Found Deceased Canada - Jessica Newman, 24, Calgary, 10 March 2015 #1 *Arrest*

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Does anyone know how it works when you purchase minutes for a pay-as-you-go phone?
Where do you purchase minutes? How does the seller load your phone? Can you do it online or is it in store?
Either. You can top up online or walk in to any store and buy a top up card.
Does anyone know how it works when you purchase minutes for a pay-as-you-go phone?
Where do you purchase minutes? How does the seller load your phone? Can you do it online or is it in store?

You can purchase minutes anywhere for most carriers, 7-Eleven/convenience stores, London Drugs/Shopper's Drug Mart/drug stores and online. I've know people to buy online and in-person in stores. I used to like buying my minutes at a store for pay as you go because it helped me feel like I could keep track better now I have it done automatically every month via credit card/online.
The letter was definitely thinking outside the box and seemed like a psychological trap of sorts to toy with the suspect, I don't think I've ever seen or heard of anything like it ever before! It seemed out of a TV show, way to go though to LE, very progressive and something is working with their strategy. Next let's hope for that arrest so Jessica's family and friends can feel some justice.
Look at the Meika Jordan case... They posed as "Crime Bosses" and paid the suspects to elicit a confession. I was surprised it held up in court but contrary to the Supreme Court ruling, the Judge ruled it admissible.

The MCU have adopted some very unique strategies in the past few years. When the letter came out, some thought they were "fishing" or being dumb. I suspected that it was just another one of their new, unconventional strategies. Time will tell which is true.
You can purchase minutes anywhere for most carriers, 7-Eleven/convenience stores, London Drugs/Shopper's Drug Mart/drug stores and online. I've know people to buy online and in-person in stores. I used to like buying my minutes at a store for pay as you go because it helped me feel like I could keep track better now I have it done automatically every month via credit card/online.

Thank you. Does the teller have any access to your account or to a pin or anything?
The fact that Major Crimes, not homicide are the lead investigators, tells me that they are linking *something* and the case is either at a critical stage or is not ready to be divulged to the public. They need quantifiable proof that there is a serial offender that can be linked to more than two cases, in order for them to warn the public with confidence. They would be remiss to mislead and scare the public without it, and that type of statement can actually harm an active investigation. One could argue that public safety may be at risk, but they have to walk a very fine line to balance out the integrity of the investigation with public safety. They certainly don't want to tip off a potential perp, as that can cause him to change MO's.


I see your point. But if the attempted abductions and more than 2 missing cases and are even slightly curious to investigators that they could be linked would it still be considered more important to keep quiet in order to catch a perp or to protect the public from being vulnerable?
I see your point. But if the attempted abductions and more than 2 missing cases are even slightly curious to investigators that they could be linked would it still be considered more important to keep quiet in order to catch a perp or to protect the public from being vulnerable?
It depends. The one thing they do not want, is for the suspect to get wind that they have made a connection. He may completely change MO's, hunting grounds, or get careful. I have always noticed that they don't put out alerts unless they are legally forced to, or someone from above is making them. They are not usually forthcoming with such public statements as it invariably changes their entire investigation. If they need public assistance, THEN they might say something. I know... doesn't sound good, but I suspect that their position is, if it changes the MO of the suspect, even more people could be at risk, as it hampers their progress, causing it to take longer to make an arrest. I also suspect they always think they are 'this' close to catching the guy and have some ego issues and don't want the public scrutiny. JMO.
I live 10 minutes from the rural location she was found. I very much doubt that any ditches around here have been mowed yet this year. Our grass is now greening up but it's not really growing yet, or enough to need mowing. IMO the length of the grass in the ditches is the length they were when last cut, last end of summer.

Yes jillybean51, that is entirely possible.. what I meant was.. I could 'envision' the officer who came to speak personally to RS to inform her of her daughter's body having been found, .. RS asking questions, perhaps like.. 'well how did she die, did she have any evidence of.. whatever.. '... and the officer saying something like, 'well it's impossible to tell at this point, because, you know, she has been there for 8 weeks',...... meaning..... the body is in a state of decomp after presumably being in the open air for some 8 weeks and therefore, it isn't going to be a simple thing to just look with eyes and determine things... but when the officer may have answered in such a way, RS may have taken it literally to mean she has been *there* for 8 weeks. I have to agree with whomever it was that posted that the ditches look like they have already been mowed this spring season, and so wouldn't it be impossible for the weed whackers to not have noticed the body, had it been there all that time? But then again, who would move a body, when.... it is so dang risky to be seen, the odor getting in one's vehicle, the inevitability of DNA transfer, the potential for damage to the body (ie, like said, parts could fall off, etc).. who would really *do* that?
I wonder if today we will hear any confirmation (we haven't even received official confirmation from police yet, that the body was JRN's!) regarding the identity of the body.... hopefully how long the body has been deceased even if they want to keep it secret IF they believe she was moved, COD, ..... and perhaps that one-liner that says a lot about what LE are suspecting, saying that the public does not need to be alarmed?

Imoo, obviously they already *know* it was JRN, and since they know this, and could likely verify that quickly, I suspect they are hoping to release both of those pieces of information together at same time (yes it's her, but no need to worry about a crazed serial murderer on the loose here folks).

so where did she "actually" go when she "apparently" got home after she "allegedly" was picked up from work?

was this question about whereabouts contrived by LE to confuse a suspect to make them move? What did LE find in order to say remains are being sought? Not sure if I read that as a fact on here or hearsay last night as I was quite tired.
There is an underbelly in Calgary, as in most cities and it's often younger, male dependant females with children that are at risk of being swept up in it. Young moms often crave a life of glamour and excitement, and an 'alpha male' that can provide for them and their kids. Free dating sites are full of young 20-something mothers wanting to be a part of a party scene they think they are missing out on. These woman are nearly invisible, and very needy of attention. It's a hard life bordering on poverty for many of these women who can only work part time, and survive on minimum wage and child tax credits.

No victim blaming at all, I am beyond sad for JRN,...I just wonder what bad dude/dudes did she trust, that maybe she shouldn't have?
The police are so silent on this case, makes me wonder if JRN's murder is linked to the other assults and disappearances in the Calgary area.
I see the fighting over donated money has begun. How tacky that even before the Police have made an official statement, the issue of money is more important than catching a suspect.
Time for a new thread. This one will close in about 15 minutes".
Please continue at Thread 2

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