CANADA Canada - Sandra Mensah, 26, & Kobie Agbezorlie (fnd dec), Montreal, 9 March 2014

DNA Solves
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DNA Solves
i can never figure why some cases seem less important than others. But the police are human, some are wiser, more caring than others. The police seem very casual in this case.

Ha! Montreal police are very casual in pretty much ALL. missing person cases that come their way. Honestly I can't think of one in recent years that seemed to light a fire under them and there have been many suspicious disappearances and deaths in recent years. #dontbeacrimevictiminmontreal.

The only thing that doesn't match up would be the hair length , and I guess the weight is a bit off. But I noticed;
-Sandra has a couple moles on her face, and I noticed a mole on the UID wrist in the bottom right hand corner.
-The tattoo is also a west African symbol ( found that out on a Reddit forum ) and Kobie was from Ghana.
-The UID was also found a few months later in the same river as Kobie was recovered from.

They give such limited information in both Sandra's case and the UID that it is really hard to say. I've also Google'd for information about this UID and there was almost nothing
said about it. I think I found one article, maybe, that mentioned it but it contained no information. I'm guessing that Sandra is the first person they would of checked off their list , but after seeing and hearing
what I have about this whole investigation, it wouldn't surprise me if they didn't.
Wanted to give this mp case a bump, but not finding anything very current.

Sandra Mensah Service de police de la Ville de Montréal - SPVM
Sandra Mensah
Person missing since: May 20, 2014

``Missing Person Profile
Last Seen Le 9 mars à 21 h 47 à la pharmacie Jean-Coutu située au 5855, boul. Gouin Ouest.
Last Name Mensah
First Name Sandra
Age (at disappearance) 26
Height 168 cm / 5ft-6in
Weight 68 kg
Hair color Bruns longs et tressés
Eye color Bruns
Case number MTLEV1400207622


La dame a quitté son domicile de l’arrondissement Ahuntsic-Cartierville le 9 mars dernier vers 21 h avec Courage Agbezorlie qui allait acheter une carte opus à la pharmacie Jean-Coutu située au 5855, boulevard Gouin Ouest. La carte opus a été achetée vers 21 h 47.

Le corps de Courage Agbezorlie a été retrouvé aux abords de la Rivière-des-Prairies dans Montréal-Nord le 6 mai dernier. Sandra Mensah, qui accompagnait M. Agbezorlie, est toujours portée disparue.

Sandra Mensah n’a pas de permis de conduire. Elle n’a pas de médication ni dépendance connue. Son téléphone cellulaire est fermé depuis qu’elle a quitté son domicile.
Pastor Kobie Courage Agbezorlie went missing two weeks. He ago vanished after going out to buy an Opus card for his brother. His friend, Sandra Mensah, who went with him to the pharmacy that night, is also missing. Police found his car a few days later.

Car used by missing duo located

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Bumping CBC link..
March 2014
Sandra Mensah, 26, and Courage Agbezorlie, 28, were last seen on Sunday, March 9 at a Jean Coutu pharmacy on Gouin Boulevard West in the Ahuntsic-Cartierville borough. (Facebook)

''Agbezorlie, who on Facebook is called "Kobie" by friends and family, is a pastor and Montreal police said the man has no known enemies, money problems or addictions. According to his Facebook page, he studied at Alberta's Prairie Bible College and Institute. ''

''Mensah is a black female with long, braided brown hair and brown eyes. She is 1.67 metres tall (five-foot-five-inches) and weighs 68 kilograms (149 pounds).''
What is it about the month of March, mysterious missing person cases and this particular river, Rivière-des-Prairies ?
CANADA - Canada - Ariel Jeffrey Kouakou, 10, Montreal, 12 March 2018 #2
You know what @dotr
I have picked up on this previously and in fact I have also picked up on the fact that March generally is a more active month for Crimes ( esp serious ones and Missing people). I didn’t do a scientific analysis and comparison, just a basic personal one because I noticed that it was appearing as such a prevalent month . I don’t recall what parameters that I used now and what time frame I looked at because it was a couple of years ago ( maybe just a bit less ) but it definitely sparked my interest enough to question- Why March ? Could it be to do with the saying “As mad as a March Hare?”
Mad as a March hare Mad as a March hare - Google Search

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