GUILTY Canada - Paul Bernardo & Karla Homolka, murdered, 1993

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WOW This was one SICK Couple
She pretty , him hansome, SO WHY Did they have to be so twisted and sick ?
I read up on the background of Paul, its interesting how he was a sweet little *good scout* boy who turned into a monster after he found out that his father wasnt his father...and turned on his mother...

Which then made him turn on women , sadistic sex, raping, beating , sadistic anal sex and then murder

Secrets and Lies never did ANYONE Any good and I beleive that the secrets that parents keep from their children, do cause some major issues ...
Case in point !

Re Karla, what would make her so willing and eager to sadistacally take part in rapes and murders , even going so far as to help chop a body up...

A loving family....Pretty girl......what was it that went wrong in her I wonder ?
I haven't heard anything new about Karla in a while. I hope she is doing oaky.

I found the Bernardo/Homolka case so odd that it caught my interest more than most cases do even though it didn't happen in the US, so I pay attention whenever Homolka's name surfaces in the media.

There was a rumor some time ago that she had moved to some Caribbean island but that is unlikely to be the case since she has no passport and cannot leave the Montreal area, let alone Canada, without breaching a parole condition. The rumor was likely an attempt at keeping the media at bay. In all likeliness she is still living in Montreal otherwise a warrant for her arrest would have been issued and we can be sure the media would have reported it if it were the case. It is in her best interest to remain in that city because it is large enough to offer her some measure of anonymity, relatively speaking, and she would never set foot in Toronto even if she was allowed to, due to media exposure and proximity of crime scenes, or in any other large city in Canada. Also having served most of her sentence in federal institutions located near Montreal, she established local ties since most of the people she dealt with were from there and she wanted nothing to do with her "old" life. Because of this it almost certain she is still living in Montreal and will remain there for a long time.

Apparently the media in Montreal, while undoubtedly interested in her, does not consider her newsworthy enough to warrant reporting on her every move, they seem content to feed from their LE sources. Also in the province of Quebec the issue of leniency towards battered wives having committed violent crimes with their husband/partner has a small number of supporters, not unlike in, say, California. In her situation that's probably the best she can hope for. The identity of her husband has never been revealed so assuming he provides for her and their child there is no need for her to seek employment, which allows her to remain below the radar. Apparently only LE, the parole board and, presumably, the Quebec DMV (if she drives) would need to know of her whereabouts within the city and they aren't talking.
Actually yes she did leave quebec for a caribian island because she says she didnt want her child growing up and being taunted all her life in school .Iam from about an hour north of where she and paul comitted there crimes .she serverd the whole sentence then when let out was not aloud back in to ontario so she moved to quebec and after the media following her and she says stalking her she actually gave a prime time tv interview anyways oddley enough her first bf after her jail term was up which caused a huge fight from the parents of the too girls she had a hand in killing because they wanted her back in jail for jeprodising her parole because her first bf was also out on parole for murder this is no joke either anyway she did her parole time had a baby with a different guy unknowen and she had no restrictions after her parole was over and quebec was all to happy to get her out so ya they did leave her kid is i dont know like 3 4 now maybe i dont know what island but i do know that he is gone and as a canadian thank god..
a couple notes: she's fully entitled to obtain a Canadian passport. It's up to other countries to decide whether to let them live in their country.

Secondly, she's actually allowed to be anywhere in Canada, no matter the place including St. Catherines. Since she served her full sentence, her status beyond that was 1 year. Karla sadly can roam anywhere she pleases...

That was a deal with the devil if I've ever seen one in Canada.
Actually yes she did leave quebec for a caribian island because she says she didnt want her child growing up and being taunted all her life in school .Iam from about an hour north of where she and paul comitted there crimes .she serverd the whole sentence then when let out was not aloud back in to ontario so she moved to quebec and after the media following her and she says stalking her she actually gave a prime time tv interview anyways oddley enough her first bf after her jail term was up which caused a huge fight from the parents of the too girls she had a hand in killing because they wanted her back in jail for jeprodising her parole because her first bf was also out on parole for murder this is no joke either anyway she did her parole time had a baby with a different guy unknowen and she had no restrictions after her parole was over and quebec was all to happy to get her out so ya they did leave her kid is i dont know like 3 4 now maybe i dont know what island but i do know that he is gone and as a canadian thank god..

The rumored island is generally given as the Bahamas where Homolka is supposedly leading a pampered life in a luxurious beach house owned by a relation of her husband who is, according to rumor, a bisexual *advertiser censored* star.

Sounds like tabloid trash? Probably because it is ;)

The Bahamas has one of the most restrictive policies regarding who is allowed to live there, this was done to prevent mobsters and unsavory characters from settling there as they had done in other islands -notably Cuba- from the 1920's on. They would never let such a notorious serial killer set foot there, would be bad for tourism.
I haven't heard anything new about Karla in a while. I hope she is doing oaky.

Ok I cant help myself :p I am presuming that "oaky" was meant to be "okay"

How can any one ask if this is doing Okay ?

Am I am missing something ?

Do people actually feel sorry for this ?
I don't I don't! Not me. She should have her hiney in jail 4ever! Irregardless of where Homolka may live (and someone somewhere will figure it out one day), she should not have the life she does. Prosecutors were way wrong in not taking her sweetheart deal away. Anyone know why? I mean, they had cause to do it after the tapes were found.

They didn't because they felt they needed her testimony against Paul. The devil sadly walks somewhere on this earth and it sickens me and she gave birth to a poor little boy who will have such a stigma attached to him. I can't even imagine why her family would still talk to her after she killed her own sister.
Dec 15, 2007
"The French-language TVA network reported yesterday that Homolka had relocated to somewhere in the Antilles, the chain of islands forming the Greater West Indies.The network said she left with her child and husband, who is originally from the Caribbean. "

"After moving three times since 2005, Homolka was reportedly tired of hiding. Several weeks ago, French-language television network TVA reported that she decided to move to the Caribbean with her partner and child. TVA said she will try to obtain citizenship in her new country of residence, which is unknown, except that it is in the Antilles."

She seems to be going by the name Leanne Teale, but maybe she's changed it to Leanne Bordelais -- if she's taken her husband's last name.

On the other hand, there are other reports that she's still in Quebec.

Homolka served 12 years in prison for the sex murders of both teens as well as the fatal drug rape of her sister, Tammy, 15. She was released from prison in July 2005 and made her home in Joliette, Quebec, a suburb of Montreal. Five months later, a Quebec Superior Court justice lifted court-imposed conditions placed on her freedoms.

Homolka served 12 years in prison for the sex murders of both teens as well as the fatal drug rape of her sister, Tammy, 15. She was released from prison in July 2005 and made her home in Joliette, Quebec, a suburb of Montreal. Five months later, a Quebec Superior Court justice lifted court-imposed conditions placed on her freedoms.

Hi that report was feb 17 2007 and the one by steadfast was in dec 2007
Hi that report was feb 17 2007 and the one by steadfast was in dec 2007

A Bahamian paper ran a story about Karla being in the Caribbean in 2009.
This blog has the scan of the article and random other info/speculation.
It seems no one is able to get a clear handle on where she is currently living. I don't think she lives in Canada anymore though.
I suspect OK meant...... I hope her child is OK and she's not harboring any rape/murder fantasies on any unsuspecting people. Like it or not it's in everybody's best interest that this psycho is doing "OK". I don't think anyone wishes her happiness, peace and love but some level of mental health for her so that everyone else is safe would be great.
She is a monster, and I hope she is wracked with guilt daily....but I am sure she is not. I do pray she never commits such savagery again, but I would love for her to be in prison for life....ah, that deal was sickeningly sweet for her.

Has anyone else viewed the Paul Benardo video on YouTube, fom early 2008 I believe...he was questioned re: other crimes...his main focus of the interview was (*you guessed it*) Karla!! He rambled about how no one questioned her properly, she got a sweet deal, etc. I do recommend watching it for anyone, like myself, who followed the case early on....he looks so pale and gaunt, just worn out and almost jaundiced....
Im amazed! How have I never heard of this case?!

This couple were so beautiful (clearly only on the outside) that this seems even creepier. Its hard enough to imagine her plotting young girls to 'give' to her husband but her own sister! That defies belief. Her child should be taken from her whether she has served her time or not in my opinion.
Hi before I say anything, can I just ask what "oaky" means ?

I just want to understand what you wrote before I comment

Well, just okay - keeping her nose clean - not a danger to herself and others. Last I read she had a husband and a child, so I hope she is doing okay with all that. I imagine there would be stories if she was not.
I suspect OK meant...... I hope her child is OK and she's not harboring any rape/murder fantasies on any unsuspecting people. Like it or not it's in everybody's best interest that this psycho is doing "OK". I don't think anyone wishes her happiness, peace and love but some level of mental health for her so that everyone else is safe would be great.

Yes, it is in everyone's best interest that she is doing okay. I will go a step further and say (to unpopular response, I suspect) that I hope she is able to find peace, happiness and love,

As a general rule, when a terrible crime happens like this, I have empathy for the victims and the perps. Someone who did the things she did walks in great darkness and that is not my wish for any human being.

I would wish the same even if she were in prison, but I wish it for her even more now that she is out in the world.
Im amazed! How have I never heard of this case?!

This couple were so beautiful (clearly only on the outside) that this seems even creepier. Its hard enough to imagine her plotting young girls to 'give' to her husband but her own sister! That defies belief. Her child should be taken from her whether she has served her time or not in my opinion.

There are a number of very interesting books on her case - a terrible case. It was a media darling for quite some time, but I don't hear much about it anymore.
Yes, it is in everyone's best interest that she is doing okay. I will go a step further and say (to unpopular response, I suspect) that I hope she is able to find peace, happiness and love,

As a general rule, when a terrible crime happens like this, I have empathy for the victims and the perps. Someone who did the things she did walks in great darkness and that is not my wish for any human being.

I would wish the same even if she were in prison, but I wish it for her even more now that she is out in the world.

Sincerely Southcity, you are a far bigger person than I because I only wish her grief & complete unhappiness for the insurmountable pain she inflicted on others so horribly. I am truly not capable of any empathy for this woman. I'll be the 1st to admit it.

It amazes me that there are people like yourself that are able to reach beyond the evilness of some people and have compassion. :blowkiss:

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