Caroline's phone number

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I agree the story needs to get out in the media, but it needs a national venue. Local media in Virgina is not going to do much good, because it appears Jason was not from Virgina.

I wish I knew how to get his face out there - nationally!


This case has been on Unsolved Mysteries, and I believe AMW.
I spoke with the investigating officer on this case about a week ago. He said yes they followed up on both the phone number and the ticket stubs. Neither led anywhere. As I think we all pretty much know, the tickets were sold by someone who bought a bunch and then sold them to who knows who.

The officer said they called the number but were never able to locate a "Caroline." The impression I got was that the general feeling in the investigation was that the girls gave Jason a fake number. Neither Caroline has ever come forward and the phone number was a dead end.


So, police did reach someone at that phone number. I am sure they must have that person's name. I wonder if they checked out the family more thoroughly, to see if there was a Caroline or Carolyn connected in any way to the family.

ot: My dad had the same phone number since he got a phone in the 1960's. I am just thinking, Caroline/Carolyn's parents might have the same number now. Or a very similar number.
Do we have a copy of the note? The phone number? Probably not. LE would not want a number of people calling it.
Following up on prospective Jason Robert Swindle I discovered that Camarillo has a 914 prefix (among others). Previously I thought the Carolines were roommates but, now after seeing the note it's clear the number belonged only to CT. This broadens my scope-perhaps she was still in high school-or had just graduated earlier in the month. She did not give the area code probably because she knew he knew it.......this leads me to looking for a Caroline T who lived in area code 805 in 1995- how hard can that be?:waitasec:
May the Carolines were people he knew from home that he ran into form home. Maybe they were supposed to be his ride home. Thus the "sorry we had to go." Ths would also explain the lack of any are a code. If they wer eform the same are he would know thier area code.
Looking at the note from the two Carolines', I don't think Jason knew them prior to the Grateful Dead show, if they even met him at all. I don't believe they were friends. If they had been friends, I don't think that Caroline T. would have drawn the arrow pointing to her name..saying "call me" ----> Caroline T.

Looking at the note from the two Carolines', I don't think Jason knew them prior to the Grateful Dead show, if they even met him at all. I don't believe they were friends. If they had been friends, I don't think that Caroline T. would have drawn the arrow pointing to her name..saying "call me" ----> Caroline T.

I have to agree with you. I always thought that maybe he was trying to pick up one of the Caroline's. Maybe she tried to get rid of him by giving "Jason" a fake number. At least that's what we used to do when I was that age. I would think if they were old friends, she wouldn't have written the note in that manor. If this is the case, then I wonder who he went to the concerts with? Honestly, this must be the saddest most wackiest case that I've ever heard of.
I think it's very possible he went alone. When you are at a Grateful Dead concert even if you go alone, you are never alone. You always have friends there.

I have to agree with you. I always thought that maybe he was trying to pick up one of the Caroline's. Maybe she tried to get rid of him by giving "Jason" a fake number. At least that's what we used to do when I was that age. I would think if they were old friends, she wouldn't have written the note in that manor. If this is the case, then I wonder who he went to the concerts with? Honestly, this must be the saddest most wackiest case that I've ever heard of.
Anyone know where Caroline Thomas of the wharf rats lived in 1995?
I have to agree with you. I always thought that maybe he was trying to pick up one of the Caroline's. Maybe she tried to get rid of him by giving "Jason" a fake number. At least that's what we used to do when I was that age. I would think if they were old friends, she wouldn't have written the note in that manor. If this is the case, then I wonder who he went to the concerts with? Honestly, this must be the saddest most wackiest case that I've ever heard of.

I doubt was a fake number they apparently left when he was asleep or passed out. Deadhead concerts are known for their parties. They would have just signed the note without a number my thinking plus CT took the time to draw arrow and say call me. That is not a girl looking to blow off a guy. JMO

He had two tickets maybe the driver was the guys that he went with, possibly a deal like you buy I'll fly. The driver paid to get them there and he bought the tickets? Did the driver had stub on him too?

There are many deadhead yearly events and they travel around to these shows. Might find some web sites searches for deadhead fans. They have a big event at least 3 times a year near me called Zoe I believe. Good chance if these 2 girls were deadhead they might still be following. I know of people they have for 30 year
I can't imagine nobody was ever looking for this young man.. how sad.
He had two tickets maybe the driver was the guys that he went with, possibly a deal like you buy I'll fly. The driver paid to get them there and he bought the tickets? Did the driver had stub on him too?

respectfully snipped. I think the drivers family would be able to verify the area where he was coming from or known if he was a dead head. I believe the LE interviews with the drivers family led LE to believe grateful doe was likely a hitchiker. The two tickets may be he held onto someone elses and forgot to give it back.

Jason Doe had 2 ticket stubs to the Grateful Dead concerts in his pocket, one ticket stub was for Saturday, June 24, 1995 and the other ticket stub was for Sunday, June 25, 1995. The driver (Michael Eric Hager) was a GD fan, he was in NY on both the 24th and the 25th, so we are very certain that he did not attend either concert. It is probable that Jason Doe did attend the concerts and it is also possible he attended the shows by himself.

It is very sad that Jason Doe's case has gone unsolved this long, hopefully, we will have answers to his identity soon.

He had two tickets maybe the driver was the guys that he went with, possibly a deal like you buy I'll fly. The driver paid to get them there and he bought the tickets? Did the driver had stub on him too?

I can't imagine nobody was ever looking for this young man.. how sad.
Jason Doe had 2 ticket stubs to the Grateful Dead concerts in his pocket, one ticket stub was for Saturday, June 24, 1995 and the other ticket stub was for Sunday, June 25, 1995. The driver (Michael Eric Hager) was a GD fan, he was in NY on both the 24th and the 25th, so we are very certain that he did not attend either concert. It is probable that Jason Doe did attend the concerts and it is also possible he attended the shows by himself.

It is very sad that Jason Doe's case has gone unsolved this long, hopefully, we will have answers to his identity soon.

Yes sorry I should have gone and read the other thread I did see that after that was both nights. he sure must have been a deadhead at least.
I am a radio DJ so I did post a note on my FB page for deadheads and everyone to check it out I have listeners all over the world.

Did anyone ever write Caroline Thomas by chance to see if just maybe it was her on the note? The Caroline O & Caroline T would be characteristic of a AA/NA group and that is what the Wharf Rats are and they attend concerts.
Just a thought.
Thanx for the reply
In one of the other threads here, someone was in direct contact with the Carolines via email many years ago. Will search for a link to post for you to the nature of the interaction.
Jason Doe had 2 ticket stubs to the Grateful Dead concerts in his pocket, one ticket stub was for Saturday, June 24, 1995 and the other ticket stub was for Sunday, June 25, 1995. The driver (Michael Eric Hager) was a GD fan, he was in NY on both the 24th and the 25th, so we are very certain that he did not attend either concert. It is probable that Jason Doe did attend the concerts and it is also possible he attended the shows by himself.

The tickets were a question I had and posted of it in another thread. Thank you for enlightening this subject. :)
Would be a good thing if either of the CAROLINE'S were located...
I'm struggling with the theory that the Carolines gave a fake number. Although that's something I've done in my youth, the way the letter is written and the information it contains doesn't seem like that's what it is. If a guy asked for my number and I wanted to give him a fake one, I would have written down a fake number - not a note saying "call me." I agree what with others have said - this note was written and left for Jason. Whether he was asleep and the girls had to take off, or whether they were supposed to rendezvous and they left before he made it I'm not sure. Either scenario fits, but it does seem like the girls (or at least one of them) wanted Jason to contact them at some point. That's why it doesn't sit with me that the number was pursued and nothing came out of it. Very strange.

The lack of area code is the most compelling part to me. There are a list of states that have a single area code and don't require the use of it to dial within the state. I can imagine that in 1995 there may have even been 1 or 2 more states not on this list: Alaska, Delaware, Hawaii, Idaho, Maine, Montana, New Hampshire, North Dakota, Rhode Island, South Dakota, Vermont, Washington, D.C., and Wyoming. Growing up in Delaware, I would never have given an area code as part of my phone number.

That alone doesn't answer any questions, just food for thought. It could be that the Carolines and Jason met and were from the same area so the area code was assumed. Was the note dated? Another consideration that I'm sure has been brought up is that the note was given to Jason in the past and that he brought it with him in hopes of calling Caroline and connecting with her at some point in his travels. Maybe at the time he died Caroline was no longer at the number...
Connecticut also didn't have more than one area code in 1995. In fact, it may have still had long distance that didn't require an area code in state. I'll have to look into that, as the change over was around that time. Yes, I just checked and as I suspected, CT got it's second area code in 1995. But it was in August, after Jason Doe was found.
Good point, Necco. I just did a quick search and it looks like there were a lot of new area codes added across the country in 1995. It didn't look like any states aside from Connecticut went from just a single area code to more than one, but hopefully anyone reading this that lived in a single area code state not listed can chime in.

I read through all the previous threads that I thought might contain info about the police follow ups on the number. From what I could tell, those of you that talked to law enforcement were told that the number was followed up on and led nowhere, but no clarification was given as to exactly what that meant. Since those threads were from a couple of years ago, do we now know any additional information? Do we know if a Caroline was reached but couldn't give any identifying information or if the number turned out to be false?
I used to travel with the Dead and various bands. My theory is that he didn't know the Carolines. People bum rides from one another, hitchhike, and ride with people they barely know. I'm almost certain Jason Doe was not a regular on the Dead scene. Most Deadheads would not buy a promo shirt, from the tour, they would buy a "homemade" one off the lot, or trade for one. My thoughts are that he ended up at the concert one way or another, and whoever he was riding with took off with all of his stuff, or his stuff got stolen. He found the Carolines some time during the event, and was planning to get a ride from them, maybe they were heading in the same general direction after the shows. For one reason or another, the Carolines had to leave without him, maybe they couldn't find him, so he hitched a ride to wherever he was going. Another theory of mine is that the note in his pocket wasn't for him, but was somebody else's note.

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