GUILTY Canada - Paul Bernardo & Karla Homolka, murdered, 1993

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Mabel said:
Maybe if she asks real nice they'll let her stay in prison where she's safe.


And here is a shorter article about the killings in case anyone needs a refresher course on the crimes. And it contains some 2005 info as well as info about other people involved in the case. Warning, Graphic.

Homolka participated in every treatment program recommended by prison authorities, until she was asked to participate in a program that had been designed for male sexual offenders. She refused, on the grounds that she was neither male nor a convicted sexual offender. She did however take courses such as "Improving Your Inner Self", "Anger Management", "Survivors of Abuse and Trauma", and many more. She also earned her bachelor's degree in psychology from Queen's University, and achieved very high grades.

Homolka's release date is July 4, 2005. On May 5, the Global Television Network reported that her father stated that she is planning to live in the Montreal district of Notre-Dame-de-Grâce. Due to the ensuing clamour, Homolka declared that she would choose another district, still in Montreal. On May 29, CBC reported that she chose Karla _ _ _ _ _ as her new official name.
A Toronto Star columnist nails it.....

She won't give up without a fight. And, my God, what fight she does have behind that banal, bloodless veneer. by Rosie DiManno (with permission)

So much nerve, such gall.

If only Karla Homolka had shown an iota of this defiance when there were still lives that could have been saved, teenage girls that needed rescuing from trauma, torture and murder.

Had she but extended an ounce of the pity she is now demanding, Kristen French and Leslie Mahaffy and Tammy Lynn Homolka would still be alive; other teenagers would not have been raped in a state of non-resistant stupor.

She had the power to stop Paul Bernardo from raping and killing. Instead, she lured victims for him and helped to snuff out their young lives.

Now, fearful for her own precious security, she's discovered a backbone.

A spine that was always there, along with the guile, no matter how imaginative the efforts to portray her as a helpless battered spouse, coerced into committing unspeakable crimes.

Look closely. This is the real Karla Homolka. And she hasn't changed a bit from the predator of yore.

Still the emotionally arrested juvenile — at 30 years of age — who signs her curlicue letters to an adoring lesbian lover: "Your love bug," "Your little kitty love" and "Your beauty." Still the unrepentant self-identified victim, "raised to be a good girl" — as if this were not inconsistent with the tormenting and killing of adolescent girls — who sends out lipstick kisses from her jail cell and yearns to be "f-----" by her butch-dyke paramour, a woman so enraptured with Homolka that she pleaded guilty to an old felony so that she could be returned to their prison love nest.

It is all so sickeningly familiar, a passive aggression spun into a web of lethal menace.

What's not surprising is that Homolka, now 35, has turned to the courts for relief from the dilemma of her own notoriety.

Relief is the lawyerly way of describing an application for judicial consideration, an easing of distress, perchance a favour from the bench.

She is so very accustomed to being favoured, from the moment she became involved with the legal system, one tap dance ahead of investigators of the Scarborough Rapist, who turned out also to be the killer of schoolgirls. As was she, of course, a troublesome detail effectively muted by her exculpatory cheering section in the attorney-general's office.

And why wouldn't Homolka believe that she has a compelling case to justify the unprecedented see-no-Karla blackout she is still seeking, unwilling to take "non" for an answer, as was the decision on Wednesday by Quebec Justice Paul-Marcel Bellavance in rejecting her request for an injunction that would muzzle the media.

Such is Homolka's obstinacy that she has asked to be kept incarcerated over the long weekend — she could have been liberated from prison yesterday — in order to plead her case anew come Monday morning, in front of a different judge, hell-bent on an interlocutory injunction, and with a police escort. She does not, apparently, wish to make that journey to the courthouse unshielded from the baying hounds in the media.

Twelve years ago, at Homolka's one-day trial in St. Catharines, wherein she pleaded guilty to two counts of manslaughter in exchange for an absurdly lenient sentence, Justice Francis Kovacs imposed a publication ban stunning in its sweep and scope.

It would be two years before the public learned that Homolka was anything but unwilling or pummelled into submission, a co-conspirator who helped her former husband snatch girls, truss and torture them, murder them, dispose of them.

Kovacs's ban was made, ostensibly, to ensure that Bernardo would receive a fair trial, a trial at which Homolka was the Crown's star witness — if rendered largely redundant by the belated emergence of the couple's homemade videotapes, which depicted all the grotesqueries inflicted on their hostages. But those were also two years of grace for Homolka and two years of cover for the justice bureaucrats, who had crafted that infamous plea bargain with a demonstrable liar, a deal revealed in all its jaw-dropping accommodation only at a safe remove from its execution.

From the outset, Homolka has been encouraged in her view of herself as a victim equal to the slain girls, a preposterous construct fortified by a slew of psychiatrists hired by some of the very people who needed to further that image. When the landscape began to shift, Homolka considered herself betrayed. She'd gambled on four years behind bars, been a model inmate, but ended up serving the full twelve-pack anyway, with a list of release restrictions to boot.

Now — oh, the irony — the predator seeks protection from the chase, a judicial buffer to safeguard her existence such that the media would be proscribed from reporting her whereabouts or anything else about a life resumed. It is, as always, about her: her rights, her preferences, her demands.

"As far as I know, nothing has been done to safeguard my security after my release from prison," Homolka stated in her original affidavit. "(T)he thought of being relentlessly pursued, hunted down and followed when I won't have any protection makes me fear for my life."

If Homolka had two brain cells to rub together, she would hold a press conference outside prison, feed the beast, and move on.

But she wants what she didn't have the heart to give: Mercy and a life safe from harm.
mysteriew said:

And here is a shorter article about the killings in case anyone needs a refresher course on the crimes. And it contains some 2005 info as well as info about other people involved in the case. Warning, Graphic.
wikepedia is a collaborative effort regarding news and information. It isn't designed or monitored to contain accurate information. In fact, anyone going to the site can edit the information. I wouldn't count on the reliability or accuracy of the information shared on that site.
Yes it just really bothers me that the "little love kitty" is left with no protection and being sent out into the bad bad world where she could become the target of some sicko serial killer. I lie awake at night and worry about her. Can't you tell? :razz:
Just ahead of the Monday deadline for Karla Homolka's release, the convicted killer has a team of lawyers filing last-minute legal motions as if she were a death row inmate facing execution.

Whatever new legal challenges Homolka launches, Correctional Service of Canada will be finished with her when she leaves the prison grounds by Monday, a spokeswoman said.

Michele Pilon-Santilli also dispelled a rumour that Homolka might try to extend her prison stay, saying it would be "impossible" for her to remain behind bars after her sentence is up.

Another Homolka lawyer, Sylvie Bordelais, has said Montreal and provincial police have both told her they wouldn't do anything to protect Homolka when she gets out because she would be a private citizen.

Danson said Homolka's legal dance will make it easier for him one year from now when he and the Ontario Crown ask the court to renew the restrictions on her, including that she avoid criminals and children.
I am starting to get the feeling that the Justice system is enjoying this. Either that or they are serious in trying to get the message across: here she is John Q Public. Do with her what you will.

If Karla Homolka truly wants to disappear from public sight and attempt to live a normal life, one way would be to assume a whole new identity, preferably from someone dead, according to a book she apparently favoured during her years behind bars.

In How to Disappear Completely and Never Be Found, author Doug Richmond provides a detailed self-help manual on how to become someone else.

"The best way to get an identity is to use one that no one needs anymore: the identity of someone that's died," Richmond writes.

The idea is to obtain new identification in the name of the deceased, such as a birth certificate, and build from there.

Brian King, president of Toronto-based King-Reed and Associates, one of the country's largest private investigation firms, says Richmond's advice first published 20 years ago may no longer apply.

Particularly, better computerized cross-referencing makes it more difficult now to request the birth certificate of a dead person, he said.

"That was the way you would try and easily build an identity but it's not as easy anymore as it was say 10 years ago," he said.

A different appearance would also be needed for one of the country's most recognizable women, but Richmond maintains that radical changes are not required.
Quebec provincial police have turned over secretly recorded audio tapes of Karla Homolka made by her employer to a local police force for investigation.

Sources told Sun Media yesterday that Longueuil police have launched an official probe into allegations that Homolka broke conditions ordered by a Quebec judge after she was released from prison in early July.

A team of investigators has been assembled and will spend several days reviewing the tapes, which were made by Homolka's former employer, Richer Lapointe, sources said.

As first reported in the Sun, Homolka is heard on the tapes asking Richer to look after the children of one of her friends, a convicted murderer serving life in a Montreal prison. Under her release conditions, Homolka is not allowed any contact with violent criminals.

A source said the investigators will first determine if the voice on the tapes truly belongs to Homolka, as Lapointe claims. Neither Homolka nor Lapointe have been interviewed by police, the source said.

THE MONTREAL-AREA man who hired Karla Homolka and then gave the Toronto Sun an exclusive account of her alleged breach of release conditions has given police more than five hours of statements.

Richer Lapointe, 39, said police officers who interviewed him from 9 a.m. until 2:30 p.m. in nearby St. Hubert on Monday are treating his allegations "very seriously."

"She's going back to prison, that's for sure," predicted Richer, whom the Quebec media portrayed as more of a villain than Homolka after his allegations were made public in the Sun two weeks ago.
What really got me, was in a previous story it was alleged that this man was a bad person for "setting up Holmoka" befriending her and then betraying her condifence.

But that is what she did to Jane Doe, she used her, set her up, drugged her all for her "wonderful husband".

I guess Karma is alive and well and I do hope she goes back to prison, obviously she cannot live by any rules set in place to protect us from HER.
I always felt they would be all over Karla looking for parole violations to put her back behind bars, but I didn't expect it so soon :behindbar
I lived in Toronto during the Bernardo trial.
I AM NOT IN THE least bit surprised Karly Curls would do this so early into her release.
Anyone that agrees to rape her own sister is a monster IMO.
RIP Kristen and Leslie and Tammy.
I can't believe this man left his children with her.
Not saying Karla is excused but good golly dont sacrafice your children.
What was Karla doing working for someone currenlty charged with a sex crime?
I don't like this guy much either. I think there is more going on here then him wanting to expose Karla.
Lapointe, who himself faces a charge of sexual assault related to a domestic incident, was pilloried in the local media as a traitor who entrapped Homolka for his own personal gain -- allegations he continues to deny.

But he left more people puzzled and skeptical after announcing plans to move his family to St. Catharines, where Homolka and her now ex-husband, Paul Bernardo, kidnapped and tortured their victims.

LaPointe sounds like he might not have both oars in the water.

I can't believe this man left his children with her.

mic, I didn't understand that to have been the case from the article linked above. Is that info from somewhere else?
LovelyPigeon said:
Lapointe, who himself faces a charge of sexual assault related to a domestic incident, was pilloried in the local media as a traitor who entrapped Homolka for his own personal gain -- allegations he continues to deny.

But he left more people puzzled and skeptical after announcing plans to move his family to St. Catharines, where Homolka and her now ex-husband, Paul Bernardo, kidnapped and tortured their victims.

LaPointe sounds like he might not have both oars in the water.

mic, I didn't understand that to have been the case from the article linked above. Is that info from somewhere else?

Your post got me to read the other article.
Moving to St. Catherines...odd to say the least.
I doubt Leslie and Kristen's family will welcome him personally.
This case never got out of my mind it was so disturbing to me.
Thanks, mic...I hadn't read that article.

It's hard to believe LaPointe's claim that he didn't know Homolka was ordered not to be in charge of children.

I won't be a popular slant, I'm sure, but it sounds to me as if LaPointe had in mind to set Homolka up to break the conditions of her parole so he could be responsible for sending her back to prison for 2 years.
LovelyPigeon said:
Thanks, mic...I hadn't read that article.

It's hard to believe LaPointe's claim that he didn't know Homolka was ordered not to be in charge of children.

I won't be a popular slant, I'm sure, but it sounds to me as if LaPointe had in mind to set Homolka up to break the conditions of her parole so he could be responsible for sending her back to prison for 2 years.

I agree with you he had that slant and IMO he is weird to say the least.
But Karla knew her restrictions. If she had not broken them (allegedly) she would not have to worry. Karla knew her conditions.
All she had to say is "No I cant be with your children alone".

Did you follow this case LP?
What really crawls under my skin is that Karla used the manipulated and abused excuse before. I did not buy it then and I don't buy it now.
Karla agreed to drug and rape her own sister (performed sex acts on her sister), who died, and then claimed it was fear of Paul that made her do so. She was still living with her parents at that time who were upstairs while this assault and murder took place.

Karla Homolka Bernardo Teale is beyond redemption for me. May God have mercy on her soul.

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