CANADA Canada - Sonia Varaschin, 42, Orangeville, 29 Aug 2010 - #3

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Maybe “no sign of forced entry” means something more. Who doesn’t need to force entry? Someone who is invited in, someone who the door was opened for, someone who had a key, someone who walked in because the door was left unlocked. Could be the front door or the back door. Who fits into that category? Maybe it means they suspect it is someone she knew? Maybe it means someone was watching her and knew her routine. They didn’t need to force their way in as they found the door unlocked. I’m hoping the DNA that was found, will identify the killer soon. So many new technologies now. I think it’s only a matter of time.
Maybe “no sign of forced entry” means something more. Who doesn’t need to force entry? Someone who is invited in, someone who the door was opened for, someone who had a key, someone who walked in because the door was left unlocked. Could be the front door or the back door. Who fits into that category? Maybe it means they suspect it is someone she knew? Maybe it means someone was watching her and knew her routine. They didn’t need to force their way in as they found the door unlocked. I’m hoping the DNA that was found, will identify the killer soon. So many new technologies now. I think it’s only a matter of time.

Expanding on that, I'm thinking of the other part of the B&E equation, the part about intent to commit an indictable offence. Was what happened that night not done by someone who entered without authorization and who did not enter intending to commit an indictable offence? Are we talking about an argument that got out of hand, then? An unplanned murder, rather than a premeditated one?
Expanding on that, I'm thinking of the other part of the B&E equation, the part about intent to commit an indictable offence. Was what happened that night not done by someone who entered without authorization and who did not enter intending to commit an indictable offence? Are we talking about an argument that got out of hand, then? An unplanned murder, rather than a premeditated one?

Do you mean like a crime of passion? What about the weapon?

What about the boot imprint and the bed sheets? How did the killer get to SVs' house and how did they get home? Also, where do they live now??
Do you mean like a crime of passion? What about the weapon?

What about the boot imprint and the bed sheets? How did the killer get to SVs' house and how did they get home? Also, where do they live now??

I'm trying to think of what the investigators were signalling by the terms they chose, and what they chose to release.

No sign of forced entry. That is consistent. What do they know now, and why aren't they releasing more information after a decade of being unable to close this case?

We know nothing about how Sonia died. Blood was found in Sonia's home and car. Was a weapon found? Was it something from Sonia's home? Was it something very unique, or something that someone brought to the scene? Police know how Sonia died from the autopsy.

Nothing more about the boots. Nothing more about the DNA. Either of these could have come from crime scene contamination. On the other hand, if someone in Sonia's circle left the boot prints and DNA, this might not be entirely useful, unless DNA was found under Sonia's fingernails and she had defensive wounds, for example.

The bed sheets and comforter were taken from Sonia's home, and found with her her body. What type of killer murders someone in their own home, then removes the body using the victim's car, then returns that car to a location near the home?

Let's look at the latest article on the anniversary of her death.

Investigators still working to crack Sonia Varaschin murder a decade later

In 2010, on the Sunday of her disappearance, Varaschin had spent time with her family at their home in Bolton, she had also spent time with her boyfriend.

What are they trying to tell us?

Whatever came out of the FBI summit, which seemed like an unusual move at the time? Why have we heard nothing more on that? They gave us a profile, but in the anniversary articles, we hear nothing more about it.

Has the circle of suspects been narrowed? Police must have a far better idea about the timeline and Sonia's final hours than we do.

If someone knows something, how do they know they know, if all they know is that Sonia was murdered, the car taken and returned, the bedding found with Sonia, and there was no sign of forced entry? Does such a person exist? Someone obviously returned from this crime covered in a lot of blood, but nobody in 10 years reported anything out of the norm. The killer might have lived alone. Either that, or people have been very loyal in protecting him for a decade, and/or they have no conscience.
Just a footnote, maybe not very important now. I'm sure many of us here have considered many things. One of the things I considered was the route driven by Sonia's killer with her in the car, and how "high-risk" one route might be vs. another.

This is Highway 10, which connects Hurontario Street in Brampton to Owen Sound at its north end. It is a four-lane highway between Brampton and Orangeville.

Ontario Highway 10 - Wikipedia
Let's look at the latest article on the anniversary of her death.

Investigators still working to crack Sonia Varaschin murder a decade later

In 2010, on the Sunday of her disappearance, Varaschin had spent time with her family at their home in Bolton, she had also spent time with her boyfriend.

What are they trying to tell us?


It seems completely new to me, that she on that Sunday spent time with her boyfriend (who wasn't her boyfriend any longer, because he was going to return back to his estranged or not estranged wife to the UK?). Did my memory left me or what do I have to think?

It seems completely new to me, that she on that Sunday spent time with her boyfriend (who wasn't her boyfriend any longer, because he was going to return back to his estranged or not estranged wife to the UK?). Did my memory left me or what do I have to think?

That's right. According to this article, entirely new information was brought forward. Sonia spent time with her boyfriend on the last day of her life (who wasn't her boyfriend any longer, because he was going to return back to his estranged or not estranged wife to the UK?)

Your memory didn't leave you.
I wondered why her car was brought back to her neighborhood. The person could have dropped it off anywhere, far far away. I think they needed to get back to her neighborhood. Either they lived there and simply needed to get home or they left their own means of transportation nearby. Perhaps they had to go somewhere early the next morning and couldn’t drive the car far away from the scene because they would have a hard time getting back on time and getting to where they were going the next morning. Maybe they didn’t have a friend or relative in town that they could call to come pick them up. Any other reason why they would bring her car back?
I wondered why her car was brought back to her neighborhood. The person could have dropped it off anywhere, far far away. I think they needed to get back to her neighborhood. Either they lived there and simply needed to get home or they left their own means of transportation nearby. Perhaps they had to go somewhere early the next morning and couldn’t drive the car far away from the scene because they would have a hard time getting back on time and getting to where they were going the next morning. Maybe they didn’t have a friend or relative in town that they could call to come pick them up. Any other reason why they would bring her car back?

A similar thing happened, with the victim's burnt-out car found near her family's rural property.

Police locate Helen Sedo's vehicle badly burnt near family property
That's right. According to this article, entirely new information was brought forward. Sonia spent time with her boyfriend on the last day of her life (who wasn't her boyfriend any longer, because he was going to return back to his estranged or not estranged wife to the UK?)

Your memory didn't leave you.
The dessous, Sonia's mum spoke of, might have been for him then. Can we be sure, that it is the same boyfriend, who attended her funeral and had contact to Sonia's parents (liked to know a bit too much)?
Thinking about Sonia's frequent saying regarding skiing (as per Crime Beat video) ..
"One last run" and wondering if that attitude extends to other things or people...
Sometimes when a couple breaks up, they might want (so to speak) "one last kiss before we say goodbye", OR, to help numb the pain, change gears and get together with someone else altogether.
Maybe two egos collided?
speculation, imo.
The dessous, Sonia's mum spoke of, might have been for him then. Can we be sure, that it is the same boyfriend, who attended her funeral and had contact to Sonia's parents (liked to know a bit too much)?

The boyfriend is not named.

However, the article appeared in two publications, and it has not been corrected in either. I think after three months, it is safe to assume that the article is correct.

We now have one more piece of the puzzle.
After reviewing Catherine McDonald's Crime Beat documentary and the anniversary article, I believe the boyfriend Sonia visited on the last day of her life is none other than IR, and that information came only from him. I cannot find any independent verification of that statement. Sonia's mother said clearly that Sonia called her to say that she talked to IR, but she was not sure if it was in person or on the phone. So we can believe it or not.

Now why would someone who has never been cleared (nobody is considered cleared in open investigations) want to provide information to a TV reporter that might come off as incriminating?

IR also mentioned that Sonia drove him downtown on the last day of her life. Then she invited him for supper, which he declined in order to pack, and finally he phoned her around the time Sonia's mother said Sonia phoned her every night, except when she had someone over. Sonia's mother never got a call, and she believes Sonia was with someone.

As we recall, Sonia's father cleaned her car that day. Now IR claims he was in the car when Sonia drove him downtown. Why did IR need a ride? Surely he had a vehicle, living out in the countryside, as he did? IR is establishing his own unwitnessed account of being in Sonia's car on the day she died, and possibly establishing that he did not have a vehicle of his own at that time.

McDonald also stated in the documentary that IR stood out at Sonia's funeral as the tallest man present.
Another footnote to the documentary is that IR claims his house and computer were never searched by the police after Sonia disappeared and was found dead. The current investigative lead had no comment.

If true, it is not proof of innocence, but rather a sign of a sloppy, unprofessional investigation. Not sure why IR felt compelled to mention it, but he did.

IR was upset about things being said about him on social media, which he said is why he took his accounts down. He also lost touch with Sonia's family, even though Sonia's mother said he was always around in the days after she died. I don't see how those two things go together, but that's the explanation.
I thought "the boyfriend" was not a person of interest? According to this article:

Varaschin closed dating site account months before murder, founder says

"Investigators are looking for someone she knew, possibly from that dating website. Her boyfriend, who has since moved to England, has been cleared. "

They have DNA from someone they suspect. They probably also have the boyfriends DNA to compare. Depending on what kind of DNA they have and where it was found I'm sure they know whether or not it's related to Sonias murder. If the boyfriend had been around, in her place, in the car etc, it would explain his DNA being present in certain places but the fact that DNA from an unknown person was found and that LE decided to make that information public points in a different direction. What size boots does IR wear?

@FromGermany By "dessous" do you mean coaster or something else? Google translate didn't help me lol.
I thought "the boyfriend" was not a person of interest? According to this article:

Varaschin closed dating site account months before murder, founder says

"Investigators are looking for someone she knew, possibly from that dating website. Her boyfriend, who has since moved to England, has been cleared. "

They have DNA from someone they suspect. They probably also have the boyfriends DNA to compare. Depending on what kind of DNA they have and where it was found I'm sure they know whether or not it's related to Sonias murder. If the boyfriend had been around, in her place, in the car etc, it would explain his DNA being present in certain places but the fact that DNA from an unknown person was found and that LE decided to make that information public points in a different direction. What size boots does IR wear?

@FromGermany By "dessous" do you mean coaster or something else? Google translate didn't help me lol.

Ah, yes, that article. Shawn Glassford made it clear that this is an ongoing investigation. This is me filling in the blanks: in other words, nobody is considered "cleared", because the investigation is still open. There you have it. Glassford would not comment on DNA and lie detector tests, as that would be discussing evidence in the case, which he is not prepared to do.

When a reporter writes that someone has been cleared because they were released, it really doesn't mean much of anything. Police cannot detain people indefinitely without laying charges. If they do not have the standard of evidence to press charges, they must release. It sounded like IR went in voluntarily for questioning, and this seems to be correct. We heard nothing about anyone ever being arrested.

IR told the Crime Beat reporter off camera that his property and laptop were not searched. We don't know if he brought this up himself, or if it was in response to a specific question.

Do they have DNA? We heard a lot of discussion about the police tactic of rounding up DNA samples in other cases, then investigating those who refused to provide a sample. The DNA story seems to be very quiet now, so I wonder if the killer was careful not to leave any, if the crime scene was contaminated by investigators, or if whatever DNA there was happened to belong to someone who knew Sonia, and had been in her house and/or car before, with valid reason.

I continue to believe that the only meaningful DNA now would be from beneath Sonia's fingernails; defensive wounds would be an indicator.

Shawn Glassford is the lead investigator now, and it sounds like he is by the book. This doesn't seem to have been the case in the past, unfortunately for Sonia and her family.

Dessous is dessous-vêtements, or lingerie, I believe. Sonia had bought a new nightgown for herself as a birthday gift.
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