Canadian forensic anthropologist Scott Fairgrieve joins Casey Anthony's defense

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exactly what is peer review? anyone?

A Peer Review is a review of your work in your chosen field by your peers/colleagues.

Interesting find on the new expert Cajun. ;)

It is possible he was retained in order to go over all of the work that Dr. Reichs has done and verify it's legitimacy. However, I am even more puzzled about why the defense would need an expert who specializes in "Homicidal Cremation". I have not heard anything about Caylee's remains being burned before, other than some wild speculation that she could have used her two gas cans to potentially burn up her little body.

Thoughts anyone?
How many "experts" does Casey need on her team? This is rediculous and it makes me ill. It's one thing that in this country everyone has a right to a fair trial and someone to represent him or her. But this has gone too far, she's not O.J. and she doesn't have two dimes to rub together that wasn't given to her or she didn't steal from someone. Ick! My stomach is turning this morning.

These are exactly my thoughts...what gives...lawyers wanting limelight?
Dr. Scott Fairgrieve has been a faculty member of Laurentian University (Sudbury, Ontario Canada) since 1991 and is currently the chair of the university’s department of forensic science. Dr. Fairgrieve serves as a forensic anthropology consultant to the Office of the Chief Coroner of Ontario, through the Northeastern Regional Forensic Pathology Unit. He is regularly sought out internationally to consult on cases of cremation homicides and has given expert witness testimony both in Canada and the United States for prosecution and defense.

Cremation Homicide?????
Was Caylee burned and we haven't been told??
Say it isn't so.
Could it be?
How many "experts" does Casey need on her team? This is rediculous and it makes me ill. It's one thing that in this country everyone has a right to a fair trial and someone to represent him or her. But this has gone too far, she's not O.J. and she doesn't have two dimes to rub together that wasn't given to her or she didn't steal from someone. Ick! My stomach is turning this morning.

How many experts? heh!! All she wants apparently. Nice to see poor working class getting celebrity treatment....Oops .... you don't like that. Sorry. Most probably don't like that. Now, I must wonder once again .... why this case??:confused:
If Caylee's body had been burned, wouldn't Dr. G have mentioned that? She said there was no trauma to the bones, and I would think burning would be included in that. Right?
This is interesting! Does the defense think it's experts KR, findings need re inforcement by another famous scientist, SF?

Now I am anxious to see what the defense witnesses testify to. This could be crucial to their case.
Cremation Homicide?????
Was Caylee burned and we haven't been told??
Say it isn't so.
Could it be?

If the duct tape on her skull is correct then her face wouldn't have likely been burned.

(I hate talking about the possibilities)
If Caylee's body had been burned, wouldn't Dr. G have mentioned that? She said there was no trauma to the bones, and I would think burning would be included in that. Right?

I would hope so - but she did say there were areas she did not want to go into. She went out of her way to show respect imo, but positive we do not know everything.
Sounds like a new science. I suspect Caylee has been cremated. He may be a specialist in pulverization of bones ..who knows?
Koby wanted to keep his career, and joining forces with Baez wasn't going to do that! LOL JMHO
He couldn't tell the defense what they wanted to hear!

I hope you are correct, MDO! I woke up this morning thinking about all these experts. Kobi hasn't been on NG in quite a while. The last 2 court appearances that have listed the defense's experts have not included Kobi's name. Maybe he woke up finally!

Who in their right mind would help defend this monster? Caylee deserved so much better than this.

:rose: for Caylee
Sounds like a new science. I suspect Caylee has been cremated. He may be a specialist in pulverization of bones ..who knows?

I doubt he is coming on board to view a family cremation. Don't know why that would need to be done at this stage. Stranger things have happened though.
Sounds like Baez is doing some 'expert' shopping. I tend to think that Kathy Reichs did look at either the bones or a report and said something along the lines of - Well seems like Dr. G did everything right. This is not what Baez wanted to hear so he scurries off to the Forensic Anthropologist aisle of the local Expert Store and finds a new one. It will be interesting to see if we hear of different experts coming on board. That would be a very clear sign of his original experts saying ' we came, we looked, and your client is guilty as all get out - good luck!'

This will be something to keep very close track on who bows out, who is phased out and who comes in to replace them. the more experts he brings in, the more panicked he is. We need to keep a tally going somewhere.
What does any of this matter in the grand scheme of things? Isn't it true that Caylee is dead and that her remains were thrown in the swamp? That's all I need to know. Unless and until it can be proven that Caylee's body went to the swamp a considerable time after June 16th, I am not allowing myself to be pulled off track by ANY of this other stuff.
Sounds like a new science. I suspect Caylee has been cremated. He may be a specialist in pulverization of bones ..who knows?

I can't remember who it was here that said they had heard that Caylee was cremated on Dec. 29. That is the date I had heard of the 2nd autospy..
Casey may not have two dimes to rub together, but what she does have is popularity, good or bad. Notorious cases like this make household names out of those involved. Why do you think Gloria Alred volunteers to take cases "pro bono"?

I just have to defend Gloria Allred for a second - now she obviously is basically an "entertainment" lawyer, but early on she fought some big gender discrimination cases, and was a leading voice for allowing professional women to join male-only professional organizations.

Also, fun fact, Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg started out as a radical feminist like Allred. She actually argued (and won) before the Supreme Court a case that guaranteed benefits to women in the military, and established gender as a characteristic entitled to heightened scrutiny.

Granted after their big cases, Ginsburg went onto become a judge, and Allred went on TV... but I honestly think that was more because of pedigree. Maybe I just give Allred too much of a pass though.
How many experts? heh!! All she wants apparently. Nice to see poor working class getting celebrity treatment....Oops .... you don't like that. Sorry. Most probably don't like that. Now, I must wonder once again .... why this case??:confused:

Poor? ...maybe

Working?.. nope

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