Canton, Ohio police officer loses it on concealed carry permit holder

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I once was pulled over and a cop found a ziplock bag with "white stuff' inside he was asking whats in here and my daughter started crying....I told her it was okay and told the officer that it was the remains of her peanut butter and fluff sandwich she ate every morning for breakfast he kept saying that we were lying and that made her cry even more...after awhile of torturing her he said he was just playing....I was beyond angry...of course I didn't do anything but I should have.
I am sure that was scary. I would be so glad to just get away, I doubt I would do anything either. Not until probably much too late.
Well, it's obvious the officers shut the man up in the beginning, telling him to stay still and no talking. Then when they realize that he theoretically could have blown their heads off, they get mad at him.......poor guy seems like he is trying so hard to cooperate, and the officers aren't having any of it.
ohh man, see this is why I hate cops!
I think cops have a rough job and I support the folks in uniform BUT THIS...GRRRR....makes me really angry. This a-wholio gives cops a bad name. He is not fit to serve; he needs to be fired asap.

grrrr again.

This says he has been fired. Thank goodness.

The City of Canton condemns the unlawful behavior of Daniel Harless, and has terminated his employment with the Canton Police Department. A pending investigation will determine if Mr. Harless will face criminal charges. Moreover, by August 15 we will have initiated an in-service training program designed to strengthen our police department and ensure that this type of incident cannot happen again. Finally, all charges against the defendant have been unconditionally dropped. We continue to call upon all Canton residents to place their full trust in our police department, as together we move past this horrific incident."
Then again, the whole scenario could have been avoided if there was no such ridiculous thing as a "concealed carry" permit. Why anyone is surprised when there are near tragic consequences to permitting citizens of a country run around with lethal weapons at their disposal is a mystery. How about we quit promoting the fallacy of self protection with firearms and instead impose harsher penalties on perpetrators of gun violence and make guns near impossible to to get unless one is a member of law enforcement??? I am embarrassed that my state recently joined the ranks of those who have drunk the "guns make us safer" kool aid. If I ever see anyone in my midst or around my child brandishing a weapon they better be law enforcement, or 911 is being called, law or not. :maddening:
Then again, the whole scenario could have been avoided if there was no such ridiculous thing as a "concealed carry" permit. Why anyone is surprised when there are near tragic consequences to permitting citizens of a country run around with lethal weapons at their disposal is a mystery. How about we quit promoting the fallacy of self protection with firearms and instead impose harsher penalties on perpetrators of gun violence and make guns near impossible to to get unless one is a member of law enforcement??? I am embarrassed that my state recently joined the ranks of those who have drunk the "guns make us safer" kool aid. If I ever see anyone in my midst or around my child brandishing a weapon they better be law enforcement, or 911 is being called, law or not. :maddening:

I used to think like you do, so understand that I am happy for you that you have never been in the horrible life threatening situations others have. Enjoy this time while you have it. Your life will never be the same again when it is over.

My change came overnight when a very mentally ill person off medications tried to kill me and my husband. When we narrowly escaped with our lives after racing to the nearest police station, this person hired a contract killer. Local police guarded our house for 24 hours while we packed and told us to stay gone as long as we possibly could, not telling anyone, even our parents and children where we were hiding. We moved every few days for 3 months and spent time in 10 states, terrified every minute. Police insisted we become licensed to carry concealed ( we had never even owned a gun, didn't want one in the house). I can tell you without a doubt that when guns are outlawed, only outlaws will own guns and you will be a sitting duck.

If you are ever in a restaurant, grocery store, or any public venue, and a crazed person starts massacring everyone in sight, it is a carry concealed person who will likely save your life. I have seen it happen: in a grocery store by a disgruntled employee who knifed to death 4 customers before a carry concealed owner stopped him. Just something to think about.

Puhleese keep in mind that trained and responsible carriers do NOT "brandish" their firearms around. I would be the last person in a building you would guess is carrying. But I would gladly save your life without knowing who you are.

I once was pulled over and a cop found a ziplock bag with "white stuff' inside he was asking whats in here and my daughter started crying....I told her it was okay and told the officer that it was the remains of her peanut butter and fluff sandwich she ate every morning for breakfast he kept saying that we were lying and that made her cry even more...after awhile of torturing her he said he was just playing....I was beyond angry...of course I didn't do anything but I should have.

No, you did the right and responsible thing. It wouldn't be a kindness to your daughter to teach her to give grief to police officers. It would only hurt her in the long run.

(Not that there isn't a place for civil disobedience. But one bully with a badge isn't worth spending the night in jail.)
I used to think like you do, so understand that I am happy for you that you have never been in the horrible life threatening situations others have. Enjoy this time while you have it. Your life will never be the same again when it is over.

My change came overnight when a very mentally ill person off medications tried to kill me and my husband. When we narrowly escaped with our lives after racing to the nearest police station, this person hired a contract killer. Local police guarded our house for 24 hours while we packed and told us to stay gone as long as we possibly could, not telling anyone, even our parents and children where we were hiding. We moved every few days for 3 months and spent time in 10 states, terrified every minute. Police insisted we become licensed to carry concealed ( we had never even owned a gun, didn't want one in the house). I can tell you without a doubt that when guns are outlawed, only outlaws will own guns and you will be a sitting duck.

If you are ever in a restaurant, grocery store, or any public venue, and a crazed person starts massacring everyone in sight, it is a carry concealed person who will likely save your life. I have seen it happen: in a grocery store by a disgruntled employee who knifed to death 4 customers before a carry concealed owner stopped him. Just something to think about.

Puhleese keep in mind that trained and responsible carriers do NOT "brandish" their firearms around. I would be the last person in a building you would guess is carrying. But I would gladly save your life without knowing who you are.

I am so sorry you and your husband had that experience.

But assuming personal firearms are needed as a deterrent, why keep them concealed? Wouldn't they be more apt to deter if they were visible?

(I'm seriously asking and not trying to start a gun-control debate. I don't understand the reasoning behind "concealed carry".)
Amen OneLove!! Hubby and I got our permits last year and I am now a proud owner of a few guns myself. I never really thought about carrying one, but these days, it's scary to think about an innocent run to the grocery store or the mall for a treat at Victoria's Secret and running into a deranged, psycho. They can be anywhere, at any time and you HAVE TO be prepared.

The class was painless, 8 hours on a Saturday. I think it cost less than $100. You get fingerprinted and an FBI background check and within a couple weeks, you have your permit. I feel safer now that I am able to "lock and load", but it is a huge responsibility.

It's bully cops like this guy who give the other good cops a bad rap. I'm glad to read he was fired.. he needs anger management and some good counseling. As for the poor driver.. I hope he is able to heal from dramatic trauma and know he did nothing wrong. He was just at the wrong place at the wrong time.
I used to think like you do, so understand that I am happy for you that you have never been in the horrible life threatening situations others have. Enjoy this time while you have it. Your life will never be the same again when it is over.

My change came overnight when a very mentally ill person off medications tried to kill me and my husband. When we narrowly escaped with our lives after racing to the nearest police station, this person hired a contract killer. Local police guarded our house for 24 hours while we packed and told us to stay gone as long as we possibly could, not telling anyone, even our parents and children where we were hiding. We moved every few days for 3 months and spent time in 10 states, terrified every minute. Police insisted we become licensed to carry concealed ( we had never even owned a gun, didn't want one in the house). I can tell you without a doubt that when guns are outlawed, only outlaws will own guns and you will be a sitting duck.

If you are ever in a restaurant, grocery store, or any public venue, and a crazed person starts massacring everyone in sight, it is a carry concealed person who will likely save your life. I have seen it happen: in a grocery store by a disgruntled employee who knifed to death 4 customers before a carry concealed owner stopped him. Just something to think about.

Puhleese keep in mind that trained and responsible carriers do NOT "brandish" their firearms around. I would be the last person in a building you would guess is carrying. But I would gladly save your life without knowing who you are.

BBM. No, actually, I'm quite certain it will be a member of law enforcement that will save my life. It's their job, their duty, their responsibility. I'd prefer to take my chances with LE rather than a Chuck Norris wannabe. For any example given of a citizen legally discharging a weapon during the event of a crime, I can cite 20 examples of people, particularly children, having been maimed and killed by handguns during "accidents". This is because guns are DEADLY. I am not going to debate gun control because nothing could ever possibly change my mind on the subject. Concealed carry laws are wrong and ridiculous. No one should be walking around with a gun unless they are a member of law enforcement.
BBM. No, actually, I'm quite certain it will be a member of law enforcement that will save my life. It's their job, their duty, their responsibility. I'd prefer to take my chances with LE rather than a Chuck Norris wannabe. For any example given of a citizen legally discharging a weapon during the event of a crime, I can cite 20 examples of people, particularly children, having been maimed and killed by handguns during "accidents". This is because guns are DEADLY. I am not going to debate gun control because nothing could ever possibly change my mind on the subject. Concealed carry laws are wrong and ridiculous. No one should be walking around with a gun unless they are a member of law enforcement.

:clap: :clap:
Just wow! Personally I don't think a public servant should be using that kind of language. He sounds like he's the dummy. No vocabulary. All of that was uncalled for. I know LE has a rough job but if they can't handle it they shouldn't be doing it. No one forces them to become cops. How can we be expected to respect law enforcement when they behave like vulgar bullies. Yes he is one guy, but his partner did nothing to stop it and I am sure it wasn't the first time. There are bad cops everywhere and it is frightening what they get away with. Yes I know that there are good cops (probably the majority even) but not all of them are and I have seen it personally. (as a witness, not a victim, lol) It is very scary and I have to think maybe anger management and psyche evals need to be done routinely to weed out some of these charactors. We read about bad cops here everyday. It undermines my level of trust in LE.
If I worked patrol, I'd absolutely despise concealed handgun laws. My parents are both LE and that used to scare me, although I FULLY admit that most people who go to the trouble of getting a license aren't going to shoot a cop who pulls them over.

However, I cannot stand the notion that just because you take a one-day class, get a permit and buy a gun and ammo that you are automatically making anyone, including yourself or your home or family, safe. You absolutely must must must learn to handle your firearm correctly. You must practice regularly, once a week is great but at the very least a couple times a month. You must be comfortable with it. You must also realize that if you are surprised, it may not help or save you. You must be able to keep it away from anyone - children or adults - who are not familiar with that exact firearm to prevent tragic accidents.

Also, if you're in a crowded area and somebody is shooting like crazy, pulling out your handgun and adding to the fray is a BAD idea. You're more likely to hit a panicked person running for their life than the shooter. There's a solid reason why cops are taught to avoid shooting at suspects in crowded areas and they practice ALOT.
I am so sorry you and your husband had that experience.

But assuming personal firearms are needed as a deterrent, why keep them concealed? Wouldn't they be more apt to deter if they were visible?

(I'm seriously asking and not trying to start a gun-control debate. I don't understand the reasoning behind "concealed carry".)

Thanks Nova, and very good question you ask. Basically, carrying a firearm is not meant to be a deterrent at all. It is meant to protect lives if and only if there is absolutely no other option left.

In a routine grocery run, if half the customers were openly showing firearms, I think we would all feel quite differently about our grocery trips! Yet, depending on where you are, there could well be this many firearms well concealed and safely carried.

Due to real life experiences and to working in juvenile justice AND adolescent mentally ill and personality disordered, every time I enter a public place, I hope there are well trained, responsible, and courageous people carrying concealed. I just don't want to SEE those weapons unless one is needed to save lives. :)
BBM. No, actually, I'm quite certain it will be a member of law enforcement that will save my life. It's their job, their duty, their responsibility. I'd prefer to take my chances with LE rather than a Chuck Norris wannabe. For any example given of a citizen legally discharging a weapon during the event of a crime, I can cite 20 examples of people, particularly children, having been maimed and killed by handguns during "accidents". This is because guns are DEADLY. I am not going to debate gun control because nothing could ever possibly change my mind on the subject. Concealed carry laws are wrong and ridiculous. No one should be walking around with a gun unless they are a member of law enforcement.

I'm not sure exactly how you arrived at being "quite certain" that it is law enforcement that will save your life in a crazed event, especially being that we have seen many many massacres in recent years where neither law enforcement nor corporate security saved any of the people that were murdered. I can tell you that it was law enforcement that INSISTED we become licensed to carry concealed and they were quite clear about telling us that law enforcement would NOT be able to protect us or save our lives if crazy came calling. From their own mouths.

So, to be very clear, it was the very law enforcement you want to believe will save you that told US up close and personal, that they would NOT save our lives in those circumstances.

And since we have seen plenty of real life evidence, we know with our rational brains that this is true. The people who died in my neighborhood grocery store in Memphis, Tennessee were certainly not saved by law enforcement. The concealed carry person never fired a single shot, just drew and told the man to drop his knife, which he did. He held him for nearly 10 minutes until law enforcement arrived. I hate to think how many more innocent people might have died in that amount of time.

Of course, I once thought like you, and again, I am glad you and all your family are still alive. Innocence is sweet, I remember it well.
BBM. No, actually, I'm quite certain it will be a member of law enforcement that will save my life. It's their job, their duty, their responsibility. I'd prefer to take my chances with LE rather than a Chuck Norris wannabe. For any example given of a citizen legally discharging a weapon during the event of a crime, I can cite 20 examples of people, particularly children, having been maimed and killed by handguns during "accidents". This is because guns are DEADLY. I am not going to debate gun control because nothing could ever possibly change my mind on the subject. Concealed carry laws are wrong and ridiculous. No one should be walking around with a gun unless they are a member of law enforcement.

Wow, I used to feel a bit like you do too and if was a member of law enforcement that changed my mind, and sold me my first 9mm.

My ex-BIL schooled me on the fact that law enforcement will only be there in time to conduct my homicide investigation - I used to live with his brother out in Gilroy, CA on about 5 acres and my husband at the time worked nights so I was there alone. He was concerned that I had no self protection. I went through gun safety training courses and shooting courses and the ex-BIL who was an LA County Sheriff Deputy sold me a Baretta. I even hired a guy to come to my house and teach me how to search it armed if I felt scared.

My ex-BIL was insistent on the fact that there are not enough police to get there fast enough when someone is in your home. He should know ya think? He could not fathom that it would be the duty of every LEO to protect every citizen - because there are a lot of dead people who the police did not protect - people dead due to knives and clubs and other things besides guns. It's insane to believe you will be protected by LE.

I'm forever grateful - that Baretta is a fine, fine gun and I turned my fear of having a gun in the house into no fear of using it to protect myself.

It's called the RIGHT to bear arms and it's as Constitutional as free speech and other protected rights. It's not silly or uncalled for - it is fundamental just like civil rights, Miranda rights...and I might add it is the SECOND AMENDMENT, not third, fourth, fifth. It's a very important right that must be protected.

That cop was just a bad apple who flew off the handle. I'm glad he is no longer in uniform.
There was a defining moment when I knew that it was important to be carrying or with someone who is carrying when in a public place...

I was with a group of friends after a dance competition in San Jose and we went to a coffee shop on The Alameda we used to frequent when we all lived there.

As the 6 of us sat in the booth next to the giant windows near the back door of the restaurant we watched the bus stop and the doors open. As we all recalled it moments later, it seemed as if it happened in slow motion.

This tall teen boy with his jet black hair shining in the sun, sunglasses, combat boots and a black trench coat walked down the steps of the bus with profound confidence and seemed to head for the back door of the coffee shop. It was like time stood still. We collectively had the same exact thought...he was coming in the back door and opening fire. We also all had another thought in common....THANK GOD ROB IS HERE!!!! Rob, was a police officer and although off duty, was carrying.

The black trench coat dude never came in the back door but it was strange that we all thought the same thing and breathed a huge sigh of relief that we were wrong...but that's how fast it can happen. One moment it's a bright sunny fall day with friends and the next moment people are being shot.

It's always good to know an upstanding citizen or and off duty officer has your back.

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