Canada - Sentry killed in War Memorial shooting, Ottawa, 22 Oct 2014

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Well to be's Friday night and in every Ward Room and Mess, CF personnel are toasting and remembering....perhaps we should all follow that lead.....
Off topic....
Hey newone, from the land of amazing sunsets, do you happen to be from SW Ontario? ..from the shores of Lake Huron?
I see a photo of Stephen Harper and Justin Trudeau 'hugging' each other in comfort. (For our non-Canadian friends, that would be like Obama hugging Rick Perry. ...well, perhaps not quite that big a gulf!) Unfortunately when I click on the photo it takes me to an article that doesn't contain the photo.

Again, it is wonderful to see Canadians pulling together.
I see a photo of Stephen Harper and Justin Trudeau 'hugging' each other in comfort. (For our non-Canadian friends, that would be like Obama hugging Rick Perry. ...well, perhaps not quite that big a gulf!) Unfortunately when I click on the photo it takes me to an article that doesn't contain the photo.

Again, it is wonderful to see Canadians pulling together.

Yes....and it was heartwarming to feel the support from Non Canucks towards Canada - nice to feel appreciated by others
Incidentally, everyone loves our beer ((another attribute that makes Canadians almost as lovable as Aussies!))
It's so touching and beautiful to see everyone united towards a peaceful day. Love can conquer all....
  • Michael Zehaf-Bibeau's mother Susan admitted she had an affair when she divorced Libyan Bulgasem Zehaf in 1999

They pulled Zehaf-Bibeau out mid-year from his $5,000 a year private school which had 'Army-like' discipline - and sent him to a down-at-heel public school instead.

Zehaf-Bibeau, 32, walked a short distance to Parliament and unleashed an estimated 50 rounds from his Winchester.30 caliber rifle before being shot dead.

The 2000 yearbook (photo provided by CBC) from his senior year at Ecole Secondaire Saint Maxime in Laval said that he 'will go far in life' and that he is a 'sociable and intelligent guy'.

In the resulting acrimony, Zehaf-Bibeau was removed from College Laval, an exclusive private school where students have to take an entrance exam, in the middle of the 1998/1999 academic year.

Former classmate Vito Garofalo said that during his time at College Laval Bibeau would have had no opportunity to get involved in criminality because the regime was so strict.

The 31-year-old realtor said: 'We had to wear a suit all year, even in the summer. It was like being in the Army and it was very strict.

We had a merit system and we started the year with 25 points. If you did something wrong you lost points, so if you got in a fight you lost 10 points, and if you didn't do your homework you lost two points.

'Anyone who had zero points was expelled. It was a tough place'.

His mother, already a successful official in the Canadian immigration service, paid his father $40,000 for his share of the smart three-bedroom house so she could keep it, and Zehaf-Bibeau appears to have lived there with her.

n a sign that perhaps she accepted blame for the breakup, she did not ask for child support even though under Quebec law she was entitled to it.

A mosque in Vancouver, British Columbia, kicked him out. 'His behaviour was not normal,’ said David Ali, vice-president of Masjid Al-Salaam mosque in nearby Burnaby.

In 2011, Zehaf-Bibeau tried to rob a McDonald's restaurant in the city so he could get clean from his addiction while in jail.

Mrs Bideau has described how her bearded nephew turned up at her remote mountain home 'out of the blue' the night before the terrorist attack. She told La Presse: 'He just turned up (on Tuesday night). He said he wanted to pay me a visit. It had been a long time since we'd seen each other.


After reading about being pulled out of a challenging and stabilizing school environment because parents are feuding.....well....dang...most family lawyers emphasize the need for continuity.

Sounds like he was acting are caught in the middle ....the only power they have sometimes to show anger is to turn into rebels. JMHO and IME

that is in NO WAY to suggest that is the root of this horrible choice the young man made....but sure sounds like a case of arrested adolescence (aka bratty boy) run amok

If I understood from the article explaining the visit to his aunt correctly, he applied for and was refused a Libyan passport......sure sounds like he was identifying with pop more than mom.

very sad.
This afternoon I came across another suspicious tweet that appeared to be in support of ISIS. I took a screenshot with a view to reporting it to the authorities but someone else had already turned it in to both the RCMP and Twitter. The account is now suspended.
What a fabulous but very sad outpouring today, as Cpl Nathan Cirillo travelled the Highway of Heroes. My hat is off to Canada for showing your respect in such a touching manner. I have heard of this show of respect along the highway from a Canadian friend ... very touching to 'see' it happening.


(Fortunately, we saw some brief footage on our evening news too.)
On another note, it was a national open day in some Australian mosques today ... to encourage a greater understanding in the community and help break down barriers.

There is a lot of tension here after a recent incident where a man was shot dead after stabbing anti-terrorism police, and a radical Islamic cleric posted some inflammatory comments on FB about it.

The Muslim community is attempting to calm these tensions.
Watching the OPP just now makes me realize how much we all forget how many people put themselves on the line for us 24/7................we just take it for granted.


Give a police officer a smile (and a nurse, and a paramedic, and a firefighter ... and all those other front line workers). It doesn't hurt us to do it, and it helps make their day that little bit brighter :)

Firemen salute from the top of their truck to honour Corporal Nathan Cirillo on the Highway of Heroes

Along the route, crowds waved flags and broke out in applause as the motorcade passed by.

"Nathan was Canada's son," the family said in a statement read by Captain Robert Andrushko, the unit's commanding officer as he stood in front of their small home.
(From Aussie MSM)

Firemen salute from the top of their truck to honour Corporal Nathan Cirillo on the Highway of Heroes

Along the route, crowds waved flags and broke out in applause as the motorcade passed by.

"Nathan was Canada's son," the family said in a statement read by Captain Robert Andrushko, the unit's commanding officer as he stood in front of their small home.
(From Aussie MSM)


If he wasn't before, he sure is now. He'll forever be remembered as the unarmed soldier that was shot and killed while providing an Honour Guard to the Cenotaph in the capital city of Canada.

On the one hand, I think this murder was intended to create a distraction and draw security away from Parliament Hill, but on the other hand, given the symbolism of the murder, it strikes to the core of the rights and freedoms that were secured through Canada's military.

BTW, that is by far the best photo I've seen of the funeral procession! This was the first time I became aware of the Highway of Heroes, with every overpass in the five hour journey filled with community, fire, rescue, EMS, police, and military personnel saluting, showing respect, wearing red, and holding Canadian flags.
On another note, it was a national open day in some Australian mosques today ... to encourage a greater understanding in the community and help break down barriers.

There is a lot of tension here after a recent incident where a man was shot dead after stabbing anti-terrorism police, and a radical Islamic cleric posted some inflammatory comments on FB about it.

The Muslim community is attempting to calm these tensions.

There is some degree of tension for the Muslims here in Canada too, naturally. Although the association of Muslims was very quick to come out and condemn the killings this week.

Some vandals damaged a mosque in the town of Cold Lake Alberta (a military base is located there) a couple of days ago. It was nice to see the locals rally around the mosque. They painted over the "Go Home' graffiti, and replaced it with a sign saying "love your neighbours".

The vandalism at the mosque, which included smashed windows and racist messages, was discovered Friday morning. The words "Go home" were written multiple times across the outside of the building in red spray paint.
Volunteers on Friday afternoon cleaned up the façade and removed the racist scrawlings. A poster with the phrase “Love your neighbour” was also seen in a window.

Read more:

My heart goes out to another unsung hero ... one of Nathan's closest friends and a fellow soldier, Brendan Stevenson, who was the other guard on sentry duty with Nathan. According to his dad, he apparently chased the gunman for a bit, but then rushed back to Nathan's side to see if he could help save his friend.

Can't find a link online, but I saw Brendan's father on tv last night. He knew that his son and Nathan were on duty that day at the war memorial, and when he heard that one of the guards had been shot, he didn't know whether it was his own son or Nathan. He was finally able to find out through a phone call he made (iirc, it was to the Argylls).
There is some degree of tension for the Muslims here in Canada too, naturally. Although the association of Muslims was very quick to come out and condemn the killings this week.

Some vandals damaged a mosque in the town of Cold Lake Alberta (a military base is located there) a couple of days ago. It was nice to see the locals rally around the mosque. They painted over the "Go Home' graffiti, and replaced it with a sign saying "love your neighbours".


I think that many people initially associated the murder with something along the lines of radical Muslim ideology. Today, we know that this was the act of a man with serious mental difficulties, drug addiction problems, and a criminal history. Hopefully more people will better understand that his was nothing more than the actions of a man with mental illness. That alone will ease any tensions that resulted from the murder.
I think that many people initially associated the murder with something along the lines of radical Muslim ideology. Today, we know that this was the act of a man with serious mental difficulties, drug addiction problems, and a criminal history. Hopefully more people will better understand that his was nothing more than the actions of a man with mental illness. That alone will ease any tensions that resulted from the murder.

I disagree otto. While it seems he was mentally disturbed, I don't think it was any more or less than the other homegrown radicals that set out in search of something to join so they can take out their underlying rage (or whatever the heck it is) against humanity. It may well be that his underlying mental illness significantly contributed towards that radicalization, but IMO that doesn't differ from any of the other young people who want recognition and acceptance through their anti-establishment ideology.

FWIW, I don't believe LE has ruled out any connections to ISIS.

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