CA's "shaking" in court....real or what?

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Dec 19, 2008
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A thread about the shaking seems appropriate, because it is a big departure from how CA's usually is. (If this thread should be in another location, please move).

I saw a lot of posts about the shaking (in the hearing on 5/2/2011), though I could not see the shaking clearly myself. I saw posts about people doubting the sincerity of the shaking and others positing that this has all really gotten to her, or that she realizes this is a runaway train now and CA can't single handedly hold back the locomotive.

Here's my you think the shaking was "for real"...or do you think it was for the cameras?
I can go 50/50 on this one. Not quite sure and I certainly don't trust CA. She will do just about we all know by now :)
I think some of it was an act as CA always seems to have a public persona when she is in front of a camera. She is highly aware of that camera being on her. However, I also think that she is getting overwhelmed. She has not been in control for three years. She has not been able to clean up this mess and keep it in the family for three years. And now, Casey is a week from jury selection. That has to be getting to her. Things are about to get so far out of her control that I think she is starting to show that she can't handle it. And taking pills tells me just how much she is now out of control of her own body and emotions.

I honestly think it would be for the best if she did not attend trial. She is not going to be able to sit there quietly and not make faces or shake uncontrollably. Her lawyer had to see how she was today. I wonder if he left because he realized she does not need to be present in the courtroom for good health reasons. It's obvious she is overwhelmed, completely frustrated with her lack of control over this entire situation, and won't be able to physically and emotionally handle this trial. As much as I dislike her, I can see that this whole ordeal is tearing her apart, now more visually than ever. I don't feel sorry for her, but I do see her having a stroke or heart attack in the courtroom. I think that's why GA hasn't been attending himself.

So I think it's part act, but mostly real. She'd love for people to think it was an act, but from what was described, I don't think it totally was. CA is in real danger of having some kind of emotional or physical meltdown. Part of me thinks she deserves it, too, for what she's done to save Casey at the expense of Caylee. I wonder if Casey would even react if her mother collapsed in the courtroom?
I initially thought it was anger - coupled with not being able to speak up (no outlet) - but when I re-watched it I saw the church lady friend who sits next to her watching CA like she was worried and ready to spring into action if she needed to. So maybe it was real..........
I thought she may have had her legs crossed and was shaking her foot excessively causing her whole body to shake. I know if I'm nervous or worried I have a tendency to shake my foot so hard I've knocked a flip flop off :)
A thread about the shaking seems appropriate, because it is a big departure from how CA's usually is. (If this thread should be in another location, please move).

I saw a lot of posts about the shaking (in the hearing on 5/2/2011), though I could not see the shaking clearly myself. I saw posts about people doubting the sincerity of the shaking and others positing that this has all really gotten to her, or that she realizes this is a runaway train now and CA can't single handedly hold back the locomotive.

Here's my you think the shaking was "for real"...or do you think it was for the cameras?

I can't help being skeptical, this is all for effect...

She does this for drama...she is a drama queen...I believe her shaking was due to her being on point. She knows how much she's contributed to this media frenzy...just saying so while ICA is there was too much for her ego. She believes she did what she had to to bring attention on Caylee's alleged abduction...only she has sabatoged this big time...and is failing Caylee Marie on another scale. She is not honoring the child who brought sunshine back into her unhappy home. She's failing Caylee again...she is ICA's voice more than she is Caylee's voice...Karma will get her for not being loyal to this precious child...JMHO

Justice for Caylee
I have been thinking about this for awhile...if Casey is convicted I can see George killing himself and Cindy having a break down.........I really dont think they will be able to handle the outcome if it doesn't go their way.
I do believe she was trembling - and partly from watching her closely when the camera was on her, and because it has been mentioned by those who watch in court. It may have been Magpie at Hinky who wrote about it several hearings ago - I must do some research and go back over prior hearing reports. I specifically remembered the comment coming from a person who attended the hearing and sat very close to her, because it shocked me at the time.

CA can be so disruptive and belligerent - at least that's where I "package" her in my mind. So to read earlier on that she was shaking a lot even before this particular hearing - to yesterday when I saw it myself - suddenly rang true.

A month ago, there was "much" still up in the air. Motions had been filed and no decisions were in. The trial still seemed a long time away. But yesterday, CA got a look at "the real" Trial Judge, and even I sat and watched the hearing yesterday and thought to myself - there is NO WAY I would want to face this judge if I had done something wrong, let alone have my life at stake. I would be terrified.

CA knows what CA knows. She doesn't want her daughter to die, and has come to the realization it's a real possibility. Her facade is cracking and I really don't think she will make it through the trial without a breakdown.
My vote is for the meds and that impending sense of DOOM she now feels..
So I think it's part act, but mostly real. She'd love for people to think it was an act, but from what was described, I don't think it totally was. CA is in real danger of having some kind of emotional or physical meltdown. Part of me thinks she deserves it, too, for what she's done to save Casey at the expense of Caylee. I wonder if Casey would even react if her mother collapsed in the courtroom?

Snipped & BBM - I could totally see ICA turn around and roll her eyes saying "What a HUGE waste"...:boohoo:
I can't help being skeptical, this is all for effect...

She does this for drama...she is a drama queen...I believe her shaking was due to her being on point. She knows how much she's contributed to this media frenzy...just saying so while ICA is there was too much for her ego. She believes she did what she had to to bring attention on Caylee's alleged abduction...only she has sabatoged this big time...and is failing Caylee Marie on another scale. She is not honoring the child who brought sunshine back into her unhappy home. She's failing Caylee again...she is ICA's voice more than she is Caylee's voice...Karma will get her for not being loyal to this precious child...JMHO

Justice for Caylee

I agree with you LiveLaughLuv - she does know what she has contributed to this media frenzy - and I think that is part of why she is shaking now. She tried everything she could to save her daughter, and now knows she in fact made it worse. Not only that, but she will have to re-watch everything she's done at the trial. No escape. CA has a lot of reasons to be very afraid.
I posted this on yesterday's "sidebar" forum ... and I am re-posting it here with some additions and changes, and since "my opinion" has not changed ...


Regarding CA's "reactions" in the courtroom yesterday ...

I was wondering if CA has been "shaken up" since this past Friday when the State Attorney requested CA and GA's Transcripts from the recent Hearings ?

The "headline" in the OS (link above) reads:
Casey Anthony trial: State wants transcripts of George and Cindy Anthony's court testimony

While I am sure the SA is preparing for the Trial and needs ALL the Transcripts of ALL the Hearings ...

Is it possible that maybe an "ounce of reality" has set in and she is just starting to realize that the SA and Judge Perry are NOT playing around ?

Maybe CA realized she can "play" all the games in the world with her daughter, GA and LA, but NOT with the Judge and the SA !

Maybe CA has had a "slight revelation" that her "always changing testimony" from her sworn statements and those given on the witness stand, WILL BE CHALLENGED at the Trial if she does NOT tell the TRUTH !

Maybe ... it has been pointed out to CA that she better NOT lie on the stand ... "perjury charges", Cindy.

On top of Friday's request ... Defense Motion after Motion has been DENIED ...

Today's "Media Circus Motion" has been DENIED ...

And CA KNOWS her motion regarding "Sequestration" for the Trial will be more than likely be denied ... His Honor is NOT playing around any more !

Maybe CA has finally realized her "Battle Plan" did NOT work ...

You should have put Caylee first, Cindy, and not your daughter ...

Caylee is the VICTIM ... not ICA ...

Justice is just around the corner for Caylee !
I think it is real. She looks awful; has gained at least 50 pounds. She is much heavier than when this first broke in 2008 and then she lost 37 pounds. Her daughter is probably going to spend the rest of her life in prison and she knows it. She is willing to lie on the stand and has shown she will, not very well at all. One would think she would save her "lying" for the important stuff, but she has not and has been caught every time. She tends to smile slyly when she lies I notice and gets somewhat embarrassed and hesitates, but it is clear what she is doing.

She loses all sympathy though when she gets on the stand and lies about say the dryer sheets. And the world watches as KC says thank you.

I feel for her but then I watch her try and implicate others and it is hard to have much sympathy for her or George (who is beyond nasty on the stand). George is so angry that he doesn't answer the question he is asked (from Baez or the State) at times. What I don't understand is why he is so angry at the State when he is the one who went to LE and told them he knows there was a dead body odor in the trunk.

I think that is one of the reasons for the fascination in this case. That Cindy and George are adament about their lies. One just shakes their head everytime they open their mouths.
I can't help being skeptical, this is all for effect...

She does this for drama...she is a drama queen...I believe her shaking was due to her being on point. She knows how much she's contributed to this media frenzy...just saying so while ICA is there was too much for her ego. She believes she did what she had to to bring attention on Caylee's alleged abduction...only she has sabatoged this big time...and is failing Caylee Marie on another scale. She is not honoring the child who brought sunshine back into her unhappy home. She's failing Caylee again...she is ICA's voice more than she is Caylee's voice...Karma will get her for not being loyal to this precious child...JMHO

Justice for Caylee

This is sooooooooo exactly what I believe LiveLaughLuv. I think she might be smart enough to figure out that long after she knew little Caylee was gone she continued to play the media, bringing confusion and most importantly attention and notoriety to this spectacle. She is now seeing the result of her attempt to outsmart LE who had long ago figured KC for the sociopath CA also knew she was. I sometimes feel small because I don't have sympathy for her - but she had plenty of time to change her approach once she knew the baby was dead and did not. KARMA
I'll agree with Localgirl that it was more of a tremble than a shake, in my opinion. If you look at her left upper arm, it's almost like an uncontrollable tremble, accompanied by a slight head nodding tremble which was quite different from the deliberate nodding she actually did at that same moment. I believe it was real, whether it was stress induced or medicinal, I don't know.

However, having said that, I also think there's a drama queen in her as well. If you watch that part of the video again, she does a slight little double take at the camera, you can see her eye movement as she notices the camera is on her at that moment, and immediately goes into the grieving, head hanging, whoa is me, I'm a victim, shoulders forward, hunched into her chest, hands clasped in her lap, look at me, mode - and I don't buy it.
Knowing what she could be capable of I find it hard to believe it is for real.I was watching while her head was shaking and noticed it stops. She won't be able to use her mouth as she did soooo often in the past so now she may find it necessary to go for sympathy..
My mother does this. Happens when she gets very upset about something. I think it happens to some people when their body produces a rush of adrenaline.

She is quite elderly now, but this has occured for as long as I can remember. If it is not too bad, I can usually "talk her down" and it stops. But there have been times when anti-anxiety meds were needed to control it - like when my dad died and also after she had been involved in a car accident.

With Cindy, I think it could be related to the frustration of what she is hearing and not being able to "express herself" with facial gestures, head shaking, etc. I also would bet she doesn't mind others seeing just how upset she is.
I posted this on yesterday's "sidebar" forum ... and I am re-posting it here with some additions and changes, and since "my opinion" has not changed ...


Regarding CA's "reactions" in the courtroom yesterday ...

I was wondering if CA has been "shaken up" since this past Friday when the State Attorney requested CA and GA's Transcripts from the recent Hearings ?

The "headline" in the OS (link above) reads:
Casey Anthony trial: State wants transcripts of George and Cindy Anthony's court testimony

While I am sure the SA is preparing for the Trial and needs ALL the Transcripts of ALL the Hearings ...

Is it possible that maybe an "ounce of reality" has set in and she is just starting to realize that the SA and Judge Perry are NOT playing around ?

Maybe CA realized she can "play" all the games in the world with her daughter, GA and LA, but NOT with the Judge and the SA !

Maybe CA has had a "slight revelation" that her "always changing testimony" from her sworn statements and those given on the witness stand, WILL BE CHALLENGED at the Trial if she does NOT tell the TRUTH !

Maybe ... it has been pointed out to CA that she better NOT lie on the stand ... "perjury charges", Cindy.

On top of Friday's request ... Defense Motion after Motion has been DENIED ...

Today's "Media Circus Motion" has been DENIED ...

And CA KNOWS her motion regarding "Sequestration" for the Trial will be more than likely be denied ... His Honor is NOT playing around any more !

Maybe CA has finally realized her "Battle Plan" did NOT work ...

You should have put Caylee first, Cindy, and not your daughter ...

Caylee is the VICTIM ... not ICA ...

Justice is just around the corner for Caylee !

ITA...she's been put on point with her changing her testimony and blaming it on new meds...

His Honor said it yesterday, memories are not like fine wines, they do not get better with age....I so agree...and I'm betting he is well aware of the changes in testimony as is CA....she needs to watch her words...JMHO

Justice for Caylee
I don't think the shaking is fake. She might not even make it without having a nervous breakdown. I think everything is becoming very clear to Casey that her life is falling apart and there is not a darn thing she can do to control it. She is out of control now just like she has been for the last few years. I really think she is going to BREAK! We already know she isn't playing with a full deck to start with.
I have looked at the video and i do believe it was some type of reaction. I don't think it was intentional. If u look closely it's her head only shaking. No shoulders or upper body. Cindy appears very upset and perhaps she reacts this way when holding things in. It does appear Cindy and ICA are at a point where they realize the seriousness and that nobody can fix this. Neither have any control. Thats gotta be tough for Cindy :sick: ICA in my opinion just cant believe that we dont believe her. Tears are for herself :banghead:

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