GUILTY Canada - Melissa Richmond, 28, stabbed to death, Winchester, Ont, 24 July 2013

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DNA Solves
No, that isn't the difference at all. That page calculates the distance from the center of Winchester to the center of Ottawa. South Keys is near the edge of Ottawa closest to Winchester. It's 15 km from South Keys to downtown Ottawa.

According to the website, the little box that says "straight" relates to the straight line, ignoring the roads. The little box with km relates to actual driving distance.

I get it ... it's 48-50 km from Winchester to the shopping centre, and then a few extra km to get from Winchester to the house.
According to the website, the little box that says "straight" relates to the straight line, ignoring the roads. The little box with km relates to actual driving distance.

I don't see why you're arguing a relatively moot point against multiple people who you have no reason to believe haven't actually made the actual drive in question. Enter the addresses into Google maps and you'll get the correct number by way of road which doesn't include 15km extra of driving downtown.
Yet, people who have known him for almost a quarter of century, including his military and SCA friends, were not at all surprised by that status update, and did not think it all out-of-character for him, as either a grieving husband or as a prospective murderer. I'm not saying HR did not kill his wife, I'm just saying that looking at that status update and thinking it is a 'telling' statement, when it is actually completely in character for HR, as in he would have posted the same kind of statement if his wife had just died of cancer, is a red herring when it comes to finger pointing.

Are you posting on behalf of the group, LS?

There are alot of all-encompassing statements being made by yourself, and I am trying to determine if you are representing the group or not?

Anyone who has followed these types of cases would tell you that going online and doing Facebook Status updates, following along on the groups and posting etc. after your immediate family member has been found murdered, in the immediate days after the crime, has, generally speaking, only been seen in cases where said person ends up being a suspect or arrested. Check out Michael Rafferty, Terri Lynn McClintic, Terri Horman as examples of prolific Facebook posters after their crimes.

In Howard's case, he indicated he was a new member to Facebook in the last year or so, if I recall correctly. He did post quite a bit about his PTSD on the MM FB group.

Anyway, it wouldn't mean very much, and I confess, that I did raise an eyebrow at his comment, but, took it at facevalue (a facebook post, afterall) EXCEPT that NOW he has been charged with Melissa's heinous murder.

I can almost guarantee that Howard's Facebook comments will be brought into trial, just as we have seen with other cases.

I don't see why you're arguing a relatively moot point against multiple people who you have no reason to believe haven't actually made the actual drive in question. Enter the addresses into Google maps and you'll get the correct number by way of road which doesn't include 15km extra of driving downtown.

I used a Canada mapping site rather than google maps ... seems reasonable.
Presumably his poetry is similarly upbeat?

For the most part, I didn't get to hear it or see it, but his proposal to his wife was an epic piece of poetry he wrote, that was so amazing and romantic it is still talked about almost 9 years later.
After reading about this SCA organisation since last week, I find it a little "sectarian". JMO

Well, if you are referring to "sectarian" as defined by as:
"sec·tar·i·an [sek-tair-ee-uhn] Show IPA
of or pertaining to sectaries or sects.
narrowly confined or devoted to a particular sect.
narrowly confined or limited in interest, purpose, scope, etc.
a member of a sect.
a bigoted or narrow-minded adherent of a sect."

meaning extremely narrow or constricting, and you consider all of history prior to the 1700's, and the all of Europe, the middle east and parts of Asia, Africa and North and South America as a base for research and interest to be restrictive, narrow or confining, then you might have a point. But then Civil War Re-enactors, Ren Faire employees and participants, Shakespearean enthusiasts and Historical Societies of any kind would also probably be "sectarian" in those circumstances.
<raises hand> =)

Yeah,there were several instances where SR would try and discredit some media reports - and has used the phrase "sensationalistic reporting" on a few occasions.

Thanks pixelone. I still say some people know more than others.
Are you posting on behalf of the group, LS?

There are alot of all-encompassing statements being made by yourself, and I am trying to determine if you are representing the group or not?

Anyone who has followed these types of cases would tell you that going online and doing Facebook Status updates, following along on the groups and posting etc. after your immediate family member has been found murdered, in the immediate days after the crime, has, generally speaking, only been seen in cases where said person ends up being a suspect or arrested. Check out Michael Rafferty, Terri Lynn McClintic, Terri Horman as examples of prolific Facebook posters after their crimes.

In Howard's case, he indicated he was a new member to Facebook in the last year or so, if I recall correctly. He did post quite a bit about his PTSD on the MM FB group.

Anyway, it wouldn't mean very much, and I confess, that I did raise an eyebrow at his comment, but, took it at facevalue (a facebook post, afterall) EXCEPT that NOW he has been charged with Melissa's heinous murder.

I can almost guarantee that Howard's Facebook comments will be brought into trial, just as we have seen with other cases.


I don't know what you mean by 'representing' the group? You mean the SCA? As I posted in my original post, I am a member of the SCA. I have been for over 25 years. I used to know HR much better than in the past 15 years, though I have met MR on occasion, I just would not call myself 'friends' of their's at this point, more like a casual acquaintance of MR who met her two or three times and an older friend of HR who hasn't really been more than acquaintance for the past 10 years or so. I am not a part of the SCA 'group' they lived in (which is called a Canton in the SCA) as I do not live near Ottawa.

Also as I posted in my original post, my SO has combat PTSD, and what I know about PTSD I've learned over far too many years from him, his counsellors, his friends who have it, his support group and mine, and his therapists, as well as personal experience and observation.

I have been lurking on these forms for many years, just never felt I had anything to offer in any of the prior threads I have read, since I have always had an interest in investigations and mysteries.

As to the mention of the FB posts by HR, I am not saying that it is wrong to look at posts, or anything like that when sleuthing, I'm just saying that despite the fact that I understand how a post like that must look like to everyone else, there will be ample proof available for the defense to present to show that that post was not out of character for HR, because it wasn't.

Don't get me wrong, I'm not posting any of this in 'defense' of anyone or anything, but in clarification. When sleuthing, it is easy to see red flags in a lot of things that may just lead you down the wrong road or on a wild goose chase. I know, I've been lead down those roads myself. Even in at least two different criminal cases I have been personally involved in.

I hope that answers your questions.
This is hilarious. Wow.

David Kidd &#8207;@dnkidd 50m

@JudyTrinhCBC Is someone demonizing the SCA now? Like complaining cadets at Fort Henry learn how to use cannon.
I'm not able to read the Ottawa Citizen anymore. They wouldn't list the seven people would they, but it was probably announced in court, right?

Oh, no, I don't think they would read them, I think that the media applies for access to the publication ban, and then they have the names, but, are not permitted to use them.

I will have to look this up, there are not many WSers posting on this thread for backup right now, or someone would jump in and remind me how it works.

The integrity of the investigation, the right for the accused to a fair trial, and respecting the publication ban is of utmost importance.

You will find no greater respect for these things than here at WS. There have been some high profile, publicity ban cases (recently Victoria Stafford, one of the biggest publicity ban trials in the Internet era) that have had many threads here at WS, and the owners of the forum will always co-operate with LE and the Canadian laws on this matter, even though they are American owned, and actually are not required to by law (we all remember the Bernardo/Homolka coverage, don't we?)

Everyone here cares about justice being served in this horrific death of an innocent woman.
I have hesitated to post my theory on motive, as there clearly isn't much info to go on here.

My opinion, my speculation on the motive in this case, is good old fashioned jealousy.

I don't really give a ratz azz what HR did for a past time. What groups he belonged to, really only shed light on his interests. Of course, an intense fascination for weaponry has always been something I don't relate to, same as people who hunt zombies in online gaming rooms and re-enact impalements etc. (referring to Zahra Baker's parents here). It can seem suspicious, but, does not mean diddly squat without evidence.

Evidence is where it ends up, for me. Everytime. Internet postings - well, combined with many other things, they are just one piece of the puzzle.

I am sure that LE has DNA, video, witness evidence. I think and hope they have alot. I do not want to worry that Melissa's murderer got away.

I will start the waiting process now. I will wait for the Crown to assemble the evidence, disclose it, and presumably go to trial, unless he confesses, which I can actually see him doing, because I feel his actions have been cowardly, and I don't know if he can face the music.

Richmond, who is on stress leave with post-traumatic stress disorder, is still an active member of the Armed Forces.

Today the Department of National Defence said in an email that "all members of the Canadian Armed Forces are held to the highest level of professional and personal conduct. When an incident, special circumstance, or professional deficiency occurs that calls into question the member's suitability for continued service, an administrative review will be initiated to ensure the most appropriate career administrative action is taken.&#8221;

Read more:
This is hilarious. Wow.

David Kidd &#8207;@dnkidd 50m

@JudyTrinhCBC Is someone demonizing the SCA now? Like complaining cadets at Fort Henry learn how to use cannon.

I find this humorous, the thing that surprises me is how long it took anyone to point this out. Take a look at the original main picture used in MR missing poster, not the close up one the news agencies are using now, and you will see one of these 'weapons' mounted on the wall behind Melissa's head. That is, I believe, a replica of a 12th century Saxon ax, if I'm not mistaken, but I could be wrong, I'm not into medieval weaponry. Walk into any SCA member's house, and you are going to find all kinds of 'weapons' on display. Usually replica's that are dull, as you are not allowed to walk around an SCA event with a sharpened, exposed blade. Most people use belt knives to accessorize their 'costume', and others carry them for carving and cutting food, etc.;460;259
The husband seems kind of larger than life. So many people seemed to admire him, like he commanded a lot of attention with his amazing poetry and romantic nature. He is awfully generous inviting everyone far and wide to stay at his great house. Yet he also elicits sympathy as the victim of PTSD. He just seems to pull a lot of emotions in his direction. It kind of sounds like he could be one of those charming narcissists who fools everyone around him.

Ladies, beware the man who will buy you a castle.

I find this humorous, the thing that surprises me is how long it took anyone to point this out. Take a look at the original main picture used in MR missing poster, not the close up one the news agencies are using now, and you will see one of these 'weapons' mounted on the wall behind Melissa's head. That is, I believe, a replica of a 12th century Saxon ax, if I'm not mistaken, but I could be wrong, I'm not into medieval weaponry. Walk into any SCA member's house, and you are going to find all kinds of 'weapons' on display. Usually replica's that are dull, as you are not allowed to walk around an SCA event with a sharpened, exposed blade. Most people use belt knives to accessorize their 'costume', and others carry them for carving and cutting food, etc.;460;259

The thing that gets me, though, is that LE does not know what type of weapon she was stabbed with.

THAT is somewhat odd, IMO.

VIDEO at link shows:
- LE searching cornfield and other areas in Chesterville
- SR talking to reporter in French
- Melissa's car parked in South Keys Shopping Center
Oh, no, I don't think they would read them, I think that the media applies for access to the publication ban, and then they have the names, but, are not permitted to use them.

Publication bans are a strange animal.

The open courts principle essentially stands for the proposition that the courts should be open to the public for scrutiny and criticism. This has long been recognized as a cornerstone of the common law.

Anyone can physically go to the court to witness the proceedings. They are not, however, permitted to then publish what it is they have witnessed.

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