CA's Blogger comments on LKL

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Cindy can't handle the truth(love that movie) she wants everyone to live in Anthonyland a magical place where everyone believes every hmm lie she tells...its right next to disneyland...

please please don't ever confuse disneyland with is filled with happiness the other ??????????????????? :blowkiss:
...there is so much wrong information that people are hearing I think here at this site people dig thru the BS to get to the truth of course the only person who knows the real truth is KC ..I truly believe that Cindy knows KC is guilty she might not want to face it but she knows it and maybe she is still in the grieving process..
IMO, CA is either not referring to us or doesn't know the meaning of "blogger". I see the term misued all the time, especially by the media. Even KathiB, who I love, misuses it. People who author articles on the net are bloggers. People who comment and post are posters or chatters.

Blogger - Anyone that writes electronically and does not agree with CA. Includes the entire World Wide Web.

Maggot - Anyone associated with the press and who does not agree with CA. Not necessarily print media (Maggots can also be Bloggers).
I think most people that have no idea what we do here, just lump blogging in with message boarding.My gf is always asking me how my blogging is going.

With that said she could be referring to just about any message board or blog on the web. The fact of the matter is, most of the blogs and boards i have read are harsh, insulting and derogatory to her actions. So lashing out is actually a reasonable response imo. There have been some pretty nasty things written about her and the family. Some right on and some pretty far out there.

A more productive response would be to ignore all the remarks posted about her everywhere and ,as has been said over and over,stay off the airwaves. Insulting people at this point in the program is another poor choice. This all must make the atty's go nuts.
I think most people that have no idea what we do here, just lump blogging in with message boarding.My gf is always asking me how my blogging is going.

With that said she could be referring to just about any message board or blog on the web. The fact of the matter is, most of the blogs and boards i have read are harsh, insulting and derogatory to her actions. So lashing out is actually a reasonable response imo. There have been some pretty nasty things written about her and the family. Some right on and some pretty far out there.

A more productive response would be to ignore all the remarks posted about her everywhere
and ,as has been said over and over, stay off the airwaves. Insulting people at this point in the program is another poor choice. This all must make the atty's go nuts.

I have recently realized my www experience is very sheltered. I like to educate myself before I start rambling on about something, in the last couple of weeks that has taken me to some foreign websites. Honestly, I was shocked at all the negativity out there! I never realized there are entire websites devoted to spewing hate and ugliness about anyone and everyone.

On some of these sites anyone caught making a positive comment is crucified on the spot. I suspect on a couple they have a notify button and an alert goes out to all their members that someone is trying to spread some kindness and decency. I don't understand why anyone would want to be a member of these sites, designed to add pain to someone who is already suffering...

Since Cindy has "thousands of letters" from people who back her, maybe her time could be better spent staying away from these hate sites and just devoting herself to her supporters.

Reading at these other sites has once again made me grateful for what we have here at WS. Thanks JBean, Trish and mods.
If people on another site are goading Cindy into responding and capitalizing on her grief and emotional turmoil, I feel that is almost as repreheisble as the As actions. Regardless of your feelings toward the Anthony family, they are human beings who are still absorbng a horrific tragedy with repercussions for all of them, and they may still lose yet another family member before it is over. To take any joy or amusement into figuratively poking them in their wound to get a resposnse to comment on or criticize or analyze is cruel and IMO, immoral. At the end of every day they still have to reckon with the fact that Caylee is gone and KC is never going to come home either. They have to deal with their own guilt over what actions of theirs may have contributed to or exacerbated the tragedy. And I don't care what anybody may claim, we don't know how we would act in that same scenario.

While I disagree with many of their actions, I would never do anything to cause them a moment's more pain. If for no other reason but karmic dread.
I guess I didn't get my point across very well on this one. LOL! I'm beat! The direction I was trying to go is how PHONY CA is and how she still has to POINT fingers at SOMEBODY but she DARE NOT point them at any potential jurors so she feels SAFE blaming *ALL* negative opinions about KC on BLOGGERS!

She's fooling herself! It's not the "pick-a-parters" who are the only ones who see who is responsible for precious Caylee's death!

My MOM is a grandmother and a mother and NOT a blogger and SHE KNEW KC was guilty before I even talked to her about this case!

Wake up, Cindy!

I see exactly what you are saying. She is trying to make it sound as if anyone who does not agree with her couldn't be a human and couldn't have children. They have to be bloggers,

That's right, bloggers, who we all know are less than human, childless, old biddies who live only to tear someone down.
So, unless you want to be grouped in with those losers, you better hop on board the Cindy train. It has nothing to do with Cindy hooking up with NLHF and selling Caylee out to the highest bidder for the purpose of paying her bills and spreading the free Casey word, while slandering LE.

For pity sake! She has climbed aboard every lame and fantastic story and alibi Casey has tossed out, from that piddly bag of soda cans and pizza boxes, squirrels...June 9, Casey and Caylee were bonding, she only partied one night and that was work, a story George as trying to sell early on. These two are the biggest freak show out there. They are beginning to make Casey look like the sane one of the family. :crazy:
Bold mine ..

I've maintained all along that they're not exactly the brightest bunch on the block ..
I think you're right, the Anthonys simply don't understand, they just can't comprehend what's written ..

Very, very unfortunate ..

It's sad, actually. :blowkiss:
I hate to have to point this out, but Cindy, this is a message board.
"My Caylee is Missing" and "Diary of Days" is a blog.
IMO, CA is either not referring to us or doesn't know the meaning of "blogger". I see the term misued all the time, especially by the media. Even KathiB, who I love, misuses it. People who author articles on the net are bloggers. People who comment and post are posters or chatters.

As stated in her civil deposition, CA thinks that My Space is a search engine :laugh: so yeah, she's kinda clueless.

One would have to think that anything that CA reads on her computer (outside of emails) would have to be pulled up for her by LA. Maybe he's been providing her with links via her email?
I see exactly what you are saying. She is trying to make it sound as if anyone who does not agree with her couldn't be a human and couldn't have children. They have to be bloggers,

That's right, bloggers, who we all know are less than human, childless, old biddies who live only to tear someone down.
So, unless you want to be grouped in with those losers, you better hop on board the Cindy train. It has nothing to do with Cindy hooking up with NLHF and selling Caylee out to the highest bidder for the purpose of paying her bills and spreading the free Casey word, while slandering LE.

For pity sake! She has climbed aboard every lame and fantastic story and alibi Casey has tossed out, from that piddly bag of soda cans and pizza boxes, squirrels...June 9, Casey and Caylee were bonding, she only partied one night and that was work, a story George as trying to sell early on. These two are the biggest freak show out there. They are beginning to make Casey look like the sane one of the family. :crazy:

(Bold is my emphasis)

Lance, buddy, I could not have said it better myself! Here here!

:clap: :clap: :clap:

All this just helps me to understand why Elvis used to shoot out the screens of his TVs.

It must be strange living in AnthonyLand - I wonder what the taxes are like there?
(Bold is my emphasis)

Lance, buddy, I could not have said it better myself! Here here!

:clap: :clap: :clap:

All this just helps me to understand why Elvis used to shoot out the screens of his TVs.

It must be strange living in AnthonyLand - I wonder what the taxes are like there?

HAHA~!~Thank you!!
Apparently, there are none. Or soon won't be.
The stack of papers Larry showed Cindy and George were responses to his CNN Blog. Cindy immediately thought of them as bloggers. And called them such. In her initial response she hems and haws around that she doesn't know who the bloggers are. That she doesn't know them or who they are, but then she goes on to try and give a definition of bloggers.
It does not have to be a blogger, or a caller to any of the talk shows, or anyone who is a member and posts here, or stands outside her home with signs protesting; for Cindy anyone who thinks her daughter is guilty is wrong because we do not understand. (This is her newest battle cry)
However, if her daughter would tell the truth during her LE interviews, maybe we might have just an inch of understanding of Casey. If that is possible.
Cindy lives with guilt. There's not doubt in my mind that she sees herself as being amiss in allowing her granddaughter to be killed. And she also feels guilty that it was her own troubled daughter who took that sweet child's life.
With that in mind, I believe when Cindy defends her daughter, she is also defending her self from the guilt of raising a daughter who could committ a crime of this horror.
She knows what her daughter Casey is capable of doing. Cindy has watched Casey screw up her life for the past 22 to 23 years.
Because of her own arrogance and pride and possibly confusion, Cindy had absolutely no idea how to raise her daughter to behave and be a responsible person. I believe she tried everything to make Casey lead a good life and be a person of character and honesty. Nothing worked because Cindy did not stick with one method long enough to make it work.
Besides that, I also think Cindy always lied to cover up her own daughter's bad behavior when she was confronted with it from people inside and outside the family
Yet, at the same time Cindy forced Casey into lying about her behavior in order to look innocent in her mother's eye or please her mother.
Certainly Casey grew up with conflicted enforcement on being a good person. This could also have been caused if George and Cindy never saw eye-to-eye or agreed how to raise Casey.
When Cindy insists that Casey is a wonderful mother, Cindy is really speaking about herself.
(Bold is my emphasis)

Lance, buddy, I could not have said it better myself! Here here!

:clap: :clap: :clap:

All this just helps me to understand why Elvis used to shoot out the screens of his TVs.

It must be strange living in AnthonyLand - I wonder what the taxes are like there?

Bolded mine

No taxes... AnthonyLand is a land of entitlement:D.

July 3, 2008
Cindy Anthony, creates a Myspace acct and posts the following message* to her Myspace blog: Subject: My Caylee is missing Current mood: Distraught.
"She came into my life unexpectedly, just as she has left me. This precious little angel from above gave me strength and unconditional love. Now she is gone and I don't know why. All I am guilty of is loving her and providing her a safe home. Jealousy has taken her away. Jealousy from the one person that should be thankful for all of the love and support given to her. A mother's love is deep, however there are limits when one is betrayed by the one she loved and trusted the most. A daughter comes to her mother for support when she is pregnant, the mother says without hesitation it will be ok. And it was. But then the lies and betrayal began. First it seemed harmless, ah, love is blind. A mother will look for the good in her child and give them a chance to change. This mother gave chance after chance for her daughter to change, but instead more lies more betrayal. What does the mother get for giving her daughter all of these chances? A broken heart. The daughter who stole money, lots of money, leaves without warning and does not let her mother now speak to the baby that her mother raised, fed, clothed, sheltered, paid her medical bills, etc. Instead tells her friends that her mother is controlling her life and she needs her space. No money, no future. Where did she go? Who is now watching out for the little angel?"
I really tend to think that CA says things without thinking about what she is saying..She does not know who the people are who are blogging and to lump all bloggers together as the same is just wrong..Not everyone has bad intentions of ripping the family apart and do sympathize with them for their loss but do not agree with how they act and things they say.

The day that Caylee was found how many shed tears for a child they never knew? The outpouring of grief and sadness and loss was immense on the net..The hours spent by bloggers searching for places online and mapping of where Caylee could be because they couldn't personally go there to search for her but felt the need and want to do something to find her. People donating money and food for searchers just because they wanted to help and this was how they could in their own way..The amount of time researching didn't mattter because it was a hope and a love for Caylee..These people are bloggers and I am proud of this group who do what they can to try to help find a missing child..

If the suspect wasn't KC and someone else I don't think CA would have the same opinion of bloggers. I would think anything found would be thanked but there isn't another suspect and that is the reality..I feel by the way CA said bloggers she was considering them as the enemy and the word when said it was very vile to her. She has put them all in the same category and forgot they are humans who shed tears over a beautiful child they never even met..
They still don't get it. I don't think there is anyone who doesn't understand that a parent would still love their child under these circumstances. There is so much evidence against KC that their comments about her innocense is downright ridiculous. They don't have to say whether KC is guilty or innocent, just say you stand by her and you don't know what happened. In other words, STOP SPILLING YOUR GUTS CINDY! If you truly want to help your daughter, just shut the ef up!

Is it possible that she reads the blogs but can't comprehend what they are saying?
Unfortunately, she won't stop because it would be bad for business...a double-edged sword if you ask me...she wants to go on air and hawk her foundation now, but has to get past the hard questions first. I don't see how this is going to work in her favor. She has never come across as is she going to sell her foundation when wherever she goes she'll incite controversy? It's a little too late IMO for her to appear demure. She must think that the general population who watch these talk shows have had lobotomies (no offense).

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