I realize that marikesh and there is no sensibility to Project Edmonton. And it is a far stretch to "knowing" anything when you have to take everything you know and turn it upside down to try and make sense of it and I'm not definitively placing myself anywhere. Profiling is an art of avengers and sleuthing walks hand in hand with it. Use both with a projected sense of awareness in knowing that when looking at the facts one is really only looking at the outer limits of what lies within. Tying these cases together through similarities and locations is a very narrow avenue but rather take the oddities and use those oddities as a link to the killers mind and you will find that in the worst case scenario the message that is being projected is that anything goes and when you get to that status you will find that you have just taken a look into a SK's Pandora's box, one that has lost the grip on boundaries, even on his level. He will be out of control and his business and financial endeavors will reflect that as well as his personal life whereby meaningful and sound ties to a fundamental home and partner is concerned. It will all be dysfunctional.
For example, take a SK that say has been on the road for 40+ years and tell me what avenue he will not go down. And then take that same SK's mind and try and understand the insane asylum that lives within it and the mind control that he has gained in those 40 years over others. You see, there comes a time when it is no longer about quality over quantity but rather quantity over quality and that is when the territorial access is gained because of the factional division of greed that is reflected upon the mind of a SK who has gotten away with what he does over that period of time. Forget about the end result for a moment when profiling a homicidal maniac and think about the power that he has developed in the art of mind control and how he would use that to his best advantage over that period of time. We know he's not running on lady luck or love, so who is footing the bill? And how is that bill being footed without serious questions being raised as to his activities which would be devouring most of his time by now? The evidence would be all around him and he would require a large enough alibi by way of representation to cover that evidence. How to find the cover that is needed without inclusion?? It all boils down to length of occupation, numbers and math to make sense of it all. Without this alibi he can't do what he does to the extent that he needs to do it for his own personal control and addiction without being caught.
In saying that, look at the missing persons lists in a larger territory and define the routes that are being used. Expand to Saskatchewan and B.C. and look for everything that could be included in that Pandora's Box from women to children to younger men and use grouping and timelines to establish presence by way of these routes. That is when you being to see the bigger and more accurate picture when talking about many, many years of similarities by way of victim indications. It wouldn't be about his groupies, if in fact he has any, it would be about him with anything that comes their way as being a bribery towards his financial accommodation and alibi.