Canada - Liana White, 29, Edmonton AB, 12 July 2005 - #3

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Casshew said:
Hi Jan ~ welcome to WS nice to have all these canadians signing up :angel:
cass- I totally agree- its really special to be talking to others from across the country-and just feeling like its home in a different way than I have experienced before- the familiarity of the names of cities-laws, etc.
It's not like I havent had a great time always-but its a smaller circle somehow with alot of canadians-a closer feeling-a feeling of similarity.
But I am not saying anything about WS's or any of the others..I would not have noticed if not for this case.
linnafay said:
I am soooo tired of the rain. We have been trying to do landscaping since spring and cannot get enough warm dry days in a row to make any real accomplishments. My poor kids are yardless :banghead:

I really do not think he is the serial killer. I am thinking the serial killer is someone more like the Penticton murders...a loner who uses women.
I know all about rain - being in Vancouver- for a change we are having your hot weather..:eek:
newtv said:
cass- I totally agree- its really special to be talking to others from across the country-and just feeling like its home in a different way than I have experienced before- the familiarity of the names of cities-laws, etc.
It's not like I havent had a great time always-but its a smaller circle somehow with alot of canadians-a closer feeling-a feeling of similarity.
But I am not saying anything about WS's or any of the others..I would not have noticed if not for this case.
Time for another group hug :)

CaribouKid said:
The thought of him being the serial killer had also crossed my mind, however, we can definately place him in Edmonton, from 1997 and onwards. It seems these farm field crimes have been going back further.

I think based on what they have after the murder, the 2nd degree will definately stick based on that evidence, but the results of further evidence as their picture gets clearer with a motive, it should goto first degree, imo.

DNA in the vehicles will not really prove much
and he somewhat tainted the crime scene where she was found with both himself and possibly the vehicle.

White had some issues with finances and stealing and for some reason, his accountable earnings were not satisfying his expenses. This points to sex,drugs and alcohol.
Maybe his wife either discovered this need or exploded over it and the cat was out of the bag and he snapped.
I imagine interviews with past fellow soldiers would be fruitfull with regards to his character and extra curicular activities. I feel if he was stealing from them, he would have been alienated to some degree.

It wouldn't really have to do with sex, drugs, or alcohol. It sounds to me like this young couple was just in debt over their heads. He was probably making monthly payments on that $35,000 from the accident....their house payment was probably sky high...I would assume that the vehicles were payed for but they couldn't sell them or anything because of the liens on them. Who knows how many credit cards they might have had, what other debts, and how much their living expenses were a month. And in a few short months they would have two babies. If Liana didn't keep working they would lose that income and if she kept working they would pay a fortune for childcare. Another baby is another expense that they couldn't afford. So often young people get head over heels in debt. They want things they can't really afford yet and so in debt they go. These kids had been married for 5 years and it sounds like all the problems started about then...trouble in the service and the car accident. The debts must have caused a lot of stress for them both and probably a lot of arguments. I don't know what their monthly income was but they were probably just squeaking by if at all. I wonder if they have debt consolidation in Canada?

They look so happy in that family picture. Right now it sounds like an argument that just got way out of control and she ended up dead. Makes me sad to think of her fighting for her life and how horrifying that must have been. He staged the scene where she was found. Otherwise why would she have barely been clothed? Guess he thought that was real clever..and then he leads them right to her body!!!
EDMONTON -- An important piece of the puzzle in the death of a pregnant Edmonton woman may never fall into place for investigators.

Despite further tests by the city's medical examiner, police admitted yesterday they may never know exactly what killed Liana White, 29, whose badly decomposed body was found in a ditch northwest of the city last weekend.
Bobbisangel said:
It wouldn't really have to do with sex, drugs, or alcohol. It sounds to me like this young couple was just in debt over their heads. He was probably making monthly payments on that $35,000 from the accident....their house payment was probably sky high...I would assume that the vehicles were payed for but they couldn't sell them or anything because of the liens on them. Who knows how many credit cards they might have had, what other debts, and how much their living expenses were a month. And in a few short months they would have two babies. If Liana didn't keep working they would lose that income and if she kept working they would pay a fortune for childcare. Another baby is another expense that they couldn't afford. So often young people get head over heels in debt. They want things they can't really afford yet and so in debt they go. These kids had been married for 5 years and it sounds like all the problems started about then...trouble in the service and the car accident. The debts must have caused a lot of stress for them both and probably a lot of arguments. I don't know what their monthly income was but they were probably just squeaking by if at all. I wonder if they have debt consolidation in Canada?

They look so happy in that family picture. Right now it sounds like an argument that just got way out of control and she ended up dead. Makes me sad to think of her fighting for her life and how horrifying that must have been. He staged the scene where she was found. Otherwise why would she have barely been clothed? Guess he thought that was real clever..and then he leads them right to her body!!!
...........yes, there is debt consolidation in canada........

...i do agree that i think financial problems contributed to her death.....

...i don't think that he IS/WAS 'the ' serial killer..........but i do think he tried to 'copycat' in hopes that LE would see the similarities and look away from him as a suspect.....

...we have heard here that 'she was last seen ' at midnighte/around midnight' the night prior to her going missing, and by someone other than her husband........did he arrive home, discover she'd been talking to someone about him, and snap ?
... an argument ensues...he beats her.......strangles her...and then takes her SUV to the lot....stages the abducted person scene...........drives out to the field....disposes of the body.........all while their 3 year old is's beyond sad...
From the above link:

White's body was so badly decomposed when it was discovered on Sunday, investigators had to use dental records to determine her identity and the advanced state of decay has also hampered the medical examiner in pinpointing an exact cause of death.

Wounds, some of which may be so tiny as to be obvious only to the medical examiner, helped determine that White died as the result of violence and that her death was a homicide, said police spokes-person Dean Parthenis.

But the wounds don't tell investigators how Liana White, formerly of Kelowna, B.C., died, Parthenis said.

"It doesn't necessarily mean the wounds they've located have contributed to the death," he said.

Is it just me, or is that worded kinda weird? Wounds so tiny as to obvious only to the medical examiner. Are they hinting at an injection? I read that they are doing toxicology testing. I wonder what they will find there? If they think she died as a result of poisoning, then that would change things IMO. You don't draw up drugs into a syringe and give an injection in the heat of the momment. To me that would be more like 1st degree murder. The whole time you were preparing the syringe, you would have time to stop. The fact that he went ahead would mean premeditation.
I don't understand how LE can say that the murder is not premeditated. Financial burdens doesn't make sense to me. This guy must be a narcissist to have been stealing from the military and he must not have had any insurance on his vehicle in order to have been sued for the wreck. He was just asking to get into trouble. Now he gets to kill someone and he gets to say that he wasn't planning it or wanting it to happen beforehand. It's just not right. In my opinion, these men who kill their wives, especially pregnant ones, should be charged the same as if they had planned it all out.
Liana White was an only child who grew up to be a wonderful, loving woman devoted to her family and looking forward to the birth of her second child, her family says.

There was no indication that anything was wrong in her five-year marriage to Michael White, who is charged with second-degree murder and offering an indignity to a body in connection with her death, they say.

Marina Perilli, a longtime family friend, read a statement Wednesday on behalf of Liana's mother, Maureen Kelly.

"As far as Maureen is concerned, they had a loving, healthy relationship," she said.

Everyone who knows the couple is stunned by what has happened, she said.

"As far as the family is concerned, Mike was a very lovable person. Liana was a wonderful person. I don't think anybody had anything bad to say about Liana. It is very difficult for family and friends.
newtv said:
police admitted yesterday they may never know exactly what killed Liana White, 29, whose badly decomposed body was found in a ditch northwest of the city last weekend.
Maybe her killer will plead guilty and confess to what he did.
Liana White will be buried on Wednesday, July 27th. the Royal Alex has set up a trust fund for Ashley. Donations may be made at any TD branch

Global Morning News
Hopefully, this case is built on more than just circumstantial evidence.
LEO nailing down a motive will hold more weight.
150 pieces of evidence can be a clump of hair,

Grant it, some of Whites statements can be analysed and picked apart, showing some of his controlling/aggressive behavior but this is not enough to throw someone in prison.

Ironically, as it appears, she had died by his hands and his choice of words in one of his statements, he states he will take matters into his own hands.
"The distraught husband said Thursday night he was frustrated with the search and may take matters into his own hands."

Earlier on, when they first located the body, i read an brief blur, where a reported had seen the police removing a garbage bag with what looked dirt in the bag. This struck me odd, as a day or two earlier a neighbour commenting on how their family life was, stated the couple was seen often tending to their garden. Hours later for the life of me, i could not find that article mentioning the garbage bag.
I immediately, thought, maybe he had temporarily buried her in the backyard, until he could find a spot to dispose of her.
The location of their house is not conducive to effective surveillance and even if they tagged him early on in the investigation, he could have easily shook any surveillance within the small sidestreets and then the main roads would have been difficult to maintain a distance as they are fairly open.

I find it hard to believe, he formulated this whole plan in approximately 6 hours, killing her, disposing of the vehicle and disposing of the body and coming up with a plan for the next morning.
mysteriew said:
From the above link:

Is it just me, or is that worded kinda weird? Wounds so tiny as to obvious only to the medical examiner. Are they hinting at an injection? I read that they are doing toxicology testing. I wonder what they will find there? If they think she died as a result of poisoning, then that would change things IMO. You don't draw up drugs into a syringe and give an injection in the heat of the momment. To me that would be more like 1st degree murder. The whole time you were preparing the syringe, you would have time to stop. The fact that he went ahead would mean premeditation.
The "wounds so tiny" thing bugs me too.
And the fact that her body must have realy been decomposing if dental records had to be used to identify her.

I am wondering how they could tell that wounds so tiny means she died a violent death but then they say those wounds may not have been the reason she died. Makes no sense. Unless she was mauled even after she died? I just don't know what this means.

Unless she was chopped up in some regard. Ick. I don't even want to imagine.

ETA: or maybe the wounds so tiny are internal? Is it possible he tried to make her lose the baby?
spygirl said:
Comment allez vous?

I started teaching myself French when I was very young, but at the moment, that's the only line I can remember!

I agree Karma; there are some great people at WS.

Je suis tres bien merci, et vous?

Edited to add the merci and to say that the above is pretty much all I remember of French. LOL!

On topic, I still don't understand how she decomposed that quickly. I did body pickups that were much older than that and they were not so decomposed you couldn't tell who it was or any wounds.

I wonder if he covered her in lime to speed decompostion? Or burned her up in some way. That and the "wounds so tiny" remarks have my hinkey meter dinging off again!
If Liana's body is too decomposed to determine a cause of death, how can they say her body showed evidence of a struggle?
Jess said:
These are just notes on the news conference. I am typing as they speak.
Detective Michael Campeau-- lead investigator

confirms it is Liana White
cannot give a time of death
cannot charge a person in Canada with the death of an unborn child
EDP had never gone to the house before
no criminal record
record with the military
media - put investigation under stress
there has been a policeman working on this file - every single minute
will not comment where the murder was committed
preliminary search of the house - found nothing
cause of death is undetermined
state of decomposition --more tests must be done
body shows signs of a struggle
they always knew where he was when he was searching
half ton truck - removed from scene-- vehicle left where her body found
financial difficulties
comments on tv -- out of the norm of a way a suspect acts
no polygraph
she was not fully clothed
person of interest- from the get go -- look at the family first- not as a suspect - later on in the week he became one
search warrants being prepared for financial situation
Both families - are devestated
tragic for both families
Liana's mom is not doing well at all-- thinks she has custody of Ashley
second time in house - forensic team has over 150 exhibits - at the house, SUV,field
house was pristine - not a red flag
2nd degree - no evidence of any planning
Sunday night-- he was arrested - lawyer caution/rights just after 4
He exercised those rights
murder took place between the 11th and the 12th
timeframe - times are different between him and the witnesses
last seen by ? ( someone else) at midnight
no evidence of any other person involved
paternity not questioned
Just wanted to bump Jess's post.
Casshew said:
New article this morning...not much new info...

Look at that sweet baby Ashley... now without a Mother and a murderer for a Dad :mad:

Eww man he does have the deep dark Scott Peterson eyes in the family pic and the fat cheeks.. Another wife who is so cute and could of done way better then this creep. Little Ashley not only lost her mom but her baby brother or sister..Daddy is to blame for it all.. :furious:
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