Identified! Canada - Tofield, AB, 'Septic Tank Sam' Ntv/WhtMale 1046UMAB, Apr'77 - Gordon Edwin Sanderson

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I was just thinking about the line in the Doe Article (Likely suffered an illness around the age of 5.)
So I got to thinking what would be noticable durning an autopsie
Do you think that "Sam" could have had Orchitis Inflammation
caused by a case of the mumps at the age of 5 or before(they are estimating,the time if the illness).
Wouldn't that be a pretty big factor into IDing "Sam" if he was infact reported as a missing person?
It's too bad that he wasn't a match, but I'm glad you haven't given up. I really thought it was him, too.
With the renewed publicity surrounding John Wayne Gacy and the possibility of other victims around the US and Canada (via evidence including airline ticket stubs), I have to ask if he sexually mutilated his victims.

The victim was located in a rural 1.8-metre-deep septic tank, about 1.6 kilometers from a house, in Tofield, Alberta on April 1, 1977. He was the victim of a vicious attack. An autopsy revealed he had been shot several times, burned with possibly a blowtorch and cigarettes, beaten and sexually mutilated. His body was then covered in limestone, likely in an attempt to get rid of his remains forever.
I was just thinking about the line in the Doe Article (Likely suffered an illness around the age of 5.)
So I got to thinking what would be noticable durning an autopsie
Do you think that "Sam" could have had Orchitis Inflammation
caused by a case of the mumps at the age of 5 or before(they are estimating,the time if the illness).
Wouldn't that be a pretty big factor into IDing "Sam" if he was infact reported as a missing person?

Since they say he was sexually mutilated, IMO I don't think it was an illness such as the above or anything seen in his tissues. IMO it would be something in the bones, an abnormality in the bone growth, something like a growth ring.
A long bone, such as leg bones which showed an abnormality and then continued to grow after he was well again. Something like rheumatic fever maybe?? Polio?? I don't know, but I do know that sometimes forensic anthropologists can see childhood diseases in the bone structure.
Since they say he was sexually mutilated, IMO I don't think it was an illness such as the above or anything seen in his tissues. IMO it would be something in the bones, an abnormality in the bone growth, something like a growth ring.
A long bone, such as leg bones which showed an abnormality and then continued to grow after he was well again. Something like rheumatic fever maybe?? Polio?? I don't know, but I do know that sometimes forensic anthropologists can see childhood diseases in the bone structure.

His age is supposedly 28, which would have made his DOB around 1949. Polio was a major illness in the 1950s in Canada and the US, so polio is a good guess.
Some info from the above chapter:

Beaten and tied up

Rolled in yellow bedsheet with nylon rope tied around head and body

Tortured with a small butane blow torch, probably while tied down

Sexually mutilated

Shot twice in head and chest

Killer(s) knew the area well, including the location of the tank

Lime had been dumped on the body

In the tank from 3 months to 1 year (as early as April 1976)

Septic tank was dumpsite, but killing probably occurred elsewhere

Probably Native, but could be Caucasian

Black hair, 26 to 40, 5’6 to 6’, 145 to 180 lbs

Bones and teeth suggested serious illness around age 5

Former EPS corporal and Vancouver Police chief Jamie Graham was involved in the file

No match on dental records, but DNA is available

Perps would now be 65 y.o. or older, if still alive

Victim’s parent, if still alive, would be 90 to 100 y.o.
I know it may not be appropriate to speculate about this, but I am wondering if he was caught molesting someone's child or in the act of a crime against another person because the way that he was killed was with so much anger. I don't know that much about the area where he was found -- is it the type of place that would remember at least, if someone was a deviant (or something of that nature) or a bully who suddenly wasn't around anymore?

I'm not trying to blame the victim; I am just trying to figure out the motive and what type of person "Sam" may have been in life. I am sorry if it came out sounding like I was. I guess the person who did this to him could have just been really psychologically messed up and there was no "motive."
I know it may not be appropriate to speculate about this, but I am wondering if he was caught molesting someone's child or in the act of a crime against another person because the way that he was killed was with so much anger. I don't know that much about the area where he was found -- is it the type of place that would remember at least, if someone was a deviant (or something of that nature) or a bully who suddenly wasn't around anymore?

I'm not trying to blame the victim; I am just trying to figure out the motive and what type of person "Sam" may have been in life. I am sorry if it came out sounding like I was. I guess the person who did this to him could have just been really psychologically messed up and there was no "motive."

Anything is possible Ambercat, so your theory is no more out there or inappropriate than any other.

I've speculated that Sam's murder might possibly be related to the unsolved murder of young Karen Ewanciw in 1975.

ETA: Apologies to those who may have read my earlier "unedited" post that contained a bit more info. I didn't think I had actually posted it.
How can we find the computer generated image that was referred to?
Canadian missing persons records are a mess of disorganized disconnected information. Canada needs a central registry with rule outs, post mortem intervals, etc. Trying to find info in Canada is frustrating!
I'm not trying to blame the victim; I am just trying to figure out the motive and what type of person "Sam" may have been in life. I am sorry if it came out sounding like I was. I guess the person who did this to him could have just been really psychologically messed up and there was no "motive."

It could be a hate crime simply against a person's race, etc. This case does sounds horrific. Sometimes, when faced with such horror, there is a tendency to victim blame as it perserves our worldview that it could never happen to us, and that this person did something to deserve this. There is a lot of literature written regarding this topic: just world view. Victimology in its infancy also delved deep into victim blaming. Highly controversial.
It could be a hate crime simply against a person's race, etc. This case does sounds horrific. Sometimes, when faced with such horror, there is a tendency to victim blame as it perserves our worldview that it could never happen to us, and that this person did something to deserve this. There is a lot of literature written regarding this topic: just world view. Victimology in its infancy also delved deep into victim blaming. Highly controversial.

You are right. There are also serial killers who did terrible things to their victims, but if Sam was the only person killed in a remotely similar manner during that time frame in the area this is probably not the case. I guess he also could have been tortured to find out information of some sort or another, yet if this is the case, what kind of information?
How can we find the computer generated image that was referred to?

Here's the doenetwork link to Sam's case, and i believe that is the only image of him that has been made public. It is curious that we've only been privy to seeing one of Sam's "faces", unless one technique was considered more reliable and that is the one that has been publicized:

I've always found his resemblance to Edward Joseph Arcand unbelievably striking, but supposedly he has been ruled out as being Sam:

ETA: In re-reading the chapter from the book, it references a third rendering, showing Sam`s mouth open, and stating that the photo was publicized. The only one we can find online is not with his mouth open ... so, whazzup wit dat i wonder.

Hello LE ... the newest pic would be helpful !!
The book says that farmer who made the discovery had gone to that old septic tank to get a pump that he knew worked. The septic tank was in proximity to an "old abandoned farmhouse" that "fell into disuse two years earlier".

So who lived in the old farmhouse before, and would have known it was still vacant?
<modsnip: Quoted post was removed>

I probably seem sick for wondering about more specifics, but what does "sexual mutilation" mean? It could be that someone shot them in the balls. Their penis and/or testicles could have been removed. They could have had something rammed in their rear.

Knowing what the sexual mutilation entailed, one would probably be able to rule out/in a "sexual" murder vs a revenge/robbery/etc murder.
If the victim had crossed someone or had something valuable hidden (object or knowledge) I could see someone doing those things to him in a non-sexual way to get what they wanted.

And with "Sam's" condition (state of remains), what is meant by "limestone"?
Do they mean "lime" the stuff that would be used to melt the body?
Or was he actually covered in a bunch of rocks or a slab of rock?
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And with "Sam's" condition (state of remains), what is meant by "limestone"?
Do they mean "lime" the stuff that would be used to melt the body?
Or was he actually covered in a bunch of rocks or a slab of rock?

Not rocks ... but actual lime (the powder stuff).

From the book:

Whoever dumped the body in the tank had tipped a mass of lime on top, hoping to speed up its decomposition.

In googling <lime decomposition>, various online articles indicate it actually slows down the rate of decomposition.
Doe's profile says that it was updated 6/29/2014 but doesn't say what was actually updated. It could have been a new e-mail address for the police involved, for all I know.
I like how (often, but not always) Charleyproject will say what about the case was updated when an update happens.

There is no longer any mention of him having a disease around age 5. I can't figure out why they once, but no longer, thought that to be case.

In one of the 2011 posts, outofthedark brings up JW Gacy and his many travels.
He's one of the closest male/male "sexual" serial killers that I can think of, but I don't think "Septic Tank Sam" was GWG's victim.

Gacy was a sexually sadistic murderer of young males, but from my (admittedly not the greatest) memory, he usually strangled his victims (or at least killed them without the use of a gun). "STS" had a bunch of nasty things done to him (which I wouldn't put past Gacy) but he was also shot several times.
Gacy did in fact use lime on his victims. Could that what is meant by the "limestone" mentioned on Doe? Gacy used it mainly to speed decomposition and to keep the smell down.
With all of the bad things STS went through, I can't help but think that the lime dissolving his flesh may have been an additional part of the torture. I don't see why the killer would be too worried about dissolving his body (or even preventing smells) when the septic tank was a mile from any houses.

He was found &#8776;45-mi from Edmonton, AB and &#8776;220-mi from Calgary, AB so he wasn't really IN a huge metro area (alà Gacy's norm) or even that close. Without benefit of an airplane, he was found about 1600-mi (24+ hrs) from Chicago.

To those who think that "Septic Tank Sam" is an offensive name for this guy...
There are countless individuals in the world who are now simply known as "John" or "Jane Doe."
I wouldn't want a name so closely related to the potty, but at least it's a NAME. While kind of tacky (perhaps because of that), people can remember SEPTIC TANK SAM more easily than they could "John Doe #19230736356..." or "Deceased male 4/77 from Tofield, Alberta, Canada"

Please also don't forget that it was the actual investigating police (though perhaps just between one another) who knew Patrick Kearney's victims as "*advertiser censored* in a bag" until they were identified and he was apprehended and many likely still do. We still don't think so highly of people different than us in our world today. "We" just use different code-words to try and hide that from those can't already see through those "new" terms/phrases.
I feel like an idiot. I mentioned my memory not being the greatest in the post I just made. I should have just flat-out said "my mind."
I looked this fellow up on Websleuths because he was the "featured" unidentified for 7/19 on Doenetwork. I just didn't look at the very bottom and note that there was ANOTHER PAGE! I'd even posted to this since the posts I'd read (on Pg 1)! Sorry for that.

But I edited what I just posted and MOST of it are questions/comments I would still have even if I'd touched upon them earlier in the posts I'd forgotten I'd made.

After realizing my mistake, I saw that outofthedark mentioned polio and realized that Sam is about my parents' age and would now probably get a discount at Kroger and some restaurants. And he's still "Septic Tank Sam." If we could find out who he was, he would no longer have that silly name.

What should we now think of the "illness around age 5" now that it is no longer in the DoeNetwork profile?
Everything about his outfit screwms "work-man" to me. Except for his shoes. From what I've read on google, "Wallabee" shoes were "the thing", so this guy was going for fashion. Maybe a date or a job interview? Probably, interview. JMO

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