Ottawa area. Perhaps the local police need some better training in this area.
Sure hope she shows up with some explaination. The parents must be going through a living hell :(
Anyone heard anything else on this? Seems like it just faded away.

Detectives seized car of man seen driving by the night Jennifer vanished

Saturday, September 17, 2005
Gary Dimmock and Hayley Mick
The Ottawa Citizen

Two days after Jennifer Teague went missing, top police detectives closed in on a sports car that passed by where she was last seen, then tracked down its owner and hauled him in for questioning that ran late into the night, the Citizen has learned.

So, while hundreds of officers and volunteers searched quarries, fields and backyards in Barrhaven only to turn up nothing, seasoned detectives were working hard on tips. One tip led them to a 21-year-old neighbour, who happened to drive his sports car past Jennifer and friends just before she left the parking lot of a corner store and disappeared.

The detectives finally caught up to him last Saturday night, as he made his way home on the bus from downtown. They called him on his cellphone and asked if he was heading straight home. He told them he was, even though he normally stops in for a large double-double at Tim Hortons near the Wendy's, where Jennifer worked her last late-night shift that Wednesday.

The man ended his shift at a call centre downtown at 8 p.m. and was quickly taken to police headquarters on Elgin Street, where one of their best detectives started asking questions. The detective politely demanded that he tell the truth, and, sitting in front of a police video camera, the neighbour told the detective he wasn't lying, that he didn't know Jennifer and that he certainly didn't abduct her off the streets of Barrhaven that night.

In fact, the neighbour told the Citizen he doesn't know Jennifer, but once worked with someone who does. His house is a 40-second walk from where she said goodbye to friends at a corner store around 1:30 a.m. Thursday, just a few hours after it had been robbed.

The neighbour never asked for a lawyer during a 90-minute interview with the major-crime detective.

He also agreed to take a polygraph test -- though one wasn't given -- and gave them permission to search his car.

The police towed the car to the Elgin Street headquarters and dusted it for fingerprints. The police gave the man back his sports car the next day, on Sunday. They went through his glove box and his backpack, where he kept papers. They left the car messy, but his CDs were left in order, and his Rancid CD was still in the stereo. (He's in a punk phase right now, after losing faith in hard-rock.)

The man kept telling the detective he didn't have anything to hide. More, in his own head, he thought they "keep trying to break me down, but I have nothing to hide."

"I have nothing to hide. Why would I ruin my life and end up in prison by doing something like kidnapping a girl," he said.

Days later, police returned to his parents' home, where he lives, to search it for clues in Jennifer's disappearance.

The man, who has not been arrested, gave police a detailed account of what he did the night Jennifer went missing, right down to the streets he took to get home.

Publicly, the police have focused on a 2.5-kilometre radius search from where she went missing after hooking up with friends at a corner store down the road from her mother's home.

It's a traditional first-step in any major-crime investigation. Search around the place she was last seen, and hope you find something, anything linked to the missing girl.

But in this case, nothing.

Not a discarded cigarette, not a lipstick case or any clothing.

They turned up nothing in the backyards, and nothing at the edges of this once-safe suburb.

Police have found no trace of Jennifer since she said goodbye to friends at a corner store down the road from her house after working the closing shift at Wendy's, which prides itself on staying open late.

She said goodbye to her friends and headed home. None of her friends offered her a ride, her mother doesn't own a car, and the cab fare would have been just under eight bucks.

Instead, Jennifer walked home alone.

She would have made her way along Jockvale Road, then taken a left along a path to get to her home on Kennevale Drive.

She never made it.

Around the same time, and same place she would have got on the path, a neighbour heard a woman scream.

The screams lasted only seconds.

Jennifer, according to close friends and family, had no reason to run away, and hasn't used her bank card or her cellphone since she went missing.

She also had plans, which included taking her cat, Michael, to a vet, and playing in a big soccer game.

Her best friend told the Citizen that if she had hatched a plan to run away, she would have surely let her in on it.

The police have called off the ground-and-air search for Jennifer, and are now focusing on the tips (more than 300) with the hopes of solving the case.

Chief Vince Bevan hopes, and prays, they find her alive, but has also said her disappearance is no accident. He's also raised the police theory that the teen was abducted by strangers for no other reason than that she was making her way home from the late-night shift at Wendy's.

If you have any information about the case, you should call police at 236-1222. You can also e-mail tips to
[font=&quot]can i just say something here.........??

if i were to ever, EVER hear a woman (or any person) scream, especially OUT ON THE STREET, i would call the cops IMMEDIATELY. maybe it comes from living in the big city, but... sometimes a scream is the only clue in a missing persons case, and people don't usually go around screaming for no good reason. this is not the first time i have heard a witness say "i heard a scream but thought it was no big deal (or- “I didn’t see anything”), so i just forgot about it"..... WTF?!?!
now sometimes, my ears perk up when i hear a scream, but then i realize it's just people laughing or horsing around. but if you do NOT hear laughter and it sounds serious, i don't care if someone thinks it's "just a couple having a fight".... the cops should be called immediately. even if it is a couple fighting, more than likely the scream tells you the woman is getting hurt. i just don't understand this "well, it's not my problem" mentality.
wouldn't THOSE people want a stranger to help them out if they were being hurt or attacked? [/font]
I'd also like to comment that the reporting on this case seems very sensationalistic for local newspaper ... using some strange words like working the "lousy late shift" at her "crappy job" in one of the first articles referring to her Wendy's job and her "greasy outfit" ... and "hauled him in for questioning" and left his car "messy" ...
just seems odd for professional reporting.

I am baffled by this story and feel sorry for her mother, too...
she was worried about her daughter walking home from work and she didn't have a car. My mom was the same way when I was a teen and she couldn't afford a car. I am fearing the worst for Jennifer, especially after the reports of the scream ... and yes ... NOW people come forward?? Why not call the police then?? People are strange, I tell ya. They don't want to get involved at the time but are the first to start poking their noses in when all the people start gathering around the "scene". :rolleyes:
Unfortunately there may have been a development this afternoon in this case.

Human Remains Discovered in West End
Darren McEwen and Gord McDougall
Sunday, September 18, 2005 5:08 PM

Ottawa police are investigating the discovery of human remains along a path near Moodie Dr. between Fallowfield Rd. and West Hunt Club Rd.

At around 12:30 Sunday afternoon an off-duty police officer was walking with his family on the path when he came across remains in a densely wooded area.

Police Staff Sgt. Monique Ackland says investigators can't confirm yet if the body is male or female or how long it may have been there. "You can understand that in view of the situation we are living presently, all efforts will be done to identify this person as soon as possible."

Ackland says the parents of Jennifer Teague have been notified, in the event that this discovery is connected to the disappearance of their daughter.

Police have setup a command post and closed Moodie Dr. as a forensics team investigates.

"Our forensic people are in doing a cursory examination so until that is complete there will be no access to the command post," Staff Sgt. Mike Callahan tells CFRA News.

CFRA reporters remain at the scene.
Body found on NCC trail
Teague family advised as police await forensic tests to determine identity
Ian Macleod and Gary Dimmock, with files from AlexHutchinson and Hayley MickThe Ottawa Citizen

determine whether a decomposed body found concealed in a woods yesterday is Jennifer Teague, who vanished nearby while walking home from her night shift at a Barrhaven fast-food restaurant 12 days ago.

An off-duty Ottawa police officer and his family discovered the body about 12:30 p.m., just off the head of a popular hiking trail in Ottawa's Stony Swamp and about five kilometres from where Ms. Teague, 18, was last seen early Sept. 8.

The state of the body made it impossible to immediately say whether it is that of a man or woman. But given the massive and fruitless police search for Ms. Teague, who investigators suspect met with foul play, police indicated the Teague case may have taken a turn many feared.

"Jennifer Teague's family has been notified of our discovery in case it is related to their daughter," a grim-faced Ottawa police Staff Sgt. Monique Ackland told reporters at the scene.

"Because of the proximity of where Jennifer was last seen, we do not discard the possibility that it could be Jennifer. However, without identification, we cannot speculate."

The body, concealed with dead tree branches, was found in a dense wood just off the Lime Kiln Trail and its nearby parking lot off Moodie Drive, part of the National Capital Commission's Stony Swamp Conservation Area.

Ms. Teague was last seen about 1 a.m. Thursday, Sept. 8, walking along Jockvale Road, near Tartan Drive, a 10-minute walk from her Kennevale Drive home.

Her mother, Jean, spoke to her at 12:30 a.m. that night as she was finishing her shift at Wendy's restaurant in Barrhaven Town Centre. After briefly meeting two friends at a convenience store, Ms. Teague said she was headed home to get some sleep before Friday morning high school classes.

The spot where the body was found yesterday is about five kilometres northwest of where Ms. Teague was last seen.

Ms. Teague's family sat down to dinner at her mother's Kennevale Drive home last evening, something they've rarely been able to do since Ms. Teague went missing.

There was little activity outside the home. Two cars were parked in the driveway and, at one point, Ms. Teague's brother, Cary, sat on the porch steps talking to a friend.

Sylvia Teague, Ms. Teague's stepmother, said the family is waiting for more information and until then, "we're holding on to hope. It's been a trying week and I'm just trying to support my husband (Ed Teague) as best I can."

If the body is that of Ms. Teague, it raises questions about how it could have gone undetected for so long in an area popular with nature lovers and hikers.

Body matches Jennifer's description
Off-duty cop makes grisly find in wooded area off trail

POLICE have launched a possible homicide investigation after a body believed to be that of Jennifer Teague was found in a heavily wooded area off Moodie Dr. yesterday.

The body was discovered by an off-duty cop just after noon, eight days after police launched a massive search for 18-year-old Jennifer, who went missing after finishing her shift at a Barrhaven Wendy's on Sept. 8.

The officer was enjoying the afternoon with his family before going to work the night shift at the Elgin St. station.

As they walked along the Lime Kiln Trail, off Moodie Dr. less than 10 km from where Jennifer was last seen, the odour of the decomposing body drew the officer into the bush, where he found the body covered in brush. "It was off a trail but in the bush," Staff Sgt. Monique Ackland confirmed. "It's absolutely impossible to see anything from the road."

Although Ackland wouldn't confirm the body was Jennifer's, sources said the investigation into Jennifer's disappearance changed direction immediately after the gruesome discovery. Investigators had no one in custody last night, nor do they have any suspects or persons of interest in the case.


Sylvie said last night police weren't telling them much more than they were telling the media yesterday afternoon.

"I watched the news before I went for a walk and that's what we know," Sylvie said.

Police were awaiting autopsy results before they would say with 100% certainty that it was Jennifer's body in the woods.

"Because of the area that the human remains were found, because of the proximity of where Jennifer was last seen, we do not discard the possibility that it could be Jennifer, however, without identification we cannot speculate," Ackland said.

Despite the discovery of a body matching his daughter's description, Ed Teague remained hopeful last night that his daughter would come home alive.

"We're both still hopeful that it's not her," Sylvie said. "So until we hear for sure, we'll keep praying."

Last night, Jennifer's brother Carey was sitting quietly on the front step of the family's Kennevale Dr. house with a friend, but declined to comment on the find.

Sylvie said she and her husband planned to steer clear of the scene so police could do their work.

However, a police command post set up yesterday at the corner of West Hunt Club Rd. and Moodie Dr. drew dozens of curious and frightened residents, many of whom pulled over to find out what was happening.

"Have they found her?" asked one couple parked at a red light before shaking their heads and driving off.

"When they said they may have found the girl, I got shivers," said one concerned parent who'd pulled over with his kids.

Jennifer went missing after 1:30 a.m. on Sept. 8.

She had just finished her shift at Wendy's and met up with some friends outside the Mac's convenience store in the area of Jockvale and Tartan roads.

After already telling her mother to lay out her pajamas, the teen told her friends she had to go home because she had school in the morning.

However, Jennifer's family didn't call police until the next night when she failed to show up for work.

Ottawa police's missing persons unit was originally working on the case but when police couldn't find any reason, other than foul play, for Jennifer to be missing, major crime detectives took over. More:
Jennifer Teague Found Deceased
Police identify remains as those of missing teen

Posted: Monday, September 19, 2005

It's the news that no one wanted to hear: a body found off Kiln Trail on Moodie Drive, is that of missing 18-year-old Jennifer Teague.

Ottawa Police say that the teen's body was identified by the Center of Forensic Sciences in Toronto through dental records.

Jennifer Teague was reported missing at 1:30 a.m. Thursday September 8th.

The cause of death has not been determined.

Police say extensive forensic tests will be conducted and it may take weeks to get any answers that may lead them to Jennifer's killer.

The Major Crime and Forensic Teams will concentrate their search along Moodie Drive and some areas leading back to Barrhaven where she was last seen.

The decomposed body was found Sunday afternoon by an off-duty police officer while he was walking along the densely wooded area with his family.

The body was discovered roughly five kilometres from where Jennifer Teague was last seen walking home from work in the early morning hours of September 8th.

An N-C-C spokesperson says they have stepped up patrols and surveillance along paths since Jennifer disappeared on September 8th.

Jennifer was last seen by two friends walking home from work.

A six-day extensive ground search was called-off in Barrhaven on Thursday after investigators found no trace of the missing teen. More than 100 officers conducted a land and air search of a two kilometre area.

Major Crime Investigators have spent the weekend poring over more than 400 tips in the case. Investigators also went door to door in Barrhaven requesting entrance into people's homes to look for clues.

Police have setup a command post and closed Moodie Dr. as a forensics team investigates.

Moodie Drive between Fallowfield Rd and West Hunt Club will be closed to traffic until further notice due to the Police investigation.
How sad. I wonder if some pervert was out that night just waiting for a female to come by. She was so close to her home. Makes me feel sick. My heart goes out to Jennifer's family. I'm glad that she was found...for their sake. Now if LE can just find her killer. Justice for Jennifer.

Ottawa police are waiting for forensic evidence that might help them solve the murder of 18-year-old Jennifer Teague, of Barrhaven, whose body was found in a west-end conservation area last September. Deputy Police Chief Larry Hill wouldn't say much about the case yesterday, other than police haven't received results and that they are in constant contact with Jennifer's family.

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