Canada - Lucas Fowler, Chynna Deese, and Leonard Dyck, all murdered, Alaska Hwy, BC, Jul 2019 #14

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If Alan Schmegelsky said that his son didn’t have access to a real gun, that suggests that he knows that none is missing from family members. I wish that Australian 60 Minutes had asked about this.

If Bryer Schmegelsky didn’t have a gun, that leaves McLeod as the source of whatever weapon they had, either because he had a gun license and owned a gun himself or because he “borrowed” one, presumably from a relative.

Much earlier, there was discussion about the possibility that one of them purchased a stolen gun. Without rehashing that discussion, and while it is obviously possible, I think that it is highly unlikely.
I also don't think it was a stolen gun. I also don't think it was a gun they took off LF/CD, though it has also been suggested. I suspect it was a "Hey, we're going up north; can we borrow this . . . for, you know, bears" situation, though I could be wrong.

All MOO.

Aug 11, 2019

"I never gave him a real gun. I never gave him a gun that would kill someone."

Bryer Schmegelsky and Kam McLeod were wanted over the deaths of three people, including Australian man Lucas Fowler and his American girlfriend, Chynna Deese.

They were connected to the crimes after local university Professor Leonard Dyck was found shot dead on the side of a highway in regional far north Canada. bbm

Dad of Lucas Fowler's alleged killer gave son rifle 'for play'

ETA: AUS news were first to report that Lucas and Chynna were shot dead. After this report, RCMP announced the couple died of gun violence.
Perhaps RCMP will now confirm the same about Leonard Dyck.
Also saw in earlier posts and heard in an interview that Leonard Dyck was "burnt" (but obviously not his face re: sketch). Good grief!
I don't understand why the RCMP is so secretive about the cause of death.... They don't want Canadian people to know that guns still get in the hands of the wrong people despite all the laws? Denying that truth doesn't do any good either...

Again, it was LD's family that didn't want his cause of death to be released.
If Alan Schmegelsky said that his son didn’t have access to a real gun, that suggests that he knows that none is missing from family members. I wish that Australian 60 Minutes had asked about this. For whatever reason, 60 Minutes didn’t ask, or didn’t air answers to, obvious questions.

If Bryer Schmegelsky didn’t have a gun, that leaves McLeod as the source of whatever weapon they had, either because he had a gun license and owned a gun himself or because he “borrowed” one, presumably from a relative.

Much earlier, there was discussion about the possibility that one of them purchased a stolen gun. Without rehashing that discussion, and while it is obviously possible, I think that it is highly unlikely.
I don’t think AS saw his son enough or even knew him enough to know this for sure. Bryer also comes from divorced parents so there is a whole side of the family that AS knows nothing about.
Also saw in earlier posts and heard in an interview that Leonard Dyck was "burnt" (but obviously not his face re: sketch). Good grief!

That was an interview with a lawyer who also said that the cause of death was not released. Dr Dyck's body was found 2 km from the suspects' burning truck. I suppose some people missed that detail and assumed that he was burned with the truck.

There is no information about how he died.
I don’t think AS saw his son enough or even knew him enough to know this for sure. Bryer also comes from divorced parents so there is a whole side of the family that AS knows nothing about.
This is true. From what I have read of the divorce, I don't think he is on speaking terms with BS's mom's side of the family. In fact, I think BS knew this, and that's why he told grandma and dad 2 different stories of where they were going. He knew they weren't going to be comparing notes anytime soon. He also might have known they wouldn't readily be contacting the McLeods to compare notes.
A completely out there thought just occurred to me, and likely waaaay too far out on a very slender limb, but...

Could BS’s self-identification as Russian on Steam and his using a fake Russian accent while gaming, etc. be a reaction to the fact that his dad is of Ukrainian heritage and was a little jab at his dad’s family’s past? The whole Russians hating Ukrainians and vice versa? A little dad-hatred?

I mean it is far more likely that BS just had a mish mash of Slavic stuff going on and didn’t even know much about the history of the area, and only thought his name sounded Russian until his dad corrected him.

But just thought I’d throw that out there.

Oh actually, I have a quick thing to note about that...
You can very easily set your Steam account to offline and simply not play games. So...those accounts COULD be someone just messing around. We haven't had any official release that those Are their accounts, and there is no way to prove it just looking at them. Just wanted to add that because I personally think there is a bitter gamer out there who is trying to make them look worse than they might be. Yes, I know they have likely killed someone and that is Horrible, but we still don't know for sure how or why or what and I do still hold the same belief I have this whole time . All just my opinion.
Would that still be true if Bryer were found to have a severe developmental disability? If his mental age was, say, 8 years old? Just curious. Is it hard and fast, and based only on chronological age? Would that have been enough for him to plead innocent based on mental health?

I'm guessing that any good defense attorney would ask that he be assessed thoroughly and I wonder what would have happened if he turned out to be both emotionally and mentally way below his apparent age.

That I wouldn't know too much about, but actual youth have been tried as adults in this country before. Maybe someone with some more legal insight could answer? IMO though, I don't think that either of the suspects would have enough of some kind of mental deficiency to be considered innocent, of course, that's just my opinion.
Lucas Fowler's father was the first to report that his son was shot. He does not know how Dr. Dyck died. RCMP have not released how Dr. Dyck was killed.

The post was direct quote from linked source.

Nowhere does it say reporter speculated about LD's cause of death, or that RCMP confirmed he was shot. It also does not credit Lucas father for this information.

I'm glad to see this reported by MSM as it provides for a link between all three deaths.


Aug 11, 2019

"I never gave him a real gun. I never gave him a gun that would kill someone."

Bryer Schmegelsky and Kam McLeod were wanted over the deaths of three people, including Australian man Lucas Fowler and his American girlfriend, Chynna Deese.

They were connected to the crimes after local university Professor Leonard Dyck was found shot dead on the side of a highway in regional far north Canada. bbm

Dad of Lucas Fowler's alleged killer gave son rifle 'for play'

ETA: AUS news were first to report that Lucas and Chynna were shot dead. After this report, RCMP announced the couple died of gun violence.
Perhaps RCMP will now confirm the same about Leonard Dyck.
It was LD's family that didn't want the COD to be released.

Yes, read this before from a couple of sources.

Also, I'm not a big fan of AS, because he is contributing greatly to making this sad situation into a media event. However, did he actually say that he was homeless? In his first interview, he mentioned going to work right away.
I suspect there is also a bit of absent father guilt there too...look at these expensive things AS got his son: the air soft gun, the tower computer for gaming (pretty sure AS said he bought that in the interview with CHEK tv), and in the last text message on July 12 to Bryer, AS mentions a $100 bottle of cologne he had just picked up for BS.

I have been thinking that these items could be obtained other ways than how perhaps you or I would purchase them.
I don't understand why the RCMP is so secretive about the cause of death.... They don't want Canadian people to know that guns still get in the hands of the wrong people despite all the laws? Denying that truth doesn't do any good either...


Guns in the hands of the wrong people has been a major news item in Canada lately, including in the last few weeks, and a call to ban hand guns is an emerging issue in the upcoming national election in October.

Not only is the Minister responsible for the RCMP not hiding it, he has been on the national news talking about it.
I also don't think it was a stolen gun. I also don't think it was a gun they took off LF/CD, though it has also been suggested. I suspect it was a "Hey, we're going up north; can we borrow this . . . for, you know, bears" situation, though I could be wrong.

All MOO.
That’s a good point. And you never know what families are really into hunting and have an extensive rifle connection. I grew up in Alberta and my dad had loads of rifles. He was super into hunting, shooting practice, and teaching us about guns and gun safety. It would have been easy for me to grab a rifle and go.
The post was direct quote from linked source.

Nowhere does it say reporter speculated about LD's cause of death, or that RCMP confirmed he was shot. It also does not credit Lucas father for this information.

I'm glad to see this reported by MSM as it provides for a link between all three deaths.

While what you are saying it true, it's also true that the RCMP have not confirmed this information. Also, the article does not give a source. It is surprisingly common for news organizations to make mistakes in their articles, and I've seen quite a few errors in the Australian articles. I'm taking this information as unconfirmed at this point.
That’s a good point. And you never know what families are really into hunting and have an extensive rifle connection. I grew up in Alberta and my dad had loads of rifles. He was super into hunting, shooting practice, and teaching us about guns and gun safety. It would have been easy for me to grab a rifle and go.
Yes, where I live in the United States, firearms are very common in many people's homes. I realize the laws about it in Canada are quite different, but I also get the impression hunting is a popular hobby for many Canadians, so the idea that one of them had a relative with a firearm is not unlikely.
The post was direct quote from linked source.

Nowhere does it say reporter speculated about LD's cause of death, or that RCMP confirmed he was shot.

I'm glad to see this reported by MSM as it provides for a link between all three deaths.

It's odd that the Australian reporter does not have a source for the breaking news.

"Bryer Schmegelsky and Kam McLeod were wanted over the deaths of three people, including Australian man Lucas Fowler and his American girlfriend, Chynna Deese. They were connected to the crimes after local university Professor Leonard Dyck was found shot dead on the side of a highway in regional far north Canada."
Dad of Lucas Fowler's alleged killer gave son rifle 'for play'
I have been thinking that these items could be obtained other ways than how perhaps you or I would purchase them.
If not that extreme, things can be, at the very least, purchased more cheaply.

AS lives in Victoria I believe. I’ve never taken the ferry from Victoria to Seattle so can’t speak to how stringent the customs officers are, and I’m sure it has ratcheted up quite a bit over the past 18 years. But it isn’t a difficult thing to go over to the US for a day to grab some cheaper, American items.

We used to do it all the time when I went to school in Kingston, Ontario, across to Watertown or even Syracuse, NY.
I just got through watching the "60 Minutes - Australia" piece with the AS interview. My thoughts:

-- At times, I found myself choking up, seeing the obvious pain suffered by AS as he discussed what has happened. He is tormented and will always regret the way his life, and that of Breyer, evolved. It was a painful interview to watch.

The poor man has, possibly, lost his son forever and it seemed, at times, as if the realization of that and its ramifications were just starting to hit him while he was being interviewed. It probably was not the best time for such a thing...when emotions are still so raw without having time for reflection and some settling down first.

-- The way the piece played again raised some doubts deep in my mind that these two boys had anything to do with the crimes in BC...but yet, it seems obvious they were responsible for Dyck's death and the nagging real possibility that they were somehow responsible for the murder of LF and CD.

I know this has been hashed and re-hashed in the, now, 14 threads on this case...but it is still kind of surreal, like it was a movie plot and not real life. But real life has no script and can take any number of twists and turns.

-- I agree with AS that we need to see the proof connecting these teenagers with the crimes they are suspected of committing.

-- It is very, very sad that the only picture of Breyer that AS has to carry with him in his wallet is one of Breyer as a little boy...a picture that is nearly faded and scratched and not too clear to see.

-- Sarah Abo, the reporter, kept leading AS with questions accusing the boys of all three crimes.

-- I was glad the piece did include an interview with one of Kam's friends...since we know so little about him.

-- Toward the end, with the conflicting images of LF and CD hugging and the pictorial montage of them being so happy with their entire lives ahead of them, the confident and satisfied look of Professor Dyck...and the steely-eyed gaze of KM and insecure looks of BS at the co-op...I was reminded of what a tragic story this is for everyone involved, including the friends and families of all victims. It's just a heartbreaking story.

-- Maybe it will take some getting used to...but I prefer the production values of the American "60 Minutes"...maybe because I have watched it for so many years...preferring its stopwatch and set to the Australian version! (I know that's a trivial detail but I'm just laying out my thoughts and impressions here).
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