Canada - Lucas Fowler, Chynna Deese, and Leonard Dyck, all murdered, Alaska Hwy, BC, Jul 2019 #9

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From another thread here, the Texas murder suspect.

Also I searched and did not see a thread about the two missing men from Surrey BC. I realize the distance at the time seemed like quite a ways, but if KM and BS have travelled as far as we assumed then it's not unreasonable that they could be involved there too? Reaching again but there is a white Jeep associated with that story too. I do know white Jeeps are popular though I suppose.


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Come out and do a wellness check?!

The RCMP detachment in the small town of Fort Nelson serves an area about the size of Washington state. The drive would tie up one officer, or two if they travel in pairs, for an entire 8hr work day. So travelling that far for just a wellness check might leave too much of their region without police service for more pressing needs.

But, if they could have predicted the horror that night would bring, I'm sure they would have sped to the scene.

Northern Rockies detachment - British Columbia
That's a beautiful video; thanks for sharing what it looks like to drive on the Alaska Highway. At around the 8 minute mark it shows Liard Hot Springs, where I think (?) Lucas and Chynna visited. This young, happy couple reminded me of them.
I think they were 20 minutes from Liard. I know a few people who went in june and said the roads are horrible, but the views are nothing like they've ever seen. I personally think more people should live like lucas and chynna, carefree, full of love and just taking it all in. Not in a hurry, lawn chairs on the side of the highway and just being
Mr. Pierre was also a medic and was "3 hours driving distance" closer to the van than RCMP. He was asked to check and secure the scene.

Alandra Hull is his boss. She explained in a TV interview that she was driving home alone and didn't feel safe enough to stop and confront the bearded man.

Thank you! That means the road worker was an hour away, the trucker was only there for an hour, and RCMP should have been there at 9AM. I wonder if that is when RCMP arrived.
Sorry, I'm new here too and I apologize if I came off as rude or a jerk. I know you are absolutely entitled to your opinion. I've just read so much about conspiracies regarding this case that I just wanted to show some info that maybe hadn't been seen by all. Anyhow thanks for your post. Cheers.
And so it seems that inspection was not so thorough after all.
Not really eh? I’m surprised they didn’t go thru the boxes, a perfect hiding place for booze...
Besides two teenagers that have literally disappeared off the face of the earth here is what we don't know. Which is not rare, but certainly leaving anything possible to the imagination.
There are no murder weapons, we do not know how the victims were murdered, or a time, just a time span. We do not have any proof where the murderers were at the time, We do not why they killed, we do not know how or why the third person was killed, we do not know if the RAV4 was stolen or not, we do not know why the murderer took everyones id or where it is. We have no autopsy results, we do not know why the teenagers parents have not made any more statements, we do not know why the army, police, detectives have basically said nothing other than they are searching and everyone should stay vigilant. Basically we know nothing and the authorities know a lot more. There truly is no reason for them to tell us anything until they can piece this case together with a capture. Now..if whoever has murdered these innocent people are no longer with us, we will all have to cope with the fact that this will be a permanent open case.

That's how it lays!! Got to play it as it lays...
We don't know that. There were very likely more witnesses (some who may have asked if they needed help) who chose to speak to police rather than media.

All we know is that they were well-travelled free spirits who declined any form of help.

I am so in agreement with this - the lovebirds were having a great time, they had no reason to think they couldn't get the van running in the AM, and/or get some help, or a tow, to get their van repaired, so they could continue their fun vacation before they had to be back at the ranch for work. It's very sad they were trusting and loving adventurers - and their lives were cut short, in a tragic manner.
Until this, I actually didn't know it was an option not to respond with regards to a call. I would have thought there would have been some responsibility there despite the distance. I am not sure what the caller said, but it is awful to think that CD and LF may have needed help and that that help never came. I dunno, that just also bothered me. This whole situation has had so many close calls, and it seems like so many missed opportunities.

Exactly. I'm curious about how many calls RCMP received on July 14/15 about the van, times of calls, when they responded to the scene, and how long the trip took.
I keep hearing about a jeep, where did you hear this? Link to report? I keep coming up empty. Thanks

Apologies if this has already been addressed. I suspect references to this jeep arises from a collision of incidents that have mistakenly overlapped as people exchange information . In this instance, some (apparently including the RCMP) have wondered if the Texas murder suspect who crossed into Canada mid-June might have some information about the Fowler/Deeze murders. This is the guy seen arguing with the couple at around 11:30 at night, just hours before they were found deceased. Many people think his photo bears a stark resemblance to the American fugitive. He is known to have been driving an older Jeep Cherokee. RCMP receive tips on Texas murder suspect in connection with northern B.C. double homicide
The problem with media, add to the story to make it more interesting
If that's the case then media is doing more than just adding to the "story" they are twisting witnesses words and making things up to embellish the "story". Story in quotes because this isn't a "story" it's serious murder case. If the media/ news agency did embellish things then they should retract and be held accountable. JMO
Regarding the disparity in news items, such as "money" morphing to "change" in the description of what came out of the RAV4, one factor is that some media outlets simply change the wording of another outlet's story and post it as their own. My rule of thumb is to take everything with a grain of salt.

I'm still wondering if the suspects hopped a train. I might be tilting at windmills, but I can't get over the fact that the RAV4 was reportedly found close to train tracks, in probably the only such convergence for hundreds of miles in any direction.

On the other hand, I find the theories that they could still be hiding in the brush in the general area, in spite of all the searching, quite plausible. Even dodging thermal-imaging aircraft would not be overly hard; they can hear them coming. It's even easier if they are near any form of cover whatsoever, including logs, rocks, and embankments. It would be easier still if they have one of those reflective survival blankets (mylar), often carried in cars (I keep several in mine). Many times, searches for lost people who want to be found have had great difficulty, so I can certainly understand it being very hard to find people who don't want to be found.

I'd also like to point out a misconception being spread by the press; York Factory. They have been conflating it with York Landing, where the Bear Clan sighting was. York Factory is actually a long ways east, very close to Hudson Bay, just south of the mouth of the Nelson River. So far as I know, it's a ghost town.

An interesting factor is water. Apparently, "beaver fever", more properly giardiasis, is said to be an issue with untreated water there. Unless the suspects took water filtration or purification pills along, they may well get it. I've seen quite a few saying that this would preclude them lasting this long. That's not quite so; infection onset is generally 1 to 3 weeks. Also, the majority of people drinking backcountry water untreated don't get it. You can also make a pretty effective filter from a few layers of cloth if need be. So, my guess; with a few supplies, plus if the berries are as plentiful as I've seen in other areas that far north at this time of year, they may well be just hiding well away from any passable tracks.

My guess is that if they are caught, it'll likely be due to raiding unoccupied (even for a few hours) properties for supplies.
Oh my. Thank you for sharing that.
I think they did call for a tow when the night went on and were told it would be early morning till one could get to them. Possibly one could have come quicker but would have cost more. Possibly when they realized that they tried to hail down a ride. Maybe that’s how these guys came upon them.

ETA: the tow driver said he was not aware he would be arriving to a murder scene. I assumed it was because he was dispatched for a broken vehicle. I think he showed up as scheduled not because he was called by RCMP. But I’m just assuming.
Tourist couple found dead off B.C. highway were ‘happy’ and ‘confident,’ bystanders say

“JW, the tow truck driver who pulled the van from the crime scene to Fort Nelson nearly four hours away, told Global News Sunday he didn’t know he’d be handling evidence in a murder investigation until he arrived on scene.

“[The officers] didn’t let me touch anything, they wouldn’t let me go around to the back of the vehicle until I got it onto the truck to tie it on,” he said.

Once he got to the back of the van, Wright noticed the rear window was smashed, but couldn’t say whether it was shot out. He also couldn’t see anything inside the van.“
I cringe at the thought of being broken down on the side of that road as it was getting dark. Mainly I would be afraid of another driver going by that was falling asleep and veering off the shoulder and rear-ending me while I was sleeping.

One possibility that I have considered that does not involve the two boys and the Van incident is if some "official" happened to be driving by and decided to check on the Van not knowing there were two people sleeping inside. If this official person had a weapon he may have drawn it as he approached the vehicle not knowing what to expect.
Then if the man in the Van happened to have a weapon for wild animal protection he may have heard the stranger outside and fired a shot out the window thinking the person was there to do them harm. Then in a tragic turn of events the official person starts shooting back and ends up killing them both.

Then he panics afterwards and leaves.

Thats about the only possibility I can think of where someone else could be involved in the Van incident.

Oh, and of course there's the chance of the wanted Texas person being involved in some way. The odds of that seem unlikely to me but you never know I guess.
edit: meant to quote Arizona123 in this (re: berries).

True. There are tons of Blackberries right now. If they were into outdoor survival they may have had all the equipment they'd need as well. Some seem to think they could be dead by now because of a few days in the bush, which I don't get.

And another thing I don't get: Why did they steal Len's car? They had their own truck with a camper on the back, nice place to sleep and all their supplies. So instead they exchange it for a a car linked to a dead man? Why? If they did kill Chynna and Lucas and no one was around to witness it, what were they worried about in regards to their truck? If they didn't kill them, why wouldn't they just rob Len, take his stuff, and go away in their own truck rather than driving around in a stolen vehicle?
Thank you. USA MSM is constantly saying “near the Highway of Tears” in. It’s coverage. Now I know where it actually is.

The DailyMail was the first to make that mistake. RCMP had to release a statement to refute the Highway of Tears reporting error. If USA MSM has picked up the DailyMail story, no wonder fake news is a thing in the USA.
I cringe at the thought of being broken down on the side of that road as it was getting dark. Mainly I would be afraid of another driver going by that was falling asleep and veering off the shoulder and rear-ending me while I was sleeping.


I actually find the photos of the van half on the road to be quite disturbing. Did they seriously sleep in a van that was half on the road? Why did they not push it off the road? Why was it stopped on the road at all? There's lots and lots of room there to move the van off the road, so I don't get it.
I actually find the photos of the van half on the road to be quite disturbing. Did they seriously sleep in a van that was half on the road? Why did they not push it off the road? Why was it stopped on the road at all? There's lots and lots of room there to move the van off the road, so I don't get it.

I dunno, but I suppose it doesn’t really matter.

Even if they had parked off the road, they still would have been spotted by these two monsters.

They were dead either way.
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