Can't see forum threads

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Well-Known Member
Mar 22, 2016
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I haven't been able to view any forum threads for two days now. I can see the sticky posts but under those is just a video with fox news and some kind of split screen. This is only on my iphone. My laptop is fine. Any ideas anyone. I always read websleuths on my phone when I go to bed. Really missing it. Thanks.:blushing:
I haven't been able to view any forum threads for two days now. I can see the sticky posts but under those is just a video with fox news and some kind of split screen. This is only on my iphone. My laptop is fine. Any ideas anyone. I always read websleuths on my phone when I go to bed. Really missing it. Thanks.:blushing:
I have been having the same problem!
Try cicking on full site, i had same view (on my phone) until I clicked full site. (scroll down to find it)
I am on my phone now. It works fine on full site but not on mobile. It doesn’t show any threads.
Yes you can change to full site and see all the threads but it is really hard to read like that on a mobile phone. It seems the problem is with the WS mobile style.
Not just me then. Good to know. It is very hard to read when on the phone.
Me, too—the mobile version stopped working on my phone over the weekend. I, too, can only see the full site via mobile, no matter how much I yell at my iPhone. I am praying to the tech gods to fix it as my one functioning brain cell is over-taxed at this point :(
Me, too—the mobile version stopped working on my phone over the weekend. I, too, can only see the full site via mobile, no matter how much I yell at my iPhone. I am praying to the tech gods to fix it as my one functioning brain cell is over-taxed at this point :(

Same thing happened to me as well. On phone, Full site view is difficult to read and hard to select pages, etc.
I haven't been able to view any forum threads for two days now. I can see the sticky posts but under those is just a video with fox news and some kind of split screen. This is only on my iphone. My laptop is fine. Any ideas anyone. I always read websleuths on my phone when I go to bed. Really missing it. Thanks.:blushing:


I'm quoting your post Midnight Fox because that's what I'm dealing with too.

Just bumping to see if we can get any advice or a fix to this issue with WS Mobile view. Full site is ridiculously inconvenient to navigate on phone. :gaah: TIA!
Yes, I'm new and just thought that was normal !
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