CANADA Canada - The Woodland Rapist of Southern Ontario, 1992-1995 *Arrest*

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I've been in the military for almost 20 years (next May) all of it spent in Trenton.

I worked in Wing Headquarters until last October when I went to another position on the base. My office was 4 doors down from RW and I spoke with him often, and was also often working in the evenings when he was there as well. He was always very personable, friendly and approachable. Who knew I was rubbing shoulders with the devil? I sure didn't. No one did.

I sent Tricia my work phone number...if sitting in my office, answering my phone using my rank, at a unit on the base doesn't cut it, then I'm not sure what will suffice ;)

I'm me. LOL

Our Canadian Military ROCKS!!! I am glad you are here with us in this forum, the case is over, the Bast**** is locked up!!!!
Oh, and WCWO Kevin West is about 5'10" if that.

He's on a committee that I'm on, so I see him often as well. He was the first person that MEH called after RW was arrested. That's no gossip either...that came from his very own mouth.

He's a fantastic guy. No one was in more shock than he was when RW was arrested. Everywhere the W Comd goes, the WCWO follows for official duties. He was extensively interviewed by the OPP and NIS. He said he would constantly try to think about anything that was unusual about RW's behaviour. He couldn't find anything in his behaviour that raised a flag. I was actually a bit surprised by his candor with me, considering his position. I guess it's because of working on the same floor just down a bit from RW. Or, he was interviewed SO much, that he just didn't care anymore. There were a few things, but I can't really discuss it here. Not being cryptic, just saying that it came as a huge shock to CWO West.

So bizarre and surreal.
I'm sure CWO West is a nice guy and I don't think we take issue with him in any respect. We are just trying to factually determine RW's height in relation to the description of the WR being approx 5'8 to 5'10. We are comparing RW to the WR, NOT KW. We are therefore comparing RW's height to various well-known individuals as a result of you stating that RW is 6'4". We are having difficulty reconciling his pics to being that tall, unless he was sporting stilletto heels ;)

No offence somegirl ... over the years, we WSrs are just a bunch of doubting Thomases until we convince ourselves otherwise.
Oh, I know...I yammered on more than was necessary.

But yeah..I still say CWO West is NO more than 5'10"...if that. I'm 5'6" so that's all I can go by thinking about standing and talking with him.

RW is definitely taller than KW is.
Certainly not by much:


I give RW 5'11 to 6'0 tops. Maybe it was his superiority attitude that made peeps think he's taller, or just the way he carries himself compared to others.

He's already been cut down to size ... we're just still chippin' away at him ;)

Frankly, I think it's that wedge cap, and the way he wore it. Pretty sure he had a wedgie to go with it, which would make him want to stand tall, but that is neither here nor there.

The two look the same height in the photo, IMO.
Frankly, I think it's that wedge cap, and the way he wore it. Pretty sure he had a wedgie to go with it, which would make him want to stand tall, but that is neither here nor there.

The two look the same height in the photo, IMO.

Well, they're not. But what do I know?

You know best I guess :)
I sent an email to one of the exec assistants this morning. Sorry, but you need to read from the bottom up.

Google CWO Secretan and try to find some pics of him with others. He is a REALLY tall man, but I'll bet it doesn't show in the pics.

Things are getting much better. We are all moving forward. I would say he was 6'4", because the past WCWO Secretan was closer to 6''7" and he was shorter than him. Why do you ask? Hope this helps.

From: *********@****@Trenton
Sent: Tuesday, 26, October, 2010 10:48 AM
To: @CFB Trenton WEXEC@Trenton
Subject: Hey girl!

Hey ****

I know this is a random and bizarre question, but how tall would you guess Russ Williams at?

I want to say 6'3" or 6'4"? I know I would have to look up at him a fair bit…and you saw him even more than I did!

How's things?
Well, they're not. But what do I know?

You know best I guess :)

If "a picture's worth a thousand words", we've provided pic after pic to show RW's height in relation to other well-known people. Looking at those pics, the logical deduction is that RW is the same height as Prince Philip and the same height as Kevin West. Surely we can't claim that every picture is distorted perception.

I think we're having difficulty with your statement that KW is "5'10 if that", yet we have a pic that shows RW and KW standing side by side, basically shoulder to shoulder, at what appears to be the same height, and you still insist that he is 6'4.

Respectfully, what you are saying simply doesn't add up.
Does anyone know RW's role in relation to 410 Squadron? I seem to recall that RW had a background that included electronic warfare/signal ops.
All I can suggest is that maybe it's because KW is closer to the camera? He is NOT a tall man (well, he's taller than I am that's for sure), but they are not the same height.

For proportion, here is a picture of CWO Tom Secretan (our former WCWO) and he is about 6'6" or 6'7". He's massive (his nickname is Bull - as as Bull from Night Court). The other pic is our former W Comd, Col Mike Hood. I would say he is about 6'2" or more..he's a tall, lean, incredibly fit man. Does CWO Secretan look 6'7" in this photo? You judge. It's very deceiving, no? It would appear Col Hood is taller than CWO Secretan, and that is DEFINITELY not the case. He towers over you, but you'd not know it by this picture attached.

As for the wedge, they don't wear their wedges walking around the I'm not going to sit here and argue with you guys..all I can tell you is that I saw these people practically every single day especially CWO West (my office was only 2 doors from his). You can come to your own conclusions and believe what you'd like to believe. I know for a fact they aren't the same height. Not that it matters, but just to clarify.
I could post a picture of us in my office posing with CWO Secretan (he's squatting down to fit in the picture) if anyone doesn't feel I'm legit. ;)
Based on the timeline of RW on the Fifth Estate, I'm going to say he is not the WR:

1992 Shearwater, Nova Scotia — Williams is posted to 434 (Combat Support) Squadron. He works in "electronic warfare & coastal patrol" and flies the CC-144 Challenger — the same jet that is used for VIP flights.

He was in Nova Scotia in 1992 (granted it doesn't say for how long), however, seeing as RW was in the airforce, I doubt he had his hair in a ponytail, since that would not be considered an "army issue" haircut.

For an 8-year-old Kitchener boy, the terror took place in a park on Aug. 21, 1992, when he was raped by a freckled-face white man with strawberry blond hair tied in a ponytail

A 10-year-old Brampton boy and a 15-year-old Oakville girl were tied to trees during their assaults in a park in 1994 and 1995, respectively.

1994 Ottawa — Williams is posted to 412 (Transport) Squadron and begins flying VIPs in the Challenger jet.

November 1999 Ottawa — Williams promoted to Major and begins a new job working as Director General Military Careers where he served as the multi-engine pilot career manager.

RW was in Ottawa during that time. The timeline does not show anything in 1995, though I suspect he was still in Ottawa seeing as in 1999 while in Ottawa he was promoted to Major.
Based on the timeline of RW on the Fifth Estate, I'm going to say he is not the WR:

1992 Shearwater, Nova Scotia — Williams is posted to 434 (Combat Support) Squadron. He works in "electronic warfare & coastal patrol" and flies the CC-144 Challenger — the same jet that is used for VIP flights.

He was in Nova Scotia in 1992 (granted it doesn't say for how long), however, seeing as RW was in the airforce, I doubt he had his hair in a ponytail, since that would not be considered an "army issue" haircut.

For an 8-year-old Kitchener boy, the terror took place in a park on Aug. 21, 1992, when he was raped by a freckled-face white man with strawberry blond hair tied in a ponytail

A 10-year-old Brampton boy and a 15-year-old Oakville girl were tied to trees during their assaults in a park in 1994 and 1995, respectively.

1994 Ottawa — Williams is posted to 412 (Transport) Squadron and begins flying VIPs in the Challenger jet.

November 1999 Ottawa — Williams promoted to Major and begins a new job working as Director General Military Careers where he served as the multi-engine pilot career manager.

RW was in Ottawa during that time. The timeline does not show anything in 1995, though I suspect he was still in Ottawa seeing as in 1999 while in Ottawa he was promoted to Major.

Consider the source: DND.
Consider the source: DND.

I have considered the source and I don't see that they would make up a fake timeline on him - it would serve no purpose. Also, it would be easy enough to verify when and where he was stationed in any event.
I agree the ponytail is a poser. He was however a master of deception in so many respects, so i'm leaving that one on the table for consideration.

As for where and when he was stationed, the unknown is when he may have been on leave from those various assignments for visits with family and friends in the general Toronto area.

ETA: After they purchased their Ottawa home in 1995, he is said to have taken his Masters of Defence course in Toronto even though he was geographically much closer to RMC Kingston. While the years post-1995 are not in question WRT the Woodland Rapist cases, IMO, this guy has a history like chicken man ... he's everywhere, he's everywhere. IIRC, he was even being looked at for crimes in North Carolina where his bio dad lives (although i believe since ruled out in those). I suppose we won't know for sure until such time as LE publicly states he is definitely not a suspect in the WR cases.
The woman, Jane Doe, said she heard him going through her room; she later found underwear missing. Minutes later, he told her to "count to 300" as he made his escape.

Later, for police, she believed the intrusion lasted two hours and thought her assailant was short (he's 6ft-plus), says he smelled dirty and tried to disguise his voice
The woman, Jane Doe, said she heard him going through her room; she later found underwear missing. Minutes later, he told her to "count to 300" as he made his escape.

Later, for police, she believed the intrusion lasted two hours and thought her assailant was short (he's 6ft-plus), says he smelled dirty and tried to disguise his voice

If a traumatized adult victim can be that far off on height, it shouldn't come as a surprise that a traumatized child/adolescent could be also.
I understand that this man killed prostitutes and has not been charged with being a pedophile, though it's a victory none the same that another cold case has been closed and they were able to charge him with additional charges, while he was incarcerated in Kingston Pen serving a life sentence for murder. If LE is correct in assuming the WR is incarcerated for another crime (and not dead), maybe they will get lucky and be able to finally find the WR and close this case also.
I understand that this man killed prostitutes and has not been charged with being a pedophile, though it's a victory none the same that another cold case has been closed and they were able to charge him with additional charges, while he was incarcerated in Kingston Pen serving a life sentence for murder. If LE is correct in assuming the WR is incarcerated for another crime (and not dead), maybe they will get lucky and be able to finally find the WR and close this case also.

This description sounded familiar.
After another prostitute was attacked 12 years ago - and survived - detectives released a composite sketch of a possible suspect: A white, 35-year-old man with long blond hair.

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