Canada - Tim McLean, 22, decapitated on bus, Winnipeg, 30 July 2008 *Insanity*

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I think the 0.8 percent chance of him reoffending is to high to risk letting him out.

I have zero percent chance of decapitating a person . I have a 0.8 percent chance of commiting a violent crime. I say that because I could end up in a position to react or overact do to head injury or something . My percent might be even higher who knows. I am not incapable of it I am sure. I slapped my ex husband and might reoffend.

His has to be much higher than mine. This is insane. I remember how he held up the mans head and showed it to the LE. 0.8 ... No way.

Lately I find myself getting really mad about these kinds of things.
I would like to see these 'treatments teams' (those suggesting and authorizing escorted passes for now) held criminally responsible if their 'ideas' don't pan out in the short or long term and he, or others with similar illnesses kill again. To be able to sue them in civil court would make the treatment teams look harder at their own actions. It's not a system failure if he fails to take his meds in the future when not escorted.

I live about 40 minutes from where he is held. While I don't think mentally ill people should be institutionalized as they were in decades past, I don't agree with the not criminally responsible (NCR) designation. I think it is fine for him to take walks around the Selkirk mental hospital, but i don't think he should be allowed out into the community, even with a guard, nor do I think he should ever be set free. Unfortunately it looks like the last two will probably happen at some point.
" He has been diagnosed as having a 0.8 per cent chance of violently reoffending in the next decade." Really? since when can psychiatrists pinpoint this with such accuracy. perhaps they should get jobs as Vegas oddsmakers.

Of course he is doing fine now: he is in a secure facility and has to take his medication. Once he is deemed cured, he will be released. Who will ensure he takes his medication, then? I think it is great that, as stated in the above article, he has improved his English and has taken occupational training. Nevertheless, I agree with the mother of Tim McLean (the victim) that NCR designated people should be kept in hospital facilities indefinitely.

I agree with everyone. Especially love these posts.

This is insane. It is very hard to keep schizophrenics in treatment. Besides, he ate a person. Come on!
I'm sorry, I really dont care if he is mentally ill....because if that is the argument what about people who "lose it" or snap so to say and kill someone, you could argue that that is also a mental breakdown, because it is...

This guy has killed someone, that innocent person will never get the chance to see the light of day let alone a keep him in forever, medicated or not.
Geez. Good thing all he did was murder, decapitate and eat a poor guy.
A few years locked away. All is well, he can go for walkies.

Good thing it was't a doobie he was caught with. He
could still be under the jail.
he murdered someone

he needs to be kept locked up for more than 3 years, mentally ill or not
Once someone has shown themselves to be dangerous enough, that they could decapitate a stranger and begin eating him, for no reason, :eek::eek::eek: ---Sorry, but they should not be walking around free anymore.

Anyone whose mind can "go there" to decapitate someone and EAT parts of him, I dunno...I wouldn't want him released anywhere near us, thats for sure.
Those crimes are so horrendous, I remember the way the newscaster told the crime on, TV, at first they put it delicately but after the first day or so they were reporting it will full gore in descriptions. He needs to stay in jail, forever if possible. Or stay @ mental hospital. Either way he should not be among people...whose to say the same compulsion to kill won't hit him again? I'm sorry, I think that these people cannot be rehabilitated. Ever. JMO
Daily Mail follows up:

Man who beheaded and cannibalised fellow passenger on Greyhound bus thought he was attacking an alien
A Chinese immigrant who beheaded and cannibalised a fellow passenger on a Greyhound bus thought he was on a mission from God to kill an alien, according to a mental health worker who interviewed him.
According to [Chris Summerville, head of the Manitoba Schizophrenia Society]'s transcript, Li recognises that people fear him.

'I understand people are scared because of my behaviour on the Greyhound bus. I am not at risk for anybody. I don't believe in aliens. I don't hear voices,' Mr Summerville quoted Li as saying.

'I take my medication... every day. I am glad to take it. I don't have any weird voices any more.'
much more, with pictures, at DM link above
I agree with everyone. Especially love these posts.

This is insane. It is very hard to keep schizophrenics in treatment. Besides, he ate a person. Come on!

There's no going back. No re-dos. It's complete and finished.
There is no way this monster can be set free. I can almost guarantee you that if his meds made him gain weight, feel funny or 1000 other things, he won't ever take another on his own again.

Let whoever would let him free, keep him as a guest in their home.
Just don't ask what's for dinner if he cooks.
:puke" (hmmmm that was P U K E )
I'm sorry, I really dont care if he is mentally ill....because if that is the argument what about people who "lose it" or snap so to say and kill someone, you could argue that that is also a mental breakdown, because it is...

This guy has killed someone, that innocent person will never get the chance to see the light of day let alone a keep him in forever, medicated or not.

If he is mentally ill, he should be locked up for good.
If he is doing well there, taking his meds, not hearing voices anymore, not seeing aliens, then he should happily live his life, there among his friends and his health workers. Because, as mentioned by others, once he gets too much freedom, he will probably start skipping his meds. And those voices will reappear...:eek:
While his walks outside the ground would be (at least initially) in the company of a nurse and a peace officer, I'd be worried he'd get the drop on them and skedaddle.

While I do understand why authorities may okay such a walk, I agree with badhorsie (above), that, after crossing the barrier that he did, he should never be free - even if that freedom means being accompanied by a pair of professionals.
While his walks outside the ground would be (at least initially) in the company of a nurse and a peace officer, I'd be worried he'd get the drop on them and skedaddle.

While I do understand why authorities may okay such a walk, I agree with badhorsie (above), that, after crossing the barrier that he did, he should never be free - even if that freedom means being accompanied by a pair of professionals.

He will probably be set free within the next few years. Most who are found NCR are not held for very long.

i don't think he was a monster. I understand that he was a paranoid schizophrenic. I think he will take his meds when he is in the hospital. The way I understand it, is that when he is 'freed' from the hospital in Selkirk, Manitoba his medicine intake will be monitored. However, the problem is that if he moves to another province, he will most likely fall through the cracks because health care is a provincial power and there isn't any sort of meaningful system of communication or surveillance between the provinces.

Li was taking medication for schizophrenia before and he had been hospitalized before, but he left that province and there was no one, or nothing, to keep tabs on him.

I think mental illness can be controlled and people can absolutely live meaningful, productive lives. The way the NCR laws are set up seem to suggest that once a person's mental illness is under control they are seen as cured. That is not right. IMO

Mental health advocates keep blaming the media for sensationalizing this murder and they keep stating that Vince Li is not a threat to the public. I do not agree with that. As I said previously, I am glad that we have moved away from wholesale institutionalization but, sadly, I fear that the pendulum has swung too far in the other direction. Vince Li is a threat to public safety because he viciously killed someone and there is no way to ensure that he takes his medication everyday for the rest of his life.

Carol de Delley, the victim's mother has commented publicly that she has compassion for people with mental illnesses, but believes that if they commit horrific crimes, like Li did, they should be held indefinitely, or at least for a minimum period of time.

Greyhound bus beheader Vince Li wins right to escorted trips into community

May 17, 2012

...There’s no indication the community would be given any notice about where or when he would be let out. In fact, his doctors suggested the accompanying peace officers be allowed to wear street clothes to avoid drawing attention to Li.

McLean’s mother, Carol de Delley, attended Monday’s hearing wearing a white T-shirt bearing her slain son’s photo. She said it now seems inevitable Li will regain his full freedom in the near future and called it “ironic and ridiculous” that the mental health system that failed to properly protect society from Li is now recommending he slowly be reintegrated into society.

“Letting him go puts the rest of the public at risk,” she said. De Delley has long been advocating for mentally ill killers such as Li to be held indefinitely in a hospital, regardless of any progress they may show.
The moral of the story isn't that "crazy happens" it is that crowds don't provide safety.

36 people were traumatized as they watched a crazy person attack and repeatedly stab and then behead another with a knife. Not a sword, not an axe, not a fully automatic weapon; a knife. The original story says "suddenly beheaded". No one is suddenly beheaded with a knife. It took a while.

If my memory serves organs were carved out in front of the traumatized bystanders. Organs don't get carved out quickly either.
If I am reading the reports correctly, no member of the 'treatment team' has volunteered or considers it their job to accompany Li on his outings. I would be interested in hearing from the 'treatment team' as to is this part of their job or do they normally pass this part on to others to deal with?
The judge that signs this order should have to take him home for the weekend.
When they are willing to do that I will be convinced they actually believe a person is rehabilitated. Unreal.

WINNIPEG - A man who beheaded a fellow passenger on a Greyhound bus in Manitoba will soon be allowed to leave a mental hospital without an escort.

Thursday's ruling by the Criminal Code Review Board means Vince Li will be on his own in public for the first time since he stabbed Tim McLean and then ate parts of his body six years ago.

Our justice system must be one of the worst in the world. This is absolutely unacceptable. I'm glad I don't live in Winnipeg. Mind you this guy can travel anywhere now. :eek:

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