Canada - Richard Oland, 69, brutally murdered, St John, NB, 7 July 2011

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I am shocked that their relationship has deteriorated to this level. Without knowing the cause of the breakup, I can't judge DO or LO. But it is sad imo.

eta: So much for Dick trying to keep the home in the Oland family.
I have to admit two things. One is that it felt wrong to me that LO had refused to sign off on the family property from the get-go. The other is that it also felt wrong to me that DO was tasked with residing in and maintaining the old Oland homestead, which seemed to be important to RO, and he also had to pay his father "interest-only" paymentS, to have that privilege. In some families I know of, the wealthier parents will fork out the funds to buy their kids' new homes (of their own choosing), and only require 'principle' payments on an interest-free arrangement. Seems like things were geared for the benefit of the senior Oland in every way. Just seems wrong to me. jmo.

I can understand if DO might be ready to pack it in with that old house.
Another thing that I found perturbing, is the info the jury heard regarding the way in which DO and LO were living above their means. (Perhaps always had?) Did he have to put up a good front to keep convincing her that he was a wealthy guy, when in fact it was only his father, and not himself who had any money? If DO didn't keep up that front, what would that have meant to the DO/LO relationship at that time? (Come to think of it, how long would RO's gf have stuck around if RO had not been a wealthy guy?) Did RO/LO have a thing where 'his money is their money, but her money is her own money'? Kind of sounds like it, from the way some articles were written. (Noting also that Lisa and 'her friend' owned the family's sailboat?) If I was suffering financial hardships in my marriage and numerous things were in overdraft, I can guarantee I wouldn't have been taking any 'expensive international trips' until things turned around and got straightened out.

I personally don't believe that DO murdered his father, or that the financial situation he was experiencing at that time was particularly bad enough to even consider it (as the Crown has proposed was his motive), however it would have been interesting to hear more of the financial aspects of DO's life, even further back. It seems that DO was paying both child support and alimony to his first wife, making interest-only payments on the family home, and keeping up with 'the Joneses' in his life with LO, but at the same time, wouldn't LO have been *receiving* child support payments from her ex, and perhaps alimony as well, which may have presumably eased that pressure? Just rambling thoughts.. not liking what I've read. It seems that LO was fully aware that their way of living was WAY above their means and yet it seems she too was a willing participant. It doesn't seem like it was DO merely pulling wool over her eyes.

"“The ongoing accumulation of debt, was it a concern for you?” Mr. Lacy asked after going over several, expensive international trips Dennis and Lisa took in the months prior to the killing.

“No,” Mr. Oland answered, adding it was the way he and his wife lived. “It’s stuff we always did and it was a continuation of that.”
Dennis Oland had recently returned from a lengthy trip to England ...."

Dennis Oland testifies about money problems, waives qualms about debts

The below excerpt is from the first trial reporting:

""I had a good pay of $8,000 but I need a bit more to cover expenses so that they do not bounce," Oland wrote to Lisa Andrik-Oland on June 16.

"Would I be able to get $1,000 from you?"
By July 6, 2011, the day police believe his father, Richard Oland, was beaten to death, the accused was spending about $14,000 more a month than he was earning, according to a forensic accountant.
Johnson found Oland had only earned $34,124 during that period and his spending had exceeded his income by $86,848.

Oland's $163,000 line of credit and $27,000-limit Visa were maxed out, and his investments and RRSPs had been cleared out.
"Hi, there is no money on my Visa card anymore so don't bother trying to use it," Oland told his wife in an email on May 31, 2011.

On June 1, the same day Oland had requested a pay advance, he and his wife were exchanging emails about their credit cards being overlimit and discussing strategies to get enough money deposited on one of the Visas to make it work.

"I should not have answered my phone earlier when u called, I cannot come across as pleasant cause I am not in a good place. Hannah [probably] has flu, and I am very off today!" his wife wrote.

"Deadline for Concordia registration is today. I have no money on my Visa and I had to wait til today to make a payment. If u add something to your card today will it work?" she asked.

"Well I'd like to at least try something to make you feel a bit better. As for Visa card. Mine is overdrawn by $650 so I'd need to put more than that on the card just to get it to work. How much is your card over drawn?" Oland replied.

"I am $200 over limit and it won't reach them within 48 hours. Internet does not work," she wrote.

"OK well I'll go to bank and deposit what I have and move funds to my Visa. I looked to see why my Visa was so bad and I had not realized the extent of the money that was spent for Montreal, it was $1,350," said Oland.

"Wait now, I can't afford to put the rent [cheque] on your card, that's got mortgage etc.," his wife replied.

""When I became ill in 2012, the respondent told me that I did not have to worry about my employment and that I would never have to work again in my life because he has significant means."
Another thing that I found perturbing, is the info the jury heard regarding the way in which DO and LO were living above their means. (Perhaps always had?) Did he have to put up a good front to keep convincing her that he was a wealthy guy, when in fact it was only his father, and not himself who had any money? If DO didn't keep up that front, what would that have meant to the DO/LO relationship at that time? (Come to think of it, how long would RO's gf have stuck around if RO had not been a wealthy guy?) Did RO/LO have a thing where 'his money is their money, but her money is her own money'? Kind of sounds like it, from the way some articles were written. (Noting also that Lisa and 'her friend' owned the family's sailboat?) If I was suffering financial hardships in my marriage and numerous things were in overdraft, I can guarantee I wouldn't have been taking any 'expensive international trips' until things turned around and got straightened out.

I personally don't believe that DO murdered his father, or that the financial situation he was experiencing at that time was particularly bad enough to even consider it (as the Crown has proposed was his motive), however it would have been interesting to hear more of the financial aspects of DO's life, even further back. It seems that DO was paying both child support and alimony to his first wife, making interest-only payments on the family home, and keeping up with 'the Joneses' in his life with LO, but at the same time, wouldn't LO have been *receiving* child support payments from her ex, and perhaps alimony as well, which may have presumably eased that pressure? Just rambling thoughts.. not liking what I've read. It seems that LO was fully aware that their way of living was WAY above their means and yet it seems she too was a willing participant. It doesn't seem like it was DO merely pulling wool over her eyes.

"“The ongoing accumulation of debt, was it a concern for you?” Mr. Lacy asked after going over several, expensive international trips Dennis and Lisa took in the months prior to the killing.

“No,” Mr. Oland answered, adding it was the way he and his wife lived. “It’s stuff we always did and it was a continuation of that.”
Dennis Oland had recently returned from a lengthy trip to England ...."

Dennis Oland testifies about money problems, waives qualms about debts

The below excerpt is from the first trial reporting:

""I had a good pay of $8,000 but I need a bit more to cover expenses so that they do not bounce," Oland wrote to Lisa Andrik-Oland on June 16.

"Would I be able to get $1,000 from you?"
By July 6, 2011, the day police believe his father, Richard Oland, was beaten to death, the accused was spending about $14,000 more a month than he was earning, according to a forensic accountant.
Johnson found Oland had only earned $34,124 during that period and his spending had exceeded his income by $86,848.

Oland's $163,000 line of credit and $27,000-limit Visa were maxed out, and his investments and RRSPs had been cleared out.
"Hi, there is no money on my Visa card anymore so don't bother trying to use it," Oland told his wife in an email on May 31, 2011.

On June 1, the same day Oland had requested a pay advance, he and his wife were exchanging emails about their credit cards being overlimit and discussing strategies to get enough money deposited on one of the Visas to make it work.

"I should not have answered my phone earlier when u called, I cannot come across as pleasant cause I am not in a good place. Hannah [probably] has flu, and I am very off today!" his wife wrote.

"Deadline for Concordia registration is today. I have no money on my Visa and I had to wait til today to make a payment. If u add something to your card today will it work?" she asked.

"Well I'd like to at least try something to make you feel a bit better. As for Visa card. Mine is overdrawn by $650 so I'd need to put more than that on the card just to get it to work. How much is your card over drawn?" Oland replied.

"I am $200 over limit and it won't reach them within 48 hours. Internet does not work," she wrote.

"OK well I'll go to bank and deposit what I have and move funds to my Visa. I looked to see why my Visa was so bad and I had not realized the extent of the money that was spent for Montreal, it was $1,350," said Oland.

"Wait now, I can't afford to put the rent [cheque] on your card, that's got mortgage etc.," his wife replied.

""When I became ill in 2012, the respondent told me that I did not have to worry about my employment and that I would never have to work again in my life because he has significant means."

Excellent summary!

So RO was murdered July 7, 2011. D married L in Aug, 2009. The finances of D were already heavily overextended by July/11 so how did this woman get the idea she’d live the life of Riley when DO was charged with murder by 2013?

It seems to me DO’s life has been under constant and stressful upheaval for 9 of the 11 years of their marriage - the death of his father, 2nd degree murder charges, a conviction and min 10 year sentence, a stint in prison, an appeal, a 2nd trial......and her focus is on his ability to financially provide for her so she never has to work again. It’s no wonder the marriage didn’t work out. I’m glad he’s able to move forward.

Thanks for the link ..... sounded serious at first but by the end of the article says ....

The Intimate Partner Violence Intervention Act, proclaimed in May 2018, was designed to provide victims with access to short-term measures to increase their safety while they seek more permanent solutions. The emergency intervention order remedies victims can apply for include:
=Temporary exclusive occupation of the residence.
=Temporary possession of personal property.
=No-contact provisions.
=Temporary custody of children.
=Seizure of weapons.

...... so maybe it is just a bit of pushing and shoving when he was trying to remove possessions from the house and she wanted him to stop
Thanks for the link ..... sounded serious at first but by the end of the article says ....

The Intimate Partner Violence Intervention Act, proclaimed in May 2018, was designed to provide victims with access to short-term measures to increase their safety while they seek more permanent solutions. The emergency intervention order remedies victims can apply for include:
=Temporary exclusive occupation of the residence.
=Temporary possession of personal property.
=No-contact provisions.
=Temporary custody of children.
=Seizure of weapons.

...... so maybe it is just a bit of pushing and shoving when he was trying to remove possessions from the house and she wanted him to stop
Yes but it also says she accused him of domestic violence.
Yes but it also says she accused him of domestic violence.

When I read the article here is what I saw:

= It is the CBC that created the sensational headline .... "Dennis Oland accused of domestic violence by his estranged wife"

=nowhere in the court hearing is any violence mentioned

=as a matter of fact the judge said she would not confirm the order because there was insufficient evidence (without a hearing)

= a hearing was held and Lisa's lawyer said the goal was not to proceed .... and then said the parties have reached an agreement

Sounds pretty tame to me .

The CBC used a sensational headline to attract readers to an article with nothing in it other than typical separation/divorce disputes over property division.
Imho, this gives LO the right to carry on living as usual in the home, and DO would not be allowed within x number of feet of the home. He would no longer be able to take anything out, including any of his own family heirlooms or whatever (unless agreed to by the wife and escorted by police). In the booklet published to assist the respondent on what to do if an Emergency Intervention Order is served on him, it states the following (I have attached the PDF document and the link where it came from is here: ):

Why was I served with an Emergency Intervention Order?
You were served with an Emergency Intervention Order because your current or former intimate partner filled out an application under the Intimate Partner Violence Intervention Act stating that there was abuse or violence in the relationship that is serious and urgent.

The application is considered an emergency situation and handled on an ex parte basis – meaning the Respondent is not present for the hearing.

Who granted the Order to the Applicant?
An experienced lawyer with special training, called an Emergency Adjudicative Officer (EAO) reviewed the application. They held a telephone hearing under oath or solemn affirmation with the applicant to decide if there was enough evidence to grant an Order. When the EAO grants an Order, they must send it to a Judge at the Court of Queen’s Bench: Family Division, for review.

What happens when the Judge reviews the Order?
Within 5 (five) business days of receiving it, the Judge will decide to:

  • Confirm the Order made by the Adjudicative Officer;
  • Change the Order (referred to as varying the order), for example, by deleting or adding some provisions or changing the time frame); or,
  • Hold a hearing.
At this time, the Judge cannot set aside the Order.

Why would a Judge ask for a hearing?
The Judge may have questions about what happened between you and the Applicant, or about the evidence that was used with the application. The Judge may require more information to decide if the Order granted by the EAO was justified. These types of “Judge review hearings” are not scheduled for every case.



  • Emergency_Intervention_Orders_Respondents_EN.pdf
    513.6 KB · Views: 0
In the news article posted upthread:

When court began Wednesday morning, however, DeWare announced the hearing might not proceed.

"We're hoping not to proceed. That is the goal," confirmed Andrik-Oland's lawyer Margaret Layden.

"The parties have reached an agreement," she said, as Andrik-Oland looked on from the front right-hand row, with a woman by her side, and Oland sat alone on the opposite side of the empty courtroom.

Layden and Oland's lawyer, Tracy Peters of Moncton, jointly requested that the emergency order be set aside.

"I don't see a prejudice to anyone. I just want to make sure that that's OK, in particular with Ms. Andrik-Oland?"

Layden clarified they weren't simply requesting it be set aside, that it was part of an agreement on another family court matter.

In that matter, Andrik-Oland is seeking an interim order to prevent Oland from selling their Rothesay home and three adjacent parcels of land to preserve her marital interest in the properties, pending a final determination.

So in other words, imo, LO is willing to set it aside, as long as the interim order she is seeking preventing DO from selling the home proceeds as desired. Seems she has him by the short hairs, imo.
Dennis Oland's family home has been listed for sale for $749,000.

Also, the publication ban on the evidence Andrik-Oland presented to obtain the emergency order has been lifted. Chief Justice Tracey DeWare of the Court of Queen's Bench ruled Jan. 14 that the media can publish a transcript of Andrik-Oland's allegations, effective Jan. 28.

I can't imagine what that family is going through. It's interesting that Dennis' wife isn't exactly standing by his side now. Of course it might just be 'simple' family challenges. Life is 'interesting'. Life is challenging. None of this may relate to this case.
Dennis Oland is a slimy, miserable piece of *advertiser censored*.
1. He is in and out of his father's office 3 times on the evening of his father's murder. What kind of amazing coincidence would you need to say that your father's killer appeared between 7 and 8.... after you were back and forth three times.
2. His personal debt was outrageous... What responsible human being runs up that kind of debt working an office job as an investment manager? The mere fact he's that much in debt should scupper any hope he has of having credibility in his profession. I don't know if there are annual screens for people in investment banking but there damn well should be.. Who would want to be taking advice from this guy?
3. The visit to the wharf in Rothesay thinking your kids might be there... I have kids.. I don't visit anywhere on a whim that they "might" be there. You wouldn't call your wife to see if they were there? He dumps Dick's cell phone... no question.
4. The jacket.. blood DNA on the jacket he claimed he wasn't wearing but video evidence showed he was.. ends up at the dry cleaner the next morning. The next morning a 9 am!!!!Dick was only discovered at 8:54 am so the chances of the wife bringing clothes to the drycleaner for an impending funeral a 9:04 AM... astronomical... the fastest acting wife on the face of this earth.. First thing anyone would do after hearing of the death of the father in law is to hit the drycleaner within 10 minutes.

The judge in this case should be up on charges... this piece of *advertiser censored* continues to walk the streets.

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