Canada - Man rescued after 3 months in Quebec woods, ate his dog to survive

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I truly believe I'd starve to death before eating my dog.

Three days?

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I'm sure of it. I'd hug my dog for comfort and pass hoping he'd find a way to survive. I'm guessing it wouldn't come to that, though, in the case of a sprained ankle. I'm thinking I could limp or crawl to enough "food" to carry me over until the dog decided to catch and kill something to eat. I agree with those who think there's more to this story. Even if it's only that this guy is a total d-word
This guy is a real boob.

I think something is missing from the story, In addition I am wondering if the dog was injured from the bear fight. Which would kinda make more sence then killing a perfectly healthy dog who could help you.
I wouldn't think a dog could fight off a bear without some side effects .
Either he's a total jerk or there's more to the story. I'm vegetarian and it would take more than three days for me to eat a wild animal even. We did the 40 hour famine in primary school for goodness sake. If it had been several weeks or months I could maybe put it down to insanity or something. And then I don't think it's something someone should be publicly admitting to. I hope he is prevented from getting another dog.
Same here. I have 2 beautiful GSDS. Attack the post, not the poster. This is not directed to you. I couldn't do it. I would gladly snuggle with my dogs and die a warm peaceful death. My dogs are my family, and I love them dearly.

Blade and Xena!:loveyou:

Your dogs are all kinds of gorgeous! They look very loved.
They look a little soiled and snobbish to me...


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I have a feeling 3 days is not accurate.....3 weeks sounds more likely to me. I had a hard time with this story myself, but if I was starving to death I can't say exactly what I would do to save my life. I can't imagine eating my dog, but who knows. Maybe the dog was dying of starvation too and he hated seeing his dog in that condition as well??? My hubby said if we were ever stuck somewhere dying of starvation to feel free to eat him to save my life. NO I said he could gnaw on me. He said he'd rather die.
If I had been a friend of his, I would no longer be.

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