Canada - Timothy Bosma, 32, Hamilton Ontario, 6 May 2013 - #4 **ARREST**

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I just cannot move past that if it was just for the truck - they would of found another way - car jack, tow etc Especially with the toys and resources this DM seems to have. I cant think of another case where the motive for kidnapping was the vehicle? But thats common sense which i know is rare these days....

If i do accept that they were kidnapping him for the sole purpose to get the truck, I believe that Tims death was not part of the initial plan rather something gone very very wrong and it probably played out at the location where the cell phone was found. (Stop here and switch drivers kind of thing, tried to steal the truck, Tim fought back etc) Maybe DM is the boss but that doesnt mean he initiated the murder per se. He could be the one with the most resources to dispose of the body.

RIP TIM - Prayers to you family
My theory is that DM got acquainted with wrong group of people through another associate , it could that group was either looking for vehicle truck like it could of be part of the theft ring that steal cars for overseas shipment or for chop shop,
it is possibility that DM was just a driver who had access to money , hangars and equipment that can be used for anything, it is possibility that who ever he was with killed TB, either in the vehicle with either by "Stun gun" or grab his head and twisted while in the car, TB would of be limited to move due to the seat belt obstruct his movement to defend , it is possibility that DM was shocked what has happened in the car , and it is possibility that they stopped near the hotel where the phone was disposed (the only thing they didn't say where exactly the phone was found close the main road or more inside the parking lot where the Hotel is) and DM could of take a breather when you witness to such crime you are not the same, your mind is not the same and sometimes you need to cool it off, it is possible that DM panic and other suspect(s) told him what needs to be done , after that they continue to new objective to dump the body, the body was dumped at the property at the beginning and the truck was then driven to area where possibly the trailer was waiting , they stored the trailer either at airport or property, DM got the incinerator rented or bought it we do not know that yet, and DM transported to property where possibly the other suspects did the deed of burning the body, then on by the end of the week it was transported by DM to mother homes,
neighbour on Friday saw DM at his house in Etobicoke working on the car , and next day he was arrested,
now DM is arrested and new charge will be laid today , I am sure in some course of that he will plea bargain to less the sentence and will give up the other individuals that were with him or will provide the information as to why ..

again this is my theory..
I'm glad this picture was posted again. My friend told me that these can be rented and livestock farmers use them to incinerate....livestock.He said that this one looked as if it had not been outside for long and was most likely rented<Just His Opinion

Exactly. Large livestock farms use them as a means of disposing of dead animals. DM would not need this unless he was doing something sinister. And one more tick for the premeditation case.

How many more people are missing along with their vehicles since the farm was purchased?

It's going to take LE MONTHS to process all this stuff.
Hey Everyone,

Sorry for the long post. I have read this entire thread (from thread one until the end of this one) as a Guest, and finally registered so I could put my own two cents in. I might back track a bit, as I haven't posted yet.

- People on here claiming that the truck DM viewed the day prior to TBs disappearance had a GPS. This was never once confirmed or even mentioned in the media, I think someone on here actually just said "what if", and somehow some of you turned that into a fact.
- I don't think the incinerator matters at all or implies that DM purchased it or rented it with the intent to burn TB. It's possible, but I don't think simply owning one proves that kind of thing. I'm not from the Waterloo area, I'm up in the Kawartha's where most of our population consists of farmers... This is something anyone here would have purchased at a farm auction or something just because they thought it was cool. Not to say he didn't use it on TB - he might have, but I don't think that has been confirmed in any way, and I don't think it makes much of a difference if he did. Tim is dead, his body was burned, it's very sad that it turned out this way, but we should focus on the bigger picture (finding the other suspects, a possible motive, etc.)
- I am not surprised AM was cleared. I viewed his facebook after some of you linked it, and I didn't see anything overly suspicious aside from the fact that he was good friends with DM. Overall, he seemed like an alright guy, and all along, I have figured he probably provided LE with information. As for him not deleting the comments, it was probably advised for him not to until he was cleared. I don't think I would comment or touch them either if I was being accused of something so horrible and wanted to prove my innocence to LE.
- I don't believe for a second that money was a motive for DM (Unless someone was paying him to use his resources and assist him). Regardless if he didn't have a lot of liquid cash (which we do not know), he easily would have been approved at 0% financing in a matter of minutes if he really wanted a new truck. He also has several other vehicles he could have traded in. The simple fact that he owned a farm worth $800,000 or so with no mortgage is enough security to any financial institution, and whether his other properties have any financing on them or not, they would still be considered assets. I would assume $25,000 to someone like DM is pocket change.
- My own thoughts from the press conference yesterday was that Tim himself was targeted. I could be wrong, but that was the way I took it and it is the only theory that makes much sense to me. I suppose it's possible DM was just looking for a thrill - but I have a really hard time comprehending that he could convince at least two other people to do the same if it were just for a thrill.

I didn't hear the LE say there was NO connection, I heard them say they hadn't found a connection. Thanks to your excellent sleuthing here, some of you already found one connection <modsnip>.

I have been wrong numerous times throughout this case already, and I'm really just thinking out loud. My own feeling right now is that whoever dropped DM and his accomplice off at TB's residence (and followed them) knew TB personally, and that is why they didn't pull up in the driveway - they knew that they would be recognized. In my own head, I picture TB realizing something was wrong, going to use his cell phone to call for help, and the perps grabbing the phone, getting angry, and somehow the phone ended up on the ground. I don't think this was intentional and believe it either fell out during a fight or they were panicking and threw it so TB couldn't use it, not thinking of it again until later. I don't believe DM has ever done anything like this before, because I sense a lot of panic in their actions (leaving the phone, burning the body, moving the truck to his mother's house). They all seem like hasty decisions.

My problem with my own theory is that if it was about TB, I don't get why they kept the truck or why they viewed the other truck the day before. If it was only about the truck, I don't understand why they murdered TB at all.

My initial reaction to the "Kijiji Kidnapping" was a botched robbery. Two broke losers who didn't have two dimes to rub together wanted a truck they couldn't afford, attempted to kick TB out, he fought back, and was lying in the woods with two broken legs or something waiting to be found. Of course, after several days without finding TB, I began to fear that a man was murdered for his truck (and how disgusting that is).

Then, DM was arrested and all of this information about his financial situation came out. Do I believe a millionaire would steal a truck? Ya maybe. But why, when he already has the same truck? For the thrill, okay, but if it were for the thrill, I think he would have stolen something the way most vehicles are stolen. At night, whether someone left their keys in the car or he hotwired it, etc. I just don't see a millionaire committing murder for a truck he doesn't need, or how he could convince two other people to go along with it.

Then there is the organized crime theory or gang initiation, etc. But I just think these two theories are a bit too far fetched. I suspect anyone involved in organized crime steals cars the regular way as well.

Part of me believes DM was just an accomplice as well. That he was used or paid for his resources (properties, multiple vehicles, large trailer, etc.) and that the real motive won't come out until the others are found. Perhaps he liked the truck, and whoever was behind this offered to pay DM and let him keep TBs truck in exchange for his help. But still, why look at the other truck the day before. If they hadn't of done so, DM would probably be free right now, the general public never knowing about his lame tattoo.

in that case all they had to do was wait for Tim to drive down the country road and actually carjack him without involving a 'test drive' excuse and previous phonecalls to him

wayyyyyyy too complicated IMO

Well, IMO waiting for someone to drive down a country road in a specific and hoping he stop for your carjacking (since they don't have control of the vehicle) sounds like a giant waste of time. Just sayin'.
I think one of the gems is, why was TBs cell found where it was.
If you have some thing that is going to link you why leave the phone where it would be found, there are a kazilliin places to get rid of a phone. they had a burner phone and felt it would never link back to them.
Imo the phone fell out of the truck while an exchange was going on.
Why travel all across Brantford to that location.

IMO they wanted to distance themselves from the phone and get away from the original abduction/car theft crime scene .

They made many mistakes as most people do when in a panic situation. They probably were not thinking about the evidence that the phone could provide
Regarding the possible connection to the Brace bridge auto thefts. The boys/men were all over Ontario and the U.S.. They loved to drive and IMO they might have wanted to distance themselves from their place of residence.
The auto thefts in Bracebridge required pre-planning and a good knowledge of cars. IMO ,not your run of the mill inexperienced car thieves.
Plus the thieves involved were driving a yellow late model Ford
Mustang GT. Organized Car Theft Ring Targeting Ontario Dealers Bulletin.pdf

By the way the police stated that AM was cleared of involvement in the crime related to Tim . They did not say that he did not have involvement or knowledge of crimes related to car theft that may have preceded this crime..
I think one of the gems is, why was TBs cell found where it was.
If you have some thing that is going to link you why leave the phone where it would be found, there are a kazilliin places to get rid of a phone. they had a burner phone and felt it would never link back to them.
Imo the phone fell out of the truck while an exchange was going on.
Why travel all across Brantford to that location.

My guess is they didn't know the phone had fallen from TBs pocket while they were transferring from one vehicle to another, or TB was trying to discretely call for help and dropped the phone and would be caught if he tried to pick it up.
Rest in Peace, Tim. You will not be forgotten.

A ‘hard-working country boy’ senselessly lost

By Molly Hayes



Photo courtesy of the Bosma family

Tim Bosma, 32, leaves behind his two-year-old daughter.

This makes my heart hurt. What a beautiful picture.

Im new on this board and I find the threads a little disorganized amd hard to find without linking directly from search, so Im not sure if a thread exists for this case.

Anyhow I would hate to think that a missing 17 year old kid who may still be alive <modsnip> from Toronto, and as we are all local to this case I thought I would post this here and alert you all to it. Mods can do what they will.

Posted your link for the missing teen in this thread. I used to post missing teens from GTA right away, but wait a bit now because thankfully most return home after a few days.

He does have his own thread!
[ame=""]CANADA Canada - Tashaun Inch-Gray, 17, Toronto, 10 May 2013 - Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community[/ame]
There are some pictures on the following link posted at the end of March where Millardair is selling some items from the hangar in Waterloo. In the first picture there are a few cars that can be noticed which have not been seen before (at least by me) in other photos.

The only one I recognize from that photo is the yellow Jeep. Looks like a couple more Jeeps in behind that one, a dark coloured could be Camaro or Firebird with a white top (convertible?) Could even be something odd like a Buick Riviera , and that white Chevy Sprint looking car near the camera.
My guess is they didn't know the phone had fallen from TBs pocket while they were transferring from one vehicle to another, or TB was trying to discretely call for help and dropped the phone and would be caught if he tried to pick it up.

Did police said that the phone was without battery when they found it ?
Hey Everyone,

- I don't think the incinerator matters at all or implies that DM purchased it or rented it with the intent to burn TB. It's possible, but I don't think simply owning one proves that kind of thing. I'm not from the Waterloo area, I'm up in the Kawartha's where most of our population consists of farmers... This is something anyone here would have purchased at a farm auction or something just because they thought it was cool. Not to say he didn't use it on TB - he might have, but I don't think that has been confirmed in any way, and I don't think it makes much of a difference if he did. Tim is dead, his body was burned, it's very sad that it turned out this way, but we should focus on the bigger picture (finding the other suspects, a possible motive, etc.)

I think its safe to say he used the incinerator in the disposal, given that the body was burned and the police are focusing on this piece of equipment.

Now If you purchase a livestock incinerator without owning livestock shortly before using it to dispose of a body, I think its fair to say it wasnt purchased because it wss pretty cool.

I do agree that finding the other suspects is paramount, but there is little to go on right now, and clearing up if the murder was premeditated or not would certainly provide us with more insight into motive and other suspects.
If DM didnt already own the incinerator, (and why would he own a livestock incinerator?) then the timing of the purchase/rental will be crucial in figuring out if the murder was premeditated or not.

If it was purchased/rented before the abduction, then it stands to reason that they always intended to kill the victim.

This is all starting to sound like that pig farmer out west. It seems to be getting sicker by the minute. Incinerator, farmland with lots of acreage. Perhaps there is more to discover.
I can say with much confidence that I am sure TB and PL did not have anything to do with the criminal side of this crime. Both are very upstanding individuals well known and respected in their communities. But there remains the possibilities that there was a possible target in that they had a run in with DM or another suspect or even someone connected to them.....a parent perhaps? And these rather unsavory suspects took offense to something, felt slighted, judged, anything and TB became a target. Even with that said, the plan may have been to get revenge for the slight they felt by stealing the guy's truck and it went badly but it does seem to be that even if that was the intent, they seemed to have a back up plan.

And I had said before, if the personal target was true, they may have test drove the first exact vehicle to get comfortable inside, and get a "feel" for how the planned crime was going to take place without any intent of stealing this vehicle.

And then again, it could be that the truck was the only target and TB was selling his truck at the wrong time, wrong place. I'm not convinced either way in regards to the motives.

I am convinced that there was no wrong doing on TB's part or PL's and the loss of this man is something to be grieved and a reason to hug and love those you care about as the realization takes hold that this could have been anyone.
Wow I have 9 plus pages to read this morning so if this was noticed already, please forgive me! Does anyone find it strange re: WM passing

Date of Death noted here - Nov 30, 2012
No comments in the book of memories.

And here is the obit from the Toronto star: Note the bottom of the obit - BBM:
Published in the Toronto Star from December 14 to December 15, 2012

Also, people are commenting their condolences right up until April of this year and most seem shocked of his passing? (MOO)

So was Wayne's passing kept very private, only released 2 weeks later to the public?
For a man of his "stature" and so well known in the aviation world, I find it very odd that there's only 26 entries in his book of memories online and that the public wasn't notified of his passing at all for 2 weeks?? Sorry to speak of the dead this way but he doesnt seem very "missed?"

What gives here? I understand the need for privacy but most people notify of someone's passing so that friends/family can attend a service? Unless it was a private family affair for some reason but even Auntie didnt know until Dec 20th which as she signs (nee:Millard) indicates she was Wayne's sister?

Am I reading too much into this? If someone is this well known, I would think there'd be an out pour of condolences from friends/family/acquaintances/business partners etc. So what the heck?
The incinerator is a very important piece of evidence.
If it was purchased ,rented or stolen just prior to Tim's murder then it would provide evidence for premeditated murder.
If someone lent him the incinerator ,that may provide an accessory to the fact.
There have been many aerial photos taken. I would imagine with such a large area, the police would be flying over to look at everything repeatedly.
And all of the media outlets are showing aerial views of the area and other areas of interest in this case.

But we're almost two hours away in relation to the places near Ayr and Ancaster so that's why I found it odd that over the weekend and the past two days there's been a helicopter flying. Could be nothing, just another coincidence.
Reporters saying that DM has entered the courtroom - appears tired with bags under his eyes and expressionless as charges are read.
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